View Full Version : Mantras, Chants, and Recitations: Mind Clearing, and Mind Cleansing Devices

05-07-2009, 11:17 AM
1.) Kneel down as if you were performing a deep squat, facing West.

2.) Rest your upper-arms uppon your knees.

3.) Cross your fingers such that they form a visible Ožalan (Odal) Rune. Splay-out the rest of your fingers.

Although the majority of my recitations are in Old Norse, any language will do so long as one feels the effectiveness of the chant. You will develop your own chants over time. A good one in English is as follows:

"No prophet's words, will ever sound as sweet, as the beat of the souls in the drums of my feet, with no fear, I shall rise, a new Vöršr [watcher/caretaker/guardian], proud as a god, and beyond this good and evil".

4.) Rise - explosively - back to your feet in perfect posture, face North, and turn your palms outward as if someone were handing you a heavy load. The reception may take some time, however you will know when to proceed to step #5.

5.) Face back West.

6.) Repeat from step #1.

7.) Do this until you cannot.

05-07-2009, 06:11 PM
This reminds me of a variation on the Sūrya namaskāra (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surya_Namaskara) I worked out a few years back:

1. Stand in a neutral position and breathe deeply for a few moments.

2. Squat down into this position and intone SOWILO

http://z.about.com/d/yoga/1/5/R/2/bigutkatasana.jpg http://www.sacreddivination.com/site_media/uploads/runes/Sowulo.jpg

3. Bend forward into this position and intone URUZ

http://www.womansday.com/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/media/galleries-slideshows/yoga-for-everyone/sun-salutation-sequence-standing-forward-bend/47531-1-eng-US/Sun-Salutation-Sequence-Standing-Forward-Bend_slideshow_image.jpg http://www.sacreddivination.com/site_media/uploads/runes/Uruz.jpg

To be continued...

05-07-2009, 06:11 PM

4. Twist into this position and intone NAUTHIZ. Repeat this by twisting to the other side and intoning the same.

http://www.pinklotus.org/Yoga%20houdingen/standing%20torso%20twist%20pose%20kl.JPG http://www.sacreddivination.com/site_media/uploads/runes/Nauthiz.jpg

5. Bend backwards, intoning ANSUZ

http://www.yogainthesky.com.au/images/backward-bend.jpg http://www.sacreddivination.com/site_media/uploads/runes/Ansuz.jpg

I'm sure you've noticed that it spells out Sunna ;)

I would do this facing the rising sun. I found it a great way to warm up my spine and my spirit after a long slumber.

05-11-2009, 03:34 PM
Absolutely. The Surya Namaskara is a relation to the Germanic (IndoEuropean/Aryan) Recitation/Exercise I have posted; however, it is more bodily involved. What I mean by this is that it may be a jump-of-the-gun for non-flexible and unpractised individuals. It also has definitive boundaries that are not present in the Odal-Sol Chant/Exercise. - This ambiguity is present precisely such that the practitioner is able to develop his or her own individualised movements; and, is able to sort themselves out and realise their own given Caste: we do not all channel the 'esoteric' in the same way. Moreover, the Surya Namaskara is a rather late (and latent) addition to 'Universalism'. I.e., Systematic,and, systemic.

P.s. I would recommend the invitation of Lyfing, here.

05-14-2009, 01:18 PM
Just out of curiosity, has anyone tried (any of ) these recitations/excorcisitions/exorcises, yet.........?

05-14-2009, 05:19 PM
Just out of curiosity, has anyone tried (any of ) these recitations/excorcisitions/exorcises, yet.........?

I tried yours out this morning. One question: 1). What position do you mean for step one? I did it as just an extremely deep squat, but I have the feeling you mean something else. Aside from that one ambiguity, I liked it very much. I think I understand what is being received in step four. The wording is great, a perfect middle ground between the Heathen and Nietzschean. I'll try it again tomorrow morning.

05-18-2009, 12:49 PM
Hmmm... I'm trying to think of how else to explain it...

THis might be a better description: kneel down as if performing a deep squat, all of your body's weight on the heel's of your feet. A beautiful stretch in the spineae erector muscles should be felt, and your butt will be nearly touching the ground in the position.

I'm trying to find a picture, but it's not a yoga pose so there is propably not one out there. I suppose it would be most like an Uttanasanna except the weight is distributed almost exclusively to the heels, and your butt will be almost to the floor. It might help to think of a sitting chimp:D.

P.s. (I wanted to wait until someone tried it to ask) Did you notice that in "step 3" you are also forming Ansuz Runes?

05-18-2009, 05:27 PM
kneel down as if performing a deep squat, all of your body's weight on the heel's of your feet.

My confusion is coming from the word kneel. I'm not sure how to kneel and keep my heels on the ground at the same time. Are you talking about just a deep squat?


P.s. (I wanted to wait until someone tried it to ask) Did you notice that in "step 3" you are also forming Ansuz Runes?

I hadn't noticed that, but it certainly fits.

05-18-2009, 05:33 PM
My confusion is coming from the word kneel. I'm not sure how to kneel and keep my heels on the ground at the same time. Are you talking about just a deep squat?

:DYes (LMAO): I'm sorry. I can't believe I hadn't noticed my own wording. You are exactly right: Deep squat - ass to the ground (almost), just as in that picture.

05-18-2009, 06:34 PM
OK, another question. Is the recitation, what is the significance of the directions? I know there are a billion different schemata for this, and I'm wondering which one you use.

05-19-2009, 05:57 PM
Do you mean the direction in which you face via the accordant steps..? : indeed, ther are a "Billion different" Recomendations...

If so, 'North' is largely symbolic (which [and I hope you will take no offence - as we've a re-distibution/conglomeration of Minds to undergo]), - facing the 'faces' of those whom stood before us (Germanics), as our forebares: Germanics originate from Scandinavia - whether anyone particularly likes it or no. We, by way of (via) the action of our movements as well as deference, are seeking guidance from our ancestors/ancestory.

2.) By facing West, we Intone all things 'Occidental'
: we Breath the rarified air of Evropa - that which is exclusive to that which we are.

Incidentally, these are nothing of my creation; but, long practisced items ofmine forebares.

I do hope they Assist. ;)

05-19-2009, 06:16 PM
Do you mean the direction in which you face via the accordant steps..?

I was thinking of different symbol sets associated with the cardinal directions, but you answered my question anyway. :)

'North' is largely symbolic (which [and I hope you will take no offence - as we've a re-distibution/conglomeration of Minds to undergo]), - facing the 'faces' of those whom stood before us (Germanics), as our forebares: Germanics originate from Scandinavia - whether anyone particularly likes it or no.

Great. I guess in this way both the actual lower Scandinavian origins and the mythic Hyperborean origins can both be acted upon by the imagination.

Incidentally, these are nothing of my creation; but, long practisced items ofmine forebares.

The directional associations or the recitation?

I do hope they Assist.


05-22-2009, 01:47 PM
You receive the signifigance of the directions yet...?

It should (eventually) come in reception.

05-24-2009, 09:23 PM
You receive the signifigance of the directions yet...?

Maybe, but I want to work on it a bit more. However, I'm guessing that the significance of the recitation being performed in a squat and then exploding upward is an allusion to Hįvamįl with the Runic knowledge being received from below.