View Full Version : Do white women prefer black men over white men?

Big Joe
05-07-2013, 10:34 PM
HOW is it true?

05-07-2013, 10:36 PM
It's true sometimes and sometimes not.

The Lawspeaker
05-07-2013, 10:37 PM
I smell a troll.

05-07-2013, 10:40 PM
I don't think this is an authentic anthropological question, and on the surface I can't take such a question as this seriously... I've seen too many threads like this one, and they're all more or less based on an adolescent's mentality, typically. Some of us just need to grow up.
Now, if you included some data or factual evidence with numbers, etc., then I would be inclined to consider whatever message it is you're trying to communicate.

The Lawspeaker
05-07-2013, 10:42 PM
Three rather peculiar questions as topic threads in a row. I am closing this one for now and leave it to the team to decide it's (and your) fate.

05-08-2013, 02:17 AM
The vast majority of White women prefer White men.

White Americans were statistically the least likely to wed interracially, though in absolute terms they were involved in interracial marriages more than any other racial group due to their demographic majority. 2.1% of married White women and 2.3% of married White men had a non-White spouse. 1.0% of all married White men were married to an Asian American woman, and 1.0% of married White women were married to a man classified as "other".

4.6% of married Black American women and 10.8% of married Black American men had a non-Black spouse. 8.5% of married Black men and 3.9% of married Black women had a White spouse. 0.2% of married Black women were married to Asian American men, representing the least prevalent marital combination.

There is a notable disparity in the rates of exogamy by Asian American males and females. Of all Asian American/White marriages, only 29% involved an Asian American male and a White female. However Indian American males had higher outmarriage for males than females, although Indian Americans displayed the highest rates of endogamy, with very low levels of outmarriage overall. Of all Asian American/Black marriages only 19% involved an Asian American male and a Black female. 17.5% of married Asian American women and 8.2% of married Asian American men had a non-Asian American spouse.