View Full Version : Catholic wedding in Yugoslavia (region Slavonia)

04-25-2013, 08:27 PM
Sometimes lasted for seven days or more


04-25-2013, 08:30 PM
Hebala te Yugoslavia :D

04-25-2013, 10:06 PM
Samo da se vidi da nije bilo sve tako sjajno.

04-25-2013, 10:09 PM
Wow seven days ... seriously? :D

07-03-2013, 01:55 AM
Čajo is the head of wedding protocol, he is one of the most important person in the wedding party, along with the future husband and wife. Before the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds agreed date and place of the wedding, choosing a wedding dress, a space in which to place the wedding ceremony, choosing musicians, invite the guests, choosing wedding menu, pastries, cakes, ... and also select and invite head of protocol wedding -čajo, which was previously hired for the role.

According to tradition Čajo should be someone from relatives of the newlyweds, and eventually became the custom to call for keeping wedding certain people who have previously proved to be good entertainers.
Čajo is the person who is the most listened in the weddings, it is the relationship between guests and cook women, between the newlyweds and their guests, he is responsible for a good atmosphere in the wedding ceremony, takes care of the musicians.

It must be agile, talkative and resourceful man, whose care, in consultation with the host's and godfather, about complete organization of wedding, the reception of invited guests, going for the bride and godfather in their home, going from place to place, by keeping the celebration after the wedding. Čajo cares about everything that happens at weddings, leads the ceremony of presentation of gifts that guests give to husband and wife, make sure that no one remains hungry, or thirsty, he often takes care of those who have gone too far with a drink.
All people speak to him in the wedding, the photographer, registrar, priest, godfather, host... He cares when to start dancing with a bride, when the bride has to sit, when to throw the bouquet behind and when future husband cut the wedding cake. About Čajo's abilities often depend mood in wedding, guest satisfaction, best words to describe him: "master of his craft."

He sets the tone for the overall wedding parties and mood. Must be inclined to joke, kidding (on its own account) and may not be in any kind of "insult".
In the wedding comes mainly in folk costumes, wears a hat decorated with ducats, pheasant and peacock feathers, in one hand holding a Čuturica decorated with a towel, in the second hand holds decorated ax.


07-03-2013, 02:01 AM
Catholicism is the best religion period.(See what I did there, I put a period after my word 'period')

07-03-2013, 09:22 AM
Oh yes, catholicism is the best.

07-03-2013, 09:43 AM
Catholicism is the best religion period.(See what I did there, I put a period after my word 'period')

There is a somewhat enigmatic conclusion in your sentence• But how would you know what the colour of your blood is if you have never slaughtered ´a lamb.´

08-16-2013, 11:44 PM
Bride in the video has hairstyle like this (this is traditional hairstyle of region Slavonia):
