View Full Version : Jewish delegation expresses concern about anti-Semitic and racist speech in the country

01-21-2013, 08:07 PM
In meeting with Hungary’s political leaders, Jewish delegation expresses concern about anti-Semitic and racist speech in the country

During meetings in Budapest with Hungary's political leadership, a joint delegation of the European Jewish Parliament (EJP), the European Jewish Union (EJU) and the Rabbinical Center of Europe (RCE) expressed their concerns about the rise of the extreme-right Jobbik party and its repeated anti-Semitic and racist speeches.

They urged the Hungarian authorities to strengthen the country’s legislative arsenal against hateful speeches and highlighted the importance of education at school in order to fight growing anti-Semitism in the country.

"Hungary is today at the European epicentre of raising anti-Semitism and racism. We intend to work together with the Hungarian Government on isolating the hate-preacher politicians,"EU CEO Tomer Orni said after the meetings.


01-21-2013, 08:08 PM
If you moved to Hungary it would double.