View Full Version : What is more important to you?

02-01-2013, 02:51 AM
Inspired by the posts of Superbia and Anglo-Jew here is the question to you Euros. What is more important to you, your slick brand fucking new Mac Book Pro with retina display or your freedom? :D

Could you fucking live without your toys and your fucking games as free men and women or would you give up freedom for the shit you love so much?

So what is more important to you freedom or the shit you can't fucking live without as fucking slick as it is?

Be fucking honest! :p

02-01-2013, 02:56 AM
I could live in a unibomber cabin if necessary :D

02-01-2013, 03:01 AM
I could live in a unibomber cabin if necessary :D

I knew before hand what your answer will be, beautiful! ;) You are a kind of a woman a real man would be happy to lose his life to defend from all enemies! :p

02-01-2013, 03:04 AM
I think I would prefer to live some austere survival life with a wife etc than to be a guy who spends all money and time on a mac-book and latest fashion accessories. In today's society, though, taking it up the butt from corporate pressure and marketing agencies and proving your material value is far more acceptable.

02-01-2013, 03:19 AM
I think I would prefer to live some austere survival life with a wife etc than to be a guy who spends all money and time on a mac-book and latest fashion accessories. In today's society, though, taking it up the butt from corporate pressure and marketing agencies and proving your material value is far more acceptable.

Sad but true. Lots of people value possessions more than their own humanity, decency or ethics. Gathering shit and status has replaced all other values. The proverbial "one who dies with the most toys wins" seems to be the law of the land nowadays. The few internet outcasts make no difference. We are the odd ones.

02-01-2013, 03:23 AM
I knew before hand what your answer will be, beautiful! ;) You are a kind of a woman a real man would be happy to lose his life to defend from all enemies! :p

You say the nicest things:D

My only real requirements are a comfortable place to sleep and one comfortable place to sit. As I've gotten older, there are more aches and pains and I wake up sore more easily.

Other than that? Good to go. My hubs says practically all of his co-workers (he's an airline pilot, so most of his co-workers are men) are married to women who refuse to go camping or anything of that sort because there's no heat or bathroom with running water. They apparently get jealous when hubs tells them I love camping lol.

I'm fine with the woods as long as there are no predators lol. Heat's overrated, anyway:) I can bathe in an ice cold river, and actually prefer to in the heat of the summer.

Roughing it is fun and keeps you busy. We camped for a week this summer in Lake Tahoe. It was awesome!!

02-01-2013, 03:47 AM
You say the nicest things:D

My only real requirements are a comfortable place to sleep and one comfortable place to sit. As I've gotten older, there are more aches and pains and I wake up sore more easily.

Other than that? Good to go. My hubs says practically all of his co-workers (he's an airline pilot, so most of his co-workers are men) are married to women who refuse to go camping or anything of that sort because there's no heat or bathroom with running water. They apparently get jealous when hubs tells them I love camping lol.

I'm fine with the woods as long as there are no predators lol. Heat's overrated, anyway:) I can bathe in an ice cold river, and actually prefer to in the heat of the summer.

Roughing it is fun and keeps you busy. We camped for a week this summer in Lake Tahoe. It was awesome!!

As I said you are both beautiful, fun and awesome! ( this is a parody of I'm 50% English, 50% Spanish and 50% Russian ;) )

Remind your hubby how lucky he is to have been chosen by you, will ya? :D

02-01-2013, 03:49 AM
I don't like roughing it too much but I am not really all that materialistic anymore. I used to be though.

02-01-2013, 04:24 AM
define here whats freedom plz

if i cant afford a decent life its no freedom

02-01-2013, 05:31 AM
Wait a second. If you choose the mac over your freedoms, that means you give up your freedom to choose. So if you chose the mac, you give up your freedom to choose, and you don't get the mac :D But if you chose your freedoms, you would have the freedom to buy a mac whenever you want (or just by any other computer, they're generally all the same).

02-02-2013, 02:02 AM
define here whats freedom plz ability to

if i cant afford a decent life its no freedom

Ability to choose one own destiny without the state mandating one for you.

The ability to make a decent living is entirely up to an individual. One's own effort, perseverance and determination is the deciding factor how well one does in life.

Freedom affords one both options to succeed and to fail, which option we take is up to us.

Mind can never be enslaved without our permission and cooperation.

02-02-2013, 02:04 AM
Wait a second. If you choose the mac over your freedoms, that means you give up your freedom to choose. So if you chose the mac, you give up your freedom to choose, and you don't get the mac :D But if you chose your freedoms, you would have the freedom to buy a mac whenever you want (or just by any other computer, they're generally all the same).

Lucky for you I'm a 100% Slav so I can understand what you mean! LOL
Don't you have something more constructive to do like rearrange your sock drawer? :D