View Full Version : Diets that didn't work

08-31-2009, 09:42 AM
Has anyone tried a diet, whether it was a "fad" diet or otherwise that really didn't work, could you tell us what it was and why you think it didn't work? That way we can hopefully avoid it!

I have only considered such things I was looking at the GI diet I have one of the books but I stopped reading at the point where it was recommending artificial sweeteners and low fat margarine.

09-17-2009, 11:55 AM
The Lemon Detox Diet (http://www.lemondetox.co.nz/).

It made me crave fatty foods, feel weak and unenergetic. After coming off the diet I was about 4kg lighter and physically looked skinnier but it only lasted a week until I'd put it back on and it didn't help my eating habits at all.