View Full Version : Japanese Sexless society shows what will happen in the west one day thanks to feminism

01-31-2013, 10:47 PM

The sensitive New Age man has finally arrived in the land of the salaryman. But there is a catch — a particularly important one in Japan, where the declining birthrate has caused alarm: The new Japanese man doesn't appear to be interested in women or sex.

In Tokyo on the weekends, the trendy area of Harajuku is a melting pot of urban tribes: Lolita goths bat their fake eyelashes, while the punks glower.

Away from the strutting are the retiring wallflowers, a quiet army of sweet young men with floppy hair and skinny jeans. These young men are becoming known as Japan's "herbivores" — from the Japanese phrase for "grass-eating boys" — guys who are heterosexual but who say they aren't really interested in matters of the flesh.

They are drawn to a quieter, less competitive life, focusing on family and friends — and eschewing the macho ways of the traditional Japanese male.

They include men such as Yukihiro Yoshida, a 20-something economics student, who is a self-confessed herbivore. "I don't take initiative with women, I don't talk to them," he says, blushing. "I'd welcome it if a girl talked to me, but I never take the first step myself."

Multiple recent surveys suggest that about 60 percent of young Japanese men — in their 20s and early 30s — identify themselves as herbivores. Their Sex and the City is a television show called Otomen, or Girly Guys. The lead character is a martial arts expert, the manliest guy in the whole school. But his secret passions include sewing, baking and crocheting clothes for his stuffed animals.

"I will hide my true nature," he vows in the first episode, as he sews secretly, shut away in his living room. "At all times, I will be a man — a real Japanese man," he says.

But what does that mean?

"It's not so much that men are becoming more like women. It's that the concept of masculinity is changing," says Katsuhiko Kokobun. From his perch at Guzzle, the popular Harajuku hair salon he owns, Kokobun is at the front line of the latest trends.

Over the years, he has seen more and more men coming into the salon — men who he describes as "more modest, less demanding, kind of passive; they accept what they're told." He's noticed that nowadays they're demanding more traditionally female treatments. "We do have eyebrow plucking and facials for men," he says, smiling. "Eyebrow plucking is very popular among high school boys."

It is, perhaps, no coincidence that Yasuhito Sekine's eyebrows are perfectly groomed. The changing tastes of Japanese men are quite literally what take up his days. He works for an Internet service provider and operates Sweets Club, an online group for men who like desserts. Set up in January, it already has about 1,000 members who congregate — online and in person — to debate the virtues of different brands of strawberry shortcake. It's something that Sekine says would have been unthinkable 20 years ago.

"Back then, lots of men liked desserts, but it was considered uncool. Cool men had to like alcohol or spicy food. I've discovered my father likes eating dessert, but he never showed it in the past," Sekine says.

Put through his paces with an impromptu taste test, Sekine praises peach gelatin as fresh-tasting. He is not so keen on coffee gelatin with cream — a macho dessert if ever there was one — labeling it "retro." He believes his dessert club shows that young Japanese men are asserting their individuality, reflecting a change in values from Japan's booming 1980s.

"Back then, Japanese men had to be passionate and aggressive, but now those characteristics are disliked. Our members have very mild personalities. They simply enjoy what they like without prejudice. They are not limited by expectations," Sekine says.

Japan's top expert on herbivores, Maki Fukasawa, believes they were born from the lost decade of economic stagnation. She christened the tribe in 2006 and recently wrote a book called The Herbivore Generation, which breaks herbivores down into 23 distinct subcategories. She argues that the herbivores are rebelling against the salaryman generation of their fathers, consciously turning away from the macho mores and conspicuous consumption of that era.

"They have some feelings of revulsion towards the older generation," says Fukasawa. "They don't want to have the same lives. And the impact of the herbivores on the economy is very big. They're such big news now because sales are down, especially of status products like cars and alcohol."

She says the advent of the herbivores could bring positive changes. Herbivores may lack ambition, but they are driven by a strong sense of community and family, which she believes many of them lacked while growing up.

"In a sense, their fathers neglected their families. They were involved in Japanese-style salaryman lifestyles, going out with their bosses every night, while herbivores are closer to their families and friends," Fukasawa says.

But there are fears about the financial and social impact of herbivores. Their low levels of spending and lack of interest in sex invoke two of Japan's biggest problems: its lackluster economy and declining birthrate. Herbivores like to be friends with women — but for many, that's as far as it goes.

In the streets of Harajuku, Alex Fujita explains why he is not interested in taking it any further.

"Nowadays, women have more education and enjoy working. Women are scary now," he says.

And, of course, there is a name, too, for the economically empowered working Japanese women who know what they want: the carnivore women. With herbivore boys and carnivore girls, it seems the land of samurai, sumo wrestlers and geisha girls is remaking its gender landscape anew.

Vesuvian Sky
01-31-2013, 10:51 PM
Japan constantly seems to make less sense to me the more I hear of their attitudes towards various matters...

01-31-2013, 10:54 PM
this is what will happen in europe if we go into a lost decade

01-31-2013, 11:05 PM
It's a lost cause, we have to surrender to the Marxist culture and accept the extinction of the proud European Man for a new and more fabulous feminized one, oh such amazing views of metrosexualized teens/hipsters I seen at school. I ought to become one because I'm not getting pussy with my metalhead destructive behaviour :coffee:.

Bobby Six Killer
01-31-2013, 11:09 PM
Is that why Japanese women seek for an Occidental partner?

01-31-2013, 11:10 PM
It's a lost cause, we have to surrender to the Marxist culture and accept the extinction of the proud European Man for a new and more fabulous feminized one, oh such amazing views of metrosexualized teens/hipsters I seen at school. I ought to become one because I'm not getting pussy with my metalhead destructive behaviour :coffee:.

You can start listening emocore, it keeps the metal vibe, but there are homo elements in it, everything the modern man needs :D

01-31-2013, 11:11 PM

Obviously, Europe is fucked.

01-31-2013, 11:12 PM

Obviously, Europe is fucked.

well sometimes you need to step two steps down to step up again

01-31-2013, 11:17 PM
well sometimes you need to step two steps down to step up again

I'm actually happy about this. Call me a marxist or whatnot, but this is a nice contradiction to the idea that Feminism is anti-male.

If Feminism really is the cause of this behaviour, it's doing the world a service. The men are finally allowed to do what interests them, however "girly" (gender roles much?) it may be, without feeling ashamed of themselves. It's allowing freedom of choice for males, just as it does for the woman who wants a career.

As for the men being "scared" of women, you have to keep in mind that this minority of men are probably not interested in pursuing women because they are shy, or awkward. Japan continues to have functional couplings and relationships, and their numbers sure aren't dropping.

01-31-2013, 11:21 PM
I'm actually happy about this. Call me a marxist or whatnot, but this is a nice contradiction to the idea that Feminism is anti-male.

If Feminism really is the cause of this behaviour, it's doing the world a service. The men are finally allowed to do what interests them, however "girly" (gender roles much?) it may be, without feeling ashamed of themselves. It's allowing freedom of choice for males, just as it does for the woman who wants a career.

As for the men being "scared" of women, you have to keep in mind that this minority of men are probably not interested in pursuing women because they are shy, or awkward. Japan continues to have functional couplings and relationships, and their numbers sure aren't dropping.

Totally agree, I mean...if there are Arabo-Negroids, Kebabs and whatsoever that can play the manly role in Europe, submit our women and so on, why should we bother being men? I mean really! Why? HAHAHAHAHAHA!



01-31-2013, 11:27 PM
It's a lost cause, we have to surrender to the Marxist culture and accept the extinction of the proud European Man for a new and more fabulous feminized one, oh such amazing views of metrosexualized teens/hipsters I seen at school. I ought to become one because I'm not getting pussy with my metalhead destructive behaviour :coffee:.

Marxism ??? :eek::eek: Bring it on :thumb001:


She can def move it like a boss :ranger:

01-31-2013, 11:27 PM
Totally agree, I mean...if there are Arabo-Negroids, Kebabs and whatsoever that can play the manly role in Europe, submit our women and so on, why should we bother being men? I mean really! Why? HAHAHAHAHAHA!



People are going to date who appeals to them.
But a girl who doesn't date a guy because he likes to cook is not a girl worth dating.

01-31-2013, 11:29 PM
As far as i'm concerned?

Demographics of Japan: 98.5% Japanese and 1.5% other

Economy of Japan: The third largest national economy in the world.

Scientific output: Competing with nations twice it size, yet is side by side with Germany in number.

Highschool Graduation rate: 93%

Average IQ rate: Third highest in the world

Japanese life expectancy: Highest in the world

Healthiest country in the world: Japan http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2012/12/13/japan-tops-list-of-healthiest-countries/

According to Global 500, Tokyo is the single city with the most corporations on the list.

Japan: Doing something right.

Maybe the Japanese need to come over here, and fix our diet :lol:

01-31-2013, 11:33 PM
if japanese males are too scared to accept or like women who make money or have jobs... that doesnt say anything but something about them :rolleyes:

i dont want to get into a big rant again, but what i said in the other thread is that japans overexposure to pornography also has a big role to play in this as well.

also popular culture, manga has alot of influence especially on boys because they tend to see alot of completely perfect, physically pleasing, eccentric women who get the guy rather than the other way around. its possible many are waiting for the girl to come to *them*, or for girls in general to be this completely perfect being they've read in the comics.

also gender roles can be destructive blah blah all thats all well and good, and yes males and females should feel free to pursue whatever interests and likes they have, but biological realities note important differences in the genders due to levels of specific sex hormones. i wonder how many males in japan are actually actively rebelling against their 'manliness', rather than them actually not being interested in specific 'masculine' interests.

bear in mind: pink was a boys color, blue was a girls color in 1950 and earlier. also it was fashionable to dress little boys in dresses until they were around 10 years old. what we expect from the genders is always changing. however, interests and expectations related to sex and biology (girls have a womb, so they bear children. that kind of stuff. testosterone mediates 50% more pure muscle in men. avg bodyfat is 10% for M, 18% for females, etc) are static and unlikely to change. most socially mediated stuff, however, is never strict and changes from generation to generation. :)

01-31-2013, 11:36 PM
People are going to date who appeals to them.
But a girl who doesn't date a guy because he likes to cook is not a girl worth dating.

It's not about that, a Male can like cooking as much as he wants, the problem is not essentially that. The real problem is that feminism is destroying the Alpha male attitude to replace it with a reformed pussywhipped one. Females instinctively go for the 'bad boys' specially in their early years.

Now with that 'bad boy' attitude missing throughout Europe, girls tastes are becoming more and more.....ehm.....lets say....exotic? Leaning towards jungle fever? :D

01-31-2013, 11:37 PM
As far as i'm concerned?

Demographics of Japan: 98.5% Japanese and 1.5% other

Economy of Japan: The third largest national economy in the world.

Scientific output: Competing with nations twice it size, yet is side by side with Germany in number.

Highschool Graduation rate: 93%

Average IQ rate: Third highest in the world

Japanese life expectancy: Highest in the world

Healthiest country in the world: Japan http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2012/12/13/japan-tops-list-of-healthiest-countries/

According to Global 500, Tokyo is the single city with the most corporations on the list.

Japan: Doing something right.

Maybe the Japanese need to come over here, and fix our diet :lol:

Don't forget crimes and poverty, virtually lowest on Earth

You can leave a cellphone plated in gold on a bench in a public park someone will see it and take it to the police as missing or just leave it there until the owner comes.

Other cases I heard: There are merchants who sell there stuff in alley ways and small streets, yes open air unsupervised merchandise in a box, people buy let say an avocado him/her, in the same place they live the money, the merchant comes at the end of the day to collect his/her money and in the exact amount it was sold :)

Let's all be like Japanese and less human!

01-31-2013, 11:40 PM
if japanese males are too scared to accept or like women who make money or have jobs... that doesnt say anything but something about them :rolleyes:

i dont want to get into a big rant again, but what i said in the other thread is that japans overexposure to pornography also has a big role to play in this as well.

did you ever watch japanese porn?? Its censored. And porn all around asia is forbidden. Japan makes so much porn to export it to other asian countries like korea and china.

01-31-2013, 11:41 PM
if japanese males are too scared to accept or like women who make money or have jobs... that doesnt say anything but something about them :rolleyes:

i dont want to get into a big rant again, but what i said in the other thread is that japans overexposure to pornography also has a big role to play in this as well.

Our son wil never be this way, he will be a true man :)

Anyways would you ever date a Japanese brotha???

01-31-2013, 11:45 PM
Don't forget crimes and poverty, virtually lowest on Earth

You can leave a cellphone plated in gold on a bench in a public park someone will see it and take it to the police as missing or just leave it there until the owner comes.

Other cases I heard: There are merchants who sell there stuff in alley ways and small streets, yes open air unsupervised merchandise in a box, people buy let say an avocado him/her, in the same place they live the money, the merchant comes at the end of the day to collect his/her money and in the exact amount it was sold :)

Let's all be like Japanese and less human!

Also, the country is extremely clean, and very non-religiously influenced (yay).

However, I should probably mention that Japan has the highest suicide rate in the world. But I'd attribute that to their overly routined lives.

Jamal Hernandez
01-31-2013, 11:52 PM
Marxism ??? :eek::eek: Bring it on :thumb001:


She can def move it like a boss :ranger:

For this type of post, makes me believe you have a small IQ sigur. :picard2:

01-31-2013, 11:53 PM
Also, the country is extremely clean, and very non-religiously influenced (yay).

However, I should probably mention that Japan has the highest suicide rate in the world. But I'd attribute that to their overly routined lives.

How about me and you pack our bags and head to Japan maybe some race mixing will improve this :cool:

01-31-2013, 11:54 PM
but Japanese is the least influenced by feminism of all modern developed nations. this has nothing to do with feminism i think.

01-31-2013, 11:55 PM
For this type of post, makes me believe you have a small IQ sigur. :picard2:

So liking women means you have lower I.Q? :rolleyes: :picard1: Jeeeeez what a moron You're either gay or asexual or/ just trolling :rolleyes:

01-31-2013, 11:56 PM
did you ever watch japanese porn?? Its censored. And porn all around asia is forbidden. Japan makes so much porn to export it to other asian countries like korea and china.

i dont know too much about it all, mostly about the animated porn which even with the little censor bar doesn't really cover up all the crazy shit that goes on ('gorno', tentacle, futanari, etc etc)

but yes japan has a raging porn industry. i think its tied to the low birth rate and other 'issues' young people are facing

Our son wil never be this way, he will be a true man :)

Anyways would you ever date a Japanese brotha???

probably not, i like japan and all but i just think a european man will share the same values that i do :) in japan its a much different culture and thoughts and ideas as well, plus i hardly look japanese so thats another issue for traditional men there :P

Jamal Hernandez
01-31-2013, 11:57 PM
Honestly Japanese guys are kinda creepy, when they can't get white wimminz, they go back to hatin' non japanese (chinese, korean & everybody else). They have a really feminine fashion, stupid haircuts, inferiority complex due their small penis, and another mental issue were they project themselves wishing they could just look white.

Jamal Hernandez
01-31-2013, 11:59 PM
So liking women means you have lower I.Q? :rolleyes: :picard1: Jeeeeez what a moron You're either gay or asexual or/ just trolling :rolleyes:

It's because your fancy vocabulary:

Bitch moves like a boss.

02-01-2013, 12:00 AM
Also, the country is extremely clean, and very non-religiously influenced (yay).

However, I should probably mention that Japan has the highest suicide rate in the world. But I'd attribute that to their overly routined lives.

suicide has nothing to do with living standards or social enverement or anything like that, its about culture. Have you ever watched samurai films???

All east asian countries as well as former soviet countries have a high suicide rate. Because these value honor more than in the west and the people can be very disappointing if things dont turn out well for them.


you can see how russians and ukrainians despite ukraine is much poorer than russia have the same rate and japan and south korea which are richer than russia have a higher rate than japan. You also can see how the baltics have also a similar rate despite having being a complete different culture than russia. Lithineia tops the second place despite the population has only 5% russian. It shows how the former soviet union shares still the same soviet values.

I remember this one latvian girl i spoke to which i thought she was still live in the forum. She also killed her self despite that she recently moved to germany which has higher living standards and more social welfare and in general better living condition but it was not enough she still did suicide.

02-01-2013, 12:00 AM
Honestly Japanese guys are kinda creepy, when they can't get white wimminz, they go back to hatin' non japanese (chinese, korean & everybody else). They have a really feminine fashion, stupid haircuts, inferiority complex due their small penis, and another mental issue were they project themselves wishing they could just look white.

your hatred of everything feminine, penis sizing, and trying to be the most masculine in every thread kind of makes me think you have issues too :rolleyes:

or do you just post for the sake of posting? masculine men to me know when to open and close their mouths :)

02-01-2013, 12:00 AM
Honestly Japanese guys are kinda creepy, when they can't get white wimminz, they go back to hatin' non japanese (chinese, korean & everybody else). They have a really feminine fashion, stupid haircuts, inferiority complex due their small penis, and another mental issue were they project themselves wishing they could just look white.

Getting Nuked tends to fuck with you

02-01-2013, 12:02 AM
It's because your fancy vocabulary:

Bitch moves like a boss.


It was she not (bitch) you see how epically stupid you are my friend?

Learn how to read first then we'll talk buddy :thumb001:

Jamal Hernandez
02-01-2013, 12:03 AM
your hatred of everything feminine, penis sizing, and trying to be the most masculine in every thread kind of makes me think you have issues too :rolleyes:

or do you just post for the sake of posting? masculine men to me know when to open and close their mouths :)

Im an Alpha Man.

Siberian Cold Breeze
02-01-2013, 12:04 AM
Real alpha men do not gossip.

Jamal Hernandez
02-01-2013, 12:06 AM

It was she not (bitch) you see how epically stupid you are my friend?

Learn how to read first then we'll talk buddy :thumb001:

Talk? Did you mean Type?

Anyway im gonna ignore you for the rest of the thread, go back and try to impress the white kids with your ghetto manners.


02-01-2013, 12:06 AM
i dont know too much about it all, mostly about the animated porn which even with the little censor bar doesn't really cover up all the crazy shit that goes on ('gorno', tentacle, futanari, etc etc)

but yes japan has a raging porn industry. i think its tied to the low birth rate and other 'issues' young people are facing

probably not, i like japan and all but i just think a european man will share the same values that i do :) in japan its a much different culture and thoughts and ideas as well, plus i hardly look japanese so thats another issue for traditional men there :P

western countries with low birth do they do such and so much stuff??

02-01-2013, 12:06 AM
Real alpha men do not gossip.

DId you hear what Migla said? She said that Malta has hair on his chest OMG so dis-gus-ting and un-marxist of him eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww

:eyes :D

02-01-2013, 12:07 AM
I'm actually happy about this. Call me a marxist or whatnot, but this is a nice contradiction to the idea that Feminism is anti-male.

If Feminism really is the cause of this behaviour, it's doing the world a service. The men are finally allowed to do what interests them, however "girly" (gender roles much?) it may be, without feeling ashamed of themselves. It's allowing freedom of choice for males, just as it does for the woman who wants a career.

As for the men being "scared" of women, you have to keep in mind that this minority of men are probably not interested in pursuing women because they are shy, or awkward. Japan continues to have functional couplings and relationships, and their numbers sure aren't dropping.

You need to man up dude. I bet you played with Barbie dolls as a kid.

Jamal Hernandez
02-01-2013, 12:09 AM
Getting Nuked tends to fuck with you

you remind of this guy


02-01-2013, 12:10 AM
You need to man up dude. I bet you played with Barbie dolls as a kid.

Undermining my masculinity doesn't negate my point.

Forgive me for thinking that freedom of shameless choice is more important that chopping wood and moving furniture.

02-01-2013, 12:12 AM
DId you hear what Migla said? She said that Malta has hair on his chest OMG so dis-gus-ting and un-marxist of him eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww

:eyes :D

not everybody hates that stuff malta :P you know the guys from supernatural are all pretty 'manly', so is their dad with his 5 day scruff ;D

and girls go crazy for this show, soo :) even on super far left sites like tumblr, supernatural is massive :)

Jamal Hernandez
02-01-2013, 12:14 AM
Im outta this thread. Sigur playin the sensitive-ghetto guy to impress young white teens is boring

02-01-2013, 12:16 AM
It's not about that, a Male can like cooking as much as he wants, the problem is not essentially that. The real problem is that feminism is destroying the Alpha male attitude to replace it with a reformed pussywhipped one. Females instinctively go for the 'bad boys' specially in their early years.

Now with that 'bad boy' attitude missing throughout Europe, girls tastes are becoming more and more.....ehm.....lets say....exotic? Leaning towards jungle fever? :D


or is it that Marxists only reply when it's most convenient to them?

Here, a sneak peak to Europe in about 50 years time.


02-01-2013, 12:16 AM
you remind of this guy


looks more alpha than you're behaving...

Jamal Hernandez
02-01-2013, 12:18 AM
looks more alpha than you're behaving...

Wha'ts your problem brown skin?

02-01-2013, 12:20 AM
Real alpha men do not gossip.

I think you need to say it one more time. Actually, i'm quoting this in my sig. Best post of 2013!

02-01-2013, 12:21 AM
Wha'ts your problem brown skin?

Right now?...in the apricity?

Mexicans :tongue

Jamal Hernandez
02-01-2013, 12:23 AM
Japanese men = not alpha males.

That's why evertime an american tourist travels to japan, japanese women are like: Ohhhh you have a big penis, your eyes so big fuck me pleaseeee blondie san

Bobby Six Killer
02-01-2013, 12:32 AM
Right now?...in the apricity?

Mexicans :tongue

You can leave any time you want :tongue

02-01-2013, 12:34 AM
Japanese men = not alpha males.

That's why evertime an american tourist travels to japan, japanese women are like: Ohhhh you have a big penis, your eyes so big fuck me pleaseeee blondie san

うるさい、この ばかやろ :rolleyes:

Jamal Hernandez
02-01-2013, 12:37 AM
うるさい、この ばかやろ :rolleyes:

Is this some sort of japanese voodoo?

02-01-2013, 12:42 AM
Is this some sort of japanese voodoo?


おなか が いたく なる ほど 笑いました!!!

02-01-2013, 12:46 AM

おなか が いたく なる ほど 笑いました!!!

your grammar is very bad

02-01-2013, 12:46 AM
Everything i need to know about Japan I learned at Pearl Harbor :laugh:

Bobby Six Killer
02-01-2013, 12:47 AM

02-01-2013, 12:48 AM
your grammar is very bad

my writing is bad, my friend ;) (in terms of hiragana, i don't understand kanji as much which is why i prefer writing things out longhand although i know it will give false results for some words)

did you use google translate? its well know languages like japanese and hungarian are notoriously hard for google to conjugate :P

onaka ga itaku naru hodo waraimashita is perfect grammar i believe :)

(ps - hodo is used to describe intense or extreme situations, which is why translation sites get it wrong because they do not understand inflection and other rules in specific languages :) )

02-01-2013, 12:54 AM
her grammar is pretty okay I think.

btw, here is the breakdown of Japanese "feminism"



females in manager positions in Japanese companies.

if men cant compete with women in this kind of system, then they never had a penis (or brain) to begin with.

02-01-2013, 01:00 AM
my writing is bad, my friend ;) (in terms of hiragana, i don't understand kanji as much which is why i prefer writing things out longhand although i know it will give false results for some words)

did you use google translate? its well know languages like japanese and hungarian are notoriously hard for google to conjugate :P

onaka ga itaku naru hodo waraimashita is perfect grammar i believe :)

(ps - hodo is used to describe intense or extreme situations, which is why translation sites get it wrong because they do not understand inflection and other rules in specific languages :) )

i cant japanese i just lied so you would think i can and respond to me with a bunch of stuff making excuses which you just did

02-01-2013, 01:05 AM
i cant japanese i just lied so you would think i can and respond to me with a bunch of stuff making excuses which you just did

。。。what? i don't understand... are you using google translate for english too? :P

im just kidding but i think i misunderstand... you posted that on purpose so i would make excuses for why i speak japanese badly? (still not fluent in it, always learning :) )

02-01-2013, 01:12 AM
。。。what? i don't understand... are you using google translate for english too? :P

im just kidding but i think i misunderstand... you posted that on purpose so i would make excuses for why i speak japanese badly? (still not fluent in it, always learning :) )

To use a poker analogy, he basically called your bluff with nothing but a 2-7 off suit hand :p

02-01-2013, 02:34 AM
if japanese males are too scared to accept or like women who make money or have jobs... that doesnt say anything but something about them :rolleyes:

i dont want to get into a big rant again, but what i said in the other thread is that japans overexposure to pornography also has a big role to play in this as well.

also popular culture, manga has alot of influence especially on boys because they tend to see alot of completely perfect, physically pleasing, eccentric women who get the guy rather than the other way around. its possible many are waiting for the girl to come to *them*, or for girls in general to be this completely perfect being they've read in the comics.

I think most of the Article is simply disinformation being capitalize on by this individual.


Possibly a crop haired Leftist Jewish skank or other western feminist.

Clearly NOT an Asian, and attempting to side spin the issue that men Japan and many western countries are dumping Marriage, because of the financial implications.

As for the Money Changers and Government when men do not produce it becomes a problem for them. As productivity goes into the Toilet.

In a society that is increasingly loaded with Porn, is highly Feminist, and where the state attempts to dish out access to the female population like a all powerful pimp, men simply do not form any lasting relationship with women in that kind of society.

The obvious other side of this is women, the ones that are not feminist and lesbians attempt to ratchet up their sexual attraction by both being more sexually aggressive and by dressing in a more sexual manner. [Carnivores as they Put it]

Because as we all know “He would be more attracted to me if I wore sexier clothing”
Which is a never ending spiral.
In the West we are reaching a saturation point.

On the other hand you have a small percentage of women, maybe in the one percent level that realize what is going on and simply disavow the Feminist and State Bull $hit, and attempt to connect with men on a human level. That seems to be the best option although I'm personally all for Sexy Clothing. :thumb001:

also gender roles can be destructive blah blah all thats all well and good, and yes males and females should feel free to pursue whatever interests and likes they have, but biological realities note important differences in the genders due to levels of specific sex hormones. i wonder how many males in japan are actually actively rebelling against their 'manliness', rather than them actually not being interested in specific 'masculine' interests.

Ah you mean like these two classic Bull $hit explanations we hear from Liberals.

“Gender is just a Societal construct” or “Race is a Societal construct”.

Gender is constructed because of biological reality not the other way around. Sooner or later we need to dump Marx, Sigmund Freud and the other leftist influenced morons and simply go with objective reality.

02-01-2013, 02:38 AM
In a society that is increasingly loaded with Porn, is highly Feminist, and where the state attempts to dish out access to the female population like a all powerful pimp, men simply do not form any lasting relationship with women in that kind of society.

The obvious other side of this is women, the ones that are not feminist and lesbians attempt to ratchet up their sexual attraction by both being more sexually aggressive and by dressing in a more sexual manner. [Carnivores as they Put it]

Because as we all know “He would be more attracted to me if I wore sexier clothing”
Which is a never ending spiral.
In the West we are reaching a saturation point.

On the other hand you have a small percentage of women, maybe in the one percent level that realize what is going on and simply disavow the Feminist and State Bull $hit, and attempt to connect with men on a human level. That seems to be the best option although I'm personally all for Sexy Clothing. :thumb001:

Ah you mean like these two classic Bull $hit explanations we hear from Liberals.

“Gender is just a Societal construct” or “Race is a Societal construct”.

Gender is constructed because of biological reality not the other way around. Sooner or later we need to dump Marx, Sigmund Freud and the other leftist influenced morons and simply go with objective reality.

if women want men they should be the first who ask

02-01-2013, 03:22 AM
Some of the responses in this thread baffle me. The number of logical fallacies riddled in one post (as there are in some posts here) can't be that many unintentionally, can it? :confused:

Anyway, I view the means for which these Japanese men construct a family and interact with it quite odd, but at least they take the conventional (and superior) route to try to construct and maintain a family, even if only passively.

The writer of the article says they encourage and embrace individualism, but certainly any individual who labels such basic aspects, such as his behavior, into a group is not an individualist. That is a big problem in my opinion.

One can be both masculine and take care of his family. In fact, I'd say the most "masculine" men are those whom take care of their families quite well.

Possibly the issue is mine and the author's definitions of a "family man." My definition likely promotes gender roles (as beneficial but not obligatory) while her's seemingly promotes some weird ignorance of innate differences.

02-01-2013, 03:49 AM
Right now?...in the apricity?

Mexicans :tongue

I doubt this guy or what ever that thing is really what was on the photo he/it posted...Seems more like a banned troll or member using passing as a self-hating African American-Hispanic-Jew who claims to be "90% white" http://www.theapricity.com/forum/ iq0L0wwhZqfVICyy9zGLGBXQCI3SkCQzuAzmedjWvb4WauLtv6 LxVKNcLBdsOFjlRyIBml6EwjncWoFwpHmEFJud1VChz+XMuEBA Ah+QQJCgAEACwAAAAAFwAPAAADSkiq0L0wwhZqfVICy2+egbN1 ACFiJjCsw/mMVtmwNP3CsrrqLYuOspDtFFpsSqaLo6OkIJPMaCwCk540MQrn +amSPlQvCjwRkRcJACH5BAkKAAQALAAAAAAXAA8AAANISKrQvT DCFmp9UgLLb56Bs3XAxwBDOogOwZYuqs6qQ8Z1nj6Ut8k7Vmgx KhVtnRASNko6LTDGE8qKNJFQk/QZ1faoWo0orEgAACH5BAkKAAQALAAAAAAXAA8AAANJSKrQvTDC Fmp9UgLLb56Bs3XAxwBDOoiO2agw/LDlm6K3OpMbfrOhk4UScnQuJQbyyESOkqNmMYohUInDUxLU3Jq sUeRXIxorEgAh+QQJCgAEACwAAAAAFwAPAAADSUiq0L0wwhZqf VICy2+egbN1wMcAQzqIzikSjSrLz2g5KprqawnbFF5PFAKFRsT O0eGxKZ+3hfPJwjBuFI7PNNWaJlPrV/oaExIAIfkECQoABAAsAAAAABcADwAAA0lIqtC9MMIWan1SAstv noGzdQAjlkQzrMOJjZbDzvMLyyvA6jnKXBteTxQClUbEToiIgi mfnoXz6YrcKBzfZ5r9WKcY79chXiQAACH5BAkKAAQALAAAAAAX AA8AAANJSKrQvTDCFmp9UgLL73IOE4DdKHIA0QzsAIbMdq1t3W Knc+8svj2/2usnSuUcpRHFeEommR+nBZSRKa2eTNQJ1aqwSm+VKlYkAAAh+Q QFCgAEACwAAAAAFwAPAAADTUiq0L0wwhZqfcxhZvvlHcBpXiAS 1IcCQztozvQ1bl1vgJm5bNu/J5RO+AOSTrlgzuQoMZMypzS4WEqf1KqlGZJErKWsd+XZjL+aMy QBADs= and using a proxy server to hide his real IP from the admins, this is how they can't know.

02-01-2013, 04:18 AM
As for the men being "scared" of women, you have to keep in mind that this minority of men are probably not interested in pursuing women because they are shy, or awkward. Japan continues to have functional couplings and relationships, and their numbers sure aren't dropping.

Your post shows your ignorance on the subject. Some researches point that as many as 30% of young Japanese men aged between 16 and 30 have no intention to form any sort of intimate relationships with females in their entire life.

02-01-2013, 04:38 AM
Your post shows your ignorance on the subject. Some researches point that as many as 30% of young Japanese men aged between 16 and 30 have no intention to form any sort of intimate relationships with females in their entire life.

And your post shows your condescension.

30% is still a minority. And it's very much subject to change. I doubt they'll stick with that approach throughout their life, given that they're probably young and sexually awkward.

Plus, I don't think it's "Feminism" to blame, but rather that the adult industry in Japan has surpassed actual sex in terms of satisfaction to many men.

02-01-2013, 04:38 AM
I think most of the Article is simply disinformation being capitalize on by this individual.


Possibly a crop haired Leftist Jewish skank or other western feminist.

Clearly NOT an Asian, and attempting to side spin the issue that men Japan and many western countries are dumping Marriage, because of the financial implications.

As for the Money Changers and Government when men do not produce it becomes a problem for them. As productivity goes into the Toilet.

In a society that is increasingly loaded with Porn, is highly Feminist, and where the state attempts to dish out access to the female population like a all powerful pimp, men simply do not form any lasting relationship with women in that kind of society.

The obvious other side of this is women, the ones that are not feminist and lesbians attempt to ratchet up their sexual attraction by both being more sexually aggressive and by dressing in a more sexual manner. [Carnivores as they Put it]

Because as we all know “He would be more attracted to me if I wore sexier clothing”
Which is a never ending spiral.
In the West we are reaching a saturation point.

On the other hand you have a small percentage of women, maybe in the one percent level that realize what is going on and simply disavow the Feminist and State Bull $hit, and attempt to connect with men on a human level. That seems to be the best option although I'm personally all for Sexy Clothing. :thumb001:

Ah you mean like these two classic Bull $hit explanations we hear from Liberals.

“Gender is just a Societal construct” or “Race is a Societal construct”.

Gender is constructed because of biological reality not the other way around. Sooner or later we need to dump Marx, Sigmund Freud and the other leftist influenced morons and simply go with objective reality.

i tend to agree with you on most things, although the 1% of women who try to connect with men, i wouldn't sell us too short. also, another big reason for this is probably also the same system that has men viewing women as commodities or sex objects :thumb001: which may be why its hard for women AND men to relate to eachother on a deeper level :)

take it from someone who goes to the biggest cultural marxist school in canada, gender more or less what we expect from them may take ROOT in biological sex, but more often than not, yes, things are a social construct.

things that are a social construct: colors being defined as masculine feminine, specific jobs as well although not ones that require physical strength (deep sea divers, swimmers being preferred to be female in japanese society), gendered clothing.

things that are not a social construct: testosterone and estrogen, differing levels of which, estrogen to have been found to foster and enhance childrearing (why women are 'good mothers'), testosterone found to foster strength, also why men are the 'protectors', family dynamics are generally that way for biological reasons. men have larger lungs and hearts, 50% upper body muscle mass and 20% increased lower body muscle mass. other ones I mentioned, like bodyfat distribution, etc.

in general i agree with most everything you said. i see it everyday in what i learn: issues of sex differences, racial differences are big no-no's, so we don't learn too much of it. but when i get into the small groups of my science classes, luckily the professors and TA's tend to be straightforward and no nonsense. they don't ignore biological realities and teach the truth.

feminism as a movement has this idea that gender is completely (rather than partially) socially constructed and only sex differences remain. however, radical feminists take this one further and say whilst sex differences only apply to sexual organs, and other than that every difference between males and females is socially constructed. so differences in strength, and i don't even want to know what they make of hormonally mediated differences :rolleyes:

true egalitarianism or what feminism used to stand for was true equal rights. if a women had the requisite muscle mass to be a garbage man, she should be hired without discrimination. however even if it is skewed 99% men, 1% women, if those 99% men are more apt for the job with their increased muscle mass, then theres no problem, right? feminists seem to have a problem with this, though, they refuse to recognize medical and biological facts.

anyways thats my take on the whole thing :) honestly modern feminism hurts men just as much as it can hurt women, i see it as a polluted movement nowadays. its non-cohesive, splintered group blind to serious academic and medical/scientific discussion.

02-01-2013, 04:49 AM
i tend to agree with you on most things, although the 1% of women who try to connect with men, i wouldn't sell us too short. also, another big reason for this is probably also the same system that has men viewing women as commodities or sex objects :thumb001: which may be why its hard for women AND men to relate to eachother on a deeper level :)

Alarmism. People in this forum need to get out more. I have SO many female friends. I can communicate with them just as well as men. So does everybody I know. The so called 1% of women is ridiculous. Maybe your country is worse than mine, but here, women will connect to men if you talk to them with an interest other than sex.

things that are a social construct: colors being defined as masculine feminine, specific jobs as well although not ones that require physical strength (deep sea divers, swimmers being preferred to be female in japanese society), gendered clothing.

Agree completely

things that are not a social construct: testosterone and estrogen, differing levels of which, estrogen to have been found to foster and enhance childrearing (why women are 'good mothers'), testosterone found to foster strength, also why men are the 'protectors', family dynamics are generally that way for biological reasons. men have larger lungs and hearts, 50% upper body muscle mass and 20% increased lower body muscle mass. other ones I mentioned, like bodyfat distribution, etc.


feminism as a movement has this idea that gender is completely (rather than partially) socially constructed and only sex differences remain. however, radical feminists take this one further and say whilst sex differences only apply to sexual organs, and other than that every difference between males and females is socially constructed. so differences in strength, and i don't even want to know what they make of hormonally mediated differences :rolleyes:

Wrong. Mainstream feminism fights for equal perception, as in, that women should not be assumed to have certain wants, desires, and aspirations (like family, children, so on). It fights against double standards like slut shaming, and desires a sexual liberation which has been frowned upon for generations.

true egalitarianism or what feminism used to stand for was true equal rights. if a women had the requisite muscle mass to be a garbage man, she should be hired without discrimination. however even if it is skewed 99% men, 1% women, if those 99% men are more apt for the job with their increased muscle mass, then theres no problem, right? feminists seem to have a problem with this, though, they refuse to recognize medical and biological facts.

I agree with this, but disagree with the end. A real feminist does not argue that 50% of jobs should be filled by women, but rather meritocracy. Jobs are shifting from manual labour in the 21st century. And women can prove to be worse, better, and equal to men in any academic field, shopkeeping, corporate professions... The idea of Feminism is that these women can do what they want and are able to do without judgement or prejudice.

anyways thats my take on the whole thing :) honestly modern feminism hurts men just as much as it can hurt women, i see it as a polluted movement nowadays. its non-cohesive, splintered group blind to serious academic and medical/scientific discussion.

Modern Feminism is warped by internet alarmists. What you detailed is not modern Feminism. The movement, at present, is one of the most misunderstood endeavours of our age :)

02-01-2013, 04:55 AM
Alarmism. People in this forum need to get out more. I have SO many female friends. I can communicate with them just as well as men. So does everybody I know. The so called 1% of women is ridiculous. Maybe your country is worse than mine, but here, women will connect to men if you talk to them with an interest other than sex.

Agree completely


Wrong. Mainstream feminism fights for equal perception, as in, that women should not be assumed to have certain wants, desires, and aspirations (like family, children, so on). It fights against double standards like slut shaming, and desires a sexual liberation which has been frowned upon for generations.

I agree with this, but disagree with the end. A real feminist does not argue that 50% of jobs should be filled by women, but rather meritocracy. Jobs are shifting from manual labour in the 21st century. And women can prove to be worse, better, and equal to men in any academic field, shopkeeping, corporate professions... The idea of Feminism is that these women can do what they want and are able to do without judgement or prejudice.

Modern Feminism is warped by internet alarmists. What you detailed is not modern Feminism. The movement, at present, is one of the most misunderstood endeavours of our age :)

skyburn ;p if i wasnt so busy right now i would reply. give me 45 minutes to give you a good reply :P

please note though, most extremism in my post refer to radical feminism (catherine brennan, andrea dworkin, janice raymond) rather than libfems.

also, although i know this wasn't the point of my post, when it *does* come to mainstream feminism, it IS a damaging movement i hate to tell you :( feminism now pickets MRA events about male suicide, they believe that 'male privilege' means that males CAN NOT be discriminated against, they cannot experience racism only give it, and they are UNABLE to be raped. male rape is seen as a joke in feminism when its honestly a horrible thing.

feminism, a la universities and tumblr, is honestly a terrible movement. its about pissed off girls who hate their boyfriends and want something easy to blame it on (male privilege), and believe that holding male privilege is akin to being regarded as a god or something. and of course, when you splinter the feminism off (radical feminists, ecological feminists) it gets much much worse :P

02-01-2013, 05:00 AM
skyburn ;p if i wasnt so busy right now i would reply. give me 45 minutes to give you a good reply :P

please note though, most extremism in my post refer to radical feminism (catherine brennan, andrea dworkin, janice raymond) rather than libfems.

also, although i know this wasn't the point of my post, when it *does* come to mainstream feminism, it IS a damaging movement i hate to tell you :( feminism now pickets MRA events about male suicide, they believe that 'male privilege' means that males CAN NOT be discriminated against, they cannot experience racism only give it, and they are UNABLE to be raped. male rape is seen as a joke in feminism when its honestly a horrible thing.

feminism, a la universities and tumblr, is honestly a terrible movement. its about pissed off girls who hate their boyfriends and want something easy to blame it on (male privilege), and believe that holding male privilege is akin to being regarded as a god or something. and of course, when you splinter the feminism off (radical feminists, ecological feminists) it gets much much worse :P

Well, I identify as a Feminist, and don't think my rationale is crazy at all. Perhaps in my case, it stems from my humanist ideology rather than male resentfulness. But I know plenty of women in the same boat as me (completely agree though, tumblr feminists make me groan)

I respect that you couldn't be bothered at the moment, but pm me when you have time. I'd love to discuss it with you. I don't argue like a feminazi, so perhaps I can convert you :)

02-01-2013, 03:14 PM
skyburn ;p if i wasnt so busy right now i would reply. give me 45 minutes to give you a good reply :P

please note though, most extremism in my post refer to radical feminism (catherine brennan, andrea dworkin, janice raymond) rather than libfems.

also, although i know this wasn't the point of my post, when it *does* come to mainstream feminism, it IS a damaging movement i hate to tell you :( feminism now pickets MRA events about male suicide, they believe that 'male privilege' means that males CAN NOT be discriminated against, they cannot experience racism only give it, and they are UNABLE to be raped. male rape is seen as a joke in feminism when its honestly a horrible thing.

feminism, a la universities and tumblr, is honestly a terrible movement. its about pissed off girls who hate their boyfriends and want something easy to blame it on (male privilege), and believe that holding male privilege is akin to being regarded as a god or something. and of course, when you splinter the feminism off (radical feminists, ecological feminists) it gets much much worse :P


Incel King
02-04-2013, 06:43 PM
It's not about that, a Male can like cooking as much as he wants, the problem is not essentially that. The real problem is that feminism is destroying the Alpha male attitude to replace it with a reformed pussywhipped one. Females instinctively go for the 'bad boys' specially in their early years.

Now with that 'bad boy' attitude missing throughout Europe, girls tastes are becoming more and more.....ehm.....lets say....exotic? Leaning towards jungle fever? :D

According to you there's just feminized nerds and bad boys. I honestly don't know why girls go after bad goons, if I'd be girl I'd be afraid to date violent jerk. It's something masochistic in female nature. Those jerks aren't protective, but cowards which beat and oppress their girlfriends. Instincts, evolution, natural selection are just bunch of communistic lies which are instrument of White race destruction. Girls should date nice guys which respect them and which are protective toward them, not violent goons, not transsexual feminized nerds, neither.

02-04-2013, 06:49 PM
According to you there's just feminized nerds and bad boys. I honestly don't know why girls go after bad goons, if I'd be girl I'd be afraid to date violent jerk. It's something masochistic in female nature. Those jerks aren't protective, but cowards which beat and oppress their girlfriends. Instincts, evolution, natural selection are just bunch of communistic lies which are instrument of White race destruction. Girls should date nice guys which respect them and which are protective toward them, not violent goons, not transsexual feminized nerds, neither.

Oh I can be a 'bad boy' as much as you want, but show em your softer side and SNAP you'll find yourself alone faster than you could ever imagine. Gals praise a lot guys and wish a lot for good-hearted 'pure' guys. But it's not in their nature to really stay with one.

Stop being too good or you'll eventually get hurt, believe me.

02-04-2013, 06:51 PM
this is what will happen to girls if they date badboys


once you start going bad boy there is no way out, because if you want to quite you never know how the dude reacts. So these womens are likely want another bad boy lover who protects them from their ex badboy and this goes then and on and on until they end into prostitution.

02-04-2013, 07:00 PM
this is what will happen to girls if they date badboys


Differentiate between bad boy attitude and a fucking criminal :laugh:.

nigger deserves electric chair for what he done to her, poor gal.

Incel King
02-04-2013, 07:04 PM
Oh I can be a 'bad boy' as much as you want, but show em your softer side and SNAP you'll find yourself alone faster than you could ever imagine. Gals praise a lot guys and wish a lot for good-hearted 'pure' guys. But it's not in their nature to really stay with one.

Stop being too good or you'll eventually get hurt, believe me.

Girls are weird. Why they just don't take nice guy which would respect and love them and stay happy with him for entire life. Life is too short for adventures and foolishness. Love is the point of life.

02-04-2013, 07:09 PM
Girls are weird. Why they just don't take nice guy which would respect and love them and stay happy with him for entire life. Life is too short for adventures and foolishness. Love is the point of life.

Hell if I know. Maybe because it's kinda boring? You have to keep balance in life.

Anyhow, don't try to understand gals or you'll end up mad.

02-04-2013, 07:12 PM
Hell if I know. Maybe because it's kinda boring? You have to keep balance in life.

Anyhow, don't try to understand gals or you'll end up mad.

and I'm sirious.


02-04-2013, 07:13 PM
feminists are women with inferiority complex.

02-04-2013, 07:19 PM
Girls are weird. Why they just don't take nice guy which would respect and love them and stay happy with him for entire life. Life is too short for adventures and foolishness. Love is the point of life.


Incel King
02-04-2013, 07:40 PM
Hell if I know. Maybe because it's kinda boring? You have to keep balance in life.

Anyhow, don't try to understand gals or you'll end up mad.

It's boring to be single for long 18 years. Love and family life can't be boring it's something most precious.

I want to understand woman I love, I took it as challenge. Love is about understanding each other and loving person because of her/his imperfections not just good traits. Love is about sharing everything you have with person you love and not being selfish, selflessness is key to eternal relationships.

Don't be offended but you sounds like someone who never was in relationship or someone who's frustrated because of past relationships traumatic experiences, so now you spread those cliche speech around.

02-04-2013, 07:45 PM
It's boring to be single for long 18 years. Love and family life can't be boring it's something most precious.

I want to understand woman I love, I took it as challenge. Love is about understanding each other and loving person because of her/his imperfections not just good traits. Love is about sharing everything you have with person you love and not being selfish, selflessness is key to eternal relationships.

Don't be offended but you sounds like someone who never was in relationship or someone who's frustrated because of past relationships traumatic experiences, so now you spread those cliche speech around.

Lets say I been bitten once, but it will only be once...hopefully.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you really sound like you're trying to be a smartarse and you're projecting the fact that you never been in a relationship, because you're too wierd, pure and innocent.


02-04-2013, 07:51 PM
Why do some people think that being masculine and family oriented is mutually exclusive?
My husband is a very masculine guy. He doesn't try to be, he just is. I could never see him threading his eyebrows or talking about strawberry shortcake online. But he is also patient, kind, gentle, and extremely family-oriented.

This article seems to be discussing gender identity disorder, imo. :/

Incel King
02-04-2013, 08:16 PM
Lets say I been bitten once, but it will only be once...hopefully.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you really sound like you're trying to be a smartarse and you're projecting the fact that you never been in a relationship, because you're too wierd, pure and innocent.


'In relationship' is just unofficial concept and some status on your facebook profile. I mean many people here is in relationship just cuz they want to be more respected and prove themselves through that concept and feel superior than single people. I must to know that I don't want my name in relationship with her name on facebook but that I want her here beside me cuz I love her and need her.

P.S. What's wrong if you think I'm weird? All great people that changed this world were considered weird by their societies.

Incel King
02-04-2013, 08:22 PM
Why do some people think that being masculine and family oriented is mutually exclusive?
My husband is a very masculine guy. He doesn't try to be, he just is. I could never see him threading his eyebrows or talking about strawberry shortcake online. But he is also patient, kind, gentle, and extremely family-oriented.

This article seems to be discussing gender identity disorder, imo. :/

Being masculine and being violent goonish jerk are two completely different things.

P.S. I must to tell you that you resemble woman I love. :)

02-04-2013, 08:24 PM
'In relationship' is just unofficial concept and some status on your facebook profile. I mean many people here is in relationship just cuz they want to be more respected and prove themselves through that concept and feel superior than single people. I must to know that I don't want my name in relationship with her name on facebook but that I want her here beside me cuz I love her and need her.

P.S. What's wrong if you think I'm weird? All great people that changed this world were considered weird by their societies.


You don't know me...you really don't :laugh:.

02-04-2013, 08:31 PM
Oh I can be a 'bad boy' as much as you want, but show em your softer side and SNAP you'll find yourself alone faster than you could ever imagine. Gals praise a lot guys and wish a lot for good-hearted 'pure' guys. But it's not in their nature to really stay with one.

Stop being too good or you'll eventually get hurt, believe me.

Yes, I noticed that. I am one of those good guys and never had a relationship lasting more than 3 months. The vast majority of them simply get bored after a while.

Although I doubt this applies to older women (from 21-22 years onwards), it's mainly teens and young adults who have this attitude. At least, I hope :(

Incel King
02-04-2013, 08:32 PM

You don't know me...you really don't :laugh:.

You expected that I know you? I even don't know what's your real name, how do you look like, how does your voice sound like and etc.

02-04-2013, 08:40 PM
Yes, I noticed that. I am one of those good guys and never had a relationship lasting more than 3 months. The vast majority of them simply get bored after a while.

Although I doubt this applies to older women (from 21-22 years onwards), it's mainly teens and young adults who have this attitude. At least, I hope :(

Lets not generalize, some girls are closed to relationships for the first years then go rampant as soon as they realize they are in their 20s.

You expected that I know you? I even don't know what's your real name, how do you look like, how does your voice sound like and etc.

Yeah that's the fucking point, forrest. How do you know how I use my facebook account?

Incel King
02-04-2013, 08:48 PM
Yeah that's the fucking point, forrest. How do you know how I use my facebook account?

I talk in general. You misunderstood matter.

02-04-2013, 08:50 PM
I talk in general. You misunderstood matter.

No, you just assumed that I do such childish actions on facebook.

Incel King
02-04-2013, 08:58 PM
No, you just assumed that I do such childish actions on facebook.

I didn't.

Arrow Cross
02-04-2013, 08:59 PM
Japan is overcrowded enough to be able to afford quite a few decades of population decline; until they manage to shake off the liberal democratic spirit of the age and regain their traditions, birthright and destiny.

It is European countries with either rapid immigration, a small population, or both that should worry.

02-04-2013, 09:03 PM
'In relationship' is just unofficial concept and some status on your facebook profile. I mean many people here is in relationship just cuz they want to be more respected and prove themselves through that concept and feel superior than single people. I must to know that I don't want my name in relationship with her name on facebook but that I want her here beside me cuz I love her and need her.

P.S. What's wrong if you think I'm weird? All great people that changed this world were considered weird by their societies.

The bold is where you mentioned me.

The rest is where you obviously sound frustrated due to stupid teenagers and their facebook 'relationships'.

I didn't.


Incel King
02-05-2013, 08:02 AM
The bold is where you mentioned me.

The rest is where you obviously sound frustrated due to stupid teenagers and their facebook 'relationships'.

Ok, ok if you say so. I'm not frustrated, cuz I also can put myself into relationship with fake profile, but there's no point to do that. All I'd achieve is that my classmates and friends would say that I rocks and then nothing else. It same applies on real life relationship with person I have no feelings toward.

02-05-2013, 12:06 PM
Multiple recent surveys suggest that about 60 percent of young Japanese men — in their 20s and early 30s — identify themselves as herbivores. Their Sex and the City is a television show called Otomen, or Girly Guys. The lead character is a martial arts expert, the manliest guy in the whole school. But his secret passions include sewing, baking and crocheting clothes for his stuffed animals.

Someone tell the Turks. :D

03-08-2013, 12:55 AM
They seem to be a direct byproduct of Feminism.


03-08-2013, 12:59 AM

03-11-2013, 02:32 AM

i actually made a thread about it

03-11-2013, 02:37 AM
I really don't think japanese herbivores are a consequence of feminism, unless you count the legal enforcement of rape laws as "feminism".

03-12-2013, 02:00 AM
---> threads merged