View Full Version : Who are the most "Greek" looking Italians?

03-14-2013, 01:23 AM
I put only the southernmost provinces. Which do you pick? Pick 1.

03-14-2013, 01:25 AM
Why only the most southern provinces?

03-14-2013, 01:25 AM

03-14-2013, 01:33 AM

03-14-2013, 01:35 AM
Also, whichever group you pick, state which Greeks they look like to you -- Crete? Peloponnese? Northern? Aegean? Pontic? Anatolian?

03-14-2013, 01:51 AM

03-14-2013, 04:52 AM
Eastern Sicilians or Calabrese. Not sure which to vote for. I guess i'll vote for Calabrese. Especially as there are still people in Calabria who speak Greek. So, if they look Greek and speak Greek, what are they? :lol:

03-14-2013, 04:55 AM
Eastern Sicilians or Calabrese. Not sure which to vote for. I guess i'll vote for Calabrese. Especially as there are still people in Calabria who speak Greek. So, if they look Greek and speak Greek, what are they? :lol:

You don't think Western Sicilians look Greek? I know we discussed regional differences but with what certainty could you tell easterners and westerners apart? Someone I know on 23andme who traveled the whole island said western Sicilians tend to look either Nordic influenced or like Armenians and other Anatolians, whereas easterners look very Greek or Greco-Roman and like the Calabrese.

03-14-2013, 04:57 AM
There are Westerners who look Greek, there are Easterners who look Middle Eastern (Sicilianu101 is one of them), but I'd say more or less there is a typical Eastern Sicilian "look" and it is Greek. Western Sicily is more diverse.

I don't know Calabria as well, but most Calabrese I've seen look like Eastern Sicilians and Greeks.

03-14-2013, 05:01 AM
Calabrese are quite distinct in my opinion. A number show Armenoid influences. But most probably do look Greek.

03-14-2013, 09:36 AM

03-14-2013, 06:24 PM
I voted Sicily, but this is a tricky one :(

03-14-2013, 06:34 PM
Most people will probably say Sicily or Calabria, but I think Calabrese are more homogenously Greek.

Queen B
03-14-2013, 06:36 PM
I don't know, I don't remember how certain southern italians look like :s

03-14-2013, 06:58 PM
LOL I don't know, I just put Apulians s cuz they are the closest geographically

03-20-2013, 07:15 PM
Why only the most southern provinces?

Lol, that's why


03-20-2013, 07:19 PM
Calabrese are quite distinct in my opinion. A number show Armenoid influences. But most probably do look Greek. Then, they should be closer to Pontians than Peloponnesians

03-20-2013, 07:20 PM
I hate maps that pretend Malta and Gozo don't exist.

03-20-2013, 09:18 PM
Then, they should be closer to Pontians than Peloponnesians

Calabrese to me look close to Rhodians and Cypriots. I don't know what Anatolian Greeks look like that much, but when I've seen Peloponnesians, they didn't look Calabrese.

03-20-2013, 11:15 PM
Lol, that's why


Geography is not necessarily an indicator of similar looks, neither is genetic charts that can be vague as to origins and commonalities

03-21-2013, 03:28 PM
Calabrese to me look close to Rhodians and Cypriots. I don't know what Anatolian Greeks look like that much, but when I've seen Peloponnesians, they didn't look Calabrese. Pontians are usually not as dark as Rhodians and Cypriots but they do have some small Armenoid influence, they lived next to Armenia after all...

03-21-2013, 03:30 PM
Lol, that's why

http://subdude-site.com/WebPics/WebPicsMaps/map_greekColonies_550BC_640x350.gifI'm as Greek as it gets, my mother's origins are in that red spot around Constantinople, while my father's are on the red line of Pontus :)

03-21-2013, 04:09 PM
Pontians are usually not as dark as Rhodians and Cypriots but they do have some small Armenoid influence, they lived next to Armenia after all...

So by saying this are you acknowledging that Pontians have some non-Greek ancestry?

03-21-2013, 05:28 PM
So by saying this are you acknowledging that Pontians have some non-Greek ancestry? Did you just met me? My first post on the forum was about Pontians, and yes I aknowledge that Pontians (like most Greeks) have some non-Greek ancestry, it's not a big deal (to me)... this non Greek ancestry is not necessary Armenian, it is native Pontian and it dates to the ancient period

03-21-2013, 05:44 PM
Why should we separate among southern Italians :confused2: who looks most Greek :noidea:? Is that even possible ?

04-02-2013, 08:27 PM
Needed to vote. Calabrese. I am a quarter-Calabrese and my father always get's mistaken as Arabic/Middle Eastern/Greek.

Calabria has on average almost 30% J Y-DNA with J2 being prominent but also J1. Both are Middle-Eastern markers from Fertile Crescent. I am personally J1 so I guess ancestors are ancient Neolithic farmers or other ancient Near-Eastern peoples who were here in post-Roman times like Syrians/Lebanese/Jews/etc... Europeans with both of these haplogroups undoubtedly have substantial Greek influence.

04-02-2013, 08:49 PM
Needed to vote. Calabrese. I am a quarter-Calabrese and my father always get's mistaken as Arabic/Middle Eastern/Greek.

Calabria has on average almost 30% J Y-DNA with J2 being prominent but also J1. Both are Middle-Eastern markers from Fertile Crescent. I am personally J1 so I guess ancestors are ancient Neolithic farmers or other ancient Near-Eastern peoples who were here in post-Roman times like Syrians/Lebanese/Jews/etc... Europeans with both of these haplogroups undoubtedly have substantial Greek influence.

Lol, in what way?

04-02-2013, 08:56 PM
Lol, in what way?
The roman Empire was huge O__O

Why is it such a surprise to you that some near Eastern people were in Italy during post-Roman times?

04-02-2013, 08:58 PM
Calabrese look the most Greek (like Greek islanders not so much mainlanders).

04-02-2013, 08:59 PM
Sicilians imo.

04-02-2013, 09:00 PM
The roman Empire was huge O__O

Why is it such a surprise to you that some near Eastern people were in Italy during post-Roman times?

Because Calabria never was part of any caliphate, simply.

Btw, i'm not calabrese (luckily...!), so this isn't an issue for me.

04-02-2013, 09:04 PM
Because Calabria never was part of any caliphate, simply.

Btw, i'm not calabrese (luckily...!), so this isn't an issue for me.

It's not always cut and dry. All Muslim Arabs from Sicily were deported to Puglia during the reign of Federico II. Not related to Calabria directly, but one does not have to be part of the Caliphate.

04-02-2013, 09:04 PM
Because Calabria never was part of any caliphate, simply.

Btw, i'm not calabrese (luckily...!), so this isn't an issue for me.
I don't understand. Calabria was under rule by Saracens for a brief period actually.

What do you mean, "isn't an issue for me". Calabrians are Eastern Mediterranean people. It's not exactly a surprise that Syrians/Lebanese/israelis/greeks, and other Levantineans can pass for Calabrese and vice-versa.

My J1 could've been from seafaring Greeks or Phoenicians. I doubt it's from recent southern Semetic speakers.

04-02-2013, 09:15 PM
I don't understand. Calabria was under rule by Saracens for a brief period actually.

What do you mean, "isn't an issue for me". Calabrians are Eastern Mediterranean people. It's not exactly a surprise that Syrians/Lebanese/israelis/greeks, and other Levantineans can pass for Calabrese and vice-versa.

My J1 could've been from seafaring Greeks or Phoenicians. I doubt it's from recent southern Semetic speakers.

...not for nothing the piemontese ethnic slur against calabrese immigrants is ''Maruchèn'' and the slur against their land is ''Calafrica'' :lol:

Btw the most common ancestors in Calabria are the greeks..greek language was the language of the island until 1500 (is still spoken in some vollages).

PS: here in Torino i can distinguish a calabrese immigrant from a syirian from miles away.

04-02-2013, 10:31 PM
...not for nothing the piemontese ethnic slur against calabrese immigrants is ''Maruchèn'' and the slur against their land is ''Calafrica'' :lol:

Btw the most common ancestors in Calabria are the greeks..greek language was the language of the island until 1500 (is still spoken in some vollages).

PS: here in Torino i can distinguish a calabrese immigrant from a syirian from miles away.

That's pretty stupid. Not really funny either so I don't know why you're laughing. Their land? Italy is one country idiot. It's not like Calabria is some separate piece of land.

It's like you think there is some HUGE racial difference between the South and North. Nothing could be further from the truth. And yes, I do know that Greeks comprise the majority of their ancestry. This isn't really news to anybody so I don't know why you're telling me this like I'm going to be surprised or something.

Southern Italians CAN pass as Syrians/Northern Egyptian/Lebs, etc because they are all close in proximity. Jews as well.

04-03-2013, 10:07 AM
That's pretty stupid. Not really funny either so I don't know why you're laughing. Their land? Italy is one country idiot. It's not like Calabria is some separate piece of land.

It's like you think there is some HUGE racial difference between the South and North. Nothing could be further from the truth. And yes, I do know that Greeks comprise the majority of their ancestry. This isn't really news to anybody so I don't know why you're telling me this like I'm going to be surprised or something.

Southern Italians CAN pass as Syrians/Northern Egyptian/Lebs, etc because they are all close in proximity. Jews as well.

I like when oversea foreigners try to teach me arrogantly about my same country where i was born and i live :laugh:

...and yes, we have.
What you pretend from 1600 years of division? Some kind of mystical ethno-linguistic continuity?

''Italy one country'' ... loool, so for you between a furlàn from Carnic Alpes and a sard from Cagliari there aren't differences...the same thing...very funny guy, you made my day :lol:

PS: how many times you been here?
PPS: are you sure you aren't CrimsonGuard or another stupid like him?

Ah, it's forbidden to call a mderator ''stupid idiot''...next time you'll do this, say goodbye to this board.
Thank you, LightInDarknes...pardon, Oneandonly.

04-03-2013, 10:08 AM
apulians and abruzzians are the most albanian looking italians if i'm not mistaking

04-03-2013, 10:11 AM
apulians and abruzzians are the most albanian looking italians if i'm not mistaking
Well, the Messapians (native Apulians before Rome) were supposedly from Illyria.

04-03-2013, 10:12 AM
Well, the Messapians (native Apulians before Rome) were supposedly from Illyria.
yes thats true and from the apulians i saw they also have alot of dinarids but what separates them from the southslavs is the lack of baltid so they look bcs of that closer to us

Prince Carlo
04-03-2013, 11:42 AM
People who live close to the Central part of Italy look quite similar, but people living on the extremes are like night and day. BTW Calabrians share some phenotypes with Levantines but as whole they are easily distinguishable. Especially a good percentage of Levantines look kinda mulatto or something (I would say about 30-70% depending on the region) which is something you won't find in Calabria.

04-03-2013, 11:47 AM
People who live close to the Central part of Italy look quite similar, but people living on the extremes are like night and day. BTW Calabrians share some phenotypes with Levantines but as whole they are easily distinguishable. Especially a good percentage of Levantines look kinda mulatto or something (I would say about 30-70% depending on the region) which is something you won't find in Calabria.

Don't argue with levantine-americans who desperately try to pass themselves as southern italian or southern italian related, dear Joseph...

04-03-2013, 11:55 AM
Neither Southern Italians nor Greeks look Levantine. Only in this anthroforum you hear that, by people who have never visited Lebanon or met Levantines in real life.

A lot of Sicilians cluster with Tuscans like most Southern Italians and don't really are that distinct from the rest of Italians. They overlap with us Greeks and Spaniards mostly, but the vast majority of Southern Italians look Italian not Greek and you can tell us apart.

04-03-2013, 12:01 PM
Neither Southern Italians nor Greeks look Levantine. Only in this anthroforum you hear that, by people who have never visited Lebanon or met Levantines in real life.

A lot of Sicilians cluster with Tuscans like most Southern Italians and don't really are that distinct from the rest of Italians. They overlap with us Greeks and Spaniards mostly, but the vast majority of Southern Italians look Italian not Greek and you can tell us apart.

In all the anthrophoras people (but colonial more than others) argue about phenotypes without never been in any single nation :lol:

04-03-2013, 12:11 PM
Most everyone is guilty of that. In my own case, I try not to speak as though I am an authority on anything, and when I do speak matter-of-factly about pheno, it is only in regards to parts of Italy, because I have lived there.

04-03-2013, 01:02 PM
well, there is a sort of "vicious circle", with south euros denying or minimizing levantine individuals, and outsiders people claiming all south europeans look like tony shalhoub. one denies, the other exaggerates, and they feed off each other.

alfieb: no one here is an authority, we are almost all patriots of some kind, ready to speak for either our individual uniqueness as a culture and race, or ready to accept or deny our brotherhood and cultural and genetic bonds with our neighbor. it's the basic textbook definition of being biased.

04-03-2013, 01:07 PM
well, there is a sort of "vicious circle", with south euros denying or minimizing levantine individuals, and outsiders people claiming all south europeans look like tony shalhoub. one denies, the other exaggerates, and they feed off each other.

alfieb: no one here is an authority, we are almost all patriots of some kind, ready to speak for either our individual uniqueness as a culture and race, or ready to accept or deny our brotherhood and cultural and genetic bonds with our neighbor. it's the basic textbook definition of being biased.

It depends what ''southern european'' you mean.
Show me a furlan, a lombard, a slovene, a provençal or an auvergnasc with recent levantine admisture, please.

04-03-2013, 01:23 PM
youre correct- itd be hard to do that- but i'd almost consider some of those people central europeans or "western europeans" rather than true southerners. but maybe that's because of culture or my perception that they lack much levantine heritage. on the other hand, i have a feeling that such individuals might be brushed off on the one scale "neolithics" or on the other scale as "having gypsy ancestry" (the former being more probable than the the latter)

btw, what would you say as the definitive region of "northern italy" if calabria is taken as the definitive "south"?

Do you consider Mangini from Pesaro as a "northerner"?


if his type is even slightly common in the north, it seems northern and south aren't that different sometimes.

04-03-2013, 03:49 PM
Nope, Pesaro isn't ''northern Italy'', because is in the Marche.

And ''Mangini'' is an apulian surname, btw.

This is northern Italy (and i sincerely don't consider Emilia-Romagna ''north'' but ''centre'').


An information: 100% full blooded northern italians are less than 30% of northern italian population.

04-03-2013, 04:22 PM
Especially a good percentage of Levantines look kinda mulatto or something (I would say about 30-70% depending on the region) which is something you won't find in Calabria.

you forgot we are on apricity where italians can look also mulatto :D

04-03-2013, 04:24 PM
italians look like alboz finish nothing mulatto or levantine about them

04-03-2013, 04:32 PM
Neither Southern Italians nor Greeks look Levantine.

Not even close to all or most of them but a portion overlap with the lightest Levantines.. that's all anyone ever said.

04-03-2013, 04:32 PM
you forgot we are on apricity where italians can look also mulatto :D

...or pictures of football matches with ''Telecom Maròc'' or ''Orange Tunisie'' as sponsor presented as ''italian people watching a match'' (really happened last year) :laugh:

04-03-2013, 04:42 PM
For the record though, in my own experience, Calabrese are generally darker than both Sicilians and Greeks at large. Sicily and Greece received much more input from the north (Germanic and Slavic, respectively).

04-03-2013, 05:02 PM
For the record though, in my own experience, Calabrese are generally darker than both Sicilians and Greeks at large. Sicily and Greece received much more input from the north (Germanic and Slavic, respectively).

Sicily received also a small amout of lombard and piemontese settlers...and obviously normans and schwabens...

04-03-2013, 05:13 PM
Calabrese have a different phenotypical makeup than Sicilians (Less East Med, more Berid/CM), but I wouldn't call one group darker than the other.

04-03-2013, 05:21 PM
Calabrese have a different phenotypical makeup than Sicilians (Less East Med, more Berid/CM), but I wouldn't call one group darker than the other.

They also have more Armenoid (the Calabrese, I mean).

04-03-2013, 05:22 PM
Sicily received also a small amout of lombard and piemontese settlers...and obviously normans and schwabens...

That is true. Although they seem to have been restricted mostly to the NW of the island.

04-03-2013, 05:44 PM
That is true. Although they seem to have been restricted mostly to the NW of the island.

Not only, according to wikipedia:

The main Gallo-italic dialects of Sicily are found in the following towns:

in the province of Messina: Acquedolci, Montalbano Elicona, Novara di Sicilia, San Fratello and San Piero Patti;
in the province of Enna: Aidone, Nicosia, Piazza Armerina and Sperlinga.

Other such communities existed also in the provinces of Catania (for example, in Paternò, Bronte and Randazzo), Syracuse (Ferla, Buccheri, Cassaro) and Palermo (Corleone).

Similar communities have survived in part outside of Sicily, in Basilicata, which was subject to similar forces during the same period in question; the particular lucano dialects spoken by those communities are known as "Dialetti gallo-italici di Basilicata".

The Gallo-Italic of Sicily (Italian: Gallo-italico di Sicilia) is a group of Gallo-Italic dialects, linguistic set of Romance languages, found in central-eastern Sicily that date back to migrations from Northern Italy during the time of Norman Roger I of Sicily and which continued after his death under his successor Roger II (from around 1080 to 1120).

The towns that were populated by the new immigrants were to become known as the "Lombard communities" (or Oppida Lombardorum in Latin language, cumuna lummardi in the Sicilian language). In truth, the colonisers, known as "Lombards of Sicily" were not all from today's Lombardy, but most parts of Northern Italy, including Piedmont, Liguria and Emilia - "Lombardy" being the name for the whole of Northern Italy in the Middle Ages. Apart from their geographic origin, the one common attribute that the colonisers had was that they brought with them their Gallo-Italic idioms. These idioms were to add to the Gallic influence of the newly developing Sicilian language (influences which also include Norman and Old Provençal), but more importantly, in about nine isolated communities, the idioms would merge with Sicilian over the centuries to create distinctive Gallo-Sicilian dialects. They are far too unique to be considered dialects of Sicilian itself, nor can they be considered dialects of the Lombard language, and because of the differences in origin of each respective community, they share only a passing resemblance with each other.

04-03-2013, 05:58 PM
People who live close to the Central part of Italy look quite similar, but people living on the extremes are like night and day. BTW Calabrians share some phenotypes with Levantines but as whole they are easily distinguishable. Especially a good percentage of Levantines look kinda mulatto or something (I would say about 30-70% depending on the region) which is something you won't find in Calabria.

Not at ALL. Where do you come up with these things? You're probably thinking of Bedouins.

04-03-2013, 06:04 PM
Actually I was wrong, Gallo-Italic is more in Catania and Enna no? But in isolated areas I think.

04-03-2013, 06:28 PM
Actually I was wrong, Gallo-Italic is more in Catania and Enna no? But in isolated areas I think.

Yeah but sicilian gallo-italic is nearly disappeared.
I heard some times ago spoken galloitalic...honestly sound like a catanese who try to speak milanese lombard.
Quite interesting BTW.

04-03-2013, 07:02 PM
For the record I don't think so much even that Calabrese and eastern Sicilians look like today's Greeks (at least mainland ones), but they're a very purely ancient Greek looking people.

04-03-2013, 07:06 PM
For the record I don't think so much even that Calabrese and eastern Sicilians look like today's Greeks (at least mainland ones), but they're a very purely ancient Greek looking people.

Dodecanesians and Sicilians are almost the same people...i been in Dodecanese 11 times, i'm quite familiar with the look.:lol:
Ionians have, instead, a lot of venetian blood (Dandelion is ionian and she told me that a lot of ionian surnames are, in reality, venetians).

04-03-2013, 07:07 PM
Dodecanesians and Sicilians are almost the same people...i been in Dodecanese 11 times, i'm quite familiar with the look.:lol:

I honestly cannot generally tell Rhodian, Kalymnian Greeks from Sicilians and Calabrese except for that when you see their lighter types, there is a slight difference I can't explain.

04-03-2013, 08:03 PM
I'm still laughing at how Joseph Cappelli said that Levantines look mulatto. Where the hell do you get that from? xD

Do you even know what somebody who's half Negroid/half-Caucasoid looks like?

Prince Carlo
04-04-2013, 08:17 AM
Mulatto = nig influenced. BTW do not worry so much because I won't offend your Levantine origin anymore.

04-04-2013, 08:41 AM
I'm still laughing at how Joseph Cappelli said that Levantines look mulatto. Where the hell do you get that from? xD

Do you even know what somebody who's half Negroid/half-Caucasoid looks like?

Like the average north african, especially moroccans and mauritani.

They're something like 50% berber 25% arab and 25% negros, and not some kind of mystical uberwhite population as this forum portrays...we have 600,000 moroccans in northern Italy (50,000 in my city), so i know their appearence very well :laugh:




04-04-2013, 08:51 AM
Dodecanesians and Sicilians are almost the same people...i been in Dodecanese 11 times, i'm quite familiar with the look.:lol:
Ionians have, instead, a lot of venetian blood (Dandelion is ionian and she told me that a lot of ionian surnames are, in reality, venetians).

Most of Dodecanesians and Ionians are native Aegean Meds and same racially to the rest of Greeks(Aris Poulianos), they are not Italians, they are Greeks.

04-04-2013, 09:09 AM
Most of Dodecanesians and Ionians are native Aegean Meds and same racially to the rest of Greeks(Aris Poulianos), they are not Italians, they are Greeks.


Where i said ionians are '''italians''?

I pointed the venetian influece, which isn't trasurable and neither little.

Queen B
04-04-2013, 09:22 AM
Most of Dodecanesians and Ionians are native Aegean Meds and same racially to the rest of Greeks(Aris Poulianos), they are not Italians, they are Greeks.
Ionians are Greek, of course, but they do have Venetian influence.

04-04-2013, 09:22 AM
Where i said ionians are '''italians''?


"Ionians have, instead, a lot of venetian blood (Dandelion is ionian and she told me that a lot of ionian surnames are, in reality, venetians)."


I pointed the venetian influece, which isn't trasurable and neither little.

Aren't Venetians Italians? Prove what you say, bring here an Anthropologist who support what you said.

04-04-2013, 09:37 AM

"Ionians have, instead, a lot of venetian blood (Dandelion is ionian and she told me that a lot of ionian surnames are, in reality, venetians)."


Aren't Venetians Italians? Prove what you say, bring here an Anthropologist who support what you said.

''Italian'' is a nationality, not an ethnicity.

And i said this because Dandelion posted a list of ionian surnames and about 1/5 of them are venetics (now telll me that Barbarigo, Dandolo, Orseolo, Pavan, Furlan, etc are greek surnames...:rolleyes2:), so...

04-04-2013, 09:44 AM
Most of Dodecanesians and Ionians are native Aegean Meds and same racially to the rest of Greeks(Aris Poulianos), they are not Italians, they are Greeks.

He said Sicilians. Aren't Sicilians partially Greek? (Italized Greeks)

04-04-2013, 09:45 AM
If you prefer to believe that Aegean and Adriatic seas were some kind of mystical barriers who prevented contact between Greece and Italy, isn't my fault, sincerely...

04-04-2013, 10:32 AM
''Italian'' is a nationality, not an ethnicity.

And i said this because Dandelion posted a list of ionian surnames and about 1/5 of them are venetics (now telll me that Barbarigo, Dandolo, Orseolo, Pavan, Furlan, etc are greek surnames...:rolleyes2:), so...

Venetians are Italians, so I was correct. What surnames and linguistic influences have to do with Race? Nothing at all. Blacks of USA have English surnames but they are still Africans, so...

04-04-2013, 10:33 AM
He said Sicilians. Aren't Sicilians partially Greek? (Italized Greeks)

Yes they are.

04-04-2013, 10:43 AM
Like the average north african, especially moroccans and mauritani.

They're something like 50% berber 25% arab and 25% negros, and not some kind of mystical uberwhite population as this forum portrays...we have 600,000 moroccans in northern Italy (50,000 in my city), so i know their appearence very well :laugh:




But North Africans are not Levantines who didn't have constant contact with SSA for thousands of years...

04-05-2013, 06:58 AM
Yes they are.
Eastern Sicilians are closer to pure Greeks. Probably as Greek as they come with the exception of Calabrese.

04-05-2013, 07:06 AM
Mulatto = nig influenced. BTW do not worry so much because I won't offend your Levantine origin anymore.
I know that. Niggers look NOTHING like humans from the Levant who are solely Caucasoid. I never said I was a Levantine. Not purely anyways. You might have some origins from there to. The Neolithic was spread far and wide so I don't know why you'd think that's an insult when you could very well have some origins from there as well.

I was just pointing how how calling Levantines mixed race or "mulattoes" is stupid. You have the wrong people. N.Africans are the mulattoes, not Levantines. A mullatto is somebody who is HALF SSA and half something else btw. Not just "nig influenced"

The only mulattoes are N.Africans. Not the coastal ones, but further south.

04-05-2013, 07:12 AM
Like the average north african, especially moroccans and mauritani.

That's all fine and well, but Levantines are not North African people and look nothing like the SSA admixed people in these photographs. Mauritani is even FARTHER south than Morrocco so it's no wonder there is a major SSA influence.

Prince Carlo
04-06-2013, 04:31 PM
I know that. Niggers look NOTHING like humans from the Levant who are solely Caucasoid. I never said I was a Levantine. Not purely anyways. You might have some origins from there to. The Neolithic was spread far and wide so I don't know why you'd think that's an insult when you could very well have some origins from there as well.

I was just pointing how how calling Levantines mixed race or "mulattoes" is stupid. You have the wrong people. N.Africans are the mulattoes, not Levantines. A mullatto is somebody who is HALF SSA and half something else btw. Not just "nig influenced"

The only mulattoes are N.Africans. Not the coastal ones, but further south.

Don't make me laugh. Levantines have loads of SSA admixture. There is no point in arguing that. See the Dodecad Globe run admixture results of Behar Levantines samples.

BTW It's clear that you are not an Italian. No Italian would ever talk 24/24 7/7 about how much levantine Italians and Greeks look. To makes things clear Carlantino Apulians are equididistand from French Basque and Druzes on West Eurasian plot. So every kind of overlap with Levantines would be very small.

04-06-2013, 08:40 PM
Don't make me laugh. Levantines have loads of SSA admixture. There is no point in arguing that. See the Dodecad Globe run admixture results of Behar Levantines samples.

BTW It's clear that you are not an Italian. No Italian would ever talk 24/24 7/7 about how much levantine Italians and Greeks look. To makes things clear Carlantino Apulians are equididistand from French Basque and Druzes on West Eurasian plot. So every kind of overlap with Levantines would be very small.
You're stupid. Case and point. Syrians/Lebanese/Israelis are fully Caucasoid and don't have ANY relation whatsoever to SSA. I am Italian, believe me. How the hell would you know if I am or not? Do you know me in real life? No, exactly. So GTFO with that. Levantines and Italians and Greeks are both Mediterranean people so of course their looks are going to overlap a little bit.

04-06-2013, 08:41 PM
Calabrians and Sicilians are as Greeks as the rest of us.... :grouphug:

04-07-2013, 12:59 AM
There are Westerners who look Greek, there are Easterners who look Middle Eastern (Sicilianu101 is one of them), but I'd say more or less there is a typical Eastern Sicilian "look" and it is Greek. Western Sicily is more diverse.

I don't know Calabria as well, but most Calabrese I've seen look like Eastern Sicilians and Greeks.

I think you are right to a certain extent with eastern and western Sicily when it comes to big cities, but I think that isolated villages like mine sometimes don't fit with the rule. This is probably due to both prehistoric and historic differences between isolated villages which was able to be maintained to a certain extent because in villages like mine there was little intermarriage with even people from neighboring villages. In villages like mine there has been a city-state/clan-based kind of mentality. So even if my village is located in the east, it might have more middle eastern influence because of pre and/or historic influences.

To answer the question, Calabrese & i think the connection would be strongest with islander greeks

Prince Carlo
04-07-2013, 11:18 AM
You're stupid. Case and point. Syrians/Lebanese/Israelis are fully Caucasoid and don't have ANY relation whatsoever to SSA. I am Italian, believe me. How the hell would you know if I am or not? Do you know me in real life? No, exactly. So GTFO with that. Levantines and Italians and Greeks are both Mediterranean people so of course their looks are going to overlap a little bit.

Levantines pure Caucasoid??? You must be kidding or something. Not even the Jooz are pure caucasoids, let alone Syrians and Palestinians.

Italian my dick. If you are italian then I am korean. Case closed.

04-07-2013, 03:55 PM
You're stupid. Case and point. Syrians/Lebanese/Israelis are fully Caucasoid and don't have ANY relation whatsoever to SSA. I am Italian, believe me. How the hell would you know if I am or not? Do you know me in real life? No, exactly. So GTFO with that. Levantines and Italians and Greeks are both Mediterranean people so of course their looks are going to overlap a little bit.

Sei italiano? Accidenti, non lo sapevo...beh meglio così potremo tranquillamente disquisire sulla nostra situazione politica attuale...per te ce la farà il M5S a formare uno straccio di legislatura? Secondo me no...i grillini sono balenghi e molti di loro spelacchiati...impediti fuori dallo schermo e leoni da tastiera più che legislatori.

04-07-2013, 04:03 PM
Credo che lui è "mezzo-italiano" umbro-canadese. :coffee:

Prince Carlo
04-07-2013, 04:21 PM
Sei italiano? Accidenti, non lo sapevo...beh meglio così potremo tranquillamente disquisire sulla nostra situazione politica attuale...per te ce la farà il M5S a formare uno straccio di legislatura? Secondo me no...i grillini sono balenghi e molti di loro spelacchiati...impediti fuori dallo schermo e leoni da tastiera più che legislatori.

Verimm se sta cap e cazz capisc nu poc e dialettt. Penz che è a solit cap e cazz turca o geogiana che vuol esser europeo.

04-07-2013, 04:49 PM
Verimm se sta cap e cazz capisc nu poc e dialettt. Penz che è a solit cap e cazz turca o geogiana che vuol esser europeo.

Berghem Lombard mode on.

Me pense sö ch'a l'è ö ''maiasabie'' c'al chega fò camelòch, d'önotra banda dol ''Màr do noter'' (capit..?) c'ha 'lga fò 'la üsesiù da someà fò ü do noter...a l'è ü puer diaul...

04-07-2013, 04:56 PM
Subtitles for those who do not speak French?

04-07-2013, 04:58 PM
The roman Empire was huge O__O

Why is it such a surprise to you that some near Eastern people were in Italy during post-Roman times?
What do i have to do with this discussion?

04-07-2013, 05:00 PM
Subtitles for those who do not speak French?

It isn't french, is eastern Lombard (Orobic, see the link) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Lombard_language). ;)

04-07-2013, 05:05 PM
It isn't french, is eastern Lombard (Orobic, see the link) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Lombard_language). ;)
I was kidding.

Anyway, I think I remember this fellow claiming a few months ago to be half central Italian. If he wanted to troll Sicilians as you say, why would he not claim to be from the Mezzogiorno or Sicily?

Prince Carlo
04-07-2013, 05:11 PM
He is a retard Swarty west asian who often creates fake account to troll S.Europeans. He should be either Turk or Georgian.

02-02-2014, 12:22 AM