View Full Version : If Anti Semitism exists...what is/was "Semitism"?

04-07-2013, 04:22 AM
For the ideology of anti semitism to exist, there had to have been an ideology, "Semitism" that resulted in the retaliatory feeling of the anti-semites that we're familiar with. I know, very philosoraptor type of question, but I couldnt find anything on Semitism besides a definiton based on linguistic behaviour of semitic languages.

Anyone have any resources regarding Semitism, the ideology? (If it ever existed)

04-07-2013, 04:49 AM
Possibly the Jewish belief in being god's chosen people and the cultural practices, thoughts, and behaviors spawned thereby?

Really though I don't think anti-Semitism is as much being against an ideological "Semitism" as it is against "Semites", the people themselves; neither do I think it to be an ideology, it is more nearly an attitude.

04-07-2013, 04:54 AM
Anti-semitism is just a misnomer that specifies discrimination of Jews rather than regarding a particular ideology

04-07-2013, 04:56 AM
There is no ideology called Semitism just like there's no ideology called Polonism that is opposed to Anti-Polonism.

04-07-2013, 05:03 AM
The term, anti-semitism came around because of the discrimination Jews faced in Europe, and since they were the only "Semitic" people around, they coined the term to describe the racism against them. but really, an ideology of "Semitism" doesn't exist. The only thing that might exist as "Semitism" might be Zionism but Zionism only relates to the creation of a Jewish state in the Holy-Land, not of advancing "Jewish Supremacy."

04-07-2013, 05:30 AM
There isn't such a concept like semitism proper, but the term anti semitism was coined to describe the hostile behavior towards jews.

04-07-2013, 08:02 AM

It's like asking what couth means because you're uncouth.

Idiotic question.

Lemon Kush
04-07-2013, 08:19 AM
It's not really going against any ideology. It's rather more a racial concept brought up as a concept mainly during Nazi Germany that described discrimination or hatred against Jews specifically.

04-07-2013, 08:22 AM
Anti-Semitism does not exist, but anti-Jewish believes or elements certainly do, this because if people are truly anti-Semitic they would hate all the other Semitic groups, so that answers the question in a nutshell.

04-13-2013, 04:00 AM
Anti-Semitism does not exist, but anti-Zionism does exist