View Full Version : Irish company's supply factory collapses killing 113

Eddie Quist
04-25-2013, 12:26 AM
Primark is one of the world's most successful clothing companies yet few realise it is Irish. It only employs about 30,000 directly but employs some 250,000 more indirectly, mostly in the 3rd World who make its garments.Today news comes through that 113+ people died in Bangladesh in a building collapse of one of its suppliers: (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/bangladesh/10015740/Dozens-dead-after-factory-supplying-Primark-collapses-in-Bangladesh.html)

30,000 employee's and it is Irish.... I hope it is paying tax in Ireland.

Not paying its tax in Ireland could be seen as anti-Irish in a time of austerity:rolleyes: