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Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 12:58 PM

Muaza ni majka nije mogla odgovoriti od odlaska u Siriju

Državljanin BiH Muaz Šabić (41) poginuo je 29. aprila u sirijskom gradu Alep, u četvrti El-Safira. Njegova porodica živi u selu Puhovac, udaljenom dvadesetak kilometara od Zenice, a vijest o smrti sina i brata Šabićevi su objavili na internetu. On je bio jedan od stotine dobrovoljaca koji se bore s pobunjenicima protiv tamošnjeg režima.

Sredina marta

Prema raspoloživim podacima, poginuo je u pokušaju pobunjenika da zauzmu zatvor El-Safira, poznat po zlostavljanju zarobljenika i protivnika režima. Iako nas primaju ljubazno i gostoprimljivo, Šabićevi odbijaju fotografiranje, ističući da ih boli što Muaza smatraju teroristom.

Njegov brat Ilijas kaže da Muaza niko nije mogao odgovoriti od toga da ide u Siriju. Majka Nura ga je ispratila iz kuće jednog petka sredinom marta. Kaže da joj o njenom sinu nikad niko nijednu lošu riječ nije rekao. Ilijas priča kako je njegova majka imala petoricu sinova boraca.

- Nijaz je poginuo na visočkom ratištu, ja i još jedan brat ranjeni smo u akcijama. Muaz se bavio proizvodnjom i trgovinom medom, sezonski, ostalo uglavnom poljoprivredom, živio je s majkom ovdje, u selu - nastavlja Ilijas.

Ukućani navode da niko ne krije da je Muaz išao u Gornju Maoču, a lidera tamošnje vehabijske zajednice Nusreta Imamovića poznavao je od prije rata, jer je on rodom iz sela udaljenog nekoliko kilometara od Puhovca.

Štedio novac

U Siriji nije boravio ni mjesec, jer je krajem marta napustio BiH letom iz Sarajeva za Istanbul. Članovi porodice kažu da se javio iz Turske, da je rekao da ne brinu i da će sve biti uredu.

- Bio je uporan, htio se boriti. Znamo da je otišao s nekoliko momaka iz Kaknja i Zenice i da je to bio isključivo njegov izbor i volja. Za to je štedio novac, pripremao se i, ako ga majka nije mogla odgovoriti od toga, ne vjerujem da bi iko na dunjaluku mogao - navodi Ilijas.

Ima još poginulih među dobrovoljcima

U Siriji islamski borci koriste uglavnom „ratna” imena. Tako je ove sedmice objavljeno da su u napadu na isti Asadov zatvor poginuli izvjesni Ebu Merdija i Ebu Bera, za kojeg je utvrđeno da se zove Eldar Kundaković i da je iz Novog Pazara.

I sa Šabićem su poginula najmanje trojica dobrovoljaca u pobunjeničkim redovima, ali njihov pravi identitet i porijeklo nisu objavljeni.

05-19-2013, 12:59 PM
Dobro, samo nek idu svi.

05-19-2013, 01:01 PM
Neka je, kamo sreće da tako završe svi ''dobrovoljci'' koji izgleda bolje znaju šta Siriji treba nego Sirijci.

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 01:01 PM
He is actually one of the 3 bosniak martyrs in Syria,2 more were killed

05-19-2013, 01:01 PM
Good riddance!

Few Turkish citizens died in Syria before and i said "good riddance" for them too because these brainwashed people would be more harmful for our countries. These people are incurable, hence better to see them dead.

05-19-2013, 01:02 PM
He is actually one of the 3 bosniak martyrs in Syria,2 more were killed

They're falling like flies by the looks of it.

05-19-2013, 01:03 PM
Good riddance!

Few Turkish citizens died in Syria before and i said "good riddance" for them too because these brainwashed people would be more harmful for our countries.

I said I think it's good, let them go to Syria, Saudi Arabia, wherever. Less of them here.

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 01:04 PM
Good riddance!

Few Turkish citizens died in Syria before and i said "good riddance" for them too because these brainwashed people would be more harmful for our countries. These people are incurable, hence better to see them dead.

Why? you support Assad or you just dont like them because of the jihad thing

05-19-2013, 01:10 PM
Why? you support Assad or you just dont like them because of the jihad thing

Can you even imagine what would happen to you (or me for that matter) if people like the rebels in Syria controlled where we live? I cant underatand that a pretty, young, uncovered girl can sympathise with those kinds of people.

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 01:11 PM
Eldar Kundakovic is an other that got killed there,2 days ago:


05-19-2013, 01:11 PM
He asked for it, but may he rest in peace.

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 01:12 PM
Can you even imagine what would happen to you (or me for that matter) if people like the rebels in Syria controlled where we live? I cant underatand that a pretty, young, uncovered girl can sympathise with those kinds of people.

Are you sure they want a taliban society? syrians that i know are secular yet they hate Assad and want to get rid of him,help from anyone is welcome to them

I feel the need to say i am not FOR any islamic society

05-19-2013, 01:13 PM
If it's a fight for freedom & secularity, then I'd be in aswell!

05-19-2013, 01:14 PM
Are you sure they want a taliban society? syrians that i know are secular yet they hate Assad and want to get rid of him,help from anyone is welcome to them

I feel the need to say i am not FOR any islamic society

Of course they do. I mean have you seen the way they behave, these "freedom fighters"? I am not saying that Assad is good but have you seen the clip where the FSA guy eats the heart of one of Assads army men?

Between two evils, Assad is the lesser one. Syrian society was not fair under him, but it will only be worse under these crazy people.

05-19-2013, 01:16 PM
syrians that i know are secular yet they hate Assad and want to get rid of him,help from anyone is welcome to them

Syrian girl telling it like it is:



Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 01:21 PM
So you believe its illuminati

05-19-2013, 01:21 PM
Why? you support Assad or you just dont like them because of the jihad thing
I don't support Assad or any other dictator but more than them, i would never support CIA sponsored so-called "islamic" cannibal jihadists. According to my opinion, they have lower status than cockroaches. I don't consider them as human beings, so it`s better to see them dead.

syrians that i know are secular yet they hate Assad and want to get rid of him,help from anyone is welcome to them
Watch less propaganda, learn more truths.

05-19-2013, 02:06 PM
Can you even imagine what would happen to you (or me for that matter) if people like the rebels in Syria controlled where we live? I cant underatand that a pretty, young, uncovered girl can sympathise with those kinds of people.


on topic

i admire their will to help brother muslims when in trouble,syrians came to fight with us shoulder to shoulder when we needed it...we will all die eventually ...they are going from this world as heroes...allah rahmetile

05-19-2013, 03:54 PM

I hoped dado went...

A girl can hope.

05-19-2013, 04:12 PM
kamo sreće da sam i upola odlučan kao on...ti ćeš se raspasti u nekom sobičku na malti bez da iko čuje za tebe ...crni Amave

05-19-2013, 04:14 PM
kamo sreće da sam i upola odlučan kao on...ti ćeš se raspasti u nekom sobičku na malti bez da iko čuje za tebe ...crni Amave

Ja sam na Ilidži :lol:

05-19-2013, 04:17 PM
Another kebab removed

05-19-2013, 04:17 PM
A nebi nikom normalnom falio kad bi završio kao tvoj kolega :)

05-19-2013, 04:20 PM
lažeš amawe...cwila ili malta

05-19-2013, 04:21 PM
lažeš amawe...cwila ili malta

Ja nisam na Malti, nit sam ja Amar, Dalibore...

05-19-2013, 04:21 PM
Full support for Assad.

I'm extremely ashamed of traitor Croatian goverment that sold guns to rebels.Fucking puppets.

05-19-2013, 04:26 PM
to dead brother...may allah reward him with jennet


05-19-2013, 04:33 PM
to dead brother...may allah revard him with jannet


Hopefully you will post these kinds of videos for all the Bosniak traitors fighting for Jews in Syria.

05-19-2013, 04:39 PM
Hopefully you will post these kinds of videos for all the Bosniak traitors fighting for Jews in Syria.

za din islam ko pogine taj nije umro


05-19-2013, 04:40 PM
za din islam ko pogine taj nije umro

Za čifute su oni pocrkali.

Ajde idi gini za taj tvoj judensko-cionistički din, i problem riješen.

05-19-2013, 04:44 PM
Za čifute su oni pocrkali.

Ajde idi gini za taj tvoj judensko-cionistički din, i problem riješen.
nalet te bilo :cool:

05-19-2013, 04:50 PM
nalet te bilo :cool:

Pričaj standardnim Bosanskim, ne tim dijalektom iz Podrinjskih vukojebina.

05-19-2013, 04:54 PM
Pričaj standardnim Bosanskim, ne tim dijalektom iz Podrinjskih vukojebina.

pa mi tako kažemo kad naletimo na kakvu budalu...nalet ga bilo

05-19-2013, 04:57 PM
Ћирилица је овде забрањен

05-19-2013, 04:58 PM
pa mi tako kažemo kad naletimo na kakvu budalu...nalet ga bilo

To je jezik budala za mene.

05-19-2013, 05:01 PM
To je jezik budala za mene.hajde ba ...dosta te ba...uhljupe sarajevski ba


05-19-2013, 05:04 PM
hajde ba ...dosta te ba...uhljupe sarajevski ba


Te imitacije ovaca su počeli Podrinjski pastiri dok su se učili da hodaju po asfaltu klocu jedan.

05-19-2013, 05:07 PM
Te imitacije ovaca su počeli Podrinjski pastiri dok su se učili da hodaju po asfaltu klocu jedan.

tipični sarajevski uhljup/klošar :p


05-19-2013, 05:09 PM
tipični sarajevski uhljup/klošar :p


Tupava faca Podrinjskog miša.

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 05:12 PM
Daj ba,vi morate pokvariti temu pa da je ne znam ti sta

I kako ti mrzis podrinjce toliko,koliko znam i amar

05-19-2013, 05:12 PM
ne kenjaj...na ciglanama sve same defektne sarajlijice

05-19-2013, 05:15 PM
I kako ti mrzis podrinjce toliko,koliko znam i amar

Ne mrzim Podrinjce, mrzim njihove aroganciju.

Većina su nesposobni imbecili koji nemogu da održavaju jedan smješni kanton bez Sarajeva da im pokriva 30% budžeta.

05-19-2013, 05:17 PM
ne kenjaj...na ciglanama sve same defektne sarajlijice

Bio je to jedan od elitnih krajeva šehera prije nego što su vas Srbi utjerali u moj grad.

Šta ste uradili sa Bućom, sa Dobrinjom i Otokom je jednostavno preodvratno. Vi ste nesposobni za normalan život kad niste oko torova i ovaca.

05-19-2013, 05:17 PM
He is actually one of the 3 bosniak martyrs in Syria,2 more were killed

He died for nothing. I feel sorry that he got brainwashed and thought that those Syrians deserve mercy. Anyway Allah yrhamou.

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 05:18 PM
Pa Gorazde licno ne smatramo podrinjcima mi iz djela Bosne koji se zove Podrinje(dakle Bratunac,Vlasenica,Zvornik,Visegrad su ti podrinjska mjesta hahahah)

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 05:18 PM
He died for nothing. I feel sorry that he got brainwashed and thought that those Syrians deserve mercy. Anyway Allah yrhamou.

Who are you to say so? its up to God i believe,i wont get any sins by commenting that

05-19-2013, 05:22 PM
Ne mrzim Podrinjce, mrzim njihove aroganciju.

Većina su nesposobni imbecili koji nemogu da održavaju jedan smješni kanton bez Sarajeva da im pokriva 30% budžeta.

bilmezu sarajevski mi imamo manju nezaposlenost od vas

05-19-2013, 05:22 PM
Pa Gorazde licno ne smatramo podrinjcima mi iz djela Bosne koji se zove Podrinje(dakle Bratunac,Vlasenica,Zvornik,Visegrad su ti podrinjska mjesta hahahah)

Nit ga orginalne Sarajelije smatraju dijelom Većeg Sarajeva.

Za nas to je Podrinjska vukojebina koja je samo donjela patnju i kriminal ovdje,a uzela (zajedno sa drugim Podrinjcima) najbolje dijelove grada i pretvorila ih u rekreacije njihovih zaseoka iz kojih svi ti miševi potiću.

Samo je Stari Grad i Ilidža sigurna, sve je ostalo otišlo u helać žešći.

05-19-2013, 05:23 PM
bilmezu sarajevski mi imamo manju nezaposlenost od vas

Kad od tih 30K hiljada većina radi u nepotrebnoj administraciji ili uslužnim granama koje Sarajelije plaćaju, direktno i indirektno.

05-19-2013, 05:27 PM
Bio je to jedan od elitnih krajeva šehera prije nego što su Srbi utjerali vas u moj grad.

Šta ste uradili sa Bućom, sa Dobrinjom i Otokom je jednostavno preodvratno. Vi ste nesposobni za normalan život kad niste oko torova i ovaca.
elitno naselje sarajevskih cigana sa gorice i crnog vrha :D

kako se samo sarajevske kurvice udaraju sa cigošima u onom tunelu na ciglanama

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 05:28 PM
Nit ga orginalne Sarajelije smatraju dijelom Većeg Sarajeva.

Za nas to je Podrinjska vukojebina koja je samo donjela patnju i kriminal ovdje,a uzela (zajedno sa drugim Podrinjcima) najbolje dijelove grada i pretvorila ih u rekreacije njihovih zaseoka iz kojih svi ti miševi potiću.

Samo je Stari Grad i Ilidža sigurna, sve je ostalo otišlo u helać žešći.

Otkad je to Ilidza Sarajevo? :D

05-19-2013, 05:29 PM
Kad od tih 30K hiljada većina radi u nepotrebnoj administraciji ili uslužnim granama koje Sarajelije plaćaju, direktno i indirektno.
ma šta vi plaćate...cijela bosna plaća vama uhljupi neradnički

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 05:30 PM
moderators please stop their offtopic

05-19-2013, 05:30 PM
elitno naselje sarajevskih cigana sa gorice i crnog vrha :D

Pa dijete ti nikad nisi bio onda na Ciglanama ako se tako provaljuješ. Čak i kad ste ga vi Podrinjci i vaši malo tamnoputiji rođaci tako žalosno osakatili, Ciglane su još uvijek jedan od bogatijih dijelova grada.

kako se samo sarajevske kurvice udaraju sa cigošima u onom tunelu na ciglanama

Podrinjci, cigani, Aljbosi, Sanđosi, sve mi to dođe isto...

Gamad koja nepripada ovom gradu.

05-19-2013, 05:31 PM
moderators please stop their offtopic

Don't delete it, please transfer it to a new thread.

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 05:31 PM
Podrinjci, cigani, Sanđosi, sve mi to dođe isto...

Kako si jadna

i Gorazdjani nisu podrinjci! pitaj bilo kojeg podrinjca koji nije odatle

05-19-2013, 05:33 PM
Pa dijete ti nikad nisi bio onda na Ciglanama ako se tako provaljuješ. Čak i kad ste ga vi Podrinjci i vaši malo tamnoputiji rođaci tako žalosno osakatili, Ciglane su još uvijek jedan od bogatijih dijelova grada.

Podrinjci, cigani, Aljbosi, Sanđosi, sve mi to dođe isto...

Gamad koja nepripada ovom gradu.naravno da znam..čak sam jedno vrijeme živio u tepebašinoj

05-19-2013, 05:33 PM
Otkad je to Ilidza Sarajevo? :D

Od kad je Malta dio Stare Vrhbosne ;)

Nisi bistra kao on da me podjebavaš mala. Njega povlaći na dno njegova zaostala Podrinjska strana, kao i dadu ovdje.

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 05:34 PM
Od kad je Malta dio Stare Vrhbosne ;)

Nisi bistra kao on da me podjebavaš mala. Njega povlaći na dno njegova zaostala Podrinjska strana.

Vrhbosna je relevantna kao proslogodisnji snijeg

05-19-2013, 05:35 PM
naravno da znam..čak sam jedno vrijeme živio u tepebašinoj

A zašto si živio tamo kad ti se Sarajevo nedopada?

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 05:37 PM
Ilidza-village outside Sarajevo

05-19-2013, 05:37 PM
A zašto si živio tamo kad ti se Sarajevo nedopada?

podvodio sarajevske kurve ciganima

05-19-2013, 05:38 PM
Vrhbosna je relevantna kao proslogodisnji snijeg

Stara Vrhbosna je stari naziv koji je ispao iz upotrebe, za dio Sarajevo koji se prostire od ispod Bijele Tabije/Hodidjeda do Socijalnog.

Dok Vrhbosna kao regija je Sarajevo i sve okolno od Romanije do Visokog, tako su bar mene ućili u školi.

05-19-2013, 05:39 PM
podvodio sarajevske kurve ciganima

Pa kako će Podrinjci drugaćije doći da Sarajki sem da kupujete dno dna ;)

05-19-2013, 05:40 PM
Ilidza-village outside Sarajevo

Ilidža is a "village" of nearly 100k better developed and with stronger economy than all of Podrinje, Eastern Bosnia, Posavina and Herzegovina. So go figure ;)

Nije jedna od najvećih industrijskih zona u Goržadu ili Foči ili odakle su Podrinjcu dopuzali, već kod "uhljupa" koji ih hrane :p

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 05:42 PM
Ilidža is a "village" of nearly 100k better developed and with stronger economy than all of Podrinje, Eastern Bosnia, Posavina and Herzegovina. So go figure ;)

Ma samo naprijed i dont hate you,my ex is from Ilidza,and i know their mentality and what kind of people they are

05-19-2013, 05:43 PM
Ma samo naprijed i dont hate you,my ex is from Ilidza,and i know their mentality and what kind of people they are

We are proud that we are the BEST part of Sarajevo.

Samo Tuzlaci, Krajišnici i Posavci su jedini imigranti ovdje pa to se osjeća ;) Čim nema Podrinjaca, cigana, Aljbanaca, odmah se vide čiste i mirne ulice, preduzeća se otvarajau bez ikakvih reketarenja itd. Ilidža je lijep predah i slika Sarajeva šta je bilo prije nego što su ga Istoćnjaci uništili.

05-19-2013, 05:43 PM
Pa kako će Podrinjci drugaćije doći da Sarajki sem da kupujete dno dna ;)

jest vala...stvarno su skrte...deru se s kim stignu i gdje stignu :eek:

05-19-2013, 05:46 PM
Ilidža is a "village" of nearly 100k better developed and with stronger economy than all of Podrinje, Eastern Bosnia, Posavina and Herzegovina. So go figure ;)

Nije jedna od najvećih industrijskih zona u Goržadu ili Foči ili odakle su Podrinjcu dopuzali, već kod "uhljupa" koji ih hrane :p
:lmao:lmao:lmao...tipični sarajevski mamlaz koji nikad nije mrdnuo dalje od vijećnice...kakva vaša crna ekonomija

05-19-2013, 05:47 PM
jest vala...stvarno su skrte...deru se s kim stignu i gdje stignu :eek:

Ali samo Podrinjci i ostatak Istoćnog ljudskog otpada treba ih kupovat :p

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 05:48 PM
Ok guys,need to tell you this is so 1910,Sarajevo is capital and will not belong to the leftovers of some begovi and sarajlijici ,and plus some villagers that came there in the 60s

05-19-2013, 05:50 PM
:lmao:lmao:lmao...tipični sarajevski mamlaz koji nikad nije mrdnuo dalje od vijećnice...kakva vaša crna ekonomija

Išla sam malo više od te vijećnice, zalazila sam od tvog zaseoka, malo do Krajine pa do Hercegovaćkih kamenjara što se Bosne tiće. I nigdje nisam primjetila ni trećinu progresa, ni poduzetništva nego na Ilidži ;)

05-19-2013, 05:51 PM
Ali samo Podrinjci i ostatak Istoćnog ljudskog otpada treba ih kupovat :p
pa jedino mi znamo prepoznati kurvu...a i merhametli smo duše...štaš,treba im dati bar za fiksa da se ne valjaju po ulici

05-19-2013, 05:52 PM
We need more Bosniaks for the forum!

(sorry off-topic)

05-19-2013, 05:53 PM
Ok guys,need to tell you this is so 1910,Sarajevo is capital and will not belong to the leftovers of some begovi and sarajlijici ,and plus some villagers that came there in the 60s

I understand that, but I don't see why should we renounce indoor plumbing and paved streets to accommodate savages from Istok...

05-19-2013, 05:53 PM
Išla sam malo više od te vijećnice, zalazila sam od tvog zaseoka, malo do Krajine pa do Hercegovaćkih kamenjara što se Bosne tiće. I nigdje nisam primjetila ni trećinu progresa, ni poduzetništva nego na Ilidži ;)

šta to vi imate na ilidži...koje fabrike

05-19-2013, 05:56 PM
šta to vi imate na ilidži...koje fabrike

Samo kreni ka Hrasnici i pogledaj lijevo sve te produkcijske hale, poslovne prostore i fabrike koje hrane tvoju zaostalu vukojebinu.

05-19-2013, 05:56 PM
I understand that, but I don't see why should we renounce indoor plumbing and paved streets to accommodate savages from Istok...

ahahaha...pa vi još ni kanalizaciju nemate...neki dan sam bio dole kod hotela hollywood...smrdi nemožeš disati...dobro ne pocrkate...al kad ste ko pacovi,,,plavite svake godine...ni onaj potok ne možete ukrotiti

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 05:57 PM
jel bona,pitam za nacelnika? on je iz SDA,izgleda da vam je dobro s njim,otvara fabrike hahahahh

05-19-2013, 05:58 PM
Samo kreni ka Hrasnici i pogledaj lijevo sve te produkcijske hale, poslovne prostore i fabrike koje hrane tvoju zaostalu vukojebinu.

želim da nabrojiš...taxativno

05-19-2013, 05:58 PM
ahahaha...pa vi još ni kanalizaciju nemate...neki dan sam bio dole kod hotela hollywood...smrdi nemožeš disati...dobro ne pocrkate...al kad ste ko pacovi,,,plavite svake godine...ni onaj potok ne možete ukrotiti

Ti mješaš Sarajevo sa Podrinjem.

05-19-2013, 05:59 PM
jel bona,pitam za nacelnika? on je iz SDA,izgleda da vam je dobro s njim,otvara fabrike hahahahh

Lično sam uvijek glasala ZA, ali Krajišnici i njihova umobolna fiksacija za SDA nas je unazadila.

05-19-2013, 06:00 PM
želim da nabrojiš...taxativno


Malo upoznavanja sa gradom koji hrani tvoje selo bi ti dobro došlo ;)

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 06:00 PM
Lično sam uvijek glasala ZA, ali Krajišnici i njihova umobolna fiksacija za SDA nas je unazadila.

Pa cekaj,svidja ti se stanje a ne svidja ti se ko vlada i donosi te odluke

05-19-2013, 06:01 PM
Ti mješaš Sarajevo sa Podrinjem.

naravno da ne miješam...sarajevsko polje prepuno septičkih jama...čak ste vodosnadbijevanje čitavog grada ugrozili

05-19-2013, 06:02 PM
naravno da ne miješam...sarajevsko polje prepuno septičkih jama...čak ste vodosnadbijevanje čitavog grada ugrozili

Pustili Podrinjske divljake koji nisu navikli na veću organizaciju od tora da se igraju sa planiranjem grada i izdavanjem dozvola drugim dviljacima...

05-19-2013, 06:04 PM
Pa cekaj,svidja ti se stanje a ne svidja ti se ko vlada i donosi te odluke

Sve zacrtano rade po planu ljudi koji su uvijek bili uz ZA, ali zaostalo korumpirani Podrinjski mentalitet, dobrog dijela SDA, prijeti da čak unište i ovo što smo uspjeli da obnovimo i izgradimo.

05-19-2013, 06:05 PM
Pustili Podrinjske divljake koji nisu navikli na veću organizaciju od tora da se igraju sa planiranjem grada i izdavanjem dozvola drugim dviljacima...

kad si ti dobio kanalizaciju ;)

05-19-2013, 06:06 PM

05-19-2013, 06:09 PM
kad si ti dobio kanalizaciju ;)

Ja sam dobila kanalizaciju prije nego što je otac mog starog bio rođen ;)

Kad si ti prvi put vidila asfalta i ulične rasvjete?

05-19-2013, 06:14 PM
Ja sam dobila kanalizaciju prije nego što je otac mog starog bio rođen ;)

Kad si ti prvi put vidila asfalta i ulične rasvjete?ja vjerujem da si i ti, a kamoli tvoj dedo, kenjao u poljskom wc-u

05-19-2013, 06:16 PM
ja vjerujem da si i ti, a kamoli tvoj dedo, kenjao u poljskom wc-u

Nije Sarajevo Podrinje.

Ipak ja dolazim sa malo jačim prezimenom, vezanim za Sarajevo ;)

05-19-2013, 06:18 PM
Nije Sarajevo Podrinje.

Ipak ja dolazim sa malo jačim prezimenom vezanim za Sarajevo ;)

ma nemoj...grofe :icon_lol:xD

05-19-2013, 06:19 PM
ma nemoj...grofe :icon_lol:xD

Grofice, kmetu muđahirski moj ;)

05-19-2013, 06:24 PM
i don't like assad, but those fighters should better do jihad in saudi arabia, the saudi king says he moslem and follows the sunnah...but he has a mustache and shaves beard...:rolleyes: he is just a yahood in disguise, but sooner or later his neck will meet the sword. for those bosniaks, they are shahids.

05-19-2013, 06:28 PM
i don't like assad, but those fighters should better do jihad in saudi arabia, the saudi king says he moslem and follows the sunnah...but he has a mustache and shaves beard...:rolleyes: he is just a yahood in disguise, but sooner or later his neck will meet the sword. for those bosniaks, they are shahids.

Ti Paistanac si luđi od ovog miša :lol:

05-19-2013, 07:59 PM
It is such a waste of life...
If he wanted to do good for his religion, he should have started a family,
and raised his children into Din Islam. It would have brought happiness
and a just reward in heaven, according to the faith.
Instead, he ended in a foreign land, fighting an unknown enemy,
without any training or knowledge of that country. And surely very
little insight into the conflict, except for what his leader told him.

05-19-2013, 08:01 PM
May god has them in his heaven.

05-19-2013, 08:27 PM
i admire their will to help brother muslims when in trouble,syrians came to fight with us shoulder to shoulder when we needed it...we will all die eventually ...they are going from this world as heroes...allah rahmetile
There is no such thing as "islamic brotherhood". Your only muslim brothers are in Balkans and Turkey but no others. Philippino, Arab, Malaysian etc. muslims are NOT your brothers.

As Armenian orthodoxs are not brothers of Serbians or hispanic catholics are not brothers of French, Arabs are not brothers of Turks or Bosnians either.

Also, dying in the name of judeo-evangelist causes does not make any muslim as heroes.

05-19-2013, 08:31 PM
There is no such thing as "islamic brotherhood". Your only muslim brothers are in Balkans and Turkey but no others. Philippino, Arab, Malaysian etc. muslims are NOT your brothers.

As Armenian orthodoxs are not brothers of Serbians or hispanic catholics are not brothers of French, Arabs are not brothers of Turks or Bosnians either.

Also, dying in the name of judeo-evangelists does not make any muslim as heroes.

Go to that Ataturk thread and read what turks wrote,i do not consider turks brothers anymore

05-19-2013, 08:36 PM
There is no such thing as "islamic brotherhood". Your only muslim brothers are in Balkans and Turkey but no others. Philippino, Arab, Malaysian etc. muslims are NOT your brothers.

As Armenian orthodoxs are not brothers of Serbians or Hispanic catholics are not brothers of French, Arabs are not brothers of Turks or Bosnians either.
dont know why are u using this analogy with christian nations...what kind of argument is that...

muslim brotherhood does exist...even on formal level,between countries we have OIC
on personal level,among people this brotherhood is even stronger...muslims in bosnia witnessed that solidarity in 1990-ties...

05-19-2013, 08:39 PM
Allah will reward him with 72 virgins! Dadush you interested in going to?

05-19-2013, 09:30 PM
Go to that Ataturk thread and read what turks wrote,i do not consider turks brothers anymore
I don't know who or which thread you talking about but it doesn't matter what you or some other Bosnians thinks. Our common history and the Bosniak diaspora in Turkey binds us. You have none of these bonds with other muslim peoples.

05-19-2013, 10:30 PM
I don't know who or which thread you talking about but it doesn't matter what you or some other Bosnians thinks. Our common history and the Bosniak diaspora in Turkey binds us. You have none of these bonds with other muslim peoples.

The thread was cleaned after Kemaliste got banned for throwing insults at her. Never seen a turk praise serbian war crimes before, very wierd.

Hurrem sultana
05-19-2013, 10:31 PM
He is an alevi,so its not weird

turkish muslims do not like them,and i bet they like Armenia too lol

05-19-2013, 10:40 PM
Yeah that`s true... now I remember, an atheist alevi :lol:

05-19-2013, 10:43 PM
Since when are Turks and Bosniaks brothers? A Bosniak has more to do with a Serb than a Turk, you moron.

05-19-2013, 11:17 PM
Since when are Turks and Bosniaks brothers? A Bosniak has more to do with a Serb than a Turk, you moron.

we're brothers in islam and allies.

05-20-2013, 03:31 PM
What a shame. Fight on the same side with Zionists. Limited craze brains.

Hurrem sultana
05-20-2013, 03:53 PM
Shame on you for becoming a shia

05-20-2013, 04:03 PM
What a shame. Fight on the same side with Zionists. Limited craze brains.

Who said that Assad is Anti-Zionist. Did you ask yourself why ,in a period of 40 years, Syria didn't make any attempt to retrieve Golan Heights.

05-20-2013, 04:05 PM
Shame on you for becoming a shia

shias are moslems and our brothers...hizbollah, iran, great people...shame on u for shaming a fellow moslem :rolleyes:

The Republic
05-20-2013, 04:12 PM
Shame on you for becoming a shia

Why exactly is it a shame? We Shia Muslims could easily reply in the same manner, but we'll see ourselves too good to do that. We may have different interpretations, yet there's still something that binds us - guess what that is... That you'd rather support the Zionist cause than fellow Muslims should be the biggest shame of all.

Hurrem sultana
05-20-2013, 04:18 PM
How exactly can you reply? i am born sunni i will die sunni,but it is an other thing if you convert,i think its wrong

shias are shias,sunnis are sunnis

05-20-2013, 04:19 PM
Why exactly is it a shame? We Shia Muslims could easily reply in the same manner, but we'll see ourselves too good to do that. We may have different interpretations, yet there's still something that binds us - guess what that is... That you'd rather support the Zionist cause than fellow Muslims should be the biggest shame of all.

I agree. I see no benefit from the Shaia Sunni conflict and i think this dispute only serves Americans and its Gulf Arab allies, who use it as a way to consolidate their 14th century regressive monarchy.

Hurrem sultana
05-20-2013, 04:21 PM
So why does Iran support Asad? because they dont want majority sunni government(which Syria is)

05-20-2013, 04:26 PM
So why does Iran support Asad? because they dont want majority sunni government(which Syria is)

Because Syria is the only path to supply Hizbullah.

05-20-2013, 04:28 PM
why are western governments giving weapons to cannibal islamists? maybe a moderate form of sharia could work but the mujaheeden etc. are very cruel beasts i got to conclusion when i saw a few Pictures around the world how they behead People beat women, and all that

Hurrem sultana
05-20-2013, 04:39 PM
Say what you want,but it is in sunni muslims own interest to have Asad down!

The Republic
05-20-2013, 04:40 PM
I agree. I see no benefit from the Shaia Sunni conflict and i think this dispute only serves Americans and its Gulf Arab allies, who use it as a way to consolidate their 14th century regressive monarchy.

For sure. If America cared the slightest for democracy and whatnot it would have sanctioned said Arab states a long time ago. That's not it though, America only cares when it's in their interest (mostly resources like oil).

How exactly can you reply? i am born sunni i will die sunni,but it is an other thing if you convert,i think its wrong

shias are shias,sunnis are sunnis

As I said, you are on the side of rebels and their Zionist supporters instead of Syria. We all know that this isn't in the interest of any Muslim nation. It's his choice, it's not shameful either way.

So why does Iran support Asad? because they dont want majority sunni government(which Syria is)

Iran supports Assad because Assad is the only ally in the region. Iran and Syria are the only countries willing to stand up against Zionism. Owing to this reason, the West, including its allies in the Middle East, tries to bring down our countries. Iran also cares for stability in the region, unlike the West.

05-20-2013, 05:19 PM
Say what you want,but it is in sunni muslims own interest to have Asad down!
No, it`s the judeo-evangelists interest to have Assad down.

You think this is supposedly the sunni muslim interest too because western world purposely raised and supported wahhabi/salafists to hijack sunni islamism from the true muslims. Today, they act like they are supposedly the representatives of sunni muslims but they are not. They are only the slaves of the judeo-evangelists, created by British during WW1 and currently manipulated by CIA today.

Wahhabi/Salafist does not represent sunni islam. They don't even represent islam at all with their ultra-luxury life and oppression to the ordinary people of Arabs. They are puppets of the judeo-evangelists.

05-20-2013, 05:27 PM
Say what you want,but it is in sunni muslims own interest to have Asad down!

You're a completely deluded girl :picard2:
A fair share of the FSA victims are Sunnis.
The Lybians that get terrorised in today's Lybia (failed State) are Sunnis.
A portion of the Iraqis that were invaded and occupied, were Sunnis.

Yet you still sucking it up for Atlanto-Zionism and defending the interest of the Gulf Monarchies. It'd seem the Wahhabi influence in Bosnia has conquered one more adept.

05-20-2013, 05:46 PM
Syria has turned into a radical Jihadist battleground unfortunately . I'm very much against Assad and was optimistic about the civilian protests that started out in the beginning, but this has been hijacked by local radicals & foreigners who come to fight, not out of care for Syria or the Syrian people but because they think this is a mission for Allah and is about fighting the 'infidel regime'. That's why it's such a waste this Bosnian man died for the sake of a disillusioned religious mission. If you stand against Assad, it should be about what his regime did wrong, point blank, not because he's an Alawite and it's a 'Sunni mission' to fight him. It's also reversed, Lebanese guys from Hezbollah are dying in Syria because they believe they are protecting the Shia. It's clearly turned into a bloodthirsty sectarian war, nothing noble about that!

05-20-2013, 05:50 PM
It's clearly turned into a bloodthirsty sectarian war, nothing noble about that!

And that's what the West wanted all along. Balkanization. Divide and Conquer.


Han Cholo
05-20-2013, 05:54 PM
Good ridance. Another jewhadist dead.

05-20-2013, 06:09 PM
No, it`s the judeo-evangelists interest to have Assad down.

You think this is supposedly the sunni muslim interest too because western world purposely raised and supported wahhabi/salafists to hijack sunni islamism from the true muslims. Today, they act like they are supposedly the representatives of sunni muslims but they are not. They are only the slaves of the judeo-evangelists, created by British during WW1 and currently manipulated by CIA today.

Wahhabi/Salafist does not represent sunni islam. They don't even represent islam at all with their ultra-luxury life and oppression to the ordinary people of Arabs. They are puppets of the judeo-evangelists.

what is wrong with turks and their love for dictators

just because interests of syrian people match with the interests of jews and west (both parties want his demise),does that mean they have to suffer under his tyrany for god knows how many more decades cause asshole is quite young

Han Cholo
05-20-2013, 06:14 PM
what is wrong with turks and their love for dictators

just because interests of syrian people match with the interests of jews and west (both parties want his demise),does that mean they have to suffer under his tyrany for god knows how many more decades cause asshole is quite young

Sure Syrian people want this Allahu ackbar democracy when they have lots of ethnic and religious minorities :picard2:

05-20-2013, 06:15 PM
How is the overthrow of Assad in the interest of Druze Christians, Alawites and moderate Sunnis?

I've never yet encountered a group of people that crave to be ethnically cleansed.

05-20-2013, 06:16 PM
Syria has turned into a radical Jihadist battleground unfortunately . I'm very much against Assad and was optimistic about the civilian protests that started out in the beginning, but this has been hijacked by local radicals & foreigners who come to fight, not out of care for Syria or the Syrian people but because they think this is a mission for Allah and is about fighting the 'infidel regime'. That's why it's such a waste this Bosnian man died for the sake of a disillusioned religious mission. If you stand against Assad, it should be about what his regime did wrong, point blank, not because he's an Alawite and it's a 'Sunni mission' to fight him. It's also reversed, Lebanese guys from Hezbollah are dying in Syria because they believe they are protecting the Shia. It's clearly turned into a bloodthirsty sectarian war, nothing noble about that!

sorry to spoil your fantasy of pink world but u cant remove dictator with peacefull protests...we can all see that he is ready to destroy country and kill his own people just to stay on power...there is no backing now no matter who is his opposition and successor

Han Cholo
05-20-2013, 06:17 PM
sorry to spoil your fantasy of pink world but u cant remove dictator with peacefull protests...we can all see that he is ready to destroy country and kill his own people just to stay on power...there is no backing now no matter who is his opposition and successor

Well it seems they're not removing it in any other way either. Rebels still be falling like flies despite constant weapon and logistic support from outside.

05-20-2013, 06:18 PM
Sure Syrian people want this Allahu ackbar democracy when they have lots of ethnic and religious minorities :picard2:

Funny thing is that the same Syrian people who want this Allahu ackbar democracy are going to flood the west in a few years because it will be impossible to live in their new "great" democracy.

05-20-2013, 06:25 PM
what is wrong with turks and their love for dictators

just because interests of syrian people match with the interests of jews and west (both parties want his demise),does that mean they have to suffer under his tyrany for god knows how many more decades cause asshole is quite young
The interest of Syrian people cannot possibly match with the judeo-evangelists. This is nothing but judeo-evangelist interests, but not Syrians. Iraq fell under the judeo-evangelist elite and over a million Iraqis died and 10.000s of Iraqi women has been raped in the end. Was that an Iraqi people`s interest too?

Btw, this is the latest news from Syria. It turned out that the jihadists in Syria using Israeli equipments and military vehicles;


05-20-2013, 06:28 PM
Well it seems they're not removing it in any other way either. Rebels still be falling like flies despite constant weapon and logistic support from outside.

they already removed him...he doesnt have control even in damascus , i dont even want to talk about his newest image as murdered and rapist of his own people...which sane world leaders would want to cooperate with such pitfull persona...aside from even more pitfull russian dogs

05-20-2013, 06:29 PM
There is no backing now no matter who is his opposition and successor? Wth???!!
If it would be the North Korean Army it'd be perfectly fine too I suppose.

05-20-2013, 06:31 PM
they already removed him...he doesnt have control even in damascus , i dont even want to talk about his newest image as murdered and rapist of his own people...which sane world leaders would want to cooperate with such pitfull persona...aside from even more pitfull russian dogs
Because no matter how pitiful, the alternative is 10 times worse.


Han Cholo
05-20-2013, 06:31 PM
they already removed him...he doesnt have control even in damascus

Please get your head outside your ass.

i dont even want to talk about his newest image as murdered and rapist of his own people...which sane world leaders would want to cooperate with such pitfull persona...aside from even more pitfull russian dogs

It's better being a murderer of his own people (which he isn't completely) than having some Allahu Ackbar yelling foreign Saudis killing your people and applying Shariah on them while they steal their plasma tvs.

Hurrem sultana
05-20-2013, 06:32 PM
hahah dado for first time not agreeing with turks :D

Hurrem sultana
05-20-2013, 06:33 PM
It's better being a murderer of his own people (which he isn't completely) than having some Allahu Ackbar yelling foreign Saudis killing your people and applying Shariah on them while they steal their plasma tvs.

Muslims from whole world come to give them support,like this bosnian ,or turk or saudi,and its logical the more religious ones come,,Allahu Ekber is our and NO muslim considers it alien ,if you yell Allahu ekber it doesnt mean you want sharia!!!!

05-20-2013, 06:34 PM
The interest of Syrian people cannot possibly match with the judeo-evangelists. This is nothing but judeo-evangelist interests, but not Syrians. Iraq fell under the judeo-evangelist elite and over a million Iraqis died and 10.000s of Iraqi women has been raped in the end. Was that an Iraqi people`s interest too?

Btw, this is the latest news from Syria. It turned out that the jihadists in Syria using Israeli equipments and military vehicles;


video is clear war propaganda from assad dogs

but what i want to know is what are u suggesting to syrian people now when that idiot destroyed country cause he didnt want to leave office

do u want them to be ruled by a mass murderer....u turks are attacking your prime minister for trivial things like alcohol restrictions ,.i can only imagine what would u do if u had president as assad

05-20-2013, 06:34 PM
Muslims from whole world come to give them support,like this bosnian ,or turk or saudi,and its logical the more religious ones come,,Allahu Ekber is our and NO muslim considers it alien ,if you yell Allahu ekber it doesnt mean you want sharia!!!!

Scum from all over the world came to give them support, more like it.

Han Cholo
05-20-2013, 06:35 PM
Muslims from whole world come to give them support,like this bosnian ,or turk or saudi,and its logical the more religious ones come,,Allahu Ekber is our and NO muslim considers it alien ,if you yell Allahu ekber it doesnt mean you want sharia!!!!

If you yell Allahu Ackbar while you kill and rape women, and do it like 30 times in 5 minutes it sure as hell doesn't mean anything peaceful, or longing for democracy.

And yes, it's very Muslim to support the "Jewhad" against other Muslims, at least be sincere with your true beliefs and convert to talmud.

05-20-2013, 06:36 PM
The Middle East must not be divided along the Shia-Sunni line,
only one country in the region benefits from such a conflict.
It is truly horrible to watch such an ancient land be engulfed
by an sectarian war... where the cassualties are civilians mostly.
It is a shame that both the regime and the opposition allowed
themselves to be manipulated by outside forces...
There is no end in sight, for this could go on for years...

And I consider these "freedom fighters" to be the same
idiots as those that go into mosques in Iraq and Afghanistan
and blow themselves up during friday prayers...
Manipulated morons, a great danger to ordinary muslims.

Hurrem sultana
05-20-2013, 06:37 PM
mudzahedini su dio islama ,koliko god prosjecnom covjeku to izgledalo "previse" ipak neki ljudi su jaki u vjeri i spremni su i zivot dati za put islama :S

05-20-2013, 06:37 PM
Volunteer, a synonym for Jihadist

05-20-2013, 06:38 PM
hahah dado for first time not agreeing with turks :D

well onur is hardly turks...it is he who has complitely different opinion on this whole matter from majority of turks and official stance of turkish government...i'm more turk than onur

Han Cholo
05-20-2013, 06:38 PM
Volunteer, a synonym for Jihadist

Jewhadist is the most accurate word.

05-20-2013, 06:39 PM
mudzahedini su dio islama ,koliko god prosjecnom covjeku to izgledalo "previse" ipak neki ljudi su jaki u vjeri i spremni su i zivot dati za put islama :S

Boreci se protiv drugih muslimana? :lol:

05-20-2013, 06:41 PM
Scum from all over the world came to give them support, more like it.

that word suits u better...heroes is name by which they will be remembered in whole muslim world

05-20-2013, 06:43 PM
that word suits u better...heroes is name by which they will be remembered in whole muslim world

As long as they're dead they can be known as whatever they want for all I care. The world is certainly better off without them.

05-20-2013, 06:46 PM
As long as they're dead they can be known as whatever they want for all I care. The world is certainly better off without them.

world would be peacefull place without death thirsty people like u and assad

05-20-2013, 06:46 PM
mudzahedini su dio islama ,koliko god prosjecnom covjeku to izgledalo "previse" ipak neki ljudi su jaki u vjeri i spremni su i zivot dati za put islama :S

Da, jesu... i trebaju da se bore... ali tamo gdje jeste prijetnja za Islam, da li je vjera bila u opasnosti u Siriji? U Libiji?
Zasto niko ne ide u Burmu da se bori kad se tamo dok ovo pisem vrsi genocid nad muslimanima Burme?
Ne znam... nije ovo samo borba dobrog i zla, ovdje je umjesano mnogo toga, od Rusa do Izraelaca...

05-20-2013, 06:48 PM
world would be peacefull place without death thirsty people like u and assad

Stop playing the pathetic "peace" card as if Assad vs FSA is like Apartheid regime versus Mandela. The last thing the Syrian rebels are is peace loving people. This has been proven again and again by their actions and it will again be proven most likely against Syrian minorities when they take power.

Then of course you will talk about how its "their country" and they have the right to do what they want.

@Hassad: where is the picture in your signature from?

05-20-2013, 06:51 PM
Da, jesu... i trebaju da se bore... ali tamo gdje jeste prijetnja za Islam, da li je vjera bila u opasnosti u Siriji? U Libiji?
Zasto niko ne ide u Burmu da se bori kad se tamo dok ovo pisem vrsi genocid nad muslimanima Burme?
Ne znam... nije ovo samo borba dobrog i zla, ovdje je umjesano mnogo toga, od Rusa do Izraelaca...

pa jel ti uopće znaš šta sirija i damask znače za islamski svijet.....porediš srce islamskog svijeta i tamo neka rubna područja koja tek nekad u budućnosti treba da postanu islamska

05-20-2013, 06:52 PM

pa jel ti uopće znaš šta sirija i damask znače za islamski svijet.....porediš srce islamskog svijeta i tamo neka rubna područja koja tek nek u budućnosti treba da postanu islamska

Opet dodjosmo do toga kako su Arapi "posebni" a ostale muslimane ko jebe.

05-20-2013, 06:54 PM
the real shame are bosniaks who help kuffars in irak and khorasan.

05-20-2013, 06:55 PM

pa jel ti uopće znaš šta sirija i damask znače za islamski svijet.....porediš srce islamskog svijeta i tamo neka rubna područja koja tek nekad u budućnosti treba da postanu islamska

Ti zivis u rubnom podrucju :picard1:
Sta znaci Damask... znaci mnogo, i zato necu da ga vidim u plamenu, spaljenog od strane salafijskog smeca

05-20-2013, 06:58 PM
Stop playing the pathetic "peace" card as if Assad vs FSA is like Apartheid regime versus Mandela. The last thing the Syrian rebels are is peace loving people. This has been proven again and again by their actions and it will again be proven most likely against Syrian minorities when they take power.

Then of course you will talk about how its "their country" and they have the right to do what they want.

@Hassad: where is the picture in your signature from?

it is apartheid and dictatorship much worse than in south africa
all those minorities that are supporting assad and commiting all these crimes we can see on tv,they should all be thrown out of country

Hurrem sultana
05-20-2013, 07:00 PM

pa jel ti uopće znaš šta sirija i damask znače za islamski svijet.....porediš srce islamskog svijeta i tamo neka rubna područja koja tek nekad u budućnosti treba da postanu islamska


Hurrem sultana
05-20-2013, 07:01 PM
Da, jesu... i trebaju da se bore... ali tamo gdje jeste prijetnja za Islam, da li je vjera bila u opasnosti u Siriji? U Libiji?
Zasto niko ne ide u Burmu da se bori kad se tamo dok ovo pisem vrsi genocid nad muslimanima Burme?
Ne znam... nije ovo samo borba dobrog i zla, ovdje je umjesano mnogo toga, od Rusa do Izraelaca...
S ovim se slazem,muslimani Burme su sirote na koje bas niko ne misli,jedino ih je Erdogan posjetio :(

05-20-2013, 07:02 PM
Opet dodjosmo do toga kako su Arapi "posebni" a ostale muslimane ko jebe.

prostakušo muslimani najprije moraju da isčiste svoj historijski prostor koji je zagađen ruskim smećem i raznoraznim dikatorćićima koje su instalirali još sovjeti, pa tek onda da budu u stanju ozbiljnije pomoći tim manjim grupacijama muslimana

05-20-2013, 07:06 PM
Ti zivis u rubnom podrucju :picard1:
Sta znaci Damask... znaci mnogo, i zato necu da ga vidim u plamenu, spaljenog od strane salafijskog smeca

e pa ako je sravnjeni damask cijena assadovog odlaska onda ćemo nažalost morati platiti tu cijenu makar kamen na kamenu od damaska ne ostao

05-20-2013, 07:08 PM
prostakušo muslimani najprije moraju da isčite svoj historijski prostor koji je zagađen ruskim smećem i raznoraznim dikatorćićima koje su instalirali još sovjeti, pa tek onda da budu u stanju ozbiljnije pomoći tim manjim grupacijama muslimana

Rece covjek sa takvim avatarom :-)

Samo potvrdjujes ono sto kazem: muslimani iz Arabije imaju poseban status u islamskom svijetu, njihova je patnja bitnija od patnje Bosnjaka...od muslimana Burme.

05-20-2013, 07:08 PM
e pa ako je sravnjeni damask cijena assadovog odlaska onda ćemo nažalost morati platiti tu cijenu makar kamen na kamenu od damaska ne ostao

Mi? Ko to mi? Sad govoris u ime stanovnika Damaska?
Na vasu veliku zalost a na Dadinu veliku radost, ni kamen nece ostati :picard1:

Hurrem sultana
05-20-2013, 07:10 PM
dado iz Gorazda odlucuje sta treba ljudima u Damasku,da si otisao tamo,bar bi cjenila,ovako si samo bezobrazan

05-20-2013, 07:12 PM
Rece covjek sa takvim avatarom :-)

Samo potvrdjujes ono sto kazem: muslimani iz Arabije imaju poseban status u islamskom svijetu, njihova je patnja bitnija od patnje Bosnjaka...od muslimana Burme.

Ma pusti, on je glup ko kurac, izabrao bi neke glupe Arabce pred svojimi... Pa covjece, tebe je stvarno Turcin izbacio.

05-20-2013, 07:14 PM
Rece covjek sa takvim avatarom :-)

Samo potvrdjujes ono sto kazem: muslimani iz Arabije imaju poseban status u islamskom svijetu, njihova je patnja bitnija od patnje Bosnjaka...od muslimana Burme.

a ti uživaš da se porediš samnom....mi nismo isto,zapamti.....ja sam muško a ti žensko..

kad ja kao muško opsujem to je normalno jer muškarce odgaja ulica

moj avatar je sasvim uredu,tvoja prljava mašta je ta koja vidi nešto što ne postoji

05-20-2013, 07:18 PM
kad ja kao muško opsujem to je normalno jer muškarce odgaja ulica

Samo ako si zivio na ulici kao pas lutalica, onda te razumijem.

05-20-2013, 07:18 PM
a ti uživaš da se porediš samnom....mi nismo isto,zapamti.....ja sam muško a ti žensko..

kad ja kao muško opsujem to je normalno jer muškarce odgaja ulica

moj avatar je sasvim uredu,tvoja prljava mašta je ta koja vidi nešto što ne postoji

Naravno da nismo isto. Ja sam emancipovana, obrazovana, samosvjesna i urbana osoba a ti si neandertalski seljak. Primitivac najgore vrste, sto svakim postom dokazujes.

05-20-2013, 07:20 PM
Samo ako si zivio na ulici kao pas lutalica, onda te razumijem.

Pa pazi njega, odgojile ga ulice :lol: Jest frajercina :lol:

05-20-2013, 07:22 PM
Pa pazi njega, odgojile ga ulice :lol: Jest frajercina :lol:

Trazi Dado paznju na forumu opet, bolje ga na "ignore" za veceras :)

05-20-2013, 07:24 PM
Naravno da nismo isto. Ja sam emancipovana, obrazovana, samosvjesna i urbana osoba a ti si neandertalski seljak. Primitivac najgore vrste, sto svakim postom dokazujes.

ti si wannabe po svaku cijenu urbana koza i to je toliko evidentno da čak nije potrebno ni dokazivati a i samosvjesna si toga:lmao:lmao....a i obrazovana si u pm

05-20-2013, 07:28 PM
E nek si mi rekao. Ja cu se onako urbano kaniti rasprave sa neandertalcima koje su "odgojile ulice" :bowlol:

05-20-2013, 07:30 PM
ajde ....nećel bog dati da me više ostaviš na miru

05-20-2013, 09:17 PM
we're brothers in islam and allies.

Never! Bosniaks are originally Serbs or Croats who had just converted to Islam when Turks came. You are all traitors!

Hurrem sultana
05-20-2013, 09:21 PM
Never! Bosniaks are originally Serbs or Croats who had just converted to Islam when Turks came. You are all traitors!

we HATE you,we are happy if our ancestors were serbs that they converted!!!

05-20-2013, 09:22 PM
we HATE you,we are happy if our ancestors were serbs that they converted!!!


05-20-2013, 09:33 PM
Martyr? For what? Giving his life for the fight for radical pedophilism and cannibalism? xD

Hurrem sultana
05-20-2013, 09:35 PM
ultra delete that avatar,it hurts the feelings of all the muslims here!

05-20-2013, 09:37 PM
Never! Bosniaks are originally Serbs or Croats who had just converted to Islam when Turks came. You are all traitors!

More like you are Bosniaks in denial. :lol:

05-20-2013, 09:38 PM
Never! Bosniaks are originally Serbs or Croats who had just converted to Islam when Turks came. You are all traitors!

russians....where is my vodka, i like vodka, i beat wife and drink 1 litter of vodka every day.... i die at 40 because my russian ancestors never understood that vodka no good... :rolleyes:

05-20-2013, 09:45 PM
martyr? For what? Giving his life for the fight for radical pedophilism and cannibalism? Xd

together brother! We will bring islam out of europe and into the caves of italy!!
Hurrah hurrah hurrah

Hurrem sultana
05-20-2013, 09:46 PM
this must be guapo

05-20-2013, 09:47 PM
this must be guapo

No, Guapo is actually intelligent. This is prolly Juka. :lol:

05-20-2013, 09:55 PM
no, guapo is actually intelligent. This is prolly juka. :lol:

u callen me stupid , nigga ?@?@?@?!?!?!?

Hurrem sultana
05-21-2013, 06:14 AM
800 comments in one night,you really have no life albo

Sultan Suleiman
05-21-2013, 08:10 AM
Otkad je to Ilidza Sarajevo? :D

Bolje pitanje je, od kad je Hrasnica dio Ilidže :lol:

Sultan Suleiman
05-21-2013, 08:11 AM
Te imitacije ovaca su počeli Podrinjski pastiri dok su se učili da hodaju po asfaltu klocu jedan.

:thumb001::thumb001::thumb001::thumb001::thumb001: :thumb001:

Sultan Suleiman
05-21-2013, 08:25 AM
Daj ba,vi morate pokvariti temu pa da je ne znam ti sta

I kako ti mrzis podrinjce toliko,koliko znam i amar

Nikad nisam rekao da vas mrzim.

Sultan Suleiman
05-21-2013, 08:42 AM
video is clear war propaganda from assad dogs

but what i want to know is what are u suggesting to syrian people now when that idiot destroyed country cause he didnt want to leave office

do u want them to be ruled by a mass murderer....u turks are attacking your prime minister for trivial things like alcohol restrictions ,.i can only imagine what would u do if u had president as assad

He needs to do what he needs to do, to keep Syria free from Jewish claws and from highly mentally capable people like yourself.

Sultan Suleiman
05-21-2013, 08:44 AM
well onur is hardly turks...

You are hardly a Bosniak.

...i'm more turk than onur

I wish you were my Mujahir. But you probably are more fit to be a Turk than a Bosniak, a desendents of Albanian, Serb, Hungarians Mujahirs can't ever be a proper Bosniak in my eyes or will ever be.

Sultan Suleiman
05-21-2013, 08:48 AM
mudzahedini su dio islama ,koliko god prosjecnom covjeku to izgledalo "previse" ipak neki ljudi su jaki u vjeri i spremni su i zivot dati za put islama :S

Ti "muslimani" hoće da urade istu stvar kao što su uradili Libiji, iskurvati je Zapadu, uništiti sav progres koji su Assadovi napravili kroz pola stoljeća i zauvjek porobiti svoj narod kroz dugove.

Sultan Suleiman
05-21-2013, 08:57 AM
it is apartheid and dictatorship much worse than in south africa
all those minorities that are supporting assad and commiting all these crimes we can see on tv,they should all be thrown out of country

Jes mi žao što se Goražde nije priključilo ostatku Podrinja 92.

Sultan Suleiman
05-21-2013, 09:00 AM
e pa ako je sravnjeni damask cijena assadovog odlaska onda ćemo nažalost morati platiti tu cijenu makar kamen na kamenu od damaska ne ostao

Da je 92. platio bih, ako ne pridružio se, Srbima u čišćenju genetskog otpada u Podrinju koje i danas zagađuje nacionalni korpus Bošnjaka.

05-21-2013, 09:09 AM
E, sad bas pretjerujes :p
Nije dobro tako dijeliti Bosnjake na Krajisnike, Sarajlije, Podrinjcane... nema nas toliko
pa da se mozemo komotno dijeliti u ove i one, dobre i lose...

05-21-2013, 09:22 AM
Genetski otpad, toga nema u nasem rjecniku i zaista ne razumijem niti hocu da razumijem zasto
svakoga iz Podrinja ubacujes u isti kos.I kako mozes tako pisati kad su oni najvise propatili
u ratu... Gorazde je jedini slobodni grad na Drini i zlata je vrijedan, reci da su ga trebali
kao Zvornik ili Visegrad sa karte ga izbrisati je... odvratno...

Sultan Suleiman
05-21-2013, 09:29 AM
Genetski otpad, toga nema u nasem rijecniku

Ima, upravo si termin ponovio.

i zaista ne razumijem niti hocu da razumijem zasto
svakoga iz Podrinja ubacujes u isti kos.

Zato što su svi krojeni isto. I nijedan Podrinjac kojeg sam upoznao je bio kopija stereotipa zatucanog imbecila kojem su Sarajlije za sve krive.

I kako mozes tako pisati kad su oni najvise propatili
u ratu...

Svi smo patili u odnosu na našu nesposobnost. Samo uporedi Krajinu i Podrinje, Podrinje je počelo u puno boljem stanju na početku rata, a rezultat je jednostavno nebo i zemlja.

Gorazde je jedini slobodni grad na Drini i zlata je vrijedan,

Blago nama :rolleyes:

reci da su ga trebali
kao Zvornik ili Visegrad sa karte ga izbrisati je... odvratno...

I nažalost bilo je neophodno. Sada mi smo nakačeni sa desetinama hiljada imbecila poput dade.

Sultan Suleiman
05-21-2013, 09:31 AM
E, sad bas pretjerujes :p

Nevidim gdje.

Nije dobro tako dijeliti Bosnjake na Krajisnike, Sarajlije, Podrinjcane...

Već smo podjeljeni, i te granice treba podebljat.

nema nas toliko
pa da se mozemo komotno dijeliti u ove i one, dobre i lose...

Više gledam na kvalitet nego kvantitet. Da nas je upola manje i da smo bar upola više sposobniji, bilo bi više prihvatljivije nego ovo.

Sad nekako dođe ovako Sarajevo=Tuzla=Krajina>Srednja Bosna>Hercegovina>Podrinje.

05-21-2013, 09:56 AM
Hercegovina na predzadnjem mjestu? :D
Slazem se da su vodeci politicari naseg naroda nesposobni do bola... ali ne znam da li se to moze dijeliti
po regijama, taj njihov talenat za kradju, odnosno politiku. A Sarajevo...? Tesko je naci Sarajliju koji moze
svoje sarajevsko porijeklo da prati unazad vise od par generacija :p

Sultan Suleiman
05-21-2013, 09:59 AM
Slazem se da su vodeci politicari naseg naroda nesposobni do bola... ali ne znam da li se to moze dijeliti
po regijama, taj njihov talenat za kradju, odnosno politiku.

Ti političari nisu spali sa Marsa ili došli iz neke druge zemlje, oni su predstavnici svojih sunarodnjaka u regijama iz kojih potiču.

05-21-2013, 10:06 AM
Ti političari nisu spali sa Marsa ili došli iz neke druge zemlje, oni su predstavnici svojih sunarodnjaka u regijama iz kojih potiču.

Znas li procenat sarajlija u vladi, krajisnika i tako dalje? Tvoje misljenje si izrazio sasvim detaljno u vezi sa Podrinjom,
ali zasto ocjenujes hercegovce toliko nisko? Nesto me sam radoznao :p

05-21-2013, 10:18 AM
Uhm, we are perhaps way off topic, this is supposed to be about Syria...people perhaps
wonder what we are discussing here :rolleyes:

05-21-2013, 11:00 AM
Vi ljudi ste umobolni...

Fuj Amare!!! Ali fakat si spao niže nego drugi Podrinjski reatard!!!

Sultan Suleiman
05-21-2013, 11:51 AM
Vi ljudi ste umobolni...

Fuj Amare!!! Ali fakat si spao niže nego drugi Podrinjski reatard!!!


05-21-2013, 11:58 AM
Was he supporting the rebels or helping like the Red Cross?

I can't speak the Bosnian language. :(

05-21-2013, 12:05 PM
Vi ljudi ste umobolni...

Fuj Amare!!! Ali fakat si spao niže nego drugi Podrinjski reatard!!!

Nesto se novo nauci na TA svaki dan.
Jedan hoce da etnicki cisti Kosovo sa Srbima, drugi hoce da cisti Podrinje sa Srbima :rolleyes:

The Lawspeaker
05-21-2013, 12:06 PM
I said I think it's good, let them go to Syria, Saudi Arabia, wherever. Less of them here.

Aye ! I hope that more of them go there and catch a bullet (or more).

05-21-2013, 12:07 PM
Was he supporting the rebels or helping like the Red Cross?

I can't speak the Bosnian language. :(

He fought with the rebels...

05-21-2013, 12:07 PM
Are all girls in bosnia 22 years old? :) (this is what all their profiles tell)

05-21-2013, 12:08 PM
He fought with the rebels...

How do you know that he wasn't a mercenary like the most "fighters for freedom" from other countries?

05-21-2013, 12:19 PM
Are all girls in bosnia 22 years old? :) (this is what all their profiles tell)

Looking for young girls to deflower? ;)

05-21-2013, 12:24 PM
Good riddance.

05-21-2013, 12:29 PM
How do you know that he wasn't a mercenary like the most "fighters for freedom" from other countries?

The article described him to be influenced by the wahhabi sect, he went there to fight a holy war for Isr...I mean for the Saudis.

05-21-2013, 12:33 PM
Supporting radical Muslims will not bring peace! :picard2:

05-21-2013, 12:34 PM
The article described him to be influenced by the wahhabi sect, he went there to fight a holy war for Isr...I mean for the Saudis.

Shows how Wahhabism has a real foothold in a portion of the Bosniak society.

Some Albanians are the same: http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?79138-Albanian-Islamists-Join-Syrian-War

05-21-2013, 12:35 PM
The article described him to be influenced by the wahhabi sect, he went there to fight a holy war for Isr...I mean for the Saudis.

The rebels hate Israel.
So many dumb conspiracy theorists in this forum.

05-21-2013, 12:39 PM
The rebels hate Israel.
So many dumb conspiracy theorists in this forum.

That's right, the rebels hate Israel because they hate all other religions.

That's not the point...

05-21-2013, 12:40 PM
Shows how Wahhabism has a real foothold in a portion of the Bosniak society.

Some Albanians are the same: http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?79138-Albanian-Islamists-Join-Syrian-War

Just a tiny number, getting smaller every day by the looks of it

05-21-2013, 12:43 PM
That's right, the rebels hate Israel because they hate all other religions.

That's not the point...

Syrian rebel to Ynet: Israel will benefit from backing us

In special interview, Syrian woman who left comfortable family life in Canada to help rebel forces in Aleppo and Idlib says Israel making 'big mistake' by not supporting struggle against Assad. Syrians are against extremists, she adds, but would 'cooperate with the devil' if it would help their cause


05-21-2013, 12:45 PM
Radical Muslims are the dumbest people on earth! Tell them to attack this target for Allah and they do it. Scum of the earth!

The usual rebel probably hates Israel. But that doesn't matter... They are just puppets and cheap soldiers!

05-21-2013, 12:51 PM
Radical Muslims are the dumbest people on earth! Tell them to attack this target for Allah and they do it. Scum of the earth!

The usual rebel probably hates Israel. But that doesn't matter... They are just puppets and cheap soldiers!

Pretty much yeah. Most of them actually are mercenaries that go for the money.
Nothing really Islamic about them, in Lybia they practised sodomy-rapes and ethnic lynching.

05-21-2013, 12:55 PM
Pretty much yeah. Most of them actually are mercenaries that go for the money.
Nothing really Islamic about them, in Lybia they practised sodomy-rapes and ethnic lynching.

I read that Saudi Arabia sent its prisoners to fight in the FSA, reduced sentence or something...
but I`m too lazy now to dig up the article :rolleyes:

05-21-2013, 02:29 PM
Are all girls in bosnia 22 years old? :) (this is what all their profiles tell)

Seems so, Miljacka is the Fountain of Youth!

Hurrem sultana
05-21-2013, 02:56 PM
Why are you guys so mean,people like these would be first in the front if a war in Bosnia came? while others would flee ;)

05-21-2013, 02:57 PM
Seems so, Miljacka is the Fountain of Youth!

Do Bosnians give it easily ;) ?

05-21-2013, 03:07 PM
Do Bosnians give it easily ;) ?


05-21-2013, 03:08 PM

First time a post of Apricity makes me genuinely laugh in a loong time, thanks.
You're cute btw :rolleyes:

Hurrem sultana
05-21-2013, 03:14 PM
Ok one more killed :O how many are there? :O

Hurrem sultana
05-21-2013, 03:17 PM

05-21-2013, 03:20 PM
Ok one more killed :O how many are there? :O

Rokajte braćo Arapi!!!

Hurrem sultana
05-21-2013, 03:21 PM
Rokajte braćo Arapi!!!

objesi se Sabiha:D

05-21-2013, 03:23 PM
objesi se :D

Daj briši mi ime trolu Norvežanski :p

Zmey Gorynych
05-21-2013, 03:25 PM
There seems to be an exaggerated number of radical militaristic cunts in Bosnia that get turn on by war, guns, death etc. Makes you wonder about certain things.
The guy was a brave man, an example for his fellow bosniaks :) Allahu Akbar !

Hurrem sultana
05-21-2013, 03:26 PM
Daj briši mi ime trolu Norvežanski :p

Ok Sabiha

05-21-2013, 03:32 PM
Ok Sabiha

Dobro Meldijana...

Hurrem sultana
05-21-2013, 03:33 PM
Dobro Meldijana...

E jebiga Emina,ja sam tvoje izbrisala :S

05-21-2013, 09:29 PM
You are hardly a Bosniak.

I wish you were my Mujahir. But you probably are more fit to be a Turk than a Bosniak, a desendents of Albanian, Serb, Hungarians Mujahirs can't ever be a proper Bosniak in my eyes or will ever be.ša je bilo curice...ko je diro

05-22-2013, 09:30 AM
Gledajmo ovo iz pozitivne perspektive:

- što se muslimani više radikaliziraju u BiH (ako vehabizam uzme još više maha), to će strane sile koje vode glavnu riječ imati sve manje i manje simpatija prema njima

- što više vehabija ode u "pravednu borbu" u arapske zemlje i budu pobijeni tamo, kao i što ih više (i njih i običnih muslimana) ode na zapad, trbuhom za kruhom ili da šire islamski ekstremizam, to će ih manje ostati u BiH i manje će se razmnožavati ovdje

Tako da, ovo je praktično win-win situacija za ostale nacije u BiH, trebamo samo gledati i smijati se sa strane (a naši političari tu i tamo poslati notu o zabrinutosti razvojem stanja i širenjem islamskog ekstremizma visokom predstavniku i američkom veleposlaniku).

05-22-2013, 02:04 PM
You can not escape the fact that your Sunni country's cooperate with the West.
I am sorry about that, but it does not compel me to lie. These are facts.

I have to answer one sister who said : Shame on you because you become Shia.
Dear sister, no one does anything without a reason. Especially for such important things. I do not do any thing without strong arguments.

You are sunni from birth, and that's your main argument?

But but do not worry, I do not share people per Madhhab. I divide people by deeds.

One thing I was upset. Bosniaks have never hated Shia, I do not know why you're doing it.

Shia Iran has been a major ally of the Bosniaks in latest war for survival. They did not see us as Sunnis. They see us as Muslims

05-22-2013, 02:06 PM
You can not escape the fact that your Sunni country's cooperate with the West.
I am sorry about that, but it does not compel me to lie. These are facts.

I have to answer one sister who said : Shame on you because you become Shia.
Dear sister, no one does anything without a reason. Especially for such important things. I do not do any thing without strong arguments.

You are sunni from birth, and that's your main argument.

But but do not worry, I do not share people per Madhhab. I divide people by deeds.

One thing I was upset. Bosniaks have never hated Shia, I do not know why you're doing it.

Shia Iran has been a major ally in the Bosniak war for survival. They did not see us as Sunnis. They see us as Muslims

Just stay away from us,we know didnt hate you before,but now we know how you are,and our islamic society is warning us about you

05-22-2013, 02:14 PM
Nobody is forcing you to something. Why are you paranoid?

relax girl :)

How can you be a liberal?
Does your Islamic community warns you that that act is haram? :)

05-22-2013, 02:15 PM
Non of your business ;)

05-22-2013, 02:19 PM
Well I have to change my mind about Bosnia. You are such different people...

05-22-2013, 02:24 PM
for the better or the worse? :)

05-22-2013, 02:32 PM
Well I have to change my mind about Bosnia. You are such different people...

Who cares what anyone thinks about us? we are what we are! we wont change to suit anyone

05-22-2013, 03:10 PM
i don't understand why the hate, shias are good, iran provided bosnia with weapons during war, it's not because turks and arabs hate persians and shiism that bosniaks have to copy them.

05-22-2013, 03:19 PM
i don't understand why the hate, shias are good, iran provided bosnia with weapons during war, it's not because turks and arabs hate persians and shiism that bosniaks have to copy them.

I dont care about turks and arabs i hate them because they hate our prophets companions,ask any shia what he says about Aisha r.a?

05-22-2013, 03:28 PM
I dont care about turks and arabs i hate them because they hate our prophets companions,ask any shia what he says about Aisha r.a?

if they believe in allah, the kuran and prophet muhammad, that's enough to consider them as brothers in faith. there should be no place for inter-moslem fighting.

05-22-2013, 03:31 PM
thats not enough,you dont know tawheed

05-22-2013, 03:35 PM
thats not enough,you dont know tawheed

are shias allowed to do hajj....yes they are since always so no question about their moslemhood.
the guy was provoked just because he is bosniak and is shia, if he was atheist none would provoke him. :rolleyes:

05-22-2013, 03:43 PM
are shias allowed to do hajj....yes they are since always so no question about their moslemhood.
the guy was provoked just because he is bosniak and is shia, if he was atheist none would provoke him. :rolleyes:

Thank you. You're improving the unity of Muslims. You're right about this when you talking about atheists and others..

I know of such as she. She prefers the Zionists than Shia Muslims.