View Full Version : Least favourite farm animal

09-17-2009, 04:26 AM
For me it's definitely cows. Ever since I stood in a big pile of cow poo when I was on a school trip at age 5..

09-17-2009, 04:29 AM
I'll sit this thread out. :)


09-17-2009, 04:33 AM
Horses. They've always intimidated me. They've got big teeth, top and bottom! I also don't like them since some of the hiking trails that I go on are accessible to horses, and they shit all over the trail, and in the winter time churn up the trails to a muddy, boggy mess, and you get more mucky and gross than normal.

I have cows, and their landmines aren't too pleasant, especially in spring. The greener the grass, the more liquidy their fertilizer.

09-17-2009, 04:33 AM
Animal rights... 1865.

09-17-2009, 04:41 AM
Pigs. We used to have some and the fattest one would walk out to the road to wait with me for the school bus. I'm still embarrassed about that.. :)

09-17-2009, 05:05 AM
Definitely chickens! They always seem to hate me, and I despise their mean little eyes. :eek:

I do like to eat chicken, though. ;)

09-17-2009, 07:56 AM
Definitely chickens! They always seem to hate me, and I despise their mean little eyes. :eek:

I do like to eat chicken, though. ;)

Maybe they have "mean little eyes" when you are near because they *know* you like eating them!?:p

I don't have any particular issue with any farm animals, I'm not keen on horses and turkey's are ugly critters, but nothing based on any bad experiences.

09-17-2009, 08:14 AM
There's a farm near me that has a young South American rhea in a fenced area. One morning as I was walking by, I thought I'd go up to the fence and take a look - I'd never seen one before and curiousity got the better of me. At first, its beady eyes just stared at me, so I thought it was harmless enough. It then pecked at my arm, ripping a hole through my coat and causing a cut about three inches long on my arm and causing it to bleed - it was winter time and I was wearing a thick puffa jacket, but I was amazed at how powerful these creatures are and how quickly my coat had been reduced to a pile of feathers. :D

Luckily, rheas aren't that common where I live. :thumb001:

09-17-2009, 09:24 AM
I don't mind any large animals. My least favourite animals are the small annoying things, like insects (in particular mosquitoes and flies), frogs, snails and slugs. I don't mind sharing my flat with all sizes of spiders, though. They make me feel less alone.


Fortis in Arduis
09-17-2009, 09:38 AM
My least favourite animals are the small annoying things, like insects (in particular mosquitoes and flies), frogs, snails and slugs. I don't mind sharing my flat with all sizes of spiders, though. They make me feel less alone.


This summer was a very 'good' year for aphids, and so, for about a week, my flat was invaded.

I had some plug-in air fresheners, one in each room, and noticed that the aphids congregated in the opposite end of the room, which made the vacuuming of them (yes, VACUUMING) much easier.

Citronellol, a component of many perfumes, is an insect repellant.

I dislike more farm animals, especially sheep, because they have such diminutive characters, and there is really one one farm animal that I like and that is the goat:


09-17-2009, 10:05 AM
This summer was a very 'good' year for aphids, and so, for about a week, my flat was invaded.

You should have got some ladybirds - they like to munch on aphids :thumb001: Not sure that I'd like to see it in my house though :D

09-17-2009, 10:13 AM
Horses. They've always intimidated me. They've got big teeth, top and bottom!

Even Mr. Ed? :D


Actually, even Mr. Ed looks a bit terrifying here. :eek:

09-17-2009, 11:17 AM
I went out to Helensburgh a few years ago with some friends to meet some of their friends and go camping. We camped on a small field next to a loch about half-an-hour outside Helensburgh by bus. I don't rightly remember much of that night.. I had drunk quite a bit. But when I woke up the next morning, I went to go and relieve my self near the loch. Apparently the fools forgot to tell me there were sheep in this field. I must have got a bit to close because as I have my trousers around my ankles, this big-ass Ram comes out of no where to stand and stare me down and even feinted a charge! I tripped up and pissed all over my self. I ran back to my tent but after that day, I swear I'll never go near the bastards again.


Fortis in Arduis
09-17-2009, 11:29 AM
You should have got some ladybirds - they like to munch on aphids :thumb001: Not sure that I'd like to see it in my house though :D

Well, as it turned out my tacky plug-in air fresheners were sufficiently revolting to my unwanted guests so as to repel them to the far corner of the room, where they collapsed in a poetic heap from eventual exhaustion, frantically trying in vain to escape my nazi gas chamber only to succumb to the powerful Teutonic might of my Miele vacuum cleaner.

Those plug-ins work on people too... if you crank them up to the max. :laugh:

Lady L
09-17-2009, 12:24 PM
Ahhh! Hating on the farm animals I see! :p

I guess my least favorite would be horses and chickens. Horses are very pretty animals to me and I wish them no harm but I never got all into them like a lot of folks do around here. They kinda scare me. :p

One night me and a friend were trying to get to this barn and to get to it we decided to walk across a field witch occupied horses. About halfway through they start to run together, coming directly toward us! :eek: It was so loud! I think we both thought we were going to get trampled to death! :eek:

We both ran so fast it was ridiculous! :D I lost a flip flop while running and when I reached the barb wire fence :cool: I somehow managed to fit between the barb. Unluckily for her she tried to jump it and it caught her shorts and cut her a bit.

We laughed and laughed :p We did make it to the barn and snooped around. :p I found a pair of thongs so I hung them on the barb wire fence for laughs.:D

Then a few years back I had this really cool married couple I hung out with all the time. One of the first few times I had been to their house, and it was dark, I noticed a pen over in the yard. My friend, the wife says yea Barbecue is over there! :D I thought it to be a dog! ;) The next day I went back and it was light out and I noticed Barbecue was no dog but a pig! :D

I had to laugh on that one! :D So there were several times the wife and I went out and talked to Barbecue and fed him. He was a fatty. :D

I do think cows are cute, I like to see them hanging out together, eating grass. They just seem so calm and bored really. :p

I love to see goats, sheep and such, just all such sweet animals. ( well :p ) they look sweet...right? :p

So, I'll stick with not liking chickens and horses that much...but, I wouldn't dare tell them. I don't want to hurt their feelings. ;)

Lady L
09-17-2009, 12:40 PM

09-17-2009, 12:49 PM
Sheep can be scary, particularly in New Zealand, we even made a movie about it :D



09-17-2009, 12:54 PM
Goats I loath them, not because I mind them when alive and running around but I cannot stand any of the products they produce, it all stinks of Goat.

09-17-2009, 01:07 PM
and goats tried to chew off my package... they have the tenacity of a 5yo... but luckily no more strength than a 5yo either :p

09-17-2009, 01:10 PM
and goats tried to chew off my package... they have the tenacity of a 5yo... but luckily no more strength than a 5yo either :p

Where was this? Sounds awful! But then again, goats eat absolutely anything. :eek:

To help you recover:



09-17-2009, 01:29 PM
Well wouldnt let them come any closer than 10 cm with that reaching mouth..
A open zoo in texas (where one.. unsurprisngly... drives :D ), and the rest area with some treeclimbing goats in a pen.

09-17-2009, 01:54 PM
Cows are fine--they're nice & mellow for the most part. I worked on a dairy farm for a few years when in high school.

Horses are a bit like women--moody, tempermental and one must be very clear & explicit with them or otherwise, misinterpretation will occur. ;) I also worked on a horse farm for a spell when in college and many friends growing up had horses...so, I'm pretty used to them by now.

Sheep are sweet & docile for the most part, at least in my experience.

Goats are just a riot. Those critters will climb all over anything they can get their hooves on. Several years ago, I was camping with some friends right on the beach along the northern coast (http://www.summitpost.org/images/medium/197867.jpg)of California. We were in the middle of nowhere, no houses around anywhere....when suddenly, two goats showed up and very much wanted to get in all of our business and eat our food to boot. I wrastled with one of the goats for a bit and thing absolutely loved it.

Here I am giving one of the goats a little shit. Keep your chin up, kid. ;)


Chickens, well, they're just foul. :cool:

09-17-2009, 03:43 PM
People may think that goats and sheep are sweet and docile, but don't let those cute eyes fool you! Rams and billy goats can kill a human. My little brother in law, when he was five years old used to be terrorized by the family pygmy goat. She would tree him and bleat at him, wanting to butt him around. His mom would have to rush out with the broom and get her away from him when she would do that. My boyfriend has been charged by her as well. He had to grab her by the horns and subdue her to get her to stop. And she was smaller than a springer spaniel! :eek: He had also been charged at by a 400 pound Sussex ram, and he had to quickly grab a board and smack it across the head as it was charging him. There's a reason that sheep and goats have survived long enough to be around today. When they have to protect themselves against predators, they are able to.

09-17-2009, 05:16 PM
Emus, I almost hit one with my car one foggy night in the middle of Amish country.

09-17-2009, 07:35 PM
Sheep because every freakin' one is a liar! :D

Manifest Destiny
09-17-2009, 07:42 PM
Horses are weird. Animals are unpredictable (even tamed ones), so an animal that huge, strong and fast can be dangerous. Plus those huge teeth remind me of Julia Roberts.

09-17-2009, 08:05 PM
Horses are weird. Animals are unpredictable (even tamed ones), so an animal that huge, strong and fast can be dangerous. Plus those huge teeth remind me of Julia Roberts.

heard/saw somewhere that AA etc organisations for people who have lost control of their daily life.... have as a part of the program getting a perfectly cooperative horse to lift its leg.
There is no way anyone can lift it unless the horse wants to. Nor is there a question of it nt being cooperative... just about the person sending out the right signals and being determned.

The Black Prince
09-17-2009, 08:42 PM
I like all domesticated farm animals, I especially admire bulls and stallions, though I also respect them, since they can be grumpy from time to time.:D

But I agree with Loki, I don't like flies, don't mind so much the small ones (they only bite when it is damp weather). But there are also the big quiet ones, the horse flies, who hide in the long grass and than sneaky, without a sound, try to land on your back.

Here is a small collection of the ones to be found in the Dutch swampy grasslands:

regendaas/reinbrems (rain gadfly?)

goudoogdaas/grienkop brems (gold eyed gadfly/ greenhead gadfly ?)

Another miserable being nexto the normal grey and black mosquito is the Tiger mosquito:

They are new to our (small) part of the world, this year I spotted the first ones along the lakessides and ditches.

09-17-2009, 09:42 PM
i know that triangular bastard... it has a grey and long... but horribly slow cousin that feeds primarily of livestock near water. Which makes it easy to kill them :p

09-18-2009, 12:05 AM
Sheep! Damned morons! We raised sheep (and hogs) on my folks' sundowner farm. They are, without question, the dumbest quadruped on the gods' green earth. They will run head-on into a wall, simply because some small thing spooked them. They crap on their own food, soil their water, and will step on and kill their own offspring. I think that millenia of selective breeding has made them dumber than any feral creature.

Oh, the hogs were smarter . . . which made them far more dangerous. I saw a scuffle of them stomp, kill, and eat a water moccasin that came up the drain onto the hog-floor. I would never turn my back on them.

09-18-2009, 12:25 AM
I get along with basically all animals (and also eat basically all animals), but as far as farm animals are concerned I consider ostriches to be extremely meretricious, scheming creatures.

09-18-2009, 12:32 AM
fucking horses!!

iv been bitten, kicked, pissed on and licked. NEVER am i under ANY circumstance will i work with horses EVER again!!

the kick was the worst!

all other animals are fine.

09-18-2009, 12:36 AM

09-18-2009, 02:05 AM
I must have got a bit to close because as I have my trousers around my ankles, this big-ass Ram comes out of no where to stand and stare me down and even feinted a charge! I tripped up and pissed all over my self. I ran back to my tent but after that day, I swear I'll never go near the bastards again.


This is a highly suspicious anecdote. Paddy in close proximity to sheep with pants around ankles! "Relieving himself"? Tell us another.

09-18-2009, 04:30 AM

09-18-2009, 06:59 AM
This is a highly suspicious anecdote. Paddy in close proximity to sheep with pants around ankles! "Relieving himself"? Tell us another.

Grow up, seriously. Exactly what is your point with this pathetic childish sniping? Don't worry though I honestly don't think the members of this forum expect anything better from you which is quite sad.


Creeping Death
09-18-2009, 07:40 AM
"Least favourite farm animal"

Wat Tyler

09-18-2009, 08:45 AM

A monkey farm? :eek:

Not a place I'd want to visit. I've never found monkeys to be cute or appealing, honestly. Dressing them in human clothing or putting nappies on them only intensifies the terror, IMHO.

09-18-2009, 03:31 PM
Grow up, seriously. Exactly what is your point with this pathetic childish sniping? Don't worry though I honestly don't think the members of this forum expect anything better from you which is quite sad.


What, no regards this time? You reap what you sow, sunshine. Remember your outburst after being told the facts of "Bloody Sunday"?
The point of a joke is to get people to laugh. They often laugh even harder when the victim reacts with prissy indignation to the giggle. :D

09-18-2009, 03:38 PM
Éireannach and 007

Cut it out, will ya? :rolleyes2:

09-19-2009, 03:50 AM
What, no regards this time?

Not for you, no.

You reap what you sow, sunshine.

That explains why Britain is in such a state doesn't it?

Remember your outburst after being told the facts of "Bloody Sunday"?

Excuse me, I regretted my outburst and edited my post to reflect that. But quite frankly I don't think anyone can blame me. You sitting there and defending British soldiers shooting into crowds of unarmed civilians. You never presented any facts, just your own Loyalist-bigoted shite as usual.

The point of a joke is to get people to laugh. They often laugh even harder when the victim reacts with prissy indignation to the giggle. :D

If you honestly expect me to believe that it was a joke and not just a cheap-shot at my self, then you're deluded. I have you ignored now, I am honestly sick and tired of members such as yourself.


09-19-2009, 04:23 AM
You sitting there and defending British soldiers shooting into crowds of unarmed civilians.

I'll ignore the rest as per mod instructions but you aren't spouting this bullshit without an answer. The Paras were taken under fire from terrorists hiding in the crowd. They returned fire, killing some terrorists, fine shooting. The dead terr's comrades naturally took their arms to use again and cried crocodile tears for the media about the big bad Paras shooting "innocent" paddies. Naive twats like you lap that nonsense right up. :rolleyes:

09-19-2009, 04:25 AM
I'll ignore the rest as per mod instructions

What? That's fucking stupid.

09-19-2009, 04:26 AM
What? That's fucking stupid.

Obeying mod instructions is stupid? :confused:

09-19-2009, 04:27 AM
Obeying mod instructions is stupid? :confused:

It's a free-speech forum, speak your fucking mind damnit!

09-19-2009, 04:33 AM
Even if it's off-topic and Onion already knows I think he's a twat?

09-19-2009, 04:34 AM
Even if it's off-topic and Onion already knows I think he's a twat?

I know freedom is alien to Europeans, but c'mon. Just tell us what you think. I don't give a shit if I disagree, just fucking spill it man!

09-19-2009, 04:36 AM
That's pretty much it. Onion is a simple-minded twat. I feel better for getting that off my chest though. Cheers, mate! :thumb001:

09-19-2009, 04:43 AM
That's pretty much it. Onion is a simple-minded twat. I feel better for getting that off my chest though. Cheers, mate! :thumb001:

Meh. Alright.

Euros are good at obeying, this much I have learned.


09-19-2009, 04:45 AM
Meh. Alright.

Euros are good at obeying, this much I have learned.


I guess my deepest thoughts didn't meet with your approval. :(

09-19-2009, 04:47 AM
I guess my deepest thoughts didn't meet with your approval. :(

I'm glad you sought my approval, it proves my point. Now I'm going to unsubscribe from this thread so leave all messages in the form of negative reputation.

09-19-2009, 04:48 AM
I'm glad you sought my approval, it proves my point. Now I'm going to unsubscribe from this thread so leave all messages in the form of negative reputation.

You had a point?

09-19-2009, 04:50 AM
You had a point?

No, not really. :(

09-19-2009, 04:52 AM
All is not lost. I still got to insult Onion twice more.

09-19-2009, 06:44 AM
I'll ignore the rest as per mod instructions but you aren't spouting this bullshit without an answer. The Paras were taken under fire from terrorists hiding in the crowd. They returned fire, killing some terrorists, fine shooting. The dead terr's comrades naturally took their arms to use again and cried crocodile tears for the media about the big bad Paras shooting "innocent" paddies. Naive twats like you lap that nonsense right up. :rolleyes:

Ha! You accuse me of bullshit and then go on to type out this ridiculous post? That is comical... open a history book. This Loyalist bile you're hitting out with on The Apricity lowers the standards of this forum to such a degree I am honestly not suprised in the least that Irish posters don't want anything to do with the place.

No doubt next you'll be telling me how the Shankill Butchers provided such a necessary public service :rolleyes:.


09-19-2009, 06:48 AM
It has been established as fact that so-called loyalists are gay.

09-19-2009, 07:35 AM
*Back on topic*...

I like ALL farm animals...yes, I have been kicked by horses, head-butted by goats, pecked by chickens and all that...I just get over it quickly by thinking "I have a shotgun...I can solve this problem quickly at any time I choose"

09-19-2009, 10:10 AM
Humans. :)

09-19-2009, 01:16 PM
Oh Absinthe I hear you on that one. I shall go one step further. Neighbors!!!! :shakefist

09-19-2009, 01:28 PM
^Misantropes :p

09-19-2009, 01:49 PM
^Misantropes :p

Bah! We are not! We're just realists! :wink

09-19-2009, 04:50 PM
Ha! You accuse me of bullshit and then go on to type out this ridiculous post? That is comical... open a history book.

Take your own advice, make it a real history book, not some IRA propaganda. If the Paras were firing indiscriminately into a "crowd of innocents", why were only men of fighting age killed? Why would anyone with a brain expect the IRA to leave weapons lying around after the terrorist who was using it was hit? Why did the anti-British looney left Guardian report that the Paras were under fire at the time?

BTW, "crowd of innocents" is a laughable description of a mob of rioters.

09-19-2009, 05:13 PM
My least favorites are pigs. I do not care for the farms, the transport trailers, and the processing plants.

Even the smell of death on beef will get to me after awhile. Then I can taste it on many foods, even over the seasoning.

09-19-2009, 06:22 PM
My least favorites are pigs.

Pig shit is one of the worst stenches in this world, almost as bad as skunk spray.