View Full Version : How many of these Calabrese Italians can pass as Middle Eastern/North African?

02-07-2013, 02:46 AM
Calabrese IMO are more swarthy than Sicilians.











Tooting Carmen
11-07-2013, 12:10 AM
All of the ones I was able to see can, but a lot of the photos didn't come out anyway. In any event, these photos are cherrypicked. I don't know why the Calabrese are singled out as being any darker than other South Italians. Most look like these: http://www.consiglioregionale.calabria.it/hp4/index.asp?accesso=2&selez=composizioneC

I'd also say that, judging by the photos I've seen both on anthrofora and elsewhere, Lucanians and especially Apulians can be as dark or sometimes darker than many Calabrese and Sicilians are.

Black Wolf
11-07-2013, 12:14 AM
All of the ones I was able to see can, but a lot of the photos didn't come out anyway. In any event, these photos are cherrypicked. I don't know why the Calabrese are singled out as being any darker than other South Italians. Most look like these: http://www.consiglioregionale.calabria.it/hp4/index.asp?accesso=2&selez=composizioneC

I'd also say that, judging by the photos I've seen both on anthrofora and elsewhere, Lucanians and especially Apulians can be as dark or sometimes darker than many Calabrese and Sicilians are.

Interesting to see how many of those surnames of the people in the link appear in my home town here in Canada. Lot's of Calabrese there! :D

11-07-2013, 12:15 AM
I'd also say that, judging by the photos I've seen both on anthrofora and elsewhere, Lucanians and especially Apulians can be as dark or sometimes darker than many Calabrese and Sicilians are.

Apulians are not as dark as Sicilians and Calabrese.

You say this, but the most exotic Italian Americans are almost always Calabrese.

Black Wolf
11-07-2013, 12:18 AM
Apulians are not as dark as Sicilians and Calabrese.

You say this, but the most exotic Italian Americans are almost always Calabrese.

What does ''exotic'' mean to you? Calabrese people look exactly like they should given the area in the world that they come from.

11-07-2013, 12:20 AM
What does ''exotic'' mean to you?


I mean essentially Calabrese best fit the stereotype of a southern Italian look, along with Sicilians. There is nothing wrong with that, either, it's not a bad thing :)

Tooting Carmen
11-07-2013, 12:20 AM
Apulians are not as dark as Sicilians and Calabrese.

You say this, but the most exotic Italian Americans are almost always Calabrese.

(1) On the one hand, we are told that no real regional differences exist in the whole of Spain, yet on the other hand we are expected to believe that people from two nearby regions in Southern Italy look noticeably different from one another? Hmm...

(2) There might be a few extra exotic types in Calabria than in other regions, but even there they are a minority by far and thus still, well, exotic. Most of the councillors I posted don't exactly look like Leon Panetta.:picard1:

11-07-2013, 12:22 AM
(1) On the one hand, we are told that no real regional differences exist in the whole of Spain, yet on the other hand we are expected to believe that people from two nearby regions in Southern Italy look noticeably different from one another? Hmm...

(2) There might be a few extra exotic types in Calabria than in other regions, but even there they are a minority by far and thus still, well, exotic. Most of the councillors I posted don't exactly look like Leon Panetta.:picard1:

Spain does not have much regional diversity. The Basques stand out a bit and Galicians and western Spanish have more of a "Portuguese" look but otherwise..

Campanians do look different from other far southerners though, that I will say. Calabrese and Sicilians are more or less similar, but Calabria does have a lot of Armenoid influence. Calabrese are darker as a whole and more peripheral European in look than the people who are theoretically the largest part of their ancestry -- Greeks.

Tooting Carmen
11-07-2013, 12:27 AM
Spain does not have much regional diversity. The Basques stand out a bit and Galicians and western Spanish have more of a "Portuguese" look but otherwise..

Campanians do look different from other far southerners though, that I will say. Calabrese and Sicilians are more or less similar, but Calabria does have a lot of Armenoid influence. Calabrese are darker as a whole and more peripheral European in look than the people who are theoretically the largest part of their ancestry -- Greeks.

I meant to say Apulians versus Calabrese - apart from a few extra exotic types in the latter, most are pretty similar. As for Spain, I agree that there is far less regional diversity in phenotype than in Italy, but I'd still say, having travelled around the country, that there is a certain North to South cline in terms of hair and eye colour variation - as happens in many European countries, for that matter.

11-07-2013, 12:27 AM
I meant to say Apulians versus Calabrese - apart from a few extra exotic types in the latter, most are pretty similar. As for Spain, I agree that there is far less regional diversity in phenotype than in Italy, but I'd still say, having travelled around the country, that there is a certain North to South cline in terms of hair and eye colour variation - as happens in many European countries, for that matter.

I'd say south Italy in and of itself is more diverse than all of Spain.

Tooting Carmen
11-07-2013, 12:29 AM
I'd say south Italy in and of itself is more diverse than all of Spain.

How come? There has been plenty of internal migration and mixing in Italy, just as in Spain, for that matter.

11-07-2013, 12:34 AM
How come? There has been plenty of internal migration and mixing in Italy, just as in Spain, for that matter.

Because Spain was largely repopulated from the north following the Reconquista. Italy now may be mixing up due to southerners moving north, but even still, Spain is more homogenous overall.

Tooting Carmen
11-07-2013, 12:38 AM
Because Spain was largely repopulated from the north following the Reconquista. Italy now may be mixing up due to southerners moving north, but even still, Spain is more homogeneous overall.

I do not dispute that the Calabrese look noticeably different to Ligurians and Venetians. What I do find far-fetched is the idea they look dramatically darker and more 'exotic' than Lucanians and Apulians.

11-07-2013, 12:39 AM
I do not dispute that the Calabrese look noticeably different to Ligurians and Venetians. What I do find far-fetched is the idea they look dramatically darker and more 'exotic' than Lucanians and Apulians.

Well, Lucanian is not a separate group. The north is basically Campanians and they speak Neapolitan dialects, and the south speaks Calabrese dialects. So they essentially are either Campanian or Calabrese really.

Tooting Carmen
11-07-2013, 12:43 AM
Well, Lucanian is not a separate group. The north is basically Campanians and they speak Neapolitan dialects, and the south speaks Calabrese dialects. So they essentially are either Campanian or Calabrese really.

Well alright, but I don't think that Apulians look much different to the Calabrese either. Here are some for you: http://www.consiglio.puglia.it/applicazioni/cadan/cms_consiglieri/datarepeater.aspx?f=c

11-07-2013, 12:45 AM
Well alright, but I don't think that Apulians look much different to the Calabrese either. Here are some for you: http://www.consiglio.puglia.it/applicazioni/cadan/cms_consiglieri/datarepeater.aspx?f=c

No, they don't. Northern Apulia has some Illyrian influence but otherwise no. The ones who really look different are Campanians.

Tooting Carmen
11-07-2013, 12:47 AM
No, they don't. Northern Apulia has some Illyrian influence but otherwise no. The ones who really look different are Campanians.

What do you mean by 'Illyrian' influence? Would you care to give any examples from the link I just posted?

11-07-2013, 12:49 AM
This look:


Basically Albanian looking.

06-22-2014, 04:22 AM
Yes some could fit in the middle east. The girl in the first picture with the pencil is quite fair.