View Full Version : For You, What is Best in Life?

09-02-2009, 12:26 PM
(In no particular order)

1.) The love of a good woman. Preferably several
2.) Honouring commitments
3.) Thinking
4.) Good food, good wine
5.) Mountain air
6.) Dirt on my hands, and underneath my fingernails
7.) Raising sons
8.) 4:30 a.m.
9.) My omoplata
10.) Conan sums-up the rest:


09-02-2009, 01:08 PM
Yeah, I've got to agree, there's nothing like the touch of a good woman...or, women rather. ;)


A twisty, two-lane ride on a finely tuned motorcycle.

A deep powder run on skis, preferably above treeline.

A refreshing dip in a cold mountain brook on a hot summer's day.

A hoppy ale or five.


A job well done.

A wooded & yet pastoral landscape.

09-02-2009, 01:37 PM
The feeling I have when I am near the sea, upon a high mountain or in the snow.

Sitting in gardens pondering a pipe-dream.

The feeling of knowing, of mutual understanding, with my kin.


09-02-2009, 02:15 PM
Sitting on the bog reading the paper, oh and err crushing your enemies, seeing their women lament, and all that, but only after a good old crap.

09-02-2009, 02:49 PM
What is best in life? Finding meaning in life, in the small things and in what is beyond you. In both the next cup of coffee, the next poem and the next Eucharist ;) Growing in the love of your fellow human beings.. them growing in love of you. Communing and growing near with the divinity. Appreciating the beauty that exists.. and is free.. in other people, in nature, and which we can create ourselves.

Johnny Bravo
09-02-2009, 02:52 PM
What is best in life? Finding meaning in life, in the small things and in what is beyond you. In both the next cup of coffee, the next poem and the next Eucharist ;) Growing in the love of your fellow human beings.. them growing in love of you. Communing and growing near with the divinity. Appreciating the beauty that exists.. and is free.. in other people, in nature, and which we can create ourselves.

Hmm... have you gotten your peener wet yet? Just axin'...

09-02-2009, 03:03 PM
Love, knowledge/learning and food.

Lady L
09-02-2009, 03:09 PM
-Knowing the love Lyfing and I have :) that shall last forever...

-Seeing my kids laugh and grow and making sure they are safe:)...

Very simple eeh? ;)

09-02-2009, 03:22 PM
It's the simple things that do it for me: taking a walk in the beautiful Virginian countryside, cooking a good meal, being around children, and watching the plants in my garden thrive as a result of my own labor.

Finsterer Streiter
09-02-2009, 03:38 PM
A loyal partner; Sleeping long; Strong family boundaries; delicious beer and meals; staying true to the own ideals

09-02-2009, 04:58 PM
My top three would definitely be the old triad:

Wine (nothing compares to a fine Brandy or Scotch), woman (my beautiful wife), and song (music is, for me, the most sacred of all human creations). Aside from these...

Smoking: I find so much enjoyment in sitting alone under the stars with a fine cigar or pipe of tobacco.

Climbing: the sense of isolation and achievement on feels when reaching the summit of a mountain.

Fatherhood: teaching my son how to be a man has been one of the most rewarding things I've ever attempted doing.

09-02-2009, 07:04 PM
The understanding in your partner's eyes; being the best in the group; victory upon your opponents; being alone out in the nature and feeling the wind in your face; falling asleep in the night thinking about life and Universe matters; watching the night sky;

09-02-2009, 07:49 PM
Personal freedom


Peace of mind

Travelling and getting acquainted with new cultures

Good company & long-lasting friendships

Enjoying meaningful conversations while sipping wine

Continuous learning & wisdom

Overcoming the fear of death

09-02-2009, 07:51 PM

That is all, true love bores move.

Damiăo de Góis
09-02-2009, 08:01 PM
Love, friends, football and having a job you enjoy otherwise life sucks.

09-02-2009, 09:53 PM
1, The love and loyalty of my partner

2, The respect and love from my 2 sons.

3, Respect from my peers.

4, accelerating from 0-126 mph in my BMW, and keeping it there for a while.

5, Teaching my sons how to ride their bikes with the stabilisers off.

6, knowing that i can arm wrestle a whole pub full of men.

7, Cleaning my guns after a day shooting.

8, Unleashing my dog in the park for the first time, and watching him come back to me with a call.

9, Finally paying my divorce settlement.

10, Christmas day, unwrapping presents with the one i love.

Comte Arnau
09-03-2009, 01:41 AM
Health, nourishment and reasons to go on.

All the rest comes down to it.

09-03-2009, 01:52 AM
(In no particular order)

1.) The love of a good woman. Preferably several
2.) Honouring commitments
3.) Thinking
4.) Good food, good wine
5.) Mountain air
6.) Dirt on my hands, and underneath my fingernails
7.) Raising sons
8.) 4:30 a.m.
9.) My omoplata
10.) Conan sums-up the rest:


What is best in life?

1.) Bringing honor to my family, and thus to my tribe.

2.) Providing evidence to back up any claim I make, I have to have my arguments grounded in a firm foundation of research. I find great joy in solid research.

3.) Correcting any error/mistake. If I mess up, I must either fix it directly or learn from the mistake to avoid making the same error in the future. I enjoy the road to making the mistake, and the road to fixing it. Without this scenario life would be quite boring.

4.) Food!!!!!!!!!!!!

5.) Alcohol, a necessity. :D

6.) A good brawl for sport, nothing like bloodying up the knuckles to get the blood flowing. :D

7.) That day where the sky is overcast, a light shade of gray, when the wind is swift and chill, the
grass a mellow deep green tone, the dirt cool and moist. That is choice.

8.) Being able to purchase a sword that is functional, reliable, sharp, and ready for use.

9.) Being able to purchase a firearm for self protection when a blade will not suffice. Though in the near future this may be a thing of the past if the far left has its way.

10.) Having a birthday that falls during the Yule season. :D

09-03-2009, 01:54 AM

Good food

Good beer

Acknowledgement of my worth by others I respect

My midwifery studies

My pets

My family

Being able to hike Point Reyes

Knowing that I am able to do almost anything I put my mind to

Being able to find, and then love yourself for your own worth

Writing a good poem, and knowing that it is good

Spinning on my wheel

Knitting a complex project and having it turn out beautiful

09-03-2009, 02:29 AM
Intresting people, meat, night rain on a metal roof, insight and understanding, the little grin, midnight swims

Sol Invictus
09-03-2009, 02:58 AM
-Acquiring new-found knowledge of things of all matters, religious, political, social.

-Working with the Runes and feeling their energy and appreciating the guiding force they have.

-Thinking about nature, how it seems to be acting independent of any all-powerful "God", but instead, are aspects of many gods in themselves.

-Arguing with Christians who choose to challenge my beliefs in the supernatural. How my beliefs don't ever contradict the very laws of nature, violate them, nor do they contradict the very laws that deem us to be 'sane' people.

-I love shooting. I love my Glock. It is my sword of defense against those who would do me harm. Having it gives me peace of mind, and security of person. It makes me very happy.

-My friends. I may not have alot of friends, and only one friend who is a Heathen, with whom we both use the runes together, and it can be a very exciting experience. I love being with them, and I love partying with them. I can always rely on them for help if I need it, and they can always rely on me for help if they need it.

-Beer & Hard Liquor. A great social lubricant.

-Women. There is nothing like the touch, feel, and smell of a woman who loves you and will do (almost) anything for you. If I'm not intimate with one, even then, they are great to have amongst my friends and we joke around and have a great time together. But a good woman as an intimate partner is something very special. Women have a way of making you feel like a man.

-My education. It is my training. It will prepare me for my challenging life ahead, and will prepare me for challenging situations I will no doubt face in the future.

-Reading News & Current Events. I am always up-to-date on what is going on in this world. I try my best to let no information get past my head, especially if it is information concerning the sworn enemies of my Folk, Faith, and Family.

-Being deep in the woods. With a camp fire, alone or with others, looking up at the stars and listening to the wind and the noises of the earth.

-Hunting. It is my main source of food. About 80% of the food that I eat is shot and stored in my freezer (it's huge). It makes me happy knowing that I am spending about 90% less money for my food, than the traditional suburbanite, and knowing that I will always have food available to me or whoever is in need. It's also a very rewarding experience to partake in this because it is a hobby of mine. And it was a hobby of my father and his father before him.