View Full Version : Bosnian Romeo and Juliet

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2013, 10:58 PM
Bosko Brkic was an Orthodox Christian born and raised in Sarajevo, Bosnia. His girlfriend was Admira Ismic, a Muslim, also born and raised in Sarajevo. The two were highschool sweethearts and enjoying a happy life together when the war broke out.

Bosko agreed to stay in Sarajevo with Admira, even though the couple was given a hard time. It was Orthodox Christian forces laying siege to the city and life for ordinary Orthodox Christians, even those living under the same sniper fire and shelling, was made especially difficult.

Eventually Admira could no longer take the daily violence, nor the constant comments and taunts directed toward the man she loved. Against her family's wishes, she insisted she was willing to flee with Bosko to Orthodox Christian-controlled territory.

The couple set out across the Vrbanija bridge in the summer of 1993, where they gunned down by Orthodox Christian snipers. Bosko was shot and killed first, and when he fell Admira turned around and paused. A bullet ripped through her back, but she still managed to pull herself along the ground to Bosko's side and wrap her arms around him before she died.

The bodies remained on the bridge for weeks, neither side of the front line willing to risk the lives of their soldiers to fetch them. Eventually the Orthodox Christians sent out a chain of Muslim prisoners to fetch the bodies.

They were taken to a military base and burried. The Priest present refused to allow Admira a coffin or any burial rites. They threw her body in a shallow grave. Bosko's mother, who attended the funeral (which was filmed) was furious. She took out a sweater she had been knitting for Admira and placed it over her face before they shovelled the dirt on.

In full view of the priest and the Orthodox Christian soldiers, she screamed a tearful Orthodox prayer for Admira - and I mean screamed. Then she kissed her sons coffin, and left.

Bosko and Admira's families have had no face-to-face contact since.

After the war, Admira's family petitioned the Orthodox Christian leaders to return the bodies of both Bosko and Admira. They contacted Bosko's mother, who agreed to the transfer. The bodies were exhumed and brought to a cemetery in Sarajevo where they burried together, in a single double coffin.

Bosko's mother did not attend the funeral, nor has she ever set foot in Sarajevo again. She told reporters its simply too painful for her to see the city because every street corner reminds her, in some way, of Bosko and Admira.

In a documentary by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, both Admira and Bosko's mothers agreed to be interviewed (separately, of course - they live at opposite ends of Bosnia). Both were asked if, knowing how things turned out, they would still allow Bosko and Admira to date.

Both said yes without a moment's hesitation.

Today Bosko and Admira are known as the Romeo and Juliet of Sarajevo. Their grave is a shrine for lovers, who visit regularly to lay flowers on their wedding days. It's a tradition that both families greatly appreciate.

04-07-2013, 01:15 AM

04-07-2013, 01:29 AM
I know about their story. It's sad....

04-07-2013, 01:37 AM
There was an article about them that I red some time ago, I felt very sad.