View Full Version : Politically Correct Television

12-10-2008, 03:45 PM
Well, I`m quite happy to admit I actually watch tv. :D
I have my favourite programmes, and those I despise, which outnumber the faves.
When the BBC announced a new series to be shown, Merlin, I thought it might be good....I`m aquainted with the Arthurian tales and legends, so hoped for something both entertaining and a bit of a `myth-trip`, something I could sit back and enjoy.
Well, if I transform myself into a multicultural, hormone laden, politically correct teenager, then yes, I guess that Merlin fits the bill.
First, we had Robin Hood, who the Beeb indeed turned into a hoodie ( a Brit term for a street yob characterised by wearing hooded sweatshirts, always with the hood pulled up, trying to look menacing but only looking hormonal and moody) and which had such `authentic` blips as a female Saracen (as if! tsk..) and the merry men wearing t shirts and combat boots, plus maid Marian wearing makeup so thick and modern she must have had her own maid to trowel it on. Oh, the designer dresses didn`t hurt, either...
So Merlin..well, it only waves a hand in passing...briefly..well ok, for a microsecond...at the actual Arthurian lore, or any Merlin legends.
At least they don`t wear combat boots, but the designer dresses on the so called Dark Ages women are a bit much to take...(speaking as someone who has given Living History Exhibits in reenactments with one of Britains most authentic-mad groups)
and peppering the script with street slang words just had me gritting my teeth in angst...
But what really irks me are the sheer number of `ethnic minorites` in what is supposed to be set in Dark Ages Britain. Chinese, Asian, oh, Gwenyver is black.....:mad:
I can just see British children everywhere watching this and in their minds forever more (or until they are educated better, which in todays UK is unlikely) believing that Dark Ages Britain was a veritable cultural melting pot, not to mention the Arthurian tales were actually full to the brim of multicultural folks and references.

Ok, ok, so it`s only entertainment. And yes, we have the switch off button.
But does that mean we still shouldn`t complain about such things when we see it? :confused:
I see too much of it, this rewriting of native myths, which in their originality are hard enough to authenticate as it is!
This appeasing of the multicultural politically correct brigade that is now Britain, for fear of having some actual backbone and showing some pride in our native culture, myth and lore, in all it`s politically incorrect glory and xenophobic stardust.....

Am I still watching it? Hell yeah...it has a rather pretty dragon in it...;) :D
And the nights are dark early here, what else is there to do on an island twelve miles by six of a winters evening....?

(that was rhetorical, btw..:p )

12-10-2008, 10:19 PM
Chinese, Asian, oh, Gwenyver is black.....:mad:

That's a disdainfully rude slap in the face to the British peoples, if you ask me.

Moving slightly from myth/legend to religion... what's to stop the next PC producer to portray a Norse god as black? If something like that happens, would an Odinist be able to lawfully accuse the producers of slander, since it insults his/her religion? Or would they just laugh in that person's face?

On the topic of Merlin TV shows, I thoroughly enjoyed this one from a decade ago, starring Sam Neill:

The mini-series is strikingly similar to the actual legends of Camelot, it doesn't leave a single thing out whereas most stories focus on Arthur or Excalibur this goes all the way through the legends the way they were originally written so many years ago.
No "affirmative action" posterboys/girls in this one. :thumb001:

12-11-2008, 03:15 AM
This is an insult to a key piece of Welsh, and indeed British, folklore churned out to further the BBC's leftist, multicultural agenda. That said, the show is apparently of poor quality, and doesn't aim for the realism of decent series such as The Tudors or Rome, so it should do little to corrupt one's idea of society contemporary to Merlin, racially and otherwise. Nonetheless, casting a Negro Guinevere, as well as other minority characters, certainly wasn't unintentional; the network wants to brainwash the ignorant masses into believing Africans and Asians have some long-established genetic presence in the peoples of the British Isles. The show will start broadcasting in Canada and the United States early next year, so it's going to be interesting to see what type of response it gets.

Over here, our national broadcaster, CBC, has three shows designed to peddle multiracial, PC garbage; Little Mosque on the Prairie, about a group of Muslims inhabiting a small Canadian town (complete with miscegenation), Sophie, a "comedy" about a white single mother with a mixed-race child, and Da Kink in My Hair, some yarn about a Toronto hair salon with an all-black cast. All this is funded with our tax dollars, and without any consultation from the public.

12-11-2008, 03:43 AM
Little Mosque on the Prairie, about a group of Muslims inhabiting a small Canadian town (complete with miscegenation),

Is that real!? That`s hideous...:eek:
Stormraaf, I too enjoyed and watched the Sam Neill Merlin (without a black in sight so far as I remember) and the movie, many years ago, of John Boorman`s Excalibur.
I don`t know..what with Sharia law here, multicultural cities complete with no-go areas of muslim stronghold, brainwashing in schools, churches and the media, I`m wondering when the British public will gather some backbone and begin to actively push back against the invasion from the Middle East.
I`m not, for example, nor ever have been, christian, but even I`m getting annoyed by some churches and schools banning nativity plays for fear of offending `other religions` (i.e. islam :mad:)
Sad thing is, I know lots of younger folks online who actively look for native traditions, myths and lore, only the first things they encounter are the sanitised, politically correct lightweight and innacurate rubbish touted by goodness knows who, splattered over the net and in British media. Sickening.