View Full Version : Closer look to the Maltese language

03-20-2013, 11:09 AM
Although the original vocabulary of the language was Siculo-Arabic, it has incorporated a large number of borrowings from Romance sources of influence (Sicilian, Italian, and French), and more recently Germanic ones (from English).
The historical source of modern Maltese vocabulary is 52% Italian/Sicilian, 32% Siculo-Arabic, and 6% English, with some of the remainder being French.[2][19] Today, most function words are Semitic. In this way, it is similar to English, which is a Germanic language that had large influence from French—although less so than Maltese. As a result of this, Romance language-speakers may easily be able to comprehend more complex ideas expressed in Maltese, such as "Ġeografikament, l-Ewropa hi parti tas-superkontinent ta' l-Ewrasja" (Geographically, Europe is part of the Supercontinent of Eurasia), while not understanding a single word of a simple sentence such as "Ir-raġel qiegħed fid-dar" (The man is in the house), which would be easily understood by any Arabic speaker.

So basically, Maltese is Sicilian-Arabic, influenced with a fuckload of Italian and a bucket of English/French. Written in Latin script, with our own fancy characters. But finalment, il- lingwa hija MALTIJA.

Maltese Alphabet and pronounciuation

A a - like in arse
B b - like in banana
Ċ ċ - 'ch' like in China
D d - 'd' like in down
E e - 'e' like in elephant
F f - 'f' like in fuck
Ġ ġ - 'j' like in John
G g - 'g' like in Gauls
Għ għ - no sound, it's usually used to make the the vowel next to it stressed
H h - no sound, used for fancy purposes
Ħ ħ - like in Dr.'H'ouse MD
I i - like the 'e' in east
Ie ie - a mix of Maltese 'i' and 'e' but the 'i' is stressed
J j - 'y' like in yes
K k - 'k' like in car
L l - 'l' like in loud
M m - 'm' like in MILF
N n - 'n' like in numb
O o - 'o' like in orange
P p - 'p' like in pusseh
Q q - like when a woman is having an orgasm, not a plain "aaaah" but usually starts with that stressed sound in the throath.
R r - 'r'ural
S s - 's'ess, sex
T t - 't' in tits
U u - 'oo' in boobs, but a little less stressed
V v - 'v' in vagina
W w - 'w' in wow
X x - 'sh' in sherminator
Ż ż - 'z' in Zanzibar
Z z - 'ts' in tsar...I think?

03-20-2013, 11:15 AM
I love the way you gave examples lol

03-20-2013, 12:36 PM