View Full Version : Angry Turks chase NATO German Soldiers on the streets

01-24-2013, 12:07 AM


01-24-2013, 01:11 AM
First video was nice. The German soldiers scared a lot and hid inside some store :)

But they are not against Germans particularly. They are protesting against the deployment of NATO missiles and they were specifically looking for US soldiers to harass as they shout like "Yankee go home"!

I am also against any NATO involvement in Turkey, solely for the benefit of the Pentagon. I don't want their missiles nor presence of foreign soldiers in Turkey. The plans of Pentagon damages Turkey. We got no use it.

01-24-2013, 11:06 AM
They are Turkish Youth Union, which I'm also a member of.


But there was no point in attacking Germans in the first place, our struggle is against American imperialism. These are just innocent employees who were doing what they were told to do.

01-31-2013, 02:19 AM
Past and present NATO installations in Turkey:


Cold war is already over why are we still in NATO ?

01-31-2013, 02:24 AM
Past and present NATO installations in Turkey:


Cold war is already over why are we still in NATO ?

To protect you from Greece ;)

01-31-2013, 02:25 AM
Past and present NATO installations in Turkey:


Cold war is already over why are we still in NATO ?

Because no country can manage alone and has to be part of an alliance. So suppose Turkey leaves Nato, who do you suggest we join?

01-31-2013, 02:27 AM
Because no country can manage alone and has to be part of an alliance.
Says who?

01-31-2013, 02:30 AM
Past and present NATO installations in Turkey:


Cold war is already over why are we still in NATO ?


01-31-2013, 02:31 AM
Says who?

says your daddy ;)

01-31-2013, 02:32 AM
Says who?

Comon man, there wouldn't even be a Turkey without Nato. Maybe there isn't a direct threat from USSR like in the past but it is still a very bad world out there and it would be stupid to face it alone.

01-31-2013, 02:32 AM
To protect you from Greece ;)

Then who will protect Greece from us ;)

01-31-2013, 02:37 AM
Nato will :grumpy:

01-31-2013, 02:38 AM
Because no country can manage alone and has to be part of an alliance. So suppose Turkey leaves Nato, who do you suggest we join?

I see an Erdoğanist here :)

This was Bülent Arınç's excuse to explain why we were in Afghanistan :

Başbakan Yardımcısı Bülent Arınç, 'Türk askerininin Afganistan'da ne iş var' eleştirilerine karşılık "Biz tek başımıza Robinson gibi adada yalnız yaşayan bir devlet değiliz. Türk askerinin Somali'den tutun dünyanın her yerindeki barışı koruma veya barışı sağlama görevleri bulunmaktadır" dedi.

So suppose Turkey leaves Nato, who do you suggest we join?

Found another Military organization if you don't want to be alone.

01-31-2013, 02:39 AM
Comon man, there wouldn't even be a Turkey without Nato. Maybe there isn't a direct threat from USSR like in the past but it is still a very bad world out there and it would be stupid to face it alone.

This is the exact truth. German soldiers are too weak, should have showed restrained but strong force against these teenage commies/islamist hybrids.

01-31-2013, 02:41 AM
I've mixed feelings about it:

1. Being against American imperialism is good, despite TGB is a Russkie fifth column organization in Turkey, many guys in good faith is a member of it. Too bad, TGB is marginalising our youth.

2. Turkey might have a war with Syria which might lead to a more influential Turkey on ME. Removing Kurdish plague from Northern Syria is also important for our security. By the way, as a NATO member, we have right to use NATO's beneficence against Assad the butcher.

Türk üyeler için:

Aslında tezgahın işin içine Rusya'nın da dahil olduğunu gösteren bir diğer gelişme Suriye dostları cephesinde yaşanıyor.

Türkiye, kendisine yönelik olası bir saldırı ihtimaline karşı NATO'dan Patriot füzelerinin ülkemize konuşlandırılması için başvuru yaptı.

Elbette buna İran ve Rusya'nın tepkisi büyük.

Rusya'nın tepkisi demek başta Aydınlıkçılar olmak üzere son dönemde madden ve manen Rusya'dan beslenenleri ayağa kaldırmaya yetti de arttı bile.

Ama kamuoyu bir şeyi bilmiyor.

Şu anda Suriye ve İran, Türkiye ile savaşacak olursa, İran ve Suriye'ye satılmış bulunan Rus saldırı füzelerini doğrudan Rus subaylar yönetecek.

Yani İran ve Suriye'deki füzelerin düğmesi de bu ülkelerde değil Rusya'da!

Peki Türkiye'nin bu tür bir saldırıya karşı koyabilecek bir hava savunma sistemi var mı?

Yok! Çünkü ne ABD ne de Rusya, Türkiye'ye bunu satmıyor!


Burada katı bakmamak gerekir. Türkiye madem bir NATO ülkesidir, NATO'nun tüm imkanlarını kullanmak hakkıdır. Türkiye, NATO politikasını, bir zamanlar bu kuruluşu işlemez hale getirecek şekilde, yeniden biçimlendirebilir. Böylelikle Batı'nın Türkiye'nin dostu değil düşmanı olduğu daha net görülecektir.


Not : TGB'cilerin aydınlıkçı ağabeyleri Tunus'taki ayaklanmalara "heyooo Arap ülkelerinde devrim olacak!" diye oynarken, TürkSolu gazetesi, "dikkat edin, Amerika ve El-Kaide destekli bu" diyordu. Ve tabii, dengelerin değiştiğini de anladık uçak düşme olayından sonra Amerika'nın tepkisi(zliğin)den.

01-31-2013, 02:42 AM

Since cold war is over Russia's influence and power is over too.

01-31-2013, 02:43 AM
American Imperialism gave you guys Black Sea straits protection, free-for- all in Iraq, etc.

01-31-2013, 02:44 AM
I see an Erdoğanist here :)


01-31-2013, 02:45 AM
Comon man, there wouldn't even be a Turkey without Nato. Maybe there isn't a direct threat from USSR like in the past but it is still a very bad world out there and it would be stupid to face it alone.

What about creating Turkic union and later activating that (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-Aligned_Movement) useful thing? Why shouldn't we have a Tito or Chavez? We had Atatürk who pwned West(France, Britain and their lil Greece) and later even scolded his quasi-ally Stalin:


01-31-2013, 02:45 AM
Comon man, there wouldn't even be a Turkey without Nato. Maybe there isn't a direct threat from USSR like in the past but it is still a very bad world out there and it would be stupid to face it alone.

Bad world ? Give more details please.Tell me who are the ''Bad'' for instance .

01-31-2013, 02:47 AM
Turkey better be a little more sensitive about NATO. in 15 years maybe CNN will be playing their footage about Kurdish Freedom fighters against Turkish military government i.e. Assad Syria Deja Vu.

01-31-2013, 02:52 AM
Turkey better be a little more sensitive about NATO. in 15 years maybe CNN will be playing their footage about Kurdish Freedom fighters against Turkish military government i.e. Assad Syria Deja Vu.

Euro-Atlantic plan in 1920:


How it ended:


Plus, we are not in that poor situation of 1920's so...

I hope the West and Russia will try something crazy. It might even end with Turkey expanding its borders and TOTALLY solving Kurdish problem.

01-31-2013, 02:52 AM
What about creating Turkic union and later activating that (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-Aligned_Movement) useful thing? Why shouldn't we have a Tito or Chavez? We had Atatürk who pwned West(France, Britain and their lil Greece) and later even scolded his quasi-ally Stalin:


scolded ?? Thats why turkey was quite in ww2 because youre so tough.

01-31-2013, 02:53 AM
What about creating Turkic union and later activating that (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-Aligned_Movement) useful thing? Why shouldn't we have a Tito or Chavez? We had Atatürk who pwned West(France, Britain and their lil Greece) and later even scolded his quasi-ally Stalin:

Yes in due time this would be an option but at the moment, turkic countries combined wouldn't be much of a player in the world. Being a block automatically means you play against the whole world.

We'll see where Nato goes in the future but for now it is too strong, too important.

Not directed at you but I can't believe how some people are so naive about Russia.

01-31-2013, 02:54 AM
Comon man, there wouldn't even be a Turkey without Nato.
What are you even talking about? :picard1:

01-31-2013, 02:54 AM
scolded ?? Thats why turkey was quite in ww2 because they are so tough.

It's Atatürk, İnönü was nothing compared to him. 1923-1938 was the best era of us, even better than Ottoman Empire in 16.th century.

01-31-2013, 02:56 AM
Yes in due time this would be an option but at the moment, turkic countries combined wouldn't be much of a player in the world. Being a block automatically means you play against the whole world.

We'll see where Nato goes in the future but for now it is too strong, too important.

Not directed at you but I can't believe how some people are so naive about Russia.

“Sovyetler Birliği’nin merkezi otoritesi çöktüğü zaman Rusya’dan başka 16-17 devlet ortaya çıkacaktır. Ortaya çıkan yeni devletlerden 5-6 tanesi Türk devleti olacaktır. Bunların bulundukları coğrafya stratejik yönden çok önemli ve doğal kaynakları zengindir. Bu devletler batıdaki Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’yle birleşirse o zaman Hitler Almanyası ve Stalin Rusyasından daha büyük bir tehdit Batılıların karşısına çıkacak.”

1989 tarihli CIA raporu, şapkanı önüne koy ve düşün.

01-31-2013, 03:00 AM
1989 tarihli CIA raporu, şapkanı önüne koy ve düşün.

Biraz sen dusun, oyle her sey bir anda olmaz, su anda rest cekmenin zamani degil.

01-31-2013, 03:01 AM
Since cold war is over Russia's influence and power is over too.

No it isn't.

01-31-2013, 03:03 AM
It's Atatürk, İnönü was nothing compared to him. 1923-1938 was the best era of us, even better than Ottoman Empire in 16.th century.

stalin was maybe a dictator but only his terror could free the world from nazism. We won ww2 with him and we alone, as well being second nuclear power what has turkey done in that time you were just quiet.

01-31-2013, 03:05 AM
Biraz sen dusun, oyle her sey bir anda olmaz, su anda rest cekmenin zamani degil.

Valla tam da zamanı. ABD Arap Baharını çıkartmış olabilir ama bunun bizim faydamıza dönmeyeceği ne mâlum? Suriye'de Esad alaşağı edilirse bu Orta Asya'daki KGB döküntüsü Nazarbayev'ler, Kerimov'lar için kapıyı gösterebilir. Ama burada biz boş durmamalıyız, MİT denen kurum sadece Oslo'da "el etek öpmeye" mi yarayacak?

01-31-2013, 03:06 AM
What are you even talking about? :picard1:

He means that after WW2, the US and the West/NATO send billions of dollars to Greece and Turkey to keep it out of USSR's reach. There was even a civil war of some sorts of in Greece.

Without NATO help, Turkey would probably have been an autonomous SSR in the USSR, or just an Eastern Bloc nation. NATO used all its power and resources to keep that from happening. After WW2, Turkey was under immense Soviet pressure, with the Soviets trying to plan a pro-Soviet coup.

01-31-2013, 03:07 AM
stalin was maybe a dictator but only his terror could free the world from nazism. We won ww2 with him and we alone, as well being second nuclear power what has turkey done in that time you were just quiet.

Well, you're judging by İnönü. If Atatürk would live as long as Stalin, things would be way different.

P.S:It was Atatürk who succeed to turn a country with zero industry to a plane producer:

Eight months after the establishment of the Turkish Aviation Society, a clear directive was given by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for the establishment of an aircraft factory in Kayseri , Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was against to purchase technologies which were seen old and obsolete in developed countries and he regarded it as a waste of money.

When it was compared with Turkey’s budget, it was clear that the amount was higher.On August 15, 1926, there was an agreement with junkers and it was agreed to establish a small facility and a plant in order to do repair procedures. On October 6, 1926 the factory was opened by a ceremony which was held by the state.

In 1927, the maintenance, repair and overhaul procedures of the Aircrafts

A-20, F-13 and G-23 which were in the inventory of the Turkish Air Force, were started. The factory went bankrupt in a short time and was closed as a result of this negative developments. Kayseri Aircraft Factory was re-opened in 1931 with the same name again. Approximately, 200 aircraft were produced until 1939. One of the planes produced here was given as a present to Iran by the order of Atatürk.

The factory has been operating its maintenance and repair procedures since 1939 . It is a factory that is affiliated to Air Force Command Air Logistics.


I do not even count Turkey being in top 5 countries with highest GDPs in 1930's.

01-31-2013, 03:07 AM
stalin was maybe a dictator but only his terror could free the world from nazism. We won ww2 with him and we alone, as well being second nuclear power what has turkey done in that time you were just quiet.

lol you nigger, the entire USSR would have been occupied by the Germans without US aid to Russia (tanks, food, everything etc).

01-31-2013, 03:26 AM
lol you nigger, the entire USSR would have been occupied by the Germans without US aid to Russia (tanks, food, everything etc).

jajaaja dream on


go watch untold history of the united states.

and its not only germans which russians defeated but also japanese ever wondered why japanese never attack us despite being ally of hitler?? cuz we kicked 3 times their asses.




thats why mongolia is indepdent country today and we gave the final blow by invaing manchuria and korea thats the true reason why they capitulated. America just dropped the bomb to show it the sovites so they would fear them.


01-31-2013, 04:32 AM
Without NATO help, Turkey would probably have been an autonomous SSR in the USSR, or just an Eastern Bloc nation.
I doubt it, that would require a full scale invasion and Turkey was kind of out of the way. Soviets demanded two provinces from Turkey and to put up a military base in the Turkish straits. It's debatable if Turkey could have preserved its territorial integrity without the NATO; but in any event, it would still be Turkey, it's not something easily dismantled.

01-31-2013, 05:10 AM
I doubt it

It probably isn't talked about in Turkish schools but this was the reality in Greece and Turkey right after WW2. The US administration even had a national strategy of how to keep Turkey independent and not be transformed into a Eastern Bloc nation or annexed by the USSR.

I have had to study this historical episode in university, regarding post-WW2 history. This is the reality. Greece and Turkey owe its independent (Western, especially in Greece's case) non-Commie existence to NATO.


Difficulties faced by Greece after the war in quelling a communist rebellion, along with demands by the Soviet Union for military bases in the Turkish Straits, prompted the United States to declare the Truman Doctrine in 1947. The doctrine enunciated American intentions to guarantee the security of Turkey and Greece, and resulted in large-scale U.S. military and economic support.[46][page needed] Both countries were included in the Marshall Plan and OEEC for rebuilding European economies in 1948, and subsequently became founding members of the OECD in 1961.

The Truman Doctrine was a policy set forth by the U.S. President Harry Truman in a speech[1] on March 12, 1947 stating that the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent their falling into the Soviet sphere.[2] Historians often consider it as the start of the Cold War, and the start of the containment policy to stop Soviet expansion.[3]

The Truman doctrine was created because of Greece and Turkey and without NATO/the US, Turkey would either have been a Soviet SSR or it would have experienced a Commie coup and joined with the Commie block.

These are the facts and would I have any reason to make anything up?

This made me wonder, is the education level in Turkey really that bad? This isn't rocket science, but well-known historical facts.

The US/NATO saving Turkey from the USSR's grasp, practically started the cold war.

01-31-2013, 05:21 AM
It probably isn't talked about in Turkish schools but this was the reality in Greece and Turkey right after WW2. The US administration even had a national strategy of how to keep Turkey independent and not be transformed into a Eastern Bloc nation or annexed by the USSR.

I have had to study this historical episode in university, regarding post-WW2 history. This is the reality. Greece and Turkey owe its independent (Western, especially in Greece's case) non-Commie existence to NATO.


The Truman doctrine was created because of Greece and Turkey and without NATO/the US, Turkey would either have been a Soviet SSR or it would have experienced a Commie coup and joined with the Commie block.

These are the facts and would I have any reason to make anything up?

This made me wonder, is the education level in Turkey really that bad? This isn't rocket science, but well-known historical facts.

The US/NATO saving Turkey from the USSR's grasp, practically started the cold war.

You are correct, but we don't even need to think about it as an education level (though propaganda is part of it).

For instance, I live in Korea and people have lots of anti-U.S. anti-West feelings even though Korea essentially owes its existence and modern prosperity to the U.S.

But no one wants to admit they are weak or not capable of forming their own destiny, so I understand why the Turks debate this in the face of logic time after time (Greeks arent so different)

But when it comes down to historical discussion of the past, sometimes we just need to call a spade a spade.

01-31-2013, 07:03 AM
The US administration even had a national strategy of how to keep Turkey independent and not be transformed into a Eastern Bloc nation or annexed by the USSR.
An argument could be made that the NATO countries were no more independent than the Warsaw Pact ones.

The Truman doctrine was created because of Greece and Turkey and without NATO/the US, Turkey would either have been a Soviet SSR or it would have experienced a Commie coup and joined with the Commie block.
First of all, there was no risk of a communist revolution at sight in Turkey like in Greece, no. Secondly, even just by its scale and overall significance, Turkey wasn't a country the Soviets could occupy in a week, install a puppet government and then move on, unlike some others in Europe I could mention.

Cannabis Sativa
01-31-2013, 07:23 PM
The Truman doctrine was created because of Greece and Turkey and without NATO/the US, Turkey would either have been a Soviet SSR or it would have experienced a Commie coup and joined with the Commie block.

No one denies NATO membership and corporation of Turkey but there was never ever such a risk in this country, because comunists have never been numerous. And secondly, we were not a small country with several million population which Soviets can use as a toilet. We did not let far leftards rolling down into the parliament whenever they want. So again, such thing could have never happened.

01-31-2013, 07:24 PM

Did somebody say Angry Turkey?

01-31-2013, 07:32 PM
No one denies NATO membership and corporation of Turkey but there was never ever such a risk in this country, because comunists have never been numerous. And secondly, we were not a small country with several million population which Soviets can use as a toilet. We did not let far leftards rolling down into the parliament whenever they want. So again, such thing could have never happened.

BTW, I think Turkey can't be compared to Eastern European countries about it since even most fierce communists had some national-ist feelings:

This country shaped like the head of a mare
Coming full gallop from far off Asia
To stretch into the Mediterranean

I know you dislike this guy but I think you were surprised with Turanist tendency in this poem when you saw it first :p

01-31-2013, 07:36 PM
Post Cold War, Turkey has to reeavaluate its NATO membership...it serves no purpose now, most of the other NATO members have no love lost for Turkey anyway.

Cannabis Sativa
01-31-2013, 07:50 PM
I know you dislike this guy but I think you were surprised with Turanist tendency in this poem when you saw it first :p

Dislike is not a sufficient word, but yes even some of our leftists were nationalist people at the time. Even at the beginning of republic, we had leftists like Yusuf Akçura, i cannot deny it. How can hardcore communist keep their existence in such a country? Let alone a possible SU intervention.

01-31-2013, 08:36 PM
Because no country can manage alone and has to be part of an alliance. So suppose Turkey leaves Nato, who do you suggest we join?

Collective Security Treaty Organization ;)

01-31-2013, 08:39 PM
Collective Security Treaty Organization ;)

Being Russian puppet? No thanks. Non-Aligned Movement needs to rise against both Russian, American, European and Chinese imperialism instead.

01-31-2013, 08:46 PM
This is the exact truth. German soldiers are too weak, should have showed restrained but strong force against these teenage commies/islamist hybrids.

This is the proper way to deal with reds. :D Reds are only effective in a disorganized mob- be they vermin protestors or the Red Army.


02-01-2013, 07:56 PM
jajaaja dream on


go watch untold history of the united states.

and its not only germans which russians defeated but also japanese ever wondered why japanese never attack us despite being ally of hitler?? cuz we kicked 3 times their asses.




thats why mongolia is indepdent country today and we gave the final blow by invaing manchuria and korea thats the true reason why they capitulated. America just dropped the bomb to show it the sovites so they would fear them.


After Khalkhin Gol, the USSR and Japan signed an armistice that lasted right up until the very last days of WWII. The War in the Pacific was won almost entirely with American forces with no direct help from the Soviets whatsoever. If anything, the Soviets betrayed the Allies by making peace with the enemy. Also, Stalin repeatedly called on Roosevelt and Churchill to open up a western front to relieve Soviet troops, and was angry when instead they came up through Italy. The Soviets could maybe have beaten the Germans by themselves, but at an even greater loss of life on both sides and with the war lasting a good bit longer.

02-01-2013, 08:13 PM
After Khalkhin Gol, the USSR and Japan signed an armistice that lasted right up until the very last days of WWII. The War in the Pacific was won almost entirely with American forces with no direct help from the Soviets whatsoever. If anything, the Soviets betrayed the Allies by making peace with the enemy. Also, Stalin repeatedly called on Roosevelt and Churchill to open up a western front to relieve Soviet troops, and was angry when instead they came up through Italy. The Soviets could maybe have beaten the Germans by themselves, but at an even greater loss of life on both sides and with the war lasting a good bit longer.

westen death rates were much higher than eastern deathrates of the alllied forces. Russia could have won the war alone like i posted check out the wars they kicked japanese ass.

japanese were only strong at sea but obviously not at the ground

do you can name one japanese famous tank?? You cant neither can i so assume they were really bad at the ground. Without manchuria and korea japan would be finished.

02-01-2013, 08:24 PM
These are communist kiddies, making a lot of noise because there are not a lot of them.

02-02-2013, 04:26 AM
An argument could be made that the NATO countries were no more independent than the Warsaw Pact ones.

First of all, there was no risk of a communist revolution at sight in Turkey like in Greece, no. Secondly, even just by its scale and overall significance, Turkey wasn't a country the Soviets could occupy in a week, install a puppet government and then move on, unlike some others in Europe I could mention.

No one denies NATO membership and corporation of Turkey but there was never ever such a risk in this country, because comunists have never been numerous. And secondly, we were not a small country with several million population which Soviets can use as a toilet. We did not let far leftards rolling down into the parliament whenever they want. So again, such thing could have never happened.

After WW2, the USSR was massive (spanning from Germany to Japan) and had more soldiers than Turkey had people.

There's a reason why Finland started sucking Russian cock after 1945 and did it until 1991 and to a lesser extent to this day.

Turkey was a 3rd world hellhole after WW2 and the USSR would have taken Turkey without any big problems if the US wouldn't have created the Truman doctrine.

This is basic history, while you two are just ridiculously nationalistic.

02-03-2013, 05:37 AM
westen death rates were much higher than eastern deathrates of the alllied forces. Russia could have won the war alone like i posted check out the wars they kicked japanese ass.

japanese were only strong at sea but obviously not at the ground

do you can name one japanese famous tank?? You cant neither can i so assume they were really bad at the ground. Without manchuria and korea japan would be finished.

They could have, but they didn't, and instead thousands of American soldiers died trudging across the Pacific.

It may have actually been for the best, as a Soviet invasion of Japan might have led to the creation of a North Korea-esque dictatorship, but still.

02-03-2013, 06:39 AM
After WW2, the USSR was massive (spanning from Germany to Japan) and had more soldiers than Turkey had people.

There's a reason why Finland started sucking Russian cock after 1945 and did it until 1991 and to a lesser extent to this day.

Turkey was a 3rd world hellhole after WW2 and the USSR would have taken Turkey without any big problems if the US wouldn't have created the Truman doctrine.

This is basic history, while you two are just ridiculously nationalistic.

Actually it would be a big problem to USSR considering that there were many Turkic nations in the Union.

02-03-2013, 06:46 AM
Valla tam da zamanı. ABD Arap Baharını çıkartmış olabilir ama bunun bizim faydamıza dönmeyeceği ne mâlum? Suriye'de Esad alaşağı edilirse bu Orta Asya'daki KGB döküntüsü Nazarbayev'ler, Kerimov'lar için kapıyı gösterebilir. Ama burada biz boş durmamalıyız, MİT denen kurum sadece Oslo'da "el etek öpmeye" mi yarayacak?

Türk cumhuriyetleri eninde sonunda kaçınılmaz olarak birleşecektir zaten.Şu anda yapılabilecek en kolay hamle Iran ve Pakistan gibi devlet geleneği güçlü ülkelerle askeri ve siyasi işbirliğini geliştirmek olacaktır.Haritaya şöyle bir bak sen de göreceksin ki İran-Pakistan-Türkiye askeri işbirliği epey can yakacak bir birlik olur.

Bu arada Mit zaten satılık bir kurum yerine yenisi kurulması lazım.

02-03-2013, 08:29 AM
Actually it would be a big problem to USSR considering that there were many Turkic nations in the Union.

What problems are you talking about? Were they able to help each other? Was Turkey able to help them? Turkey was only turkic nation that was Nato member and didn't fell to USSR. Coincidence? I don't think so.

You are delusional if you think Turkey could have taken them on by itself:picard2:


Türk cumhuriyetleri eninde sonunda kaçınılmaz olarak birleşecektir zaten.Şu anda yapılabilecek en kolay hamle Iran ve Pakistan gibi devlet geleneği güçlü ülkelerle askeri ve siyasi işbirliğini geliştirmek olacaktır.Haritaya şöyle bir bak sen de göreceksin ki İran-Pakistan-Türkiye askeri işbirliği epey can yakacak bir birlik olur.

Bu arada Mit zaten satılık bir kurum yerine yenisi kurulması lazım.

Cooperate with those losers and you will go down with them.

Mit is just fine as it is, it is there to watch people like you.

02-03-2013, 08:38 AM
What problems are you talking about? Were they able to help each other? Was Turkey able to help them? Turkey was only turkic nation that was Nato member and didn't fell to USSR. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Other Turkic nations were part of the USSR since its inception as well as being part of the Russian Empire before that. :picard1:

02-03-2013, 09:53 AM
Other Turkic nations were part of the USSR since its inception as well as being part of the Russian Empire before that. :picard1:

They weren't exactly nations and had 0% political power and were half-way russified.

02-03-2013, 11:14 AM
After WW2, the USSR was massive (spanning from Germany to Japan) and had more soldiers than Turkey had people.

There's a reason why Finland started sucking Russian cock after 1945 and did it until 1991 and to a lesser extent to this day.

Turkey was a 3rd world hellhole after WW2 and the USSR would have taken Turkey without any big problems if the US wouldn't have created the Truman doctrine.
You are right. Stalin`s ego was huge after WW-2 and he was directly threatening Turkey who was very poor and underdeveloped at that time due to WW-2 despite that Turkey was not even directly involved with it.

Turkey was stuck between the NATO and USSR at that time we had to make a choice between the two. This is something which most of the anti-NATO people tends to forget in Turkey. Obviously our choice was going to be the NATO because communism was much more alien to the Turks. US also never desired to give up Turkey to the Moscow because of it`s geo-political and strategical position in the world.

But the other Turkish forumers is right about that the communist threat was never that big in Turkey comparing with Greece who also got the Truman funds. As you know, communist even managed to start a civil war in there while things was much calmer in Turkey.

02-03-2013, 11:18 AM
As you know, communist even managed to start a civil war in there while things was much calmer in Turkey.

...Thanks to the US, the Truman plan and NATO.

02-03-2013, 11:48 AM
Türk cumhuriyetleri eninde sonunda kaçınılmaz olarak birleşecektir zaten.Şu anda yapılabilecek en kolay hamle Iran ve Pakistan gibi devlet geleneği güçlü ülkelerle askeri ve siyasi işbirliğini geliştirmek olacaktır.Haritaya şöyle bir bak sen de göreceksin ki İran-Pakistan-Türkiye askeri işbirliği epey can yakacak bir birlik olur.

Pakistan, eyvallah.

İran? Asla. İran'ın parçalanması ve Güney Azerbaycan'ın azadlığı bizim işimize gelir, tam tersine.

Bu arada Mit zaten satılık bir kurum yerine yenisi kurulması lazım.

Orası maalesef öyle.

02-03-2013, 12:09 PM
Pakistan, eyvallah.

İran? Asla. İran'ın parçalanması ve Güney Azerbaycan'ın azadlığı bizim işimize gelir, tam tersine.

Orası maalesef öyle.

Iranlilar Turk dusmani. Hem PKK'ya destek veriyor, hemde Azeri Turkleri eziyet ediyor.

02-03-2013, 12:10 PM
Iranlilar Turk dusmani. Hem PKK'ya destek veriyor, hemde Azeri Turkleri eziyet ediyor.

Bir de beni bilirsin, Rusya'sına da Amerika'sına da karşıyım. Rusya'nın bir numaralı oyuncağı İran'a da, dolayısıyla.

02-03-2013, 12:57 PM
Iranlilar Turk dusmani. Hem PKK'ya destek veriyor, hemde Azeri Turkleri eziyet ediyor.
Bende İran`ı sevmiyorum çünkü İran her zaman Türkiyeye rakiptir, bazende düşmandır. Fakat batı ile savaşında İran`ı destekliyorum çünkü İran`ın düşüşü hem Türkiye hemde dünyanın geri kalanı için bugünkünden daha kötü sonuçları olur.

Oradaki Azeriler için diyorsan bunları bence hayal kurma. Ne İran ayaktayken ne de İran yıkılsa, hiçkimse orada Azerilerin Azerbaycanla ya da Türkiye ile birlik olarak otonomi veya devlet kurmalarına izin vermez. İran`dan çıksa çıksa Irak`tan çıktığı gibi Kürdistan çıkar, başka bişi çıkmaz.

02-03-2013, 01:03 PM
westen death rates were much higher than eastern deathrates of the alllied forces. Russia could have won the war alone like i posted check out the wars they kicked japanese ass.

japanese were only strong at sea but obviously not at the ground

do you can name one japanese famous tank?? You cant neither can i so assume they were really bad at the ground. Without manchuria and korea japan would be finished.

Even the greatest idiots here have to admit that Russia won the WW2 not USA.

02-03-2013, 01:17 PM
Bende İran`ı sevmiyorum çünkü İran her zaman Türkiyeye rakiptir, bazende düşmandır. Fakat batı ile savaşında İran`ı destekliyorum çünkü İran`ın düşüşü hem Türkiye hemde dünyanın geri kalanı için bugünkünden daha kötü sonuçları olur.

Oradaki Azeriler için diyorsan bunları bence hayal kurma. Ne İran ayaktayken ne de İran yıkılsa, hiçkimse orada Azerilerin Azerbaycanla ya da Türkiye ile birlik olarak otonomi veya devlet kurmalarına izin vermez. İran`dan çıksa çıksa Irak`tan çıktığı gibi Kürdistan çıkar, başka bişi çıkmaz.

Bizimkiler zaten Kurdistan yapmak istiyor Irak'da. Biz niye Azerbaijanlilari yardim etmiyelim? Izin gerekmez. Biz Kibris'a girdimizde izin mi aldik? Iranin guclenmesi, yikilmasidan daha tehlikeli. Atom bombalari olsun her turlu ppkya destek verirler.

02-03-2013, 04:09 PM
Bizimkiler zaten Kurdistan yapmak istiyor Irak'da. Biz niye Azerbaijanlilari yardim etmiyelim? Izin gerekmez. Biz Kibris'a girdimizde izin mi aldik? Iranin guclenmesi, yikilmasidan daha tehlikeli. Atom bombalari olsun her turlu ppkya destek verirler.
Kendin söylüyorsun, AKP Kürdistan`ı kurmakla meşgul. Halkın tepkisinden korktukları için pek seslerini çıkarmıyorlar ama AKP`liler Azerbaycan`a ve Aliyev`e düşmandır. AKP destekçisi yeni-Osmanlıcı, ikinci cumuriyetçi, yandaş, fetullahçı gazete yazarlarını oku bak neler diyorlar Azerbaycan için. Kısacası AKP, İran`da Azerilere değil, Kürtlere yardım eder.

Diğer dediklerine katılıyorum. İran hele bir nükleer bomba üretsin, Türkiyeye öyle bir kafa tutmaya ve isteklerini dikte etmeye başlar ki, artık onları kimse tutamaz. Bende İran`ın nükleer çalışmalarının durdurulmasını istiyorum ama bir yandanda ABD`nin İran`ı ezip, oradan Kürdistan çıkarmasını istemiyorum.

02-03-2013, 04:14 PM
Turkey should leave NATO it would do her good I think.