View Full Version : Syria and UN Investigators: Concrete Suspicions that FSA Islamists used Sarin Gas

The Lawspeaker
05-08-2013, 04:55 PM
Syria and UN Investigators: Concrete Suspicions that FSA Islamists used Sarin Gas

Syria and UN Investigators: Concrete Suspicions that FSA Islamists used Sarin Gas
Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

France, United Kingdom and United States have been in the forefront in Europe and North America of agitating against independent Syria. These nations have thrown in their lot with Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations which have directly and covertly supplied international jihadists with military equipment. At the same time Gulf nations and Turkey have joined forces in spreading sectarianism and sedition in Syria with the knock-on-effect being a fresh wave of sectarianism and terrorism in Iraq.

Recently the enemies of Syria and a largely compliant media in the West and Gulf region have tried to accuse the government based in Damascus of using chemical weapons. At all times the government of Syria remains adamant that this smear campaign is solely aimed at supporting international terrorism against this nation and laying the foundations for a no-fly-zone and then future military intervention. However, instead of the “red line” being crossed by the government of Syria, it now appears that this “red line” was done by forces which are being supported by the axis-of-evil in Ankara, Doha, London, Paris, Riyadh and Washington.

Human rights investigators from the United Nations (UN) (http://moderntokyotimes.com/2013/05/06/syria-and-un-investigators-concrete-suspicions-that-fsa-islamists-used-sarin-gas/#) have taken medical testimonies from Syrians which clearly imply that terrorists in Syria have used chemicals against the people of this nation. This applies to sarin nerve gas therefore will the enemies of Syria bomb and agitate against the so-called Free Syrian Army (supported by outside nations and agencies like the CIA)? Of course, individuals like John Kerry (US) and William Hague (UK) will try to squirm their way out like usual and a future “false flag” is sure to be raised. Despite this, it is clear that the “chemical issue” is “dead and buried” because at worse the side of Ankara, Doha, London, Paris, Riyadh and Washington have been involved in using sarin gas. Of course, with America using Agent Orange against Vietnam and dropping this agent on Cambodia and Laos despite not even being at war with Cambodia and Loas – then clearly the information released by the UN human rights investigators isn’t shocking.

The independent commission of inquiry set up by the UN according to Carla Del Ponte can’t find any incriminating evidence against the government of Syria. Del Ponte states that

“investigators have been in neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated.”

“This was use on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.”

This investigation is separate from the one which is currently stalled under Ban Ki-moon who is the UN Secretary-General. It is worth pointing out that Ban Ki-moon comes from South Korea where you have vast numbers of American military personnel. Therefore, it is apparent that no political intrigues can be pointed at Del Ponte and irrespective of any future conclusions it is now apparent that the paid opposition used sarin gas.

It appears that the axis-of-evil against Syria will tolerate beheading people, daily terrorism, religious cleansing, killing journalists, kidnapping Christian bishops, taking UN personnel and making them hostages, killing mainstream Sunni clerics which support the independence of Syria, throwing people from rooftops and destroying Christian churches and Shia mosques. Will political elites in Ankara, Doha, London, Paris, Riyadh and Washington now “see the light” and acknowledge that their “terrorist and sectarian freedom fighters” are simply barbaric? Or, will the mass media peddle more lies in order to brush the latest news about sarin gas under the carpet; in order to meet the demands of political elites which have various agendas in destabilizing and crushing the last major secular Arabic speaking nation in the Middle East?

Source: Modern Tokyo Times (http://moderntokyotimes.com/2013/05/06/syria-and-un-investigators-concrete-suspicions-that-fsa-islamists-used-sarin-gas/) (May 6, 2013)