View Full Version : zablogreb A blog about Croatian and American politics, economics, and culture.

02-21-2013, 04:14 PM
Evo jedan odličan blog o nama Hrvatima. Autor je Amerikanac koji je oženio djevojku iz Splita. Piše uglavnom o kulturološkim razlikama koje vidi u banalnim situacijama oko sebe, na način jednog Kishona.

Link to a blog who´s author writes about cultural differencies between USA and Croatia, where he lives now, and how he percieves them.


03-04-2013, 12:48 PM
Predugacko za citanje...:)

03-05-2013, 09:35 PM
" This also explains why Americans and Croatians have completely different ideas about the length of the afternoon, evening and night. In America the evening is 5-7 p.m. Anything after 7 p.m. happens at night. While in Croatia the afternoon lasts until 9 or even 10 p.m. and the evening can last... well... until morning really. (Apparently its ALL evening until the fun stops). "

Veoma istinito je on to sve opisao. Ja ako odem kasno spavati a pogotovo ako ne spavam cijelu noć to ne znači da ču ići idući dan spavati, nego to budu dva dana da nisam spavala.