View Full Version : Malta goes to the polls in general election

03-09-2013, 10:37 AM
A general election is under way on the Mediterranean island of Malta with opinion polls suggesting a change of government after more than 15 years.

The governing Nationalist Party is behind in the polls despite a strong economic performance in one of the smallest countries of the EU.

The Nationalist Party has governed Malta since 1987, apart from 1996-1998 when Labour was in power.

The election was called after the government collapsed in December.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi lost his one-vote majority after a dissenting MP voted against a budget bill.

Malta, with a population of more than 400,000 people, is the smallest and one of the most successful economies in the eurozone.

With its strong tourism and financial services sector, the archipelago has relatively low unemployment, a good growth rate and low government debt.

Mr Gonzi has urged voters to judge him on his good stewardship of the economy, although he has admitted mistakes.

However, if the forecasts are right Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat is set to become prime minister.

Mr Muscat, an economist and former member of the European Parliament, is calling for a change in direction although observers say he hasn't fully explained what that means.

His main electoral pledge is to reduce Malta's electricity prices - believed to be among the highest in the world - by 25%.

Turnout is expected to be high with Malta's polling stations open between 07:00 (06:00 GMT) and 22:00 (21:00 GMT).

In Malta typically more than 90% of eligible voters go to the polls.


A country that I mostly do not know at all.
Anyone care to develop on these news.

If things are so great economically there, maybe I can consider moving there after learning Maltese even ;)