View Full Version : Your favourite magazines

08-20-2009, 10:02 AM
What are your favourite magazines?

I like a few, and my current favourite is Fortean Times (http://www.forteantimes.com/front_website/themag/). This mag discusses all sorts of weird phenomena. Good thing about it, is that the editorials and articles are fact-seeking and realistic in analysis. I.e., they more often disprove a wacky idea than otherwise. It's a believable read for those who are interested in strange tales. :)


In this instance of "Britain's Roswell", the article meticulously scrutinized the "evidence" regarding the alleged alien occurence, and demolished the claims as falsities.

08-20-2009, 10:14 AM
Autoexpress - I never buy it though, I just browse through it from the shelves in Tesco


08-20-2009, 10:21 AM
International Wolf

The American Conservative

The Economist

National Review

I'll also periodically read articles from Time, Newsweek, The Weekly Standard, The New Republic, Forbes, Businessweek, The Nation, Counterpunch, and MacLeans.

Mostly I read 'magazines' online now, unless in a waiting room somewhere.

08-20-2009, 10:34 AM
New Scientist (http://www.newscientist.com/) can also be a good read at times.

Indeed, online reading has taken over from hard copy magazines in a great deal. However, lifestyle does permit times when a magazine comes in handy (i.e. travelling by train or plane). Also, one needs to get away from the computer sometimes. Sit in a coffee shop with a good read. :) I never read books like novels or other fiction. Way too time-consuming and boring. Rather give me a good magazine. :thumb001:

08-20-2009, 12:57 PM
I honestly don't read many magazines, but when I do I read:

Any Home Decorating magazines
I am also especially fond of those magazines that are full of Home building plans.
National Geographic
Psychology Today

08-20-2009, 12:59 PM
Once I used to like "National Geographic". In the last years, however, its quality seems to have deteriorated drastically.

08-20-2009, 01:13 PM
Guns & Ammo (http://gunsandammomag.com/)

08-20-2009, 05:02 PM
The only magazine I read is NG.

08-20-2009, 05:14 PM
New Scientist, The Atlantic (http://www.theatlantic.com/), Vanity Fair (http://www.vanityfair.com/). I used to read Newsmax Magazine (http://shop.newsmax.com/shop/index.cfm?page=products&productid=194) which was absolutely excellent, but not excellent enough to justify the price increase. The Weekly Standard (http://www.weeklystandard.com/) also worth a mention.

08-20-2009, 05:16 PM
Knitting magazines
Crocheting magazines
Handspinning magazines

I should get some midwifery ones as well. A good one is Midwifery Today. But I still haven't gotten around to it.

08-20-2009, 05:52 PM
The only magazine I read is NG.

I have over 40-years of National Geographic, including my father's collection. But I'm tempted to let my subscription lapse. NG is very left winged. They use to give glowing articles on life in communist nations in the 70s. And I remember one article in particular from 1981 about how wonderful life was in the new Zimbabwe.:rolleyes:

08-20-2009, 05:54 PM
I have over 40-years of National Geographic, including my father's collection. But I'm tempted to let my subscription lapse. NG is very left winged. They use to give glowing articles on life in communist nations in the 70s. And I remember one article in particular from 1981 about how wonderful life was in the new Zimbabwe.:rolleyes:
I know that. There are "rasta", Africa loving and left-winged ideas in all similar organizations and movements.

08-20-2009, 11:35 PM
The only print magazine I ever read is Muscular Development. They usually have the best reprints of new data from physiology journals and discussions of the science behind exercise.


08-20-2009, 11:46 PM
From time to time I read this (http://www.nexushellas.gr/), this (http://www.agnosto.gr/zenith/index.shtml), this (http://www.metaekdotiki.gr/site.php?&file=pages.xml&catid=41), this (http://www.metaekdotiki.gr/site.php?&file=pages.xml&catid=52), etc...

08-21-2009, 12:22 AM
You wouldn't want to know the magazines I am reading. Trust me, you wouldn't.

08-21-2009, 11:05 AM
I'll take a risk :P


And various Media from ex YU, plus some from EU.

08-21-2009, 11:08 AM
What are your favourite magazines?

I like a few, and my current favourite is Fortean Times (http://www.forteantimes.com/front_website/themag/). This mag discusses all sorts of weird phenomena. Good thing about it, is that the editorials and articles are fact-seeking and realistic in analysis. I.e., they more often disprove a wacky idea than otherwise. It's a believable read for those who are interested in strange tales. :)


In this instance of "Britain's Roswell", the article meticulously scrutinized the "evidence" regarding the alleged alien occurence, and demolished the claims as falsities.

Britain's Roswell - The Berwyn Mountains? :eek: I never knew that.

08-21-2009, 11:10 AM
Military cover-ups...mmmmm nyam nyam I adore that!

08-21-2009, 11:33 AM
Play Boy, Girl on Gir....hmmm better keep them to myself.....

I don't buy magazines now, can't afford to.

When I could I used to buy:

Astronomy Now
New Scientist
White Dwarf

08-21-2009, 07:56 PM
At the moment i am choosing "Your Dog" magazine as my bath time read.

08-21-2009, 08:06 PM
You wouldn't want to know the magazines I am reading. Trust me, you wouldn't.

Hmm ... Danish publications. I can remember vividly, the first magazine I ever saw from Denmark, was one entitled Pleasure of Copenhagen. It was richly illustrated in full colour. As a 13-year old boy, I did appreciate it at the time!

08-21-2009, 08:10 PM
Najwyższy czas! , Focus and Focus Historia sometimes

08-21-2009, 09:09 PM
I haven't bought many magazines lately. In the past, some of the magazines that I enjoyed were Car & Driver, Black Belt, Gun Tests, Consumer Reports yearly auto review, and Muscle & Fitness.

08-21-2009, 09:11 PM
National Geographic. :D among others that I'm sure it's best to not disclose for there are innocent lassies about. :D

08-21-2009, 09:24 PM
Hmm ... Danish publications. I can remember vividly, the first magazine I ever saw from Denmark, was one entitled Pleasure of Copenhagen. It was richly illustrated in full colour. As a 13-year old boy, I did appreciate it at the time!

Just a thought, have you a link you can add? i may have read the same magazines:coffee:

08-21-2009, 09:29 PM
Just a thought, have you a link you can add? i may have read the same magazines:coffee:

Yeah, but I don't want to crash your browser with 1,000 popups. :wink

08-21-2009, 09:31 PM
Yeah, but I don't want to crash your browser with 1,000 popups. :wink

You bugger i investigated, :)

08-21-2009, 10:12 PM
I subscribe to Wired magazine, and Wizard (fanboy that I am), and am still getting Idunna, for some odd reason (I dropped the Troth over a year ago, and I'm still getting the danged magazine!). I use to subscribe to more (Discover, particularly, and the psychology imprint of Scientific American), but it became too expensive. I use the library at the school where I teach to fulfill my magazine lust. An old favorite that disappeared a long, long time ago: Mondo 2000! Oooh, and Grey Areas, too! :)

08-21-2009, 10:27 PM
I subscribed to Guns&Ammo in the 70s 80s 90s, the columns i enjoyed were by The Colonel can anyone still remember him?

08-21-2009, 11:14 PM
Wizard (fanboy that I am)

I have the first one hundred issues tucked away in a box. :thumb001:

08-22-2009, 01:48 AM
I read some magazines and buy them in a shop but i dont have abonements!!

Brigitte Youngmiss ----- it is a lifestyle and fashion magazine for young women here in Germany!! The main magazine " Brigitte" is for older women.

Vogue Germany :leaving: Fashion and it is interesting if you want to model and when you have interest what is going on in that scene with good and bad trends and many more
http://images.teamsugar.com/files/upl1/25/258329/03_2009/1d0971b1cd56b364_Masha_Novoselova_by_Alex_Lubomirs ki.preview.jpg

Our TV magazine with program for 14 days ---- TV Spielfilm

08-23-2009, 08:29 PM
I've seen this mag in our local: ScientificAmerican (http://www.scientificamerican.com/). It looks fairly good.


08-27-2009, 10:48 AM
I've seen this mag in our local: ScientificAmerican (http://www.scientificamerican.com/).


It looks fairly good.scientific american (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_American) was one of my favorites
for nearly forty years, then,
they were purchased and transformed into a "commercial success".

the best regular features were
martin gardner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Gardner)'s mathematical games (https://www.maa.org/EbusPPRO/DynamicSearch/ProductDetailsAdvancedSearch/tabid/176/ProductId/1585/Default.aspx)
and the amateur scientist (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Amateur_Scientist).

after the infamous "re-packaging" of the magazine
to merchandise it to a wider audience,
all of the distinctive features
(valued at over fifty-two millions of dollars
in 1986) were gone

and so were most of the previous subscribers. :sad_shakefist:

Manifest Destiny
09-21-2009, 03:19 AM
American Rifleman (http://www.americanrifleman.org/Default.aspx?cid=24) (I get this magazine for free for the rest of my life because I'm an NRA life member. :thumb001:)

Petersen's 4 Wheel & Off-Road (http://www.4wheeloffroad.com/index.html) (I have a big-ass 4x4, after all.)

Four Wheeler (http://www.fourwheeler.com/index.html) (See above.)

Dirt Wheels (http://www.dirtwheelsmag.com/ME2/Default.asp) (I like riding quads.)

Wired (http://www.wired.com/) (I'm a bit of a nerd.)

Dwell (http://www.dwell.com/) (I like architecture and homes.)

Fortis in Arduis
09-21-2009, 05:48 AM
You like Heat, Hello! and Loaded.

I like:



This makes me better than you, and you know that.

09-21-2009, 06:57 AM
Most likely to get my paws on this kind


and this kind


plus various news magazines ie TIME.

09-21-2009, 07:19 AM
Cosmo :embarrassed


Manifest Destiny
09-21-2009, 10:00 AM
Once I used to like "National Geographic". In the last years, however, its quality seems to have deteriorated drastically.

But what about all the African boobies? It's a like a rap video in the form of a magazine!

09-21-2009, 09:29 PM
I have the first one hundred issues tucked away in a box. :thumb001:

You, sir, are the Man! :D

09-21-2009, 10:41 PM
When in Russia, I'm sure to buy Вокруг Света / Vokrug Sveta (Around the World).
Putting it simply, it's NG, but with huge reams of text as well as nice shiny colourful photos!

There are regular monthly sections on Physics, Cosmology, Zoology, Travel, History, and a bit called 'Arsenal' that the little boys I used to teach loved - loads of stuff on modern and 20th Century ballistics and armaments! :D

It's so massive that I only recently finished July's edition. It contained long articles on Cervantes, the emergency facilities and procedures on spacecraft, Sea-to-land artillery, the Battle of Poltava, AND a huge long thing about Coco Chanel's rival Elza Scal... (I forget her name - Italian, anyway! :p). It sickens me that you can't find anything similar in England. :mad:

This month, there's an article on the Battle of the Teutoburger Forest, where Varus's Roman legions were slaughtered by the Germani of Arminius. I know there's precious few Russian speakers here, and even the alphabet puts many off, but have a look here anyway, just to see the sort of thing I'm on about (and this is abridged):

It's as fat and heavy as Vogue or Cosmopolitan (sadly with almost as many glossy ads too :mad:), but my Russian friends always bring a copy when we go on a serious camping expedition, where every ounce of weight is carefully calculated.

But, oh dear, there's a translation of an Italian article this month about how Hitler's Grandchild Teaches the Talmud in Tel Aviv...
(Despite the headline, the individual claims to be Dolfi's step great great nephew...:rolleyes:)

I've seen this mag in our local: http://www.scientificamerican.com/media/cover/cover_2009-09.jpg
I know a certain attic in a dacha near Khotkovo that has every edition of that from the Seventies! A good read, actually. The Hutsul who subscribed to it had the occasional questioning by the KGB even, for reading such subversive western material. When he got it, entire pages were blacked out or missing - but at least he was allowed to get something!

Cosmo :embarrassed

The Russian version is better:

"Britain's Roswell"
Hoho, they should make a spoof film of that, comparing the down to Earthness of our style of cover-up to the slick US X-Files kind... :D

On second thoughts, no. It'd probably be full of dull predictable sheep jokes about the Welsh, and star Hugh Grant and Tara FitzGerald. :rolleyes:

We have an area famous for UFO activity up by Rossendale. That make make a better film. With Johnny Vegas and Peter Kay. Maybe Coogan as Paul Calf too...

09-21-2009, 11:08 PM


10-22-2009, 02:09 PM
...some one is babbling complete non-sense (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=113130#post113130)?

as an alternative to studying
all of the ways a persuader may miss-lead you (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies),

practice arranging information
in the only manner consonant with reality:
http://i33.tinypic.com/t0q3qp.jpg (http://www.pennydellpuzzles.com/subcategoryFilter.aspx?f=all&c=MediumLogicMath)
with such an easily developed skill,
one may determine if "experts" or consultants are honest
even on topics of which one has no fore-knowledge.

10-22-2009, 02:26 PM
I used to read this until I realised it was a rip off:


This, until I realised that the only purpose is to further commercialism and the interests of global conglomerates-rather than just to further mankind through the use of technology. I also realised that there was a recession going on and that most people couldn't afford the magazine let alone the magazine's contents:


Now I mostly read this though, I don't buy it often but when I do buy it I get full use out of it. It's a nice bit of work with some titbits here and there and some very scientific, yet layman-ish pieces of information. And it's not hard to understand or comprehend. The only problem is that it's associate with those £139.50-guzzling bastards otherwise known as the BlairBackingCunts. Anyway, aside from the origins, it's a very nice magazine.


10-22-2009, 02:32 PM
When I was in France I used to read :
Courrier International (translation of articles published on foreign newspaper on pretty much any topics)
La Recherche (good quality scientific review)

Here, I just read National Geographic I see at friends' place from time to time.

10-24-2009, 10:24 PM
American Art Review
BBC Music
Opera News
Preservation News
American Rifleman

03-15-2010, 07:50 PM
I just picked this one up on Saturday: Urban Farm: Sustainable City Living, the second one-off published by the folks at Hobby Farms Magazine. A great little mag full of odds and sods of info and articles exploring the trend towards urban sustainability and food security issues. They've also got a website that I will soon be exploring: urbanfarmonline.com


03-15-2010, 08:16 PM
L'europeo and NG

06-02-2010, 03:29 PM
"The Stockman Grass Farmer is the bible
for people raising animals on pasture (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Managed_intensive_rotational_grazing)." - New York Times (June 1, 2005)

http://www.stockmangrassfarmer.net/images/topleftlogo.gif (http://www.stockmangrassfarmer.net/)

click here for a free sample-issue (http://www.stockmangrassfarmer.net/Subscribe.html)

06-02-2010, 04:55 PM


06-02-2010, 05:07 PM
These are my favorites:






06-28-2010, 01:59 PM
my life-long subscription to Analog (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analog_Science_Fiction_and_Fact)
stands atop the complete collection
bequeathed by my maternal grand-father.

to sample the quality - click-on the covers
and begin to track every great science-fiction (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_fiction) author.

http://www.sfcovers.net/Magazines/ASF/ASF_0342.jpg (http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/pl.cgi?ASTMAY1959)

http://www.sfcovers.net/Magazines/ASF/ASF_0479.jpg (http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/pl.cgi?ANLGOCT70)

http://www.sfcovers.net/Magazines/ASF/ASF_0458.jpg (http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/pl.cgi?ANLGJAN69)

gordon dickson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_R._Dickson) seemed to write just for me
(one of the millions of boys
that felt mis-understood and un-appreciated
while harboring an unspoken certainty
that - one day - he would rescue the world
and be recognised as a hero).

http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n0/n4093.jpg (http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GZAZ_enUS281US281&q=wolfling+dickson)

of course,
any art-work by jeff jones (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Jones_(artist))
was necessary to sustain the heroic sense-of-life.

the artists from "the studio (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Studio_(commune))"
openly acknowledged the supremacy
of a recently-passed master (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Frazetta).

Shkembe Chorba
09-08-2013, 10:50 AM

National Geographic


Manager - Economy & Politics


Home & Decor - Interior


Front - Alternative Subculture

09-08-2013, 11:06 AM
I used to read National Geographic but not so much now. Other than that I don't really read magazines. Most of the information I get about the world is through the internet.

Shkembe Chorba
09-08-2013, 11:12 AM
internet is killing the papers & magazines and I am sad.

09-08-2013, 11:35 AM
internet is killing the papers & magazines and I am sad.

Why is that? It's free (usually) sustainable and easily accessible so that even if they don't sell a particular magazine in your area you can still find it online.

09-08-2013, 11:43 AM
This one's quite nice too:


Published in various languages.

Shkembe Chorba
09-08-2013, 02:15 PM
Why is that? It's free (usually) sustainable and easily accessible so that even if they don't sell a particular magazine in your area you can still find it online.
It is not very comfurtable to read long text on pc.

I do it though. Half of the texts I read are on my computer.

09-08-2013, 02:28 PM
i buy just sometimes , but these my favorite magazine




science magazine:


09-08-2013, 02:30 PM
internet is killing the papers & magazines and I am sad.

true , in fact i used to take magazine years ago where i had not internet

09-08-2013, 02:37 PM

It sucks nowadays, though. I will most likely end the subscription when I have to pay the next yearly renewal.

Fortis in Arduis
09-08-2013, 02:39 PM

09-08-2013, 02:41 PM
Two of them.

Men's Health

Vojna Povijest

09-08-2013, 02:43 PM
I have subscriptions to some fashion magazines, which I don't even read (I got them free, somehow). I just read stuff on the internet.

09-23-2013, 12:42 PM
http://i43.tinypic.com/2r4jv69.png (https://www.google.com/search?q=espn+body+issue)

09-23-2013, 01:04 PM
Before I started using the Internet I subscribed to magazines for many years. Newsweek, maxim, and vanity fair.
Always Hated newspapers. Uncomfortable handling them:P
Now strictly the Internet, and I do miss that time period though, when opening the mail box.

Aunt Hilda
09-24-2013, 02:05 PM

Aunt Hilda
09-24-2013, 02:06 PM
on a monthly basis


09-24-2013, 02:06 PM

11-15-2013, 02:10 AM
BBC Music, Opera News, Archaeology, American Art Review, The Artist's Magazine, Architectural Digest, Preservation News

11-15-2013, 05:46 AM

Krystal Meth
11-15-2013, 06:07 AM
Vogue Italia, Vogue Paris, Vogue Russia, Vogue Japan, French Numéro, i-D (I have a copy of the first ever issue), and Dazed & Confused.

British and American Vogue have too many celebrity eds that I don't care about and not enough fashion these days. :hides

11-16-2013, 06:53 AM
Popular science, Forbes, GQ, readers digest, Chip, National Geographic travellers, lonely planet.

12-15-2013, 10:53 PM
I've seen this mag in our local: ScientificAmerican (http://www.scientificamerican.com/). It looks fairly good.


IMO, of the magazines popularising science, it is the very best. Many of the articles are by the scientists who are involved in cutting-edge research. Many of the rest are by their colleagues who are better writers. I recommend it highly.

12-15-2013, 10:59 PM
play boy

12-15-2013, 11:01 PM
there is a science/research journal from Washington dc my father use to subscribe to and I would take them and read them when he was finished with them. I cannot remember what the name was? It had more to do with archaeology and natural history...a lot of stuff on early mankind and stuff like that. I enjoyed those journals.

12-15-2013, 11:18 PM
there is a science/research journal from Washington dc my father use to subscribe to and I would take them and read them when he was finished with them. I cannot remember what the name was? It had more to do with archaeology and natural history...a lot of stuff on early mankind and stuff like that. I enjoyed those journals.

Perhaps "Smithsonian Magazine" ? It is the popular journal published by the Smithsonian Institution. Their professional-level journal is called "Proceedings of the Smithsonian Institution".

12-15-2013, 11:44 PM
I have over 40-years of National Geographic, including my father's collection. But I'm tempted to let my subscription lapse. NG is very left winged. They use to give glowing articles on life in communist nations in the 70s. And I remember one article in particular from 1981 about how wonderful life was in the new Zimbabwe.:rolleyes:

I dropped my subscription because they wandered off into fields not even remotely related to geography, e.g. The Sense of Smell, Money, etc. I didn't subscribe to "National Neurophysiologic" or "National Economic", but to National GEOGRAPHIC.

12-20-2013, 07:44 PM
Armchair General.

12-30-2013, 01:23 PM
to my fellow members
of the "phratry of over-compensators",

i offered a favourite catalogue of mine (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?4014&p=1225356&viewfull=1#post1225356).

this year:

http://www.parrilloperformance.com/wp-content/themes/revolution_sports-30/images/logo.gif (http://www.parrillo.com/techterms.asp)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/233.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/230.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/242.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/221.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/245.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/239.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/237.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/224.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/254.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/251.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/249.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/227.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/234.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/231.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/243.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/222.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/246.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/240.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/236.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/225.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/255.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/252.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/250.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/228.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/235.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/232.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/244.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/223.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/247.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/241.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/238.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/226.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/256.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/253.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/248.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/229.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/208.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/209.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/210.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/211.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/212.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/213.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/214.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/215.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/216.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/217.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/218.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/219.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/195.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/196.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/197.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/198.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/199.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/200.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/201.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/202.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/203.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/204.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/205.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/206.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/183.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/184.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/185.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/186.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/187.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/188.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/189.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/190.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/191.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/192.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/193.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/194.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/170.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/171.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/172.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/173.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/174.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/175.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/176.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/177.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/179.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/180.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/181.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/182.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/157.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/158.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/159.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/160.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/161.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/161.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/163.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/164.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/165.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/166.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/167.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/168.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/152.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/151.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/155.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/148.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/156.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/154.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/153.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/149.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/143.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/144.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/145.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/146.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/139.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/140.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/141.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/44.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/45.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/46.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/142.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/47.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/48.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/49.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/50.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/51.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/35.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/34.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/33.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/32.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/31.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/30.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/29.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/28.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/27.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/26.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/25.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/24.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/23.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/22.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/21.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/20.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/19.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/18.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/17.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/16.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/15.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/14.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/13.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/12.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/11.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/10.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/9.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/8.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/7.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/6.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/5.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/4.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/3.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/2.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/1.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/36.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/37.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/38.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/39.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/40.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/41.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/42.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/43.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/52.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/53.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/54.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/55.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/56.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/57.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/58.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/59.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/60.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/61.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/62.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/63.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/64.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/65.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/66.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/67.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/68.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/69.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/70.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/71.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/72.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/73.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/74.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/75.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/76.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/79.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/80.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/81.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/82.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/83.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/84.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/85.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/86.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/87.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/88.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/89.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/90.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/91.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/92.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/93.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/94.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/95.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/96.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/97.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/98.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/99.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/100.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/101.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/102.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/103.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/104.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/105.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/106.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/107.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/108.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/110.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/111.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/112.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/113.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/114.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/115.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/116.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/117.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/118.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/119.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/120.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/121.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/122.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/123.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/125.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/126.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/127.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/128.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/129.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/130.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/131.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/132.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/133.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/134.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/135.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/136.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/137.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/147.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/169.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/207.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/220.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/257.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/259.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/260.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/261.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/262.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/263.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/264.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/265.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/266.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/267.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/268.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/269.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/270.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/271.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/272.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/273.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/274.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/275.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/276.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/277.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/278.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/279.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/280.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/281.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/282.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/283.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/284.pdf)

JAN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/285.pdf)
FEB (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/286.pdf)
MAR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/287.pdf)
APR (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/288.pdf)
MAY (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/289.pdf)
JUN (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/290.pdf)
JUL (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/291.pdf)
AUG (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/292.pdf)
SEP (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/293.pdf)
OCT (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/294.pdf)
NOV (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/295.pdf)
DEC (http://www.parrillo.com/publications/296.pdf)

john parrillo is the man
that envisioned and detailed the blue-print
making it possible for body-builders
to become as large as gilbert martinez (signing his art as "Gilbert III") had drawn them
in john grimek (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Grimek)'s magazine muscular development (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscular_Development)
during the sixties and seventies (http://musclememory.com/mags.php?mag=md).

ronnie coleman (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronnie_Coleman) was the first man to come close:


tom platz (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Platz) tried, but, could not eat enough


the girl that operates/lives in my palaestra (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?6063&p=327217&viewfull=1#post327217)
has every personal-trainer certification there is
and she flatly declares that her first and second certification
from john parrillo is the best available (https://web.archive.org/web/20121022181228/http://www.parrillo.com/programs.asp?id=1).

she, also, recommends his videos:

http://i39.tinypic.com/2vi34ew.png (http://www.youtube.com/user/ParrilloPerformance/videos)

while not all of john parrillo's exercise equipment (https://web.archive.org/web/20120105195101/http://www.parrillo.com/catalogs/equipmentcatalog.pdf)
is as revolutionary as arthur jones (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Jones_(inventor))' original nautilus
and more recent medx designs (http://www.medxonline.com/exercise.php),

many of his pieces are very popular
in my palaestra (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?2829&p=65200&viewfull=1#post65200).

https://i.imgur.com/wNmDlHS.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palaestra)

important update:
new address at john's website: https://www.parrilloperformance.com/performance-press/

12-30-2013, 01:33 PM
I like to read Jallu and Kalle, when I go to bathroom:

01-02-2014, 06:37 AM
What are your favourite magazines?

I like a few, and my current favourite is Fortean Times (http://www.forteantimes.com/front_website/themag/). This mag discusses all sorts of weird phenomena. Good thing about it, is that the editorials and articles are fact-seeking and realistic in analysis. I.e., they more often disprove a wacky idea than otherwise. It's a believable read for those who are interested in strange tales. :)


In this instance of "Britain's Roswell", the article meticulously scrutinized the "evidence" regarding the alleged alien occurence, and demolished the claims as falsities.

That makes two of us. If you're interested in the bizarre, it's an embarrassment of riches.

12-28-2014, 08:57 PM


http://i62.tinypic.com/2jbuww2.png (http://www.strongfitnessmag.com/)

03-06-2015, 08:04 AM
For me, Time Magazine.. and all magazines that talks about taxes :)

03-29-2015, 08:58 PM
my son's mother and her girl-friend (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?113974&p=2437769&viewfull=1#post2437769)
brought this magazine home
from our book-store.

offered for those that enjoyed this post:

http://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/icons/icon14.png there were thousands of girls in costume (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?3701-Comic-Books&p=284612&viewfull=1#post284612)

http://i62.tinypic.com/2mrgvlv.jpg (http://cosplayculturemagazine.com/)

http://i52.tinypic.com/2yooiaa.jpg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Diego_Comic-Con_International)

03-30-2015, 01:54 AM
I don't recall if I've already replied to this one, but, they are:
BBC Music
Art in America
Historic Preservation

03-30-2015, 01:57 AM

05-13-2015, 09:47 AM
I really like to read about politics, although its boring. Older people pass their bad habbits to you togheder with their stupid magazines :D

I dont like to read about travel, and like to read about rock music too.

05-13-2015, 10:14 AM
I read books from time to time but i've never been a magazine kind of guy. Most of the magazines I used to read were video game and skateboarding related like IGN and CCS. I used to read a lot of Maxim magazines. The hot chicks were a plus but that wasn't the only reason why I liked Maxim. I also read the articles. I haven't read those magazines in awhile,partly because I didn't renew the subscriptions after they expired.

11-18-2016, 02:42 AM
People and Seventeen. Only those two come to mind.

02-04-2017, 08:40 PM
Royalty magazine has detailed stories and pictures about Royals of the present and Royals of the past.

:bowlol: :bowlol: :bowlol: :bowlol:

02-04-2017, 08:45 PM

02-04-2017, 08:47 PM
NZ Fishing News


03-04-2017, 07:20 PM
nat geo

07-30-2017, 12:46 PM
In the past, some of the magazines that I enjoyed were Car & Driver

08-29-2017, 08:22 AM
I am a fun of Reader's Digest.

Blue Fox
09-23-2017, 11:38 PM
Smithsonian, National Geographic, MAD (when I was a kid), and LIFE (when it was still published).

12-28-2017, 11:36 AM
The Internet :lol:

12-28-2017, 06:10 PM
American Art review; BBC Music; Preservation News; Archæology; The ARTIST'S Magazine.

12-28-2017, 07:08 PM
Murzilka, Krokodil and Pyeryetz

12-28-2017, 07:11 PM
Murzilka, Krokodil and Pyeryetz

I heard about Krokodil. Good stuff.

http://www.slate.com/blogs/crime/2013/11/18/krokodil_desomorphine_don_t_believe_the_hype_about _flesh_eating_drug_krokodil.html

12-28-2017, 07:16 PM
Murzilka, Krokodil and Pyeryetz

Not Hustler?

12-28-2017, 07:53 PM
Not Hustler?

stop insult czechs!

05-28-2018, 06:56 PM
Craft magazines, home decorating magazines and "American Spirit" (DAR periodical)

Online I like Slate and National Geographic, among others

09-30-2018, 01:30 PM
Fuego magazine!

09-30-2018, 01:47 PM
I like Food Network Magazine, Dolls, Popular Science, and Vogue and sometimes I also look at just about any random other.

10-16-2021, 10:15 PM
Vanity Fair
Harper's Bazaar

10-18-2021, 11:14 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/T14pL4FW/139.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

https://i.postimg.cc/YS02g3N6/140.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

03-20-2022, 12:37 PM
National Geographic.

I had the subscription for years as a teen. I wanted to be a photojournalist for the magazine so bad in high school lol.

03-20-2022, 02:32 PM
When I was in US, I used to read SLAM (basketball) and XXL (Hip Hop) magazines. Also something about college basketball, don't remember it's name.
As a teen in Croatia I've read typical girly magazines like OK! and Bravo, also FourFourTwo and Nogomet (football related magazines)

Sometimes I'd also grab magazine Povijest (history) and VP (military History) from my dad, or random travel and car magazines.

03-20-2022, 02:55 PM
When I was a kid I used to read this.:D


And my mom used to fill in crossword on the last page and she used to send it in and we almost won every time :D

12-19-2022, 11:12 PM
...was proudly thrust in to my hands
by a long-time close associate (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?17278-Awesome-fictional-characters&p=364745&viewfull=1#post364745).

https://i.imgur.com/eNV5l73.png (https://www.esibodyguardschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ESI-Reactive-vs-Preemptive-Article-.pdf)

https://i.imgur.com/ScGXp7g.png (https://circuit-magazine.com/)https://i.imgur.com/u7leimb.png