View Full Version : The roots of all our inferior complex

03-05-2013, 02:32 PM
Why do people have inferior complex and how was it started? it was not started by you. Nobody created their own inferior complex it was started by others through your experiences and gradually built in your subconscious mind. Fear, jealousy and hate all contributed to our inferiority complex to some degree. Experiences of being hurt by others, and the people who hurt others so that they can heal their own inferior complex.

Inferior complex can be the result of many thing: Physical appearance, status, ethnic backgrounds, history, wealth ect

03-05-2013, 02:37 PM
I feel inferior because I am swarthier than the others. In school we even made a statistic and I was voted
3rd darkest member of my class after a Kurd and a Southern Italian from Calabria.
I observed that blonde and light guys always had it so much easier with girls and so my complex was nourished :(

03-05-2013, 02:58 PM
i am russian german there is no inferior complex for me, and there cant be for the same reason.

03-05-2013, 03:06 PM
We all have some inferior complex deep down but most of us are just too proud to admit it.

If you're insecure about yourself you will eventually create inferiority complex mentality and this will be stuck to your own subconscious mind making your own life a hell.

03-05-2013, 03:10 PM
Why do people have inferior complex and how was it started? it was not started by you. Nobody created their own inferior complex it was started by others through your experiences and gradually built in your subconscious mind. Fear, jealousy and hate all contributed to our inferiority complex to some degree. Experiences of being hurt by others, and the people who hurt others so that they can heal their own inferior complex.

Inferior complex can be the result of many thing: Physical appearance, status, ethnic backgrounds, history, wealth ect

Excellent question. Inferiority complexes can also be cultural, and then combined with personal IMO.

03-05-2013, 03:22 PM
Omg ppl wth. :D Well i don't feel utterly inferior but i have slight inferiority complex for having too slim limbs, legs arms + i feel i don't i have proper body stature. I know women don't bother with this so much if they like you after all my father has slim limbs as hell too. I blame it on černobil disaster. ;)

I feel inferior because I am swarthier than the others. In school we even made a statistic and I was voted
3rd darkest member of my class after a Kurd and a Southern Italian from Calabria.
I observed that blonde and light guys always had it so much easier with girls and so my complex was nourished :(

You don't even look very swarty. More like standard central euro dark which isn't terrbly swarthy. Here there are many "swarthies" of your type. Most women and men don't mind this here. xD How a hell do blonde guys have much easier? I would expect vice versa. I always tought dark ones have it easier but then again i never payed attention to this.

03-06-2013, 05:39 AM
Are you trying to find answers to your own complexes by comparing them to others. It's wrong way as every person has his unique individual experiences that form unique individual combination of behavioral patterns.

If you want to know the roots of any fear or complex in your subconscious I'd suggest to read the book 'Transforming Your Dragons: How to Turn Fear Patterns into Personal Power'. It offers the deepest yet simplest insight into sources of all kinds of flaws and vices in human behavior. It turns out it is extremely easy as there are only 7 basic vices or 'sins' that form foundation for all kind of crap a human brain is able to come up with.

03-06-2013, 05:51 AM
I never felt inferior . I always felt wanted so I guess that never made me feel like that

03-06-2013, 06:19 AM
I don't feel inferior, but I am quite crazy, my con right there.

The Alchemist
03-06-2013, 07:32 AM
Coz of the lack of love that you've received from your parents.
It has nothing to do with "race", look, social position, money.....I'm sure that if tomorrow morning you'll get up from your bed with blonde hair, blue eyes, stunning beauty and respect from your community, that big gap will still be there in your soul.