View Full Version : The 25 official Sicilian tourist dictricts

04-11-2013, 08:11 AM

1. [For everyone] Which would you most like to visit?

2. [For Sicilians] Which is/are your family from?

1) I would like to spend more time in the "Norman Coast" area (#7 on map), to further explore the Norman heritage of Sicily. I've already been to the Norman palaces, and I've spent plenty of time in Palermo, but I need to spend more time in the suburbs.

2) My family are from the areas (#2, #6, #22 on map) that surround "Norman Coast", but not that area itself.

04-11-2013, 02:13 PM
Taormina-Etna. That is the region my family comes from, and I would want to be in the areas with the most ancient Greek heritage.