View Full Version : Young Croats are xenophobic?

04-23-2013, 08:56 PM
Nedavno istraživanje Instituta za društvena istraživanja i Zaklade Friedrich Ebert, provedeno među 1500 mladih u dobi između 14 i 27 godina, dovelo je do poražavajućih, iako ne pretjerano iznenađujućih podataka.
Samo sedam posto mladih izjavilo je da želi Srbina za bračnog partnera, a 15 posto bi pristalo imati ga kao susjeda.
Ako se nekome to možda čini kao sasvim logična posljedica ratnih trauma, onda treba naglasiti da je 1999. godine, samo četiri godine nakon Oluje i neposredno nakon mirne reintegracije Podunavlja, 13 posto mladih reklo da bi htjelo Srbina za bračnog partnera, a 22 posto za susjeda.
Dakle, u tih desetak godina "normalizacije" odnosa, poslije onog čuvenog Sanaderova "Hristos se rodi", nakon što je srpska stranka držala HDZ na vlasti, ti postoci su se doslovno prepolovili. Ako se trend nastavi, za deset godina dobit ćemo "nultu toleranciju" na Srbe.
I ne samo Srbe. Stupanj tolerancije naročito je nizak prema Romima (70 posto mladih ne bi im dozvolilo da žive u Hrvatskoj), prema homoseksualcima (40 posto ih ne bi željelo u susjedstvu), prema Albancima i ostalim Balkancima, a nedavni incident u azilu za strance u Dugavama pokazao je da postoji izražen strah i nepovjerenje prema crncima.
Dakle, prema svima "strancima".

Mogu reći da sam prošle godine osobno sudjelovao u anketi i da sam skupa s prijateljima zaokružio slične ponuđene odgovore koji su u korespondenciji s rezultatima.

Jesmo li ksenofobični ili smo samo površno zaokruživali ankete?

Možemo prvi puta s ozbiljnom strepnjom i zabrinutošću zaključiti da "na mladima svijet ostaje".

Svijet bez Srba, Roma, homoseksualaca, crnaca, stranaca, Albanaca i Bosanaca.

Recent research by the Institute for Social Research and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, conducted among 1,500 young people aged between 14 and 27 years, led to a devastating, though not overly surprising data.
Only seven per cent of young people said they wanted Serbs to their spouse, and 15 percent agreed to have him as a neighbor.
If for someone it might seem a logical consequence of war trauma, it should be noted that the 1999th year, only four years after the Storm operation and immediately after the peaceful reintegration of the Danube region, 13 percent of young people said that they would want Serbs to their spouse, and 22 percent for the neighbors.
So, in those ten years of "normalization" of relations, after that famous Sanader "Christ is born" after the Serbian party held HDZ party in power, these percentages were virtually halved. If the trend continues, in ten years we will have "zero tolerance" against the Serbs.
And not only Serbs. Tolerance is particularly low against Roma (70 per cent of young people would not permit them to live in Croatia), against homosexuals (40 percent of them would not want in the neighborhood), the Albanians and other Balkanites, a recent incident in the shelter for foreigners in Dugave showed that there is a pronounced fear and distrust of blacks.
So, to all "foreigners".

I can say that last year I personally participated in the survey and I together with my friends circled offered similar answers that are in correspondence with the results.

Are we xenophobic or we didn't take poll seriously and circled it for fun?

We can for the first time with a serious anxiety and concern conclude that "the world is for the new generation"

World without Serbs, Roma, homosexuals, blacks, foreigners, Albanians and Bosnians.

04-23-2013, 09:14 PM
Sto se tice nacionalnim manjina mislim da sveako ima pravo biti ksenofobican. Ne kuzim zasto bi se netko osjecao krivim ako ne vole crnce drugu rasu.

04-23-2013, 09:15 PM
Jeez ... so they hate all their neighbours, except for the Slovenians :p

04-23-2013, 09:17 PM
I think this is a similar trend to most countries in the region.

04-23-2013, 09:18 PM
Jeez ... so they hate all their neighbours, except for the Slovenians :p

I wouldn't say hate.It's a strong word.

There is a proverb in Croatia: ''Daleko im kuća.''

Translated: ''Let their house be far away (from us)''

04-23-2013, 09:20 PM
I think this is a similar trend to most countries in the region.

Do you think economical crisis is behind it?

04-23-2013, 09:23 PM
Do you think economical crisis is behind it?

Yes, but also the failure of the last two decades, the empty promises of liberalism, demokracy after the fall of communism.

04-23-2013, 09:27 PM
Jeez ... so they hate all their neighbours, except for the Slovenians :p

No mention of Hungarians either.

04-23-2013, 09:27 PM
Basically, when communism fell, people thought "from this point on, things will only get better, we will be richer, soon we will live western lifestyles". These were the promises that liberalism, western demokracy, was supposed to bring us.

But we know, that reality is different, and much of the youth today has grown up on this "transition zone" of failure, corruption, and this is all the youth know, and they are angry, because they want change and improvement, which in the last 20 years, did not really come in big amounts.

This is why Jobbik is the most popular party among university students and young Hungarians in Hungary, because of radical ideas, instead of simply singing the same tune of the last two decades.

04-23-2013, 09:30 PM
No mention of Hungarians either.

If I remember correctly they were also in the poll.

Also there was some stuff regarding male-female relations,I think...but I can't find full results of research.

04-23-2013, 09:32 PM
Poblem in Croatia is all politicians are ex communists in power, even the director of the national television is ex commie Hloverka Novak Srzic.

04-23-2013, 09:35 PM
Poblem in Croatia is all politicians are ex communists in power, even the director of the national television is ex commie Hloverka Novak Srzic.

This is the case for many former communist countries too.

04-23-2013, 09:55 PM
But off course, this was the past, Croatia will join the EU, will have a fresh start, will be a prosperous country and will live happily ever after, right?

Answer: NO

In 5-10 years time, if I am wrong, I will buy you Rastko pálinka and chocolate for Valerija ;)

04-23-2013, 09:57 PM
I remember at the time I was doing this poll Dralos seriously frustrated me here so I circled all the worst about Albanians :laugh:

04-23-2013, 09:59 PM
I see no point in such a hate... For instance my brother works for a Croatian company here in Serbia for over a 5 years, he was in Croatia at least 4-5 times annually. If I change a Co I work for, which is likely to happen soon, I'll go to Croatia for some additional training for a 2 weeks. I don't expect any probs over there :noidea:

04-23-2013, 10:03 PM
I see no point in such a hate... For instance my brother works for a Croatian company here in Serbia for over a 5 years, he was in Croatia at least 4-5 times annually. If I change a Co I work for, which is likely to happen soon, I'll go to Croatia for some additional training for a 2 weeks. I don't expect any probs over there :noidea:

You'll have no problems.

Croats are passive when it comes to actual acts.

But when it comes to circling stuff we are 99% Catholics and so on...

Shkembe Chorba
04-23-2013, 10:20 PM
Poblem in Croatia is all politicians are ex communists in power, even the director of the national television is ex commie Hloverka Novak Srzic.
Same here. Unfortunately, going in EU cannot solve this kind of problem, but think will make the next generations more tolerant.

About the politicians, we just have to wait a 5-10 years, so come in power people who were born in noncommunist times.

04-23-2013, 10:29 PM
But off course, this was the past, Croatia will join the EU, will have a fresh start, will be a prosperous country and will live happily ever after, right?

we can only hope that we will be replaced with the young generation of people who think on the different way.

04-23-2013, 10:38 PM
Jeez ... so they hate all their neighbours, except for the Slovenians :p

Last year i was in Croatia, and the people were very friendly :)

Remember that, when a woman questioned me about my nationality, and i sad i'm Albanian she embraced and kissed me. I was a bit surprised by her reaction.

04-25-2013, 09:38 PM
Croatia: 85% Of Croats Don’t Want Serbs As A Neighbours

ZAGREB – A recent survey of the Institute for Social Research “Friedrich Ebert” conducted among 1,500 young people aged between 14 and 27 years, has led to striking data. Only seven per cent of young Croatians would accept Serb as spouse, and only 15 percent as a neighbor.

What is even more alarming is that in 1999, immediately after the “Operation Storm”, situation was far better!

At that time, 13 percent of young people said that they wanted a Serb as a partner, and 22 percent for a neighbor, and if this continues, emphasize local expert, in next 10 years could be expected “zero tolerance Croats for Serbs.”

Croats have particularly low tolerance for Roma population (70 percent of young people would not allow them to live in Croatia), homosexuals (40 percent of them would not want in the neighborhood), Albanians and other Balkan people.

Actually all this data is not striking for us. We are not aware if similar survey is conducted in Serbia, but from our experience, we guess that situation is more or less the same. Maybe the only difference is that Serbs don’t have prejudice against Croats on a Love matter.


No comments worth posting seriously......

04-25-2013, 09:41 PM
Poor landlocked Serbians. They need a friend, an arm over the shoulder.

Hurrem sultana
04-25-2013, 09:47 PM
lol its not like they can move the country or sometinmg

04-25-2013, 09:48 PM
Well, what do you expect? :lol:

Anyways, if Serbs were peaceful, I'd be glad to have them as neighbours, but nope, they take pride in the murders they've done, so suck it! :wink

04-25-2013, 09:50 PM
I wish Novak Djokovic was my neighbour.

04-25-2013, 09:51 PM
Poor landlocked Serbians. They need a friend, an arm over the shoulder.

Romania is very good friend to Serbia.
Montenegro and Romania are best neighbours that Serbia has.

04-25-2013, 09:51 PM
Poor landlocked Serbians. They need a friend , an arm over the shoulder.

Only Macedonia and Greece seem to be capable of going beyond the American fatwa against Belgrade. Russia too of course, but I mean countries in the region.

Albania and all the former Yugoslav countries have been built to structurally oppose Serbia, both by the figures and apparatchiks that were promoted, and the political messages that were spoused by the Atlanticist system.

I don't know where Romania and Bulgaria stand but they don't seem to be particularly involved. Sheer incapacity I suppose.

What's funny is that any average analyst will see that the EU is exerting an incredible amount of pressure and blackmail on Serbia and Hungary at the same time, while the Budapest-Belgrade relations remain stagnated...at best. Perhaps its time the Serbians start looking north....

04-25-2013, 09:51 PM
I've already opened this thread.

04-25-2013, 09:51 PM
Romania is very good friend to Serbia.
Montenegro and Romania are best neighbours that Serbia has.

Djanukovic and his theater country only cut Serbia from its ports in the Adriatic while giving away all Montenegro to the Russians. What a friend he is...

I do hope Montenegro goes back to Serbia soon enough

04-25-2013, 10:01 PM
We are not alone:



04-25-2013, 10:07 PM
None of the referenced articles regarding Austria and Germany mention Serbs.

The dislike for Serbia that Croats show here is simply the natural conclusion of the positions taken by the guys that American and German intelligence services catapulted to the government of Zagreb. Nothing new under the sun.

04-25-2013, 10:09 PM
Same in Bosnia

04-25-2013, 10:10 PM
Same in Bosnia

Wouldn't doubt it. Read my previous post about the neighbours of Serbia.
All the post Yugoslav States, except Macedonia, have been characterized by a strong Anti-Serb political agenda.

I do however think the result might be different if we polled the citizens of Republika Srpska.

04-25-2013, 10:11 PM
Jeez ... so they hate all their neighbours, except for the Slovenians :p

They don't hate Slovenians, because they don't percieve us as a threat. But they can get very patronizing and offensive sometimes.

For example, a typical Croat joke about Slovenes - 'How Slovenians came to be? When Austrians started throwing their retarded children across the alps'.

04-25-2013, 10:13 PM
I love how dumb Baluarte is, appareantly the 'inter-Atlantic galactic organizations', run by Aliens from outer space are the reason why Croatians dislike Serbs. :lol:

Ah well... It's Baluarte afterall. :coffee:

But I believe in 20 years, if Serbia recognizes Kosovo and leaves BiH and it's sovereignity alone, their reputation might return to stable.

04-25-2013, 10:15 PM
Wouldn't doubt it. Read my previous post about the neighbours of Serbia.
All the post Yugoslav States, except Macedonia, have been characterized by a strong Anti-Serb political agenda.

I do however think the result might be different if we polled the citizens of Republika Srpska.

Well it is slightly better when it comes to Croats,majority dislike them too

04-25-2013, 10:20 PM
Djanukovic and his theater country only cut Serbia from its ports in the Adriatic while giving away all Montenegro to the Russians. What a friend he is...

I do hope Montenegro goes back to Serbia soon enough

You are really noob.
If Serbia want access towards sea they got over Danube.
Besides,Serbia and Montenegro have very good relations.
No one is bothered by the Russian investors from Montenegro,we got plenty of them (Russian investors) in Romania also (and no one is bothered by them either here).

04-25-2013, 10:23 PM
But of course, I am the noob.
Not Djukanovic who managed to remarkably led the government in Podgorica to total catastrophy over the space of 2 years, only to be saved by mass private investments from Russian shady figures.

I clearly prefer Russia to NATO, but there is a huge difference between working with Russia, and whoring yourself to Russia.

04-25-2013, 10:32 PM
What's the problem in other Europeans investing in other European countries? :picard2:

04-26-2013, 01:55 PM
The dislike for Serbia that Croats show here is simply the natural conclusion of the positions taken by the guys that American and German intelligence services catapulted to the government of Zagreb. Nothing new under the sun.

Not everything is because of Jews, Americans, Zionists.

I am sure Ante Starcevic was not a American puppet.

04-26-2013, 01:59 PM
Perhaps its time the Serbians start looking north....

Serbs can forget about Pécs and Baranya.

This is what it means when "Serbs look north"..

04-26-2013, 01:59 PM
Tribal rivalry is a reality in the Balkans, century old.
Who pilots and who profits from the atomization is a whole story altogether. The post 1991 process has their mark.

04-26-2013, 02:00 PM

1941 map. I'm speaking of the post-Tito Yugoslavians.. Like I've always done so

You seem capable of going beyond the medieval rivalries with the Ottomans, yet you stay stuck in the pre-war image of South Slavs.

04-26-2013, 02:04 PM
1941 map. I'm speaking of the post-Tito Yugoslavians.. Like I've always done so

You seem capable of going beyond the medieval rivalries with the Ottomans, yet you stay stuck in the pre-war image of South Slavs.

Because in the mindset of Serbian nationalists, Battle of Kosovo 1389 happened only yesterday.

04-26-2013, 02:07 PM
Serbs will have to evolve and adapt their anti-Atlanticist nationalism or they will perish alone.
Fixing their attitude towards Hungary will be a part of that.

04-26-2013, 02:15 PM
Serbs will have to evolve and adapt their anti-Atlanticist nationalism or they will perish alone.
Fixing their attitude towards Hungary will be a part of that.

Thank God Colombia isn't in Europe. :lol:

04-26-2013, 02:19 PM
Thank God Colombia isn't in Europe. :lol:

Relevance to the topic?
Colombia is a very pro-NATO country. Not even as an analogy it works.

04-26-2013, 02:23 PM
Relevance to the topic?
Colombia is a very pro-NATO country. Not even as an analogy it works.

Supporting NATO /=/ anti-nationalism.

Oh, so you're a minority then? Good. :coffee:

04-26-2013, 02:23 PM
Serbs will have to evolve and adapt their anti-Atlanticist nationalism or they will perish alone.
Fixing their attitude towards Hungary will be a part of that.

Let them perish alone, we have absolutely no reason to trust them, and there will be no co-operation between Hungarian and Serbian nationalists. By definition, a Serb nationalists dislikes us.

04-26-2013, 02:26 PM
You seem to be open about Russians. That openness has to surmount all the past of enmity between both countries. I really don't see why the same is structurally impossible with the Serbs.

04-26-2013, 02:29 PM
You seem to be open about Russians. That openness has to surmount all the past of enmity between both countries. I really don't see why the same is structurally impossible with the Serbs.

Because we dont border Russia, and our disagreements with Russia are the past.

With Serbia it is different.

Not to mention we are naturally pro-Croatian.

04-26-2013, 02:34 PM
What are the current conflicts with Serbia?

Towns in Vojvodina have Hungarian as an official language in education, media and administration. The nationalists you mention have little or no saying regarding the policies of Belgrade.

Why is it again?

04-26-2013, 02:38 PM
What are the current conflicts with Serbia?

Towns in Vojvodina have Hungarian as an official language in education, media and administration. The nationalists you mention have little or no saying regarding the policies of Belgrade.

Why is it again?

And Serbs in Kosovo have their own their own police and appeal court. So what's the problem? :coffee:

(By the way, I think we should continue this discussion somewhere else, Croat forum and Croat thread is not really appropriate)

04-26-2013, 04:06 PM
Because we dont border Russia, and our disagreements with Russia are the past.

With Serbia it is different.

Not to mention we are naturally pro-Croatian.

Being pro-Croatian doesn't mean being automatically against Serbia. Some people just use out two nation for their own interests, to take it to another level-some people just love to see us fighting cause we counter and balance each other. What will happen IF one day we decide to be a very friendly nations? Eh? hehehe!

04-26-2013, 04:14 PM
Being pro-Croatian doesn't mean being automatically against Serbia. Some people just use out two nation for their own interests, to take it to another level-some people just love to see us fighting cause we counter and balance each other. What will happen IF one day we decide to be a very friendly nations? Eh? hehehe!

What do you mean "If", it happened in the past before during our uprisings ;)

And you are right, South Slavic unity can be a detriment to some nations. If you want me to be honest, I would rather border Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, than a Yugoslavia headed by Belgrade for your own interests in this region ;)