View Full Version : The Tragic Tale Of Ethnic Europeans Now Bullied In Schools By Muslim Gangs In Norway.

05-04-2013, 08:20 AM
Over the past few weeks, Finansavisen [Financial Newspaper] has focused on immigration and its economic consequences. We have commented on several of these previously. Last weekend the journalists Kjell Erik Eilertsen, Ole Asbjørn Ness and the photographer Iván Kverme left behind their calculators and computers and met with some of the individuals who are growing up in the new Norway. They decided to focus on the youngsters, Norwegian boys, who are growing up in the most immigrant-dense area of Norway — Groruddalen [Grorud valley] in Oslo. And they have produced an article that other media would probably refuse to print.

Groruddalen is an area that covers four neighborhoods: Stovner, Alna, Grorud and Bjerke. All the neighborhoods have an immigrant population approaching 50 percent.

Finansavisen has made contact with two young boys in the “valley”. One of them, Marius Sørvik, has decided to go public, and his name and picture appear in the newspaper. The other one has decided to remain anonymous. Finansavisen refers to him as “Andreas”. One boy was interviewed twice and the other one on three occasions. They were given copies of the article to read through before it was published, and confirmed that they have been quoted correctly. In addition to this Andreas’ father has read the article and given the newspaper the approval to publish his son’s story.

Two different worlds in 35 minutes

When the decision to travel to Groruddalen was finally made, Finansavisen decided that the journalists should travel there in the manner that most of the youths choose, namely by riding the subway train. The trip from Smestad to Stovner takes approximately 35 minutes, according to Finansavisen, and I guess that during the journey they were shown two different worlds.

When they arrive in Stovner, they hear the voice of “Andreas”:

“A few weeks ago,” he says, “I was entering the schoolyard. They were attacking Lars. There’s a whole heap of them. They always attack as a group. They are dogs, they hunt in packs. They are beating him up. I run in between them and I punch one of them. Then someone comes rushing to and separates us, and yet again I’m being hauled off to the principal’s office, and yet again I am being told that even if they punch us we are not supposed to retaliate. Do you know how insanely provocative such a statement is?”

Finansavisen‘s description of Andreas leaves no room for doubt:

He is sixteen. He is angry. He’s scared. He is brave. He is tired. He wants to tell. He’s got the face of a boy and the eyes of a man.

“I would have gone public with my full identity had it not been for the fact that I have younger siblings. People need to realize what it is like to grow up here,” he says.

Home is a place somewhere in Groruddalen. That’s where he grew up. He spends one week at his mother’s place and the next one at his father’s place. His stepfather is nice. His father is great. His mother is great, but naïve.

That is not the problem. This area is what’s the problem.

“My mum told me that it would be good for me to grow up here. I would get to know the new Norway, get to know different cultures.”

Then we are introduced to Marius Sørvik.

He is nineteen. He is articulate. He is brave. He’s scared. He is weak. He is successful. He has dropped out of school. He has a beard. He is too young to have beard. He is pretty in the eyes of young girls. He is only 19, but he has made four movies. He earns money. Right now he is staying with his mum.

He came to Groruddalen from Fredrikstad when he was one year old. Soon he’ll move back to Fredrikstad.

“They are to be pitied”

The boys have difficulties defining themselves, “the others” and animal metaphors are often used:

They both belong to an animal species that is rapidly diminishing in Groruddalen. They do what all animals do: Come up with survival strategies. Trying to find a way to show off their feathers in all its glory, run and hide when they are outnumbered.

Human nature: The wish to retaliate: revenge, vengeance, one day they might be the strongest, and not be outnumbered. Them. Against them. The others. Strangers with Norwegian passports. The ones they were told to be considerate of when they attended elementary school. Their species has as of yet not been officially labelled. For want of a better term, we chose to use the term that Marius uses to describe himself, a young ethnic Norwegian male.

“All the teachers told me, the principal told me, if I had an altercation with them I had to understand that they were to be pitied, that they came from countries where there had been war. I thought that he was joking. Their grandparents emigrated from Pakistan. So if I hit someone no one would scold me because my grandfather had been a member of the Norwegian Resistance Movement? But I believed in it.”

Duped by the school

The elementary school in Groruddalen is a pleasant experience for both of them in the beginning. They sing the songs, they believe in the songs, they live the songs. Then it starts to sound false, the childhood comes to an end, fifth grade:

“You discover who you are,” says Andreas.

“People are different; everything you have learned in school is wrong,” says Marius.

You have the ethnic Norwegian boys, and then there are the others. Faced with these two choices, the two boys chose different strategies:

Marius’ strategy

He doesn’t lower his head. He refuses to take any crap. He answers back. He’s loudmouthed. He is who he is. It does not matter. But that’s not why they target him. It is an autumn evening in seventh grade. He is playing tennis. When he leaves the court to collect some tennis balls they appear. They are seven or eight Somalis. The beat the crap out of him, he has to get new teeth put in.

Marius doesn’t slow down. He calls a Roma girl a gypsy, something that isn’t appreciated. When her brothers and cousins come for him, he hides in the principal’s office. It has begun.

Andreas’ strategy

He lowers his gaze, he wants to be like them, talk like them, he alters his language, limits his vocabulary, makes deliberate spelling mistakes — ‘an school’, kebab-Norwegian, buys a soft gun, wants to be like the older, tougher, cool Pakistani guys that have cars and money and no job, why not become a Muslim, become a brother?

He wants to be like them, but he doesn’t become like them, something inside him is resisting.

Fragments: the bad grades in the Norwegian classes, the bad friends, Islam, he notices how they view women, as an object, how they react when he tries to discuss Islam with them, how they talk about respect, but don’t show any respect, how they refer to Norwegians as f***ing Norwegians, whitey, potato; something inside him resists.

He withdraws. They notice that he withdraws. Then it starts.

Constant fear

We learn about the suffering of Marius:

He heads off to school an hour before it starts in the morning. He heads home before it finishes in the afternoon. More episodes, more threats. Fear is not an isolated event, but rather a continuous stream.

In tenth grade he goes to see the doctor and lies about having social anxiety. He is given a medical certificate so he can spend as little time as possible in school. He’s scared. Says that they always come in packs. Says that they always stare when he sees them on the subway when there are twenty of them, and when he gets a girlfriend they cry out to him:

“‘Hey Marius have you got yourself a girlfriend,’ and it’s not the words that are threatening, but the way they are being uttered, do you understand, how they look at me and my girlfriend who starts to cry, do you understand?”

NRK’s “concept” of “our valley”

We are being told that Marius’ fears have subsided, although they can still return:

It has been three years since he graduated from high school. He can still feel a twinge of fear whenever he meets the gangs on the subway, but he doesn’t give a ****, he has made four movies, he says what he thinks, he is who he is, the valley is what it is, he writes op-eds about life in Groruddalen and gets them published in VG and Dagsavisen, he is only nineteen but he has already had a heart attack and he has been interviewed twice by the producers of the Norwegian TV series ‘Dalen Vår’ [‘Our Valley’], Elisabeth Brun (see separate article) to find out if his story fitted in with the story about Groruddalen.

It did not.

“Your views do not fit in with our concept,” she said. That TV series is state-funded propaganda. A documentary where the angle has been determined in advance is no documentary, but a half-mockumentary where they have full control of what is being said. If you are going to tell a story about what a great place Groruddalen is, then you can’t talk to young ethnic Norwegian boys, because most of them will tell you that it is a horrible place.

Worried about murders

Andreas is also suffering, despite attempts at hiding it as much as possible:

He has withdrawn into himself, although he still has a Muslim friend from a very religious family. Let’s call him Omar. He tries to persuade Andreas to become Muslim. Omar tells him about the judgment and the hell that awaits all those who refuse to submit to Islam in time. Omar tells him that he needs to stop enjoying life, but rather prepare himself for the next life. Forsake. But Andreas says that he is wary of Islam; actually it’s more than that: he doesn’t like Islam, not the strictness, vengefulness, its view of women, all the talk about the chastity of women, hijab, not because they want to but because they have to.

They discuss. The discussions descend into verbal altercations.

“He told me that he was going to kill me. I threatened him back.”

Andreas allies himself with ethnic Norwegians in the motorcycle community for protection, a 1% club.

“Had it not been for them he would have killed me.”

Cowardly Muslims

Andreas doesn’t deny that he’s still scared. That he lift weights to gain strength. He also says that he’s contemplating carrying a knife, but that he fears the police knife controls. He says that he’s made deals with his friends, that they will all stand up for each other. Friends who also lift weights and that are into martial arts.

“Muslims don’t fight you on a one-to-one basis. If you meet them alone they are cowards. If I run into Omar alone, he will just walk past me. If I am alone and meet him in a crowd, the best outcome I can hope for is a beating.”

Marius has lifted his gaze. Now he can start to analyze it all.

“There is a hierarchy, where ethnic Norwegian boys are on the bottom rung on the ladder. They will be targeted unless they accede to their rules, if they don’t they become Norwegian immigrants. If a Norwegian boy gets into trouble, odds are that he has a small family and a tiny social network. Unlike a Pakistani or Somali boy, he doesn’t have a clan of brothers and cousins and uncles who come rushing to his aid in the event of a conflict. Most of the time the only thing he has is a single parent.”

Norwegian is weakness, Norwegian culture is on the way out

Andreas believes that the Norwegian culture is being squeezed out.

“Nobody wants to be a Norwegian here. Norwegian is synonymous with weakness. This is a feeling that is also being conveyed by the teachers.

“They are afraid. They don’t dare to speak out. You should have a look at the number of principals that have come and gone at Vestliveien school in recent years, and ask them why they left. They don’t have control, but they do everything to accommodate the Muslim students. In home economics classes everybody has to prepare halal meat. Immigrants do not have to attend ‘NyNorsk’ classes [literally New-Norwegian, which is a different dialect and a different way to write Norwegian — there are two forms of written Norwegian]. I have to attend these classes. The Muslim girls do not have to attend the physical activity classes; because of course they cannot undress in front of other girls. We have to adapt to their culture. They don’t have to adapt to ours.”

Andreas’ views on girls:

“There is one thing that annoys the hell out of me. They can start chasing Norwegian girls, but we cannot go after theirs. It’s something you learn early on. You just don’t go after a Pakistani girl, but Norwegian girls are available to immigrant boys. Norwegian girls prefer them. I don’t know why. I guess it must be that brown skin. That they are tough, that they have money despite not having jobs. They don’t see that they fight in packs, that they are cowards. I asked my best female friend if we could get romantically involved, and she told me that I have the right personality, but the problem was that I’m Norwegian. She wants to become involved with a foreigner.”

He believes that Oslo will eventually become Oslostan.

“It’s not going to happen straightaway, but it that’s the way its going. More and more Muslims arrive here from abroad, and many Norwegians convert. Personally I know of five converts. Here it’s all about Islam; Islam is strong, so why fight it?”

The betrayal and the silence

Andreas says that he feels betrayed. And his conversation with the journalists from Finansavisen is the first time that adults let him speak freely, the first time that he doesn’t have to hold back and place restrictions on himself. He says that he wants to become an actor. He wants to make a movie. Maybe a movie about the real “our valley”. He says that he wants to join the HV youth (the youth division of the National Guard). “He wants the uniform. He craves the authority that a uniform gives. No one messes with a soldier.”

Finansavisen’s reporters suggest that adolescence can be tough for everybody, and they wonder how much of it is actually about growing up in the valley and how much is trauma that many adolescents experience, such as differentness, loneliness and exclusion. They even ask them if they are paranoid — if there really is something to be afraid of. Maybe they have deliberately isolated themselves and gone into hiding and started worshipping imaginary horrors that have replaced reality?

The boys’ response is laughter:

They laugh. They smile. The journalists have not understood.

“It is not imagination when they shout after me, when they threaten me, when they hit me,” says Andreas.

“Are you afraid to walk around alone?”

“I’m not. Not any more,” says Marius.

“There are many places that I don’t go alone. Especially at night,” says Andreas.

We follow Andreas to the subway station.

“Do you see?” he says, and guides our attention to two immigrants. “Do you see how they stare back?”

He’s right. They do stare. We lower our gaze first.

Once again we hear the animal metaphors that permeates their language:

“They are like cats, says Andreas — cats never back down. They challenge you. I get so f***ing mad.”

The subway train arrives. We get on. After a few stop Andreas gets off. We lean back in our seats and try to let the rattle of the train carriage rock us into a kind of sleep. But sleep doesn’t come.

The subway ride from Stovner to Smestad takes approximately 35 minutes.

Epilogue: After having read the draft, Marius gave us a call.

“You can delete the statement that I can walk around safely.”


“I got beat up on the way home from the pub yesterday.”


05-04-2013, 08:30 AM
I didn't put it in the Norway section as I think it's important to all Europeans.

05-04-2013, 08:39 AM
Don't worry the meida censored race war will make sure as few as possible will know about this.

05-04-2013, 08:42 AM
The guy is upset because he can't get brown pussy. This where it all stems from really, he wants a Paki girl, just go to India and get a Christian, Hindu or Sikh Gf, but like the loser he is whining about the Muslims. Though I don't think they would be interested. Didn't read nor care for the rest of the junk he writes, just trying to cash in on the the nonsense-sentiments.

05-04-2013, 08:55 AM
The guy is upset because he can't get brown pussy. This where it all stems from really, he wants a Paki girl, just go to India and get a Christian, Hindu or Sikh Gf, but like the loser he is whining about the Muslims. Though I don't think they would be interested. Didn't read nor care for the rest of the junk he writes, just trying to cash in on the the nonsense-sentiments.

I did notice that section. Even your answer implies you agree Muslim females shouldn't have relations with non-Muslims.

05-04-2013, 08:56 AM
Don't worry the meida censored race war will make sure as few as possible will know about this.

It's up to us to make sure people see this.

05-04-2013, 08:59 AM
The guy is upset because he can't get brown pussy.

So, how has employing ad hominem attacks been working out for you?

Immigrant criminality is a reality, and it's partly going unreported because it doesn't fit the sociopolitical narrative of the establishment.

Further reading: Collection of essays and crime statistics reports (http://www.humanbiologicaldiversity.com/#Crime)

05-04-2013, 09:03 AM
I did notice that section. Even your answer implies you agree Muslim females shouldn't have relations with non-Muslims.

Read the part where he is butthurt, because he can't get one, well the Norwegian girls are going for immigrant boys, which I believe to be exaggerated, and hence why this whole thing is nonsense. Not at all I am saving him the trouble, since Pakistani Muslim culture is very difficult and has strict guidelines, well the other groups are more open. I don't care who Muslim females have a relationship with, but the fact is this guy is spinless losers, so no woman in her sane mind would want that.

05-04-2013, 09:04 AM
So, how has employing ad hominem attacks been working out for you?

Immigrant criminality is a reality, and it's partly going unreported because it doesn't fit the sociopolitical narrative of the establishment.

Further reading: Collection of essays and crime statistics reports (http://www.humanbiologicaldiversity.com/#Crime)

I saw the source as Jared Taylor and Vdare ROFL seriously. It has to be from real sources that are peer reviewed by true Sociologist and anthropologist not with people who have an agenda of Pan-Europeanism, Racialism and so on.

05-04-2013, 09:05 AM
So, how has employing ad hominem attacks been working out for you?

Immigrant criminality is a reality, and it's partly going unreported because it doesn't fit the sociopolitical narrative of the establishment.

Further reading: Collection of essays and crime statistics reports (http://www.humanbiologicaldiversity.com/#Crime)

I've posted statistics here before. Muslims are between 5 and 15 times over represented in violent crimes in Western Europe (depending on the county). In Oslo 100% of the rapists arrested in 2011 were immigrants. Assume its the same since then.

05-04-2013, 09:06 AM
Read the part where he is butthurt, because he can't get one, well the Norwegian girls are going for immigrant boys, which I believe to be exaggerated, and hence why this whole thing is nonsense. Not at all I am saving him the trouble, since Pakistani Muslim culture is very difficult and has strict guidelines, well the other groups are more open. I don't care who Muslim females have a relationship with, but the fact is this guy is spinless losers, so no women in her sane mind would want that.

Ethnic Norwegians are civilized not barbarians.

05-04-2013, 09:09 AM
Brown pussy, who the fuck would want that??

05-04-2013, 09:10 AM
This really has me thinking, if whites go back to their tribal roots, muslims would beg for us to be civil again.

Don't they understand that in a tribal barbaric society, we already kicked their ass and beat them at that game?
We didn't just beat them, we brutally fucked them up.

Why on earth do they want it back? I think they would rather be beaten and punished by us as tribalists because it makes them feel less humiliated. They were beaten by barbarians. Now they're being fucked up by aerospace engineers and nuclear physicists and this is like a double whammy. Their pride kills because not only are they losing in war, but the margin of enlightenment has increased exponentially.

05-04-2013, 09:10 AM
Ethnic Norwegians are civilized not barbarians.

Still he is butthurt, he wants the brown pussy either way. It does not matter if he is civilized or barbarian truth be told that what it boils down to. So in his rage he wants to do a conquest but through the cowards way to write about it and spread misinfo. The conquest for the brown pussy which he will never get.

05-04-2013, 09:15 AM
I do believe that germanic tribes were ruthless, and germans have shown this till WW2, but I do believe that skandinavians are weak, and that vikings were just an exagerated legend, they are wiped out anyway, since 900 years ago.

The Lawspeaker
05-04-2013, 09:16 AM
Don't worry the meida censored race war will make sure as few as possible will know about this.
The scale is so vast that the people do know about it by now... and, trust me, it's not much different here.

05-04-2013, 09:16 AM
Brown pussy, who the fuck would want that??

The Norwegian guy he seems to have fantasies and fetish for Paki chicks.

05-04-2013, 09:18 AM
I do believe that germanic tribes were ruthless, and germans have shown this till WW2, but I do believe that skandinavians are weak, and that vikings were just an exagerated legend, they are wiped out anyway, since 900 years ago.

I agree actually. Non-viking germanics were far more ruthless than the Vikings, and had far greater an impact on the worlds stage.
But i've noticed, this ruthlessness extends to themselves, culturally. They put extremely high expectations on themselves and their children, and this only breeds strength. Muslims don't know anything about this, they try to make life as easy as possible living in laziness and sloth.

'God desires ease for you, and desires not hardship' (2:185);
'Whoso fears God, God will appoint for him, of His command, easiness' (65:4);
'We shall speak to him, of our command, easiness' (18:88);
'God desires to lighten things for you, for the human being has been created weak' (94:28).

Muslims are commanded to take the easy way.

05-04-2013, 09:21 AM
This is the dilemma. The harder they push themselves in any endeavour other than religion, the more agnostic they become. We're really lucky in that respect. It's a self destructive ideology.

05-04-2013, 09:26 AM
I saw the source as Jared Taylor and Vdare ROFL seriously. It has to be from real sources that are peer reviewed by true Sociologist and anthropologist not with people who have an agenda of Pan-Europeanism, Racialism and so on.

You cherry picked those out of many. Even if they are perceived as 'extremists' that doesn't automatically invalidate their arguments, that's also an ad-hominem.

To reject something for simply not being 'scientific' without any further refutation is a fallacious appeal to authority. I have anecdotal evidence that it's warmer during the day than it is during the night, do I really need documentation from a peer-review science journal to support such a claim?

Here is some peer-reviewed material from individuals of actual academic backgrounds. I also suggest you should google crime stats if you want to learn how over-represented west-Asian immigrants are in European society, and that's not even including the dark figure of crime.







05-04-2013, 09:37 AM
Be aware people:


05-04-2013, 09:42 AM
This really has me thinking, if whites go back to their tribal roots, muslims would beg for us to be civil again.

Don't they understand that in a tribal barbaric society, we already kicked their ass and beat them at that game?
We didn't just beat them, we brutally fucked them up.

Why on earth do they want it back? I think they would rather be beaten and punished by us as tribalists because it makes them feel less humiliated. They were beaten by barbarians. Now they're being fucked up by aerospace engineers and nuclear physicists and this is like a double whammy. Their pride kills because not only are they losing in war, but the margin of enlightenment has increased exponentially.

So true. The Muslims seem to be asking to be meet Allah early.

05-04-2013, 09:43 AM
Be aware people:



The Lawspeaker
05-04-2013, 09:45 AM
It were not the Norwegians that stormed the world stage in the 17th century: it was us.

05-04-2013, 09:48 AM
After you the anglo-saxons.

The Lawspeaker
05-04-2013, 09:50 AM
After you the anglo-saxons.
Like the Japanese they are just a bunch of copycats. They were not exactly original.

05-04-2013, 09:55 AM
Like the Japanese they are just a bunch of copycats. They were not exactly original.

Japanese were totally tought be english

05-04-2013, 09:58 AM
It were not the Norwegians that stormed the world stage in the 17th century: it was us.

Oh really, you?
After a few centuries you're still looking great The Lawspeaker.
I hope you are enjoying covering yourself (https://wikispaces.psu.edu/download/attachments/41095610/F14.06.gif?version=1&modificationDate=1318290479000) with the deeds of others. Changing your t-shirt color can do wonders for self-esteem too, so much red for too long. :lol:.

05-04-2013, 01:16 PM
Why CircassianWine is sounding butthurt? Interesting, interesting.

mr. logan
05-04-2013, 01:54 PM
Maybe the submissive behaviour of scandinavians is due to the mongoloid mix they supposedly have. All clown out of place behaviour must be punished inmediately. Otherwise, you can be responsible indirectly of greater damages to other fellow tribesmen in the future, cause the parasitic nature of clowns escalates if it´s not cut. Scandos have it difficult cause their Administration has been effeminating them for years.

05-04-2013, 02:05 PM
The thread title is deceiving, this is only about Groruddalen in Oslo and is not reflective of Norway as a whole. Most major European capitals have enclaves or districts were a lot of immigrants live.

05-04-2013, 02:14 PM
Why CircassianWine is sounding butthurt? Interesting, interesting.

Because it's not in his best interest that the West reacts and stops importing third worlders.

mr. logan
05-04-2013, 02:16 PM
100% rapists are inmigrants. That is called invasion.

The Lawspeaker
05-04-2013, 02:19 PM
Oh really, you?
After a few centuries you're still looking great The Lawspeaker.
I hope you are enjoying covering yourself (https://wikispaces.psu.edu/download/attachments/41095610/F14.06.gif?version=1&modificationDate=1318290479000) with the deeds of others. Changing your t-shirt color can do wonders for self-esteem too, so much red for too long. :lol:.

Look up: Dutch Republic. My ancestors. Not yours. :picard1:

05-04-2013, 02:22 PM
In some parts of Norway you'd be bullied for being a non-European immigrant.

'Youths of immigrant background are more prone to be bullied than ethnic Norwegian youth'

Anyway Anglojew don't really care about Norwegians or about our situation, he is only interested in furthering his own agenda whatever that might be, it's not so long ago that anglojew was on a trolling spree against Norwegians.

05-04-2013, 03:52 PM
“Muslims don’t fight you on a one-to-one basis. If you meet them alone they are cowards. If I run into Omar alone, he will just walk past me. If I am alone and meet him in a crowd, the best outcome I can hope for is a beating.”

05-04-2013, 04:30 PM
Look up: Dutch Republic. My ancestors. Not yours. :picard1:

How many do you have? You're not doing a good job respecting yourself The Lawspeaker if you know what I mean :lol:.
Why do you think I care about "my" or "your" ancestors? and why do you think you and them constitute group agency? ("it was us"!).

BTW, isn't their forum laws against cheerleading? It's equivalent to spam when you just click "thanks".

The Lawspeaker
05-04-2013, 04:36 PM
How many do you have? You're not doing a good job respecting yourself The Lawspeaker if you know what I mean :lol:.
Why do you think I care about "my" or "your" ancestors?
Because you attack me on whether or not my country did or did not do something. I reckon you would never say something like that about Israel.

05-04-2013, 04:36 PM
I'd suggest to either shoot them or lock them up. Despicable!

Bravo to Marius! Burn the Shituran!

mr. logan
05-04-2013, 04:42 PM
Is Ingmar Bergman the king of Scandinavia? Is everybody there abstracted in alcohol thinking about the meaning of shadows? Let the reptile ride.

05-04-2013, 04:43 PM
Because you attack me on whether or not my country did or did not do something. I reckon you would never say something like that about Israel.

What are you talking about?
Reply to what I wrote.

The Lawspeaker
05-04-2013, 04:43 PM
What are you talking about?
Reply to what I wrote.
You had your reply. Your trolling failed.

Cristiano viejo
05-04-2013, 04:45 PM
Of course, Muslims are the main cause of all sorts of crimes in Europe (and worldwide I would say)...
... but, who is favoring those Muslims are in Europe?? All of us know it...:dance: :ftitanic: :rules

05-04-2013, 04:45 PM
Is Ingmar Bergman the king of Scandinavia? Is everybody there abstracted in alcohol thinking about the meaning of shadows? Let the reptile ride.


The Lawspeaker
05-04-2013, 04:46 PM
Of course, Muslims are the main cause of all sorts of crimes in Europe (and worldwide I would say)...
... but, who is favoring those Muslims are in Europe?? All of us know it...
Don't we all ? One of those guys is attacking pride in the achievements of our ancestors just now and this confirms why they will always be enemies of Europe. Even if someone of them would be willing to us there are always more that take off their mask just too early.

05-04-2013, 04:52 PM
You had your reply. Your trolling failed.

More like I caused you cognitive dissonance "trolling"? that ain't trolling.
Why do you think I care about "my" or "your" ancestors? and why do you think you and them constitute group agency? ("it was us"!).
What you don't understand in my post?
You take pride in something you have never done; it is vain and grotesque. You fuse your concrete identity and it's history with a bigger group for self-esteem (https://wikispaces.psu.edu/download/attachments/41095610/F14.06.gif?version=1&modificationDate=1318290479000). It is an imaginary tale, you were not even born. Do you understand better now?


Don't we all ? One of those guys is attacking pride in the achievements of our ancestors just now and this confirms why they will always be enemies of Europe. Even if someone of them would be willing to us there are always more that take off their mask just too early.

So now it's a Masquerade ball? From my introduction I exposed these opinions and positions. This is so pathetic it is a self-parody.

The Lawspeaker
05-04-2013, 04:55 PM
More like I caused you cognitive dissonance "trolling"? that ain't trolling.
Why do you think I care about "my" or "your" ancestors? and why do you think you and them constitute group agency? ("it was us"!).
What you don't understand in my post?
You take pride in something you have never done; it is vain and grotesque. You fuse your concrete identity and it's history with a bigger group for self-esteem (https://wikispaces.psu.edu/download/attachments/41095610/F14.06.gif?version=1&modificationDate=1318290479000). It is an imaginary tale, you were not even born. Do you understand better now?
And yet again you don't seem to understand it. Of course you wouldn't say "THOSE Israeli's did a good job in 1973" - You would say "WE did a good job." Even though you weren't born then. It's patriotism. But maybe other people are not allowed to have that.

05-04-2013, 04:59 PM
And yet again you don't seem to understand it. Of course you wouldn't say "THOSE Israeli's did a good job in 1973" - You would say "WE did a good job." Even though you weren't born then. It's patriotism. But maybe other people are not allowed to have that.

No I don't. Find one post where I do - I doubt you will - and if you do I will regret it.
Giving it a name doesn't make it more sensible - learn to argue instead of bulling.
Your'e welcome to review my posts again - this is the last time I request a fair response.

The Lawspeaker
05-04-2013, 05:00 PM
No I don't. Find one post where I do - I doubt you will - and if you do I will regret it.
Giving it a name doesn't make it more sensible - learn to argue instead of bulling.
Your'e welcome to review my posts again - this is the last time I request a fair response.
And just because you cannot value patriotism you will not allow others to do the same. Selfish and unreasonable. Thank you for proving yet another assumption that we have about your people to be correct. It's funny: AngloJew and SkyBurn have attempted to take those fears away and then you come in and prove them wrong.

05-04-2013, 05:03 PM
And just because you cannot value patriotism you will not allow others to do the same. Selfish and unreasonable. Thank you for proving yet another assumption that we have about your people to be correct. It's funny: AngloJew and SkyBurn have attempted to take those fears away and then you come in and prove them wrong.

Prove them wrong in what? What are you even talking about? Everywhere you go you see groups and conspiracies.
"patriotism" it not a word I used, it is a name you gave it - which I'm sure does conform to the lexical definition (so I maybe do value patriotism, but not your "patriotism"). Again take a look at my post and reply to it. If I was religious I would pray for that to happen.

The Lawspeaker
05-04-2013, 05:05 PM
Prove them wrong in what? WTF are you talking about?
"patriotism" it not a word I used, it is a name you gave it - which I'm sure does conform to the lexical defition Again - take a look at my post and reply to it.
The reason why I am proud of the achievements of my ancestors is because they are my ancestors and it is my country. It's also known as patriotism. But that's apparently quite difficult for you to understand. They thought it was perfectly understandable that you feel pride in who you are and that you are allowed to defend and preserve that. And you come in and you show them wrong within a single sentence: apparently non-Jews are not allowed to feel any pride.

05-04-2013, 05:15 PM
The reason why I am proud of the achievements of my ancestors is because they are my ancestors and it is my country. It's also known as patriotism. But that's apparently quite difficult for you to understand. They thought it was perfectly understandable that you feel pride in who you are and that you are allowed to defend and preserve that. And you come in and you show them wrong within a single sentence: apparently non-Jews are not allowed to feel any pride.

Your first sentence is a tautology (if not the whole post); you are repeating yourself.
"feel pride in who you" - How old are you, roughly speaking?

"non-Jews are not allowed to feel any pride"
WTF?! when did I ever say something close to what or even close to impling that? on the contrary! look at my post above ("Find one post where I do...").
My god...Next week (and I wrote a reminder) I'm going to scan a picture from a linguistics book (a man holding a mirror and arguing mostly with a image he created) and post it in my blog here.

05-04-2013, 05:58 PM
This really has me thinking, if whites go back to their tribal roots, muslims would beg for us to be civil again.

Don't they understand that in a tribal barbaric society, we already kicked their ass and beat them at that game?
We didn't just beat them, we brutally fucked them up.
Let's do it again! :)


We shall unleash the fu**** fury upon the Southern Muslim hordes of the desert!


05-04-2013, 06:18 PM
We shall unleash the fu**** fury upon the Southern Muslim hordes of the desert!


The Norwegian Crusade was a crusade that lasted from 1107 to 1110, in the aftermath of the First Crusade, by the lead of the Norwegian king Sigurd I.Sigurd was the first Scandinavian king to ever go on crusade to the Holy Land, and not one battle during the crusade was lost.


05-04-2013, 06:23 PM
Over sensationalisation.

This is all about socio-economics. Priveleged children do not have a 'cache of aggression' that they can draw upon like poorer children (whether of Muslim background in Norway, or African American/Hispanic background in America).

05-04-2013, 06:27 PM
Over sensationalisation.

This is all about socio-economics. Priveleged children do not have a 'cache of aggression' that they can draw upon like poorer children (whether of Muslim background in Norway, or African American/Hispanic background in America).

Sounds plausible as a statistical cause prima facie. On the other hand; it's a cliche. I would prefer research instead.

05-04-2013, 06:29 PM
Immigrant criminality is a reality, and it's partly going unreported because it doesn't fit the sociopolitical narrative of the establishment.

Further reading: Collection of essays and crime statistics reports (http://www.humanbiologicaldiversity.com/#Crime)

Immigrant criminality is reality since the majority of Immigrants are from lower class and small time criminality is representative for the lower class.


05-04-2013, 06:31 PM
Sounds plausible as a statistical cause prima facie. On the other hand; it's a cliche. I would prefer research instead.

What would you research... income levels? That would be redundant. Please explain to me what else besides socio economics explains disparate groups, (African Americans/Hispanics in America and West Asian Muslim groups in Norway) from behaving in the similar way.

05-04-2013, 06:33 PM
"Immigrant criminality is a reality" is also a triviality. The interesting question regards the causes (and moreover how it should get played in the context of politics) - there people tend to differ sharply.

05-04-2013, 06:42 PM
What would you research... income levels? That would be redundant. Please explain to me what else besides socio economics explains disparate groups, (African Americans/Hispanics in America and West Asian Muslim groups in Norway) from behaving in the similar way.

For starters, that isn't an explanation at all.
That's a simple correlation, you cannot deduce anything from it (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_causation). I suggest we need a more serious and thoughtful take on it.

05-04-2013, 07:05 PM
Well they just need Vasa the bad-ass Viking warrior to defend them. Don't you guys think so?

05-04-2013, 07:14 PM
I hope that faggot burns in hell for killing innocent children! ^

05-05-2013, 12:09 AM
I hope that faggot burns in hell for killing innocent children! ^

Well he's still alive, so the correct thing to say is "will burn in hell...".

05-05-2013, 12:14 AM
it seams to me that one has big mouth and the other is wimp

05-05-2013, 12:39 AM
Let's do it again! :)

We shall unleash the fu**** fury upon the Southern Muslim hordes of the desert!

The Barbarian spirit is alive and well!!:food-smiley-004:



05-05-2013, 01:00 AM
Have you had enough diversity and cultural "enrichment" up there in the West yet? How is that multiculturalism working there for ya? It's a blast, ain't it? :laugh:

05-05-2013, 04:43 PM
Immigrant criminality is reality since the majority of Immigrants are from lower class and small time criminality is representative for the lower class.

The majority? It's much more complicated than that, virtually every other citizen in the second world barley lives by adequate means and is thus partly motivated the emigrate.

In addition western countries have very selective immigration policies, however every now and then they'll grant entry to people of the lower echelons of their society. The foreigners are likely a mixture of both low to mid class people by the standards of their respected countries.

05-05-2013, 11:16 PM
The guy is upset because he can't get brown pussy. This where it all stems from really, he wants a Paki girl, just go to India and get a Christian, Hindu or Sikh Gf, but like the loser he is whining about the Muslims. Though I don't think they would be interested. Didn't read nor care for the rest of the junk he writes, just trying to cash in on the the nonsense-sentiments.

Yes, of course! That must be it! Fucking genius aren't you? :picard2: :rolleyes2: Obviously yourself being one of them would jump to such a dumb conclusion. He's mad at Muslim gangs acting like they own the place and Muslims not adjusting to local culture but simply imposing their own.

The Norwegian guy he seems to have fantasies and fetish for Paki chicks.

Pakistanis are on the whole slightly ugly in most cases, they're certainly not worth chasing.

05-08-2013, 11:49 PM
Norwegians: Outsiders in Their Own Country

It just keeps coming, the propaganda. A new wave every day. Poured out by ideologues determined to flood the truth – to drown it out – in wave after wave of lies.

“Norway isn’t becoming less Norwegian because it’s changing,” a man named Salimi cheerfully reassured Aftenposten the other day. Salimi – who came to Norway 37 years ago and was in on the founding of SOS Racism, the Anti-Racist Center, and various other enterprises and activities, including a well-known annual food festival in Oslo – described today’s Norway with enthusiasm as a place where immigrants and natives are gradually and peacefully adapting to one another, each embracing the new and mysterious aspects of each other’s cultures. Although “extremist Islam and Islamophobia” represent threats to these marvelous developments, noble and well-meaning Muslims, Christians, and Jews, working together on the basis of “shared universal values,” are striving with increasing success to forge a harmonious multicultural society founded on mutual respect and acceptance.

Blah, blah, blah.

Every now and then, to be sure, one of the major national newspapers will proffer a brief glimpse of reality. But more often, you have to look elsewhere for it. On April 27, it was the business newspaper Finansavisen, of all publications, that served up a tonic dose of the truth. Reading the headline, “Life as a Minority,” readers might have expected the usual sob-sister fantasy about how tough it is to be a Muslim in Scandinavia. But this article was something different. It was a searing portrait of the New Normal in Groruddalen, a huge stretch of East Oslo, where the “minority” in question is Norwegian.

The article was based on interviews by Finansavisen‘s reporters, Kjell Erik Eilertsen and Ole Asbjørn Ness, with two teenagers, both ethnic Norwegians. Andreas (a pseudonym) is 16; Marius Sørvik is 19. In grade school, both boys’ heads were stuffed with pretty words about intercultural understanding. Repeatedly, they were encouraged to be sensitive to their classmates with foreign backgrounds. Andreas: “All the teachers said it, the principal said it, that if you come into conflict with them, I was supposed to understand what a bad life they’d had, that they came from countries where there had been war. I thought he was kidding. It was the grandparents who had immigrated from Pakistan. If I hit someone, would nobody yell at me because my grandfather was in the Resistance? But I believed in it.”

Eventually, however, both boys realized that, as Marius puts it, “everything you’ve learned in school is wrong.” For Marius that day came in seventh grade, when seven or eight Somali boys jumped him on a tennis court and beat him to a pulp, knocking his teeth out. Afterwards Marius tried to hold his head up, but he could only take the constant fear for so long. He suffered a heart attack. The producers of Our Valley, an NRK documentary series about life in Groruddalen, interviewed him, but decided not to include him in the program, explaining that his “views” didn’t fit into their “concept.” (The series, as Eilertsen and Ness observe, is “government-financed propaganda” designed to cover up the reality of Groruddalen. Naturally, “views” such as Marius’s aren’t welcome.)

As for Andreas, it was his well-intentioned but deplorably naïve mother who decided to raise him in Groruddalen, so he’d “get to know the new Norway, to get acquainted with many different cultures.” That he did – mostly through schoolyard beatings. (“They’re a gang. They’re always a gang. They’re dogs. They hunt in packs.”) He was hit, but wasn’t permitted to hit back. At first he responded to the bullying by trying to fit in with the thugs – deliberately making simple grammatical mistakes, limiting his vocabulary, and behaving submissively. He even made a Muslim friend – who started trying to convert him. When Andreas resisted, and persisted in his resistance, his friend threatened to kill him. Seeing no other way of protecting himself, Andreas joined an ethnic Norwegian motorcycle club. “If I hadn’t known them, he’d have killed me,” Andreas says.

It’s a battle – and, as Marius points out, the battle isn’t a fair one. A Norwegian kid who finds himself in conflict with, say, a Pakistani kid, isn’t likely to have anyone on his side, whereas the Pakistani kid will have a whole clan of brothers, cousins, and uncles ready to turn violent on his behalf. Integration, Marius suggests, is a lie: none of these people wants to become Norwegian: “Norwegian is synonymous with weakness.” Nor can Norwegian kids count on support from their teachers or principals – they’re terrified, too, and they do everything they can to accommodate the Muslim kids to avoid trouble. Moreover, while Norwegian boys learn early on to keep their hands off Muslim girls, Muslim boys hit on Norwegian girls with impunity; indeed, “Norwegian girls prefer them….they’re tough, and they have money even though they don’t have jobs.”

One way to avoid the constant warfare, of course, is to surrender: Marius alone knows five people who have converted to Islam.

Since “Life as a Minority” wasn’t published online, and since few people outside the business community read Finansavisen, the article might have come and gone without gaining widespread notice. But excerpts posted by bloggers attracted so much attention that Finansavisen ended up putting the whole text online last Friday. It goes without saying that readers weren’t drawn to the article because it told them anything new; on the contrary, they were drawn to it because they so rarely see the raw, fundamental truths of their own current lives reflected in the mainstream media – at least not without oodles of euphemism and herculean efforts to achieve “balance” and avoid “offense.”

Not everybody in Norway, to be sure, lives in the midst of the kind of hell that Andreas and Marius do. Certainly the people who call the shots in the media, producing pap like Our Valley, don’t reside in the neighborhoods, like Groruddalen, that they’re determined to idealize. They live in pleasant west Oslo districts, where they rub shoulders with their fellow makers of opinion – politicians, academics, and others who share their ardent devotion to multiculturalism but who, like them, don’t have to live with its consequences.

These multicultural elites may be cowards and reprobates, but they aren’t total fools. They have a pretty good idea of how challenging everyday life can be like for Norwegians, especially teenage males, in places like Groruddalen. They’ve seen the statistics demonstrating that while Muslims are settling in such areas in huge numbers, infidels are fleeing in droves. But, quite simply, they don’t care – not enough to change their stripes, anyway. After all, those aren’t their kids having their teeth knocked out of their heads and being made to feel like outsiders in their own country. (Their kids go to safe schools where they feel firmly in the majority.) The country’s leftist elites have a responsibility to kids like Andreas and Marius; but that responsibility is infinitely less important to them, alas, than their determination to keep alive their own beloved multicultural ideology. Never mind that it’s precisely that ideology that’s responsible for the nightmare that is Andreas’s and Marius’s world.

That’s the reprehensible bottom line here: to preserve the Big Lie of a magnificently multicultural Norway, the Norwegian elite is willing to fiercely deny the defining truths of such kids’ lives. And in service to this cause, the mainstream media are a powerful weapon. The newspapers’ readiness to echo official claims about immigrants and Islam is only enhanced by their eagerness to continue receiving official subsidies (Finansavisen, it should be noted, is one of the few sizable Norwegian newspapers that don’t get government handouts). And then there’s state-run NRK, which uses license fees squeezed out of the parents of young people like Andreas and Marius to create programs smearing the likes of them as liars and bigots, while depicting the savages who torment them as the innocent, virtuous objects of nativist prejudice.

Andreas says his grandfather was a member of the Resistance – a brave band of brothers who risked their lives to deliver Norway from the Nazi invaders. Can you imagine what that man would think if he could see what has happened to the nation he served – and to his grandson, who no longer even feels that that nation is his own?


05-09-2013, 12:43 AM
More like I caused you cognitive dissonance "trolling"? that ain't trolling.
Why do you think I care about "my" or "your" ancestors? and why do you think you and them constitute group agency? ("it was us"!).
What you don't understand in my post?
You take pride in something you have never done; it is vain and grotesque. You fuse your concrete identity and it's history with a bigger group for self-esteem (https://wikispaces.psu.edu/download/attachments/41095610/F14.06.gif?version=1&modificationDate=1318290479000). It is an imaginary tale, you were not even born. Do you understand better now?


So now it's a Masquerade ball? From my introduction I exposed these opinions and positions. This is so pathetic it is a self-parody.


lol youre such a hypocrite, you self have israely flag on your account and i can gurrenty youre not living there because no israely would think so liberal.

So you say archievments of the past? how about checking out archievements of the present



Look where netherlands is and where your israel is.

05-18-2013, 02:28 PM
Here in Germany the Immigrants make 60% of the Population in the Citys !!! Berlin, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, München, Hamburg, everywhere !!! This is Genocide !!! Most of them are Criminal and anti German.

Kick the Scum out of Europe !!!

05-18-2013, 02:45 PM
Here in Germany the Immigrants make 60% of the Population in the Citys !!!

said Albanian plumber-immigrant

05-18-2013, 02:57 PM
Norwegians: Outsiders in Their Own Country

Another title that is rather deceiving and misleading, it might be true for some of the districts with a large number of non-western immigrants(like Grorud), but it's definitly not the case for most of the country.

mr. logan
05-18-2013, 03:03 PM
Keep waiting, Pallantides.

05-18-2013, 03:06 PM
Another title that is rather deceiving and misleading, it might be true for some of the districts with a large number of non-western immigrants(like Grorud), but it's definitly not the case for most of the country.

So you're saying it IS true but only of a minority of places. At what point is this a problem for you? When it's the majority of places? Then it's too late.

05-18-2013, 03:18 PM
Im an Albanian Immigrant but i Love Germans and their Culture nearly all of my friends are Germans.

I go back to Albania when i have finished my School you Ignorant Mongol.

05-18-2013, 03:20 PM
So you're saying it IS true but only of a minority of places. At what point is this a problem for you? When it's the majority of places? Then it's too late.

Rowdy immigrants was a problem even in the 17th century, Scottish and German immigrants living in the poorer quarters in the cities(like Bergen which was an important port city and had a very large immigrant population) who competed and even fought each other for work, Germans even burned down some warehouses used by Scots and there were many murders too.

Saying among the German immigrants:

”Rotten, Skotten, Hollender und Zegen verderben`s allerwegen; da die seyn, kan nichts gedeien.”

05-18-2013, 03:24 PM
Im an Albanian Immigrant but i Love Germans and their Culture nearly all of my friends are Germans.

I go back to Albania when i have finished my School you Ignorant Mongol.

mr. logan
05-18-2013, 03:27 PM
But they had conflicts between them, not face tension with the local population. Now you have a different species saying locals are scum and that they will force their way. Better to make some nechromantic norwegian back metal ritual to bring those Scots and Germans back and put the clowns in place.

08-09-2013, 10:27 PM
In germany when I was still in school(3 years ago) the immigrants were the cool ones and the germans all victims and geeks. Most germans also tried and still try to kiss up to non-germans especially Turks. I mean the young ones in my generation. Being german was also used as an insult the typical like potato eater and such. I used to be one of the lightest in class as an early teen and most had a heavy tan especially the turkish kids and I was the exception because of that and that was in Northern Germany. There are whole districts with mostly immigrants and in some schools the germans get bullied and beaten even the teachers.

Here an example of such a school

08-09-2013, 10:30 PM
The tale is good but, have you heard about the one with the Zionist-Jewish invaders who invaded the holy land and still rapes it's people?

08-09-2013, 10:47 PM
“There is one thing that annoys the hell out of me. They can start chasing Norwegian girls, but we cannot go after theirs. It’s something you learn early on. You just don’t go after a Pakistani girl, but Norwegian girls are available to immigrant boys. Norwegian girls prefer them. I don’t know why. I guess it must be that brown skin. That they are tough, that they have money despite not having jobs. They don’t see that they fight in packs, that they are cowards. I asked my best female friend if we could get romantically involved, and she told me that I have the right personality, but the problem was that I’m Norwegian. She wants to become involved with a foreigner.”

When institutional emasculation is in place...dont blame those boys who are immigrants, outside the institution and are FORCED to retain their masculinity. When the bad consequences of said masculinity manifest, deal with that (fight back, kill them, whatever)...but dont run back to institutions to kick them out because that will only emasculate you further. Advice to anyone who feels the same way as the victim in the OP.

mr. logan
08-09-2013, 11:45 PM
In germany when I was still in school(3 years ago) the immigrants were the cool ones and the germans all victims and geeks. Most germans also tried and still try to kiss up to non-germans especially Turks. I mean the young ones in my generation. Being german was also used as an insult the typical like potato eater and such. I used to be one of the lightest in class as an early teen and most had a heavy tan especially the turkish kids and I was the exception because of that and that was in Northern Germany. There are whole districts with mostly immigrants and in some schools the germans get bullied and beaten even the teachers.

Here an example of such a school

Weak dna. Better off from the White race.

08-10-2013, 02:31 AM
The tale is good but, have you heard about the one with the Zionist-Jewish invaders who invaded the holy land and still rapes it's people?

Israel is our land. The Palestinians are our brothers anyway. If you feel truly against anyform of real or perceived occupation of land then I suggest you start by leaving Canada and next lobbying your fellow Muslim to cease their occupations eg Iryan Jaya, Cyrpus and Western Sahara and Kurdistan, Armenia etc.

08-10-2013, 02:39 AM
Israel is our land. The Palestinians are our brothers anyway. If you feel truly against anyform of real or perceived occupation of land then I suggest you start by leaving Canada and next lobbying your fellow Muslim to cease their occupations eg Iryan Jaya, Cyrpus and Western Sahara and Kurdistan, Armenia etc.
Tell these to the respective nationalities, not me, I'm talking about Zionist land(not Jewish religious land) while you are talking about Islamic majority nations...

08-10-2013, 02:41 AM
Tell these to the respective nationalities, not me, I'm talking about Zionist land(not Jewish religious land) while you are talking about Islamic majority nations...

So one Islamic group persecuting another is justified.

Iryan Jaya was not Muslim until Indonesian colonisation.

08-10-2013, 02:43 AM
So one Islamic group persecuting another is justified.

Iryan Jaya was not Muslim until Indonesian colonisation.

Not everyone is ethno-religious like you, Indonesia is not ruled by Islamic law...

08-10-2013, 02:45 AM
Not everyone is ethno-religious like you, Indonesia is not ruled by Islamic law...

It doesn't matter, Israel isn't ruled by Jewish law but you're still criticising it.

Why then are you condeming Israel but not condeming colonisation when practiced by Muslims?

08-10-2013, 02:49 AM
It doesn't matter, Israel isn't ruled by Jewish law but you're still criticising it.

Why then are you condeming Israel but not condeming colonisation when practiced by Muslims?

Israel by law is a Jewish state while Indonesia is a multi-ethnic state by it's constitution...

08-10-2013, 02:50 AM
The tale is good but, have you heard about the one with the Zionist-Jewish invaders who invaded the holy land and still rapes it's people?

Have you heard the one where the EU gave Arabs a state and Jews a state and the Arabs tried to genocide the Jews?

08-10-2013, 02:51 AM
I meant UN. Sorry for typing fast.

08-10-2013, 02:51 AM
Have you heard the one where the EU gave Arabs a state and Jews a state and the Arabs tried to genocide the Jews?

It was more of a fable...

08-10-2013, 02:55 AM
It was more of a fable...

You're indoctrinated by your parents and probably find solice in Islam, as an identity, because you don't feel or are not accepted as Canadian. I feel sorry for you. If you leave Islam you can be a good person but the more Islamic you become the worse you will become. I think one day you'll realise this.

08-10-2013, 03:05 AM
It was more of a fable...

No it was not. The Arabs said it themselves. I've seen a quote by Fawzi al-Qawuqji saying "Every Jew must be killed". Unfortunately I could not find it in English.

08-10-2013, 03:14 AM
No it was not. The Arabs said it themselves. I've seen a quote by Fawzi al-Qawuqji saying "Every Jew must be killed". Unfortunately I could not find it in English.

I agree that atleast peninsular Arabs can be very racist...but, it's not only Muslim Arabs, even the founder of the PFPL, a Christian would still want Zionists to get out of their land...

Pjeter Pan
08-10-2013, 03:25 AM
What would the Vikings say and do if they saw this. Northern and Western Europeans are becoming pussies nowadays i cant belive they let this shit happen. IMO

08-10-2013, 04:42 AM
Israel by law is a Jewish state while Indonesia is a multi-ethnic state by it's constitution...

Israel and Indonesia are multi-ethnic states.

This doesn't lesson Indonesia's colonisation of Iryan Jaya.

08-10-2013, 04:43 AM
Israel and Indonesia are multi-ethnic states.

This doesn't lesson Indonesia's colonisation of Iryan Jaya.

08-10-2013, 04:47 AM

Your hyprocrisy has been exposed. One rule for Muslims another for Israel.

08-10-2013, 04:47 AM
Your hyprocrisy has been exposed. One rule for Muslims another for Israel.


08-10-2013, 05:49 AM
The brown Muslim scum should be kicked out of Europe, but Western minds are too slow to realize this, so whole Europe suffers together with them.

08-10-2013, 05:57 AM
Such things will be common pretty soon. this is the future of our children.

mr. logan
08-10-2013, 11:36 AM
Train them out of the system.

08-10-2013, 05:09 PM
I don't know why I read threads like this, they always leave me pissed off.. -_-

08-10-2013, 05:15 PM
What would the Vikings say and do if they saw this. Northern and Western Europeans are becoming pussies nowadays i cant belive they let this shit happen. IMO
Aren't Albanians muslims? :rolleyes:

08-10-2013, 05:19 PM
No Albanians are Albanians piece of mut.

08-10-2013, 05:26 PM
The brown Muslim scum should be kicked out of Europe, but Western minds are too slow to realize this, so whole Europe suffers together with them.

Not just Muslims, you know a lot of the brown immigrants are Christian as well; think of Ugandans and other Africans. Our thread author of course never mentions Negroid immigrants and has an almost robotic agenda against Muslims solely; let's look at the big problem here. It's non White immigrants as an entirety that are a problem, not merely Islamic ones.

08-10-2013, 11:13 PM
I agree that atleast peninsular Arabs can be very racist...but, it's not only Muslim Arabs, even the founder of the PFPL, a Christian would still want Zionists to get out of their land...


08-10-2013, 11:14 PM

They live in a Jewish country, are they supposed to say, S.Arabia, only country worth fighting for?

08-10-2013, 11:16 PM
They live in a Jewish country, are they supposed to say, S.Arabia, only country worth fighting for?

Just read what you said. It's not that hard:

I agree that atleast peninsular Arabs can be very racist...but, it's not only Muslim Arabs, even the founder of the PFPL, a Christian would still want Zionists to get out of their land...
And, yes, Muslims openly say a Caliphate is only worth fighting for (they don't talk about Saudi Arabia as it is an articifial entity)

08-10-2013, 11:18 PM
Just read what you said. It's not that hard:

And, yes, Muslims openly say a Caliphate is only worth fighting for (they don't talk about Saudi Arabia as it is an articifial entity)
That us because it's their religious establisment...the KSA are violent wahhabis...

08-10-2013, 11:45 PM
That us because it's their religious establisment...the KSA are violent wahhabis...


11-13-2013, 08:05 PM
it's not so long ago that anglojew was on a trolling spree against Norwegians.

I see his country is Australia and they are quite tough in politics, but Australia's womb Great Britain is worse off than Norway or any Scandinavian country.

White Brits are in minority in four cities in the UK, including the capital.


Prisoner Of Ice
11-13-2013, 08:07 PM
Disgusting, and now you know how it's been in US since 60s.

Manifest Destiny
11-13-2013, 08:19 PM
Disgusting, and now you know how it's been in US since 60s.

Pretty much this.

I have nothing but sympathy for those Norwegian guys, though. I hope they, as a people, remove their heads from their asses before it's too late.