View Full Version : The Ragnarok Within: Grundtvig, Jung, and the Subjective Interpretation of Myth..

08-22-2009, 02:17 AM
The Ragnarok Within: Grundtvig, Jung, and the Subjective Interpretation of Myth, by Martin Chase.. ( l%2Fsaga%2Fpdf%2F065-chase.pdf+Martin+Chase+The+Ragnar%C6%92k+Within%3A +Grundtvig%2C+Jung%2C+and+the+Subjective+Interpret ation+of+Myth&hl=en&gl=us)

Grundtvig calls myth “sindbilled-sprog,” the picture-language of the mind, and he presumes that the images of this language are common to the human spirit (“ånden”), to that which since Jung we call the collective unconscious. According to Jung’s classical definition, myths are not invented, they are experienced: “Myths are original revelations of the preconscious psyche, involuntary statements about unconscious psychic happenings.” 14 Like dreams, myths find appropriate images to associate with the archetypes of the unconscious in order to show us what is going on in the areas of our psyches that are hidden from us. Grundtvig hopes that seeing how myths have awakened and made visible the archetypes in his mind will help others to recognize them in their own psyches.


08-22-2009, 02:44 AM
Thanks for finding this. It'll come in very handy in writing my next essay. :)