View Full Version : Europeans following the same path of Amerindians: extinction by overcrowing

02-25-2013, 01:24 AM
Europeans complain about the massive arrival of non-whites from "third world" countries. Today, places like Paris and London are full of Africans and Asians. So many, that sometimes it doesn't look Europe anymore.

Sounds familiar? Well, for Latin Americans is the same old history: invasion.

Something nobody tells is that the Americas were conquered by overcrowding. So many Europeans and Africans arrived to the New World, that local populations transformed into alien peoples in theirs own lands. At one point, there was the need to make "reserves" to protect natives from the invaders.
The impact of the massive invasion of immigrants and slaves was catastrophic for a people that saw how theirs world was destroyed by foreigners. Alcoholism and depression was the consequence of that.

The same is happening in Europe today. Europeans are every day more depressed to see how they are overcrowded by aliens. It is curious how history repeats itself, in different ways, but always the same pattern. No wonder, the Chinese erected the China Wall, to keep Mongolians out. If they hadn't, China would be a very different place today.

02-25-2013, 01:33 AM
No wonder, the Chinese erected the China Wall, to keep Mongolians out. If they hadn't, China would be a very different place today.

I'm not too interested in the rest of this thread, but the Mongolians ended up ruling China (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_conquests)a (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuan_Dynasty)nyway (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuan_Dynasty), despite the great wall.

02-25-2013, 01:35 AM
theres no comparison. that was a conquest, this is working force allowed to enter the territory. it is very easy for Whites to deactivate the inmigrant economy.
The great wall, a very stupid idea. 90% made of mud and rice plants. it shows that china is no real empire.

02-25-2013, 02:22 AM
Interesting thread. I'm guessing Eastern Europe would compare to countries like Bolivia and Chile that still have a large ameridian population?

France= Ecuador lulz?

02-25-2013, 02:30 AM
Wait five centuries.

02-25-2013, 02:35 AM
Europe is still almost 90% European.

All the "genocide" talk is just Nationalists trying to engender emotive reactions in people to draw them to their cause

In 10 years multiculturalism will be a thing of the past, and those responsible for it will find themselves back in a furnace.

It's a totally different scenario to the colonization of the Americas

02-25-2013, 03:59 AM
The "help" has to live somewhere.

02-25-2013, 04:34 AM
This oversimplifies the interactions between Native Americans and European colonists of America. My ancestors didn't just move to someone else's country, gain citizenship, and out-breed them. They formed their own nation on land that they settled, had many negotiations and fought many battles.

It wasn't that Native Americans just weren't copulating enough, their numbers were dwindled through wars and diseases they came into contact with that they had no immunity against.

Anyways, I'll leave European's policies to Europeans.

02-25-2013, 04:38 AM
Anyways, I'll leave European's policies to Europeans.

It is impossible for complexed person like OP.

02-25-2013, 04:44 AM
This oversimplifies the interactions between Native Americans and European colonists of America. My ancestors didn't just move to someone else's country, gain citizenship, and out-breed them. They formed their own nation on land that they settled, had many negotiations and fought many battles.

It wasn't that Native Americans just weren't copulating enough, their numbers were dwindled through wars and diseases they came into contact with that they had no immunity against.

Anyways, I'll leave European's policies to Europeans.

i see the difference but that doesnt make the conquest of americas justified and the Immigration to europe a injustice. it is quiete the other way around. the immigrants often come legally to europe and even gain citizenship by procedure of the law of that Country, while european colonists took over the continent by force and killed native americans

02-25-2013, 04:50 AM
It's not the same situation. Europeans claimed the Americas regardless of what the natives thought about it and even had some wars because of it. However in Europe people are either invited or they ask for permission to get in and permission is then given.

02-25-2013, 04:53 AM
Europe is still almost 90% European.

All the "genocide" talk is just Nationalists trying to engender emotive reactions in people to draw them to their cause

In 10 years multiculturalism will be a thing of the past, and those responsible for it will find themselves back in a furnace.

It's a totally different scenario to the colonization of the Americas

You believe too much in conspiracy theories. It's European politicians themselves who are letting everyone under the sun into their countries. They are responsible.

02-25-2013, 04:57 AM
You believe too much in conspiracy theories. It's European politicians themselves who are letting everyone under the sun into their countries. They are responsible.


02-25-2013, 05:07 AM
You believe too much in conspiracy theories. It's European politicians themselves who are letting everyone under the sun into their countries. They are responsible.

I'm not going to debate this here and spin this thread into a tangent. I'll just refer you to watch this:


And check out the first link my my signature if you're interested in educating yourself.

02-25-2013, 05:12 AM
Well, even if you think Jews in Europe have coerced European politicians to let immigrants in, the European politicians chose to listen..

02-25-2013, 05:20 AM
Well, even if you think Jews in Europe have coerced European politicians to let immigrants in, the European politicians chose to listen..

In my link, the Jews and Multiculturalism one, I posted about the 1965 immigration law in America. It was Jewish senators that introduced it.

02-25-2013, 05:48 AM
In my link, the Jews and Multiculturalism one, I posted about the 1965 immigration law in America. It was Jewish senators that introduced it.

It was also sponsored by two Irish-Americans. Are the Irish in on it too? Are they trying to get back at the Anglo-Americans for their discrimination against the Irish? :D

02-25-2013, 05:56 AM
It's much easier to blame an outside group than accept the unpleasant truth that your own politicians of your own ethnicity are letting in everyone under the sun into their countries.. it's just like when someone cheats on their significant other.. it's easier to blame the person they cheated with than themselves.

02-27-2013, 01:44 PM
Pinguino pensado en el genocidio de Europa.... Pareces un estreñido pensando que realizarás tu objetivo si gritas, refunfuñas y te tiras pedos de la rabia.

02-27-2013, 01:45 PM
I agree with the lack of border control the US has, its become to lenient. But the reason Mexicans are even flocking to the US is because the majority of these new immigrants were the farmers who grew crops in Mexico. Monsanto and other agriculture businesses destroyed the jobs in Mexico ( a number of reasons look it up) and then the Mexicans went where the work was, the US. Its no excuse for illegal immigration to the US but its a cycle. And I also dont like how they keep depicting as Mexicans as all gang members with tatts on their face in the video. They are trying to stereotype them as plainly evil.

02-27-2013, 03:19 PM
^ Some of the people portrayed in that video aren't even Mexicans, they are Salvadorans and other Central and South Americans. It pisses me off how how everyone with origins south of the US border automatically gets labelled a Mexican. :picard2:

02-28-2013, 12:17 AM
^ Some of the people portrayed in that video aren't even Mexicans, they are Salvadorans and other Central and South Americans. It pisses me off how how everyone with origins south of the US border automatically gets labelled a Mexican. :picard2:

Yankees believe that Latin America is Mexico, and Mexico is Latin America. They don't even know that Mexico is not in South America but in North America!

02-28-2013, 08:47 AM
Yankees believe that Latin America is Mexico, and Mexico is Latin America. They don't even know that Mexico is not in South America but in North America!

Mexicans believe that people from Alabama, Texas, Georgia or Mississipi are Yankees :)

02-28-2013, 02:13 PM
Mexicans believe that people from Alabama, Texas, Georgia or Mississipi are Yankees :)

Colombians believe that Pinguino is Mexican. :picard2:

02-28-2013, 02:19 PM
lol Americans... They are so uninformed... :( lol

02-28-2013, 05:47 PM
Colombians believe that Pinguino is Mexican. :picard2:

1) You can say "you" instead of Colombians. The origin of my first passport matters little.
2) I told Pinguino that for almost every Mexican that I've met, the definition of Yankee includes Southern American. I know quite well he is Chilean....

What is your point?

02-28-2013, 05:59 PM
People i've heard who commonly use "yankees" are Caribbeans hispanics, not Mexicans. Mexicans refer to US Americans as "gringos" or "estadounidenses."

Han Cholo
02-28-2013, 06:04 PM
Mexicans believe that people from Alabama, Texas, Georgia or Mississipi are Yankees :)

Son gringos todos al igual. Yankee no se utiliza aquí. Yo pienso que si dices Yankee aquí la mayoría pensaría en Daddy Yankee antes que cualquier gringo. Por qué siempre sientes la necesidad de escribir estupideces sin sentido? Es una especie de terapia o eres practicante del dadaísmo?

02-28-2013, 06:12 PM
Europe is still almost 90% European.

All the "genocide" talk is just Nationalists trying to engender emotive reactions in people to draw them to their cause

In 10 years multiculturalism will be a thing of the past, and those responsible for it will find themselves back in a furnace.

It's a totally different scenario to the colonization of the Americas

Lets hope.

03-01-2013, 05:17 AM
It pisses me off how how everyone with origins south of the US border automatically gets labelled a Mexican. :picard2:

Before 1980 most 'Latinos' in the Southwest and in California and the West Coast were of Mexican origin. Salvadorans and Guatemalans start arriving after 1980.
In the East Coast anyone who looks mestizo or more Amerindian is labeled as 'Mexican' by the Gringos. Like George Zimmerman who shoot the young black thug in Florida.

03-01-2013, 05:26 AM
Europeans complain about the massive arrival of non-whites from "third world" countries. Today, places like Paris and London are full of Africans and Asians. So many, that sometimes it doesn't look Europe anymore.

When alot of Jamaicans ,South Asians and Africans started arriving in Britain in the 1960's,the British had a slogan in the 1960's 'Keep Britain white'.
I don't know what happen after that. I recently read that London has more non-whites than British natives.

03-02-2013, 09:32 AM
People i've heard who commonly use "yankees" are Caribbeans hispanics, not Mexicans. Mexicans refer to US Americans as "gringos" or "estadounidenses."

Yankee is preferred by communists worldwide (remember "Yankee go home"). Besides, there are gringos in Canada and in Europe as well.