View Full Version : Albertadromeus – Smallest Plant-Eating Dinosaur Known from Canada

05-24-2013, 06:10 PM
Albertadromeus – Smallest Plant-Eating Dinosaur Known from Canada

Paleontologists from the United States and Canada have described a new species of dinosaur named Albertadromeus syntarsus, the smallest herbivorous dinosaur known from Canada.

http://cdn.sci-news.com/images/2013/05/image_1097_1.jpg (http://cdn.sci-news.com/images/enlarge/image_1097_1_enlarge.jpg)

Life reconstruction of Albertadromeus syntarsus

Albertadromeus syntarsus lived in what is now southern Alberta in the Late Cretaceous about 77 million years ago. It was identified from a partial hind leg, and other skeletal elements, that indicate it was a speedy runner. The creature was about 5 feet (1.6 m) long and weighed 30 lbs (16 kg), comparable to a large turkey.

Albertadromeus syntarsus means ‘Alberta runner with fused foot bones.’ Unlike its much larger ornithopod cousins, the duckbilled dinosaurs, its two fused lower leg bones would have made it a fast, agile two-legged runner.

Albertadromeus - Smallest Plant-Eating Dinosaur Known from Canada | Paleontology | Sci-News.com (http://www.sci-news.com/paleontology/article01097-albertadromeus-syntarsus-dinosaur.html)