View Full Version : Why do you like Albanians?

05-24-2013, 07:47 AM
I wonder why the USA, European Union, NATO and Western Countries love the Albanians. I remember in 1999 i had a few fights with austrians who said "Bomb the Serbs good riddance" and "If we dont bomb them they will kill all the poor albanians". But Albanians are not the innocent sheeple the Western Media portrayed them as. They are a backward and very racist/Chauvinist hostile race ready to kill. Serbs are much more tolerant and lesser xenophobic and much more civilised. I think it is injustice done to Serbs. How would your Country dealt with violent terrorists who cut out your peoples Organs (UCK) and rape your women (serb women)?

05-24-2013, 07:50 AM
A more fitting word would be 'indifferent'.

05-24-2013, 07:51 AM
Well if it is about Kosovo, then it's not about whether we like them or not. It's just that they are the majority population.

As for individual people, the vast majority of Albanians I've met on forums have been good people. They have a different character than Serbs, but that's not necessarily worse.

05-24-2013, 07:52 AM
I think a brown creature like you should worry more about getting fitter and earning money in this multicultural world than calling UCK a terrorist organisation and leave these issues to the europeans of Balkan.

05-24-2013, 07:53 AM
:picard2: at Gigolo

The Serb's tried to ethnically cleanse all of the Albanian's out of Kosova. Are you kidding me don't even get me started. You guys did the same to Bosnians. Serbs are animals and they deserve the perception they have. They have no conscious whatsoever.Animals.

Some Albanians may act crazy on these boards but if you ever seen us in real life we have your back. People need to distinguish joking and being serious. Something you are not good at.

Comparing Albanians and Serbs on a moral level is just wrong. It's not even comparable.

05-24-2013, 07:55 AM
Well if it is about Kosovo, then it's not about whether we like them or not. It's just that they are the majority population.

As for individual people, the vast majority of Albanians I've met on forums have been good people. They have a different character than Serbs, but that's not necessarily worse.

And Serbs are majority in Northkosovo or Bosnian RS and they still cant have their Country.

05-24-2013, 07:56 AM
And Serbs are majority in Northkosovo or Bosnian RS and they still cant have their Country.

North Kosovo is a tiny patch, and RS is not comparable: it governs itself within BiH.

05-24-2013, 07:57 AM
:picard2: at Gigolo

The Serb's tried to ethnically cleanse all of the Albanian's out of Kosova. Are you kidding me don't even get me started. You guys did the same to Bosnians. Serbs are animals and they deserve the perception they have. They have no conscious whatsoever.Animals.

Some Albanians may act crazy on these boards but if you ever seen us in real life we have your back. People need to distinguish joking and being serious. Something you are not good at.

Comparing Albanians and Serbs on a moral level is just wrong. It's not even comparable.

I think the Serbs didnt tried to ethnically cleanse the Albanians. I think it was Propaganda. That is how i see it. The Albanian UCK started terrorism and acts of violence and cruelty against Serbs. Then Serb Army got involved and West + UCK incited albanian movements out of Kosovo to make it Sound as if Serbs kill them all. Serbs were also harsh but everyone would have been in the same Situation.

05-24-2013, 07:57 AM
And Serbs are majority in Northkosovo or Bosnian RS and they still cant have their Country.

Serbs don't even have a single city in Kosova. The Serb stronghold in Kosova is in MItrovica and only in northern Mitrovica. Southern Mitrovica is all Albanians.

05-24-2013, 08:01 AM
North Kosovo is a tiny patch, and RS is not comparable: it governs itself within BiH.

Kosovo could govern itself within Serbia. Also RS abilities to govern itself get restricted by the day we speak. First they had a own army now they dont. It is all against the treaties which the west made with Serbia. According to the UN Resolution Kosovo was Serbia.

05-24-2013, 08:02 AM
I think the Serbs didnt tried to ethnically cleanse the Albanians. I think it was Propaganda. That is how i see it. The Albanian UCK started terrorism and acts of violence and cruelty against Serbs. Then Serb Army got involved and West + UCK incited albanian movements out of Kosovo to make it Sound as if Serbs kill them all. Serbs were also harsh but everyone would have been in the same Situation.

This quote in itself is propaganda.

Are you telling me Serbs tried to ethnically cleanse all of Kosova as a defence? You are out of your mind.

UCK was formed in 1996 for defense. Most were volunteers. So your theory is wrong. And the plan to expel Albanians was around way way before 1996.

This is not the first time Serbs ethnically cleansed Albanians. Go ahead and search of the Tivar massacre. Go ahead. I dare you and you will find out that it is the Mongoloid mentality of Serbs that makes them insane.

05-24-2013, 08:02 AM
Serbs don't even have a single city in Kosova. The Serb stronghold in Kosova is in MItrovica and only in northern Mitrovica. Southern Mitrovica is all Albanians.

many serbs left Kosovo since decades, many albanians came from albania as if they were always native

05-24-2013, 08:04 AM
This quote in itself is propaganda.

Are you telling me Serbs tried to ethnically cleanse all of Kosova as a defence? You are out of your mind.

UCK was formed in 1996 for defense. Most were volunteers. So your theory is wrong. And the plan to expel Albanians was around way way before 1996.

This is not the first time Serbs ethnically cleansed Albanians. Go ahead and search of the Tivar massacre. Go ahead. I dare you and you will find out that it is the Mongoloid mentality of Serbs that makes them insane.

serbs and albanians have a Long history. serbs at times did injustice to albanians but during WW2 when there was greater albania they killed serbs and when they were stronger during Ottoman Empire etc. Also nowadays serbs are not safe from albanians. And UCK was not formed as defense but to make Terror so Kosovo will become Independent.

05-24-2013, 08:05 AM
many serbs left Kosovo since decades, many albanians came from albania as if they were always native

haha many serbs expelled Albanians and then went into Kosova in the 20th century.

It was actually the opposite Kosovars went into Northern Albania,Montenegro and Macedonia.

05-24-2013, 08:06 AM
Kosovo could govern itself within Serbia. Also RS abilities to govern itself get restricted by the day we speak. First they had a own army now they dont. It is all against the treaties which the west made with Serbia. According to the UN Resolution Kosovo was Serbia.

... I think we can all remember what Bosnian Serbs did with their army last time. It's good that they don't have one.

05-24-2013, 08:08 AM
... I think we can all remember what Bosnian Serbs did with their army last time. It's good that they don't have one.

and what mujaheedens did? but they have now the army of whole bosnia

05-24-2013, 08:08 AM
serbs and albanians have a Long history. serbs at times did injustice to albanians but during WW2 when there was greater albania they killed serbs and when they were stronger during Ottoman Empire etc. Also nowadays serbs are not safe from albanians. And UCK was not formed as defense but to make Terror so Kosovo will become Independent.

I just explained to you that UCK was formed in 1996. Your hypothesis is impossible!!!!!

Serbs are safe from Albanians. Serbs go to Albanian cities on vacation. You make no sense.

05-24-2013, 08:10 AM
I just explained to you that UCK was formed in 1996. Your hypothesis is impossible!!!!!

Serbs are safe from Albanians. Serbs go to Albanian cities on vacation. You make no sense.

thats why a serb kid got stabbed by albanians in their half of the town the other day. uck means Kosovo Liberation army, alone the word tells you im right. they were formed to make Independent kosovo

05-24-2013, 08:14 AM
and what mujaheedens did? but they have now the army of whole bosnia

It's probably why there is peace now.

05-24-2013, 08:15 AM
thats why a serb kid got stabbed by albanians in their half of the town the other day. uck means Kosovo Liberation army, alone the word tells you im right. they were formed to make Independent kosovo

You are not a child but you are acting like one. Very hard headed I must say. I don't want to repeat myself.

Serbs are fighting among each other in Kosova. This is well known. And some Serbs like Rashka try and sell it as Albanian's causing violence.

05-24-2013, 08:21 AM
It's probably why there is peace now.

peace is easily established with force, economic, Military etc.
under Stalin there was peace too.

05-24-2013, 08:22 AM
You are not a child but you are acting like one. Very hard headed I must say. I don't want to repeat myself.

Serbs are fighting among each other in Kosova. This is well known. And some Serbs like Rashka try and sell it as Albanian's causing violence.

i watched it on News, even the Kosovo Police chief said it was albanians who killed the kid, if you were watching serb News you would know what happens to serbs, but albanian News dont talk about it

05-24-2013, 08:22 AM
Albanians are primordial race of giants, there's no doubt about that.

We should admit that a great wrong has been done to them, so how can we not love them?

05-24-2013, 08:27 AM
Albanians are primordial race of giants, there's no doubt about that.

We should admit that a great wrong has been done to them, so how can we not love them?

so you admitt you hate serbs and want to them wrong

05-24-2013, 08:28 AM
i watched it on News, even the Kosovo Police chief said it was albanians who killed the kid, if you were watching serb News you would know what happens to serbs, but albanian News dont talk about it

Exactly!!! Your getting this from your serbian sources, the same people who are known fir creating propoganda. It makes sense now

05-24-2013, 08:29 AM
so you admitt you hate serbs and want to them wrong

That was nevet said. Typical serbs making things up

05-24-2013, 08:30 AM
Exactly!!! Your getting this from your serbian sources, the same people who are known fir creating propoganda. It makes sense now

im sure it is not Propaganda and that it really happened, just that no one else gives a fuck what happens to serbs. when there was violence against serbs and monasteries and all that a few years ago the west described it as "inter-ethnic violence" and "fight between serbs and albanians" yet it was clear that it was hunting of serbs by albanians

05-24-2013, 08:31 AM
That was nevet said. Typical serbs making things up

yes he didnt said it but People who think of albanians as mistreated supermen usually hate serbs

05-24-2013, 08:33 AM
IM im done since your going to keep Saying the same thing over and over

05-24-2013, 08:34 AM
IM im done since your going to keep Saying the same thing over and over
Even though i responded

05-24-2013, 08:35 AM
IM im done since your going to keep Saying the same thing over and over
Even though i responded

im done too, i Close the thread