View Full Version : Races of ancient Egypt

06-15-2013, 01:24 PM


06-15-2013, 09:54 PM
They were nothing like Nubians.

06-15-2013, 09:55 PM
Were Nubian pharaohs black?
Let's say like this.


06-15-2013, 09:57 PM
Were Nubian pharaohs black?
Let's say like this.


Well the Nubians of course were black, but they only ruled during the 25th dynasty, and lost the empire to Assyria.

06-16-2013, 02:46 AM
Interesting the white guys had tattoos.

Fire Haired
06-16-2013, 03:39 AM
The Egyptians where north Africa they where not black that is a myth and i has no evidence the Nubian's who lived south of Egypt in modern Sudan yes they where black and some Nubian immigrated to Egypt but the native Egyptians where North African the black Nubian's had alot of contact with early civilizations in the mid east the prove is over 60% of modern people in the area of ancient Nubia have Arabian Y DNA J1

in the Bible versues written Jerimaha 13:23 "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?" middel eastern people know balck east Africans very well and for thousands and thousands of years out of 16 mtDNA samples from Neloithci Syria about 8,00-9,000ybp two had Sub Saharan African mtDNA L2a1 it is the most popular mtDNA haplogroup in sub sahren Africans also one mtDNA sample had Mongoloid C1 the other 13 where typical Caucasian groups like T2b and H for people who don't know middle eastern people,Europeans,north Africans, and south Asians are all Caucasian mid easterns have pretty much the same major mtDNA haplogroups as Europeans mainly H,U,T, and J these remains prove black east Africans and mi Mideastern have a relationship going back over 10,000 years

The black Ethiopians where some of the early converts to Christianity and many Black Ethiopians are Jewish king Solomon in the Bible about 3,000ybp probably had Ethiopian wife Sheba there have been jews in Ethiopia for like 3,000 years and Muslims in the 700-1000's conquered and spread Islam into sub sahra Africa

the Egyptians knew black people very well but they themselves where not black also Caucasians have lived in north Africa for a very long time the oldest modern Human skull in North Africa is 25,000 years old and is Caucasian the oldest mtDNA from North Africa is 12,000 year sold all where Caucasian mainly H and U a few had specifically European MtDNA V the whole idea Arabs killed off the native black north Africans is false and the Berbers and moors where not black the Berbers speak a Afro Asiatic language and these languages originated in the mid east about 16,000ybp the moors where not black either sure they inter married with blacks but the original moors where north African

06-16-2013, 09:29 AM
Were Nubian pharaohs black?
Let's say like this.


Yes, Nubians Pharaohs of the 25th dynasty were black. Their reign extended to more or less than 150 years. The problem that they attribute the entire Egyptian civilization to themselves, although they were part and small part of it.

06-16-2013, 09:30 AM
Interesting the white guys had tattoos.

Those white guys are Berbers of Libuo tribe (now Libya).

06-16-2013, 09:35 AM
This thread sounds familiar to me. :rolleyes:



This idealized Egyptian portrait has not many negroid features.

06-16-2013, 09:42 AM
I don't think Nefertiti look East African or Nubian at all, she looks fairly Egyptian. There is an Egyptian actress named Sawsan badr, who looks exactly like her.

06-16-2013, 09:46 AM
The Egyptians where north Africa they where not black that is a myth and i has no evidence the Nubian's who lived south of Egypt in modern Sudan yes they where black and some Nubian immigrated to Egypt but the native Egyptians where North African the black Nubian's had alot of contact with early civilizations in the mid east the prove is over 60% of modern people in the area of ancient Nubia have Arabian Y DNA J1

in the Bible versues written Jerimaha 13:23 "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?" middel eastern people know balck east Africans very well and for thousands and thousands of years out of 16 mtDNA samples from Neloithci Syria about 8,00-9,000ybp two had Sub Saharan African mtDNA L2a1 it is the most popular mtDNA haplogroup in sub sahren Africans also one mtDNA sample had Mongoloid C1 the other 13 where typical Caucasian groups like T2b and H for people who don't know middle eastern people,Europeans,north Africans, and south Asians are all Caucasian mid easterns have pretty much the same major mtDNA haplogroups as Europeans mainly H,U,T, and J these remains prove black east Africans and mi Mideastern have a relationship going back over 10,000 years

The black Ethiopians where some of the early converts to Christianity and many Black Ethiopians are Jewish king Solomon in the Bible about 3,000ybp probably had Ethiopian wife Sheba there have been jews in Ethiopia for like 3,000 years and Muslims in the 700-1000's conquered and spread Islam into sub sahra Africa

the Egyptians knew black people very well but they themselves where not black also Caucasians have lived in north Africa for a very long time the oldest modern Human skull in North Africa is 25,000 years old and is Caucasian the oldest mtDNA from North Africa is 12,000 year sold all where Caucasian mainly H and U a few had specifically European MtDNA V the whole idea Arabs killed off the native black north Africans is false and the Berbers and moors where not black the Berbers speak a Afro Asiatic language and these languages originated in the mid east about 16,000ybp the moors where not black either sure they inter married with blacks but the original moors where north African

its should be "can the nubian(cushite) change his skin", not ethiopian..cushi mean sudanese.

06-16-2013, 09:58 AM
The Seated Scribe:



Another interesting example of an ancient Egyptian.

It appears to me that he has blue eyes. :confused:

06-16-2013, 10:06 AM
^^ if you showed that to a Nubian or Sudanese, he would call them Haksos or something.

06-16-2013, 10:14 AM
It appears to me that he has blue eyes. :confused:

Yeah you are right. Ancient Egyptians were Nordics.:rolleyes:

Back on topic: When looking at Ancient Egyptian depiction. They look pretty much South Mediterranid/ Aethiopoid more leaning towards South Mediterranid in most cases. Other depiction look more Cromagno-Berberid or Aegyptid like the example posted by Wolf. Others look purely Mediterranid while some others look clearly Negroid. Similiar to modern day Egyptians.

On this depiction they look clearly South Mediterranid/Aethiopoid.


Modern day example:


This one looks Cromagno-Berberid/Aegyptid


Modern day example:




Modern day example:


Clearly Negroid influenced


modern day example:


06-16-2013, 10:22 AM
When looking at Ancient Egyptian depiction. They look pretty much South Mediterranid/ Aethiopoid more leaning towards South Mediterranid in most cases. Other depiction look more Cromagno-Berberid or Aegyptid like the example posted by Wolf. Others look purely Mediterranid while some others look clearly Negroid. Similiar to modern day Egyptians.

I agree 100% with you. It seems that ancient Egypt was highly diverse and Egyptians in their paintings depicted themselves as something different from other races. There is a painting for Hyksos in Egypt and i think they look different from the samples you posted

06-16-2013, 10:28 AM
I agree 100% with you. It seems that ancient Egypt was highly diverse and Egyptians in their paintings depicted themselves as something different from other races. There is a painting for Hyksos in Egypt and i think they look different from the samples you posted

On stereotypical depictions, they depicted themselves on average darker than Levantines or Lybians. It seems that the latter were pure Mediterranoid looking while Ancient Egyptians - according to their own depiction in most cases - shift from (South)-Mediterranid towards an Aethiopoid appearance. But they also show an huge phenotypical variation: pure (South)mediterranid, cromagno-berberid/aegyptid and mainly negroid.

By looking at their depictions, it is very clear that afrocentrists and eurocentrists are talking out of their ass by the way.

06-16-2013, 10:29 AM


06-16-2013, 10:34 AM
By looking at their depictions, it is very clear that afrocentrists and eurocentrists are talking out of their ass by the way.


06-16-2013, 10:36 AM

King Tutankhamun was claimed to fit 51% of Europeans and only 1% of modern Egyptians, i highly doubt that is the truth.

06-16-2013, 10:38 AM
King Tutankhamun was claimed to fit 51% of Europeans and only 1% of modern Egyptians, i highly doubt that is the truth.

The father Akhen-Athon (Amen-o-theoph IV) was of lybic descents, so it quite impossible.

06-16-2013, 10:42 AM

Not a real beauty.


06-16-2013, 10:43 AM
The father Akhen-Athon (Amen-o-theoph IV) was of lybic descents, so it quite impossible.

His father was Akhnaton (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akhenaten), he was originally from Upper Egypt (not Nubian), modern day Sohag (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sohag)


06-16-2013, 11:08 AM
Not a real beauty.


Inbreeding/endogamy, probably.

06-16-2013, 11:13 AM
Inbreeding/endogamy, probably.

Also could be their custom of binding heads of infants.

06-16-2013, 11:29 AM
Also could be their custom of binding heads of infants.

That custom was not common in ancient Egypt, inbreeding sounds more convincing.

Tutankhamun was the son of Akhenaten (formerly Amenhotep IV) and one of Akhenaten's sisters, or perhaps one of his cousins.

06-16-2013, 04:41 PM
His father was Akhnaton (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akhenaten), he was originally from Upper Egypt (not Nubian), modern day Sohag (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sohag)

Akhnaton looks like the Morrocan Hiphop-Artist called Nessbeal.

06-16-2013, 04:45 PM
Akhnaton looks like the Morrocan Hiphop-Artist called Nessbeal.

I can see the resemblance, but he looks more like Egyptian actor Mohamed Ramadan

06-16-2013, 04:50 PM
I can see the resemblance, but he looks more like Egyptian actor Mohamed Ramadan

Yes true but Akhnaton seems to have a more straighter nose and a more gracile face similiar to Nessbeal:


06-16-2013, 07:10 PM
The 18th Dynasty had a lot of Asiatic blood.

06-16-2013, 07:16 PM
Clearly Negroid influenced


That's Amenhotep III. He was depicted as more Negroid looking in Nubia which the Egyptians controlled, but there are also a lot of depictions of him looking purely Caucasoid, and his skull was clearly Caucasoid.



06-16-2013, 07:23 PM
Ramses II reconstruction:



The mummy showing red hairs (Ramses was of berber descents)


06-16-2013, 07:34 PM
King Tutankhamun was claimed to fit 51% of Europeans and only 1% of modern Egyptians, i highly doubt that is the truth.

His Y-DNA matched Europeans, but Y-DNA is small part of your lineage. Just because a person has same similar Y-DNA does not mean he will genetically match that population. For example there are some people in Turkey with the Y-DNA C3, this lineage is typical of Mongols, it does not mean that this individual Turk is a Mongol, because it's very small. As for TutanKhamun the only way he would truly match Europeans if his autosomal DNA did match them, but this will not be the case. He just had R1b, but R1b distribution range from Anatolia, where it actually originated in, to North and Western Africa. Today this Y-DNA is seen as European because it peaks in Western Europeans.

06-16-2013, 07:34 PM

06-16-2013, 07:35 PM
Ramses II reconstruction:

No, he wasn't. His father Ramses was from northern Egypt Sharqya. The reason for the red hed is because Ancient Egyptians used to use Henna as a way of showing beauty.

Egypt: Ancient Egyptian Beauty - Henna (http://www.touregypt.net/egypt-info/magazine-mag01012001-mag4.htm)

Henna's historical trail begins in ancient Egypt. Modern Egypt remains one of the main commercial suppliers of the plant, as do the parts of Sudan corresponding with ancient Nubia. Egypt's associations with henna are confirmed by its botanical nickname: Egyptian privet. The term "henna" derives from the Arabic, al khanna. There is a hieroglyph, pouquer, which is believed to indicate the henna plant. The term mendhi, used synonymously for henna, derives from the Sanskrit mehandika. Much of the modern revival of henna derives from its popularity in India and Pakistan. It is believed, however, that the plant arrived in India as a gift from Egypt and there is much debate as to when it actually arrived on the subcontinent, perhaps as late as the Mogul Empire.

06-16-2013, 07:38 PM
Modern day Egyptians are basically the same as their ancestors, genetically speaking so both Eurocentrics and Afrocentrics are delusional. The Egyptians also did not shift fully to Arabic until the 15th century. Interesting thing Egyptians were considered Mawlis or non-Arab clients during Ummyad and even Abbassid reign.

06-16-2013, 07:45 PM
Modern day Egyptians are basically the same as their ancestors, genetically speaking so both Eurocentrics and Afrocentrics are delusional. The Egyptians also did not shift fully to Arabic until the 15th century. Interesting thing Egyptians were considered Mawlis or non-Arab clients during Ummyad and even Abbassid reign.

This very true because Egyptians at the time was speaking Coptic as a first language. It wasn't until the Ummyad Chalipha Marwan, who imposed higher taxes on Egyptians because they got more into Islam and thus the tax revenues from Egypt was reduced greatly. He made sver changes in Egypt when he imposed Arabic as a language for administration system instead of Coptic. I hope he roots in Hell.

06-16-2013, 07:46 PM
[QUOTE=Amun;1685656]The reason for the red hed is because Ancient Egyptians used to use Henna as a way of showing beauty.

Ramses had natural red hair.

''Professor P. F. Ceccaldi, with a research team behind him, studied some hairs which were removed from the mummy's scalp. Ramesses II was 90 years-old when he died, and his hair had turned white. Ceccaldi determined that the reddish-yellow colour of the mummy's hair had been brought about by its being dyed with a dilute henna solution; it proved to be an example of the cosmetic attentions of the embalmers. However, traces of the hair's original colour (in youth), remain in the roots, even into advanced old age. Microscopic examinations proved that the hair roots contained traces of natural red pigments, and that therefore, during his youth, Ramesses II had been red-haired. It was concluded that these red pigments did not result from the hair somehow fading, or otherwise altering post-mortem, but did indeed represent Ramesses' natural hair colour. Ceccaldi also studied a cross-section of the hairs, and he determined from their oval shape, that Ramesses had been "cymotrich" (wavy-haired). Finally, he stated that such a combination of features showed that Ramesses had been a "leucoderm" (white-skinned person).''[Balout, et al. (1985) 254-257.]

06-16-2013, 08:05 PM
Why would Ceccaldi determine that a combination of Rame\esess features made him white skinned? There are naturally pigmented, wavy haired non caucasoids in that part of the world already.


Also, look up Kwashiorkor and the effect of protein deficiency on the pigmentation of hair


06-16-2013, 08:10 PM
Why would Ceccaldi determine that a combination of Rame\esess features made him white skinned? There are naturally pigmented, wavy haired non caucasoids in that part of the world already.


Lol, that is obviously not natural red hair, you can still see the gray! Where's that guy from anyway, no North Egyptian is as dark as him.

06-16-2013, 08:11 PM
@ Wadaad

Please don't say that modern Egyptians are Arabs and you are the original Egyptians, because i heard that in person by an Ethiopian refugee in Egypt.

The guy you posted uses Henna for sure, many elder people in Horn Africa and Yemen do that, because it was said that prophet Mohamed and his Sahaba used to do Henna.

06-16-2013, 08:18 PM
Lol, that is obviously not natural red hair, you can still see the gray! Where's that guy from anyway, no North Egyptian is as dark as him.
Neither is Ramsess and that guy is obviously Somalian. I didnt claim that Ramses was as dark as this guy, just refuted with visual example what Ceccaldi claimed.

@ Wadaad

Please don't say that modern Egyptians are Arabs and you are the original Egyptians, because i heard that in person by an Ethiopian refugee in Egypt.

LOL no, obviously the closest population and legacy bearers of the Ancient Egyptians were and are Modern Egyptians, particularly the Copts. And Coptic Egyptians show the same diversity in their phenotype as their Muslim counterparts in so much that a Coptic from Upper Egypt will resemble a Muslim from Upper Egypt, while a Coptic from the Delta will resemble a Muslim from the Delta.

Amun, what is your opinion on pre dynastic Egypt, the Badarian, Natufian culture etc?

06-16-2013, 08:40 PM
Amun, what is your opinion on pre dynastic Egypt, the Badarian, Natufian culture etc?

When it comes to Badarian culture, i think it might had an influence on Pharaoh Egypt, as far as i know they used to believe in resurrection. Know btw it is populated by a mix of Arabs and Egyptians. Natufian, i think they were the first to introduce agriculture although Egyptians contributed more in this field. I wouldn't be surprised if they had connects with Northern Egyptians, but i doubt that they caused any genetic shift.

06-16-2013, 08:48 PM
Neither is Ramsess and that guy is obviously Somalian. I didnt claim that Ramses was as dark as this guy, just refuted with visual example what Ceccaldi claimed.

:picard2: Ramses was a natural redhead, it's already been proven.

''Microscopic examinations proved that the hair roots contained traces of natural red pigments, and that therefore, during his youth, Ramesses II had been red-haired. It was concluded that these red pigments did not result from the hair somehow fading, or otherwise altering post-mortem, but did indeed represent Ramesses' natural hair colour.''

06-16-2013, 08:56 PM
Interesting...that's the closest language to ancient egyptian...



06-16-2013, 09:05 PM

Coptic is Hellenized version of Ancient Egyptian and it is the closest language to ancient Egyptian, unlike Nubian which is considered Niliotic language.

06-16-2013, 09:05 PM
Interesting...that's the closest language to ancient egyptian...

To be honest, Coptic is the current stage of Egyptian.

Coptic is Hellenized version of Ancient Egyptian and it is the closest language to ancient Egyptian, unlike Nubian which is considered Niliotic language.

Do you have some skills in Coptic?

06-16-2013, 09:09 PM
To be honest, Coptic is the current stage of Egyptian.

Modern Egyptian is an arab dialect called ''Misrebitic'' and has a lot of coptish/hyeratic and other ham-semithic loanwords, but it's 1000 miles away from being directly descendent of ancient egyptian.

06-16-2013, 09:12 PM
Modern Egyptian is an arab dialect called ''Misrebitic'' and has a lot of coptish/hyeratic and other ham-semithic loanwords, but it's 1000 miles away from being directly descendent of ancient egyptian.

I've never claimed that. :confused:

Coptic is and remains the current stage of the Egyptian language because all other forms like Demotic are extinct today.

06-16-2013, 09:12 PM
Do you have some skills in Coptic?

Unfortantely no, bu i already know some words that Egytpians use in their Arabic accent.

06-16-2013, 09:15 PM
Amun, in the second video that Peyrol posted, at 1:35 is this phrase:
em ef reeti khen et fe <-> as in heaven

Can you translate in english each of these words, and more concretely is "fe" <-> "heaven"?

06-16-2013, 09:20 PM
Amun, in the second video that Peyrol posted, at 1:35 is this phrase:
em ef reeti khen et fe <-> as in heaven

Can you translate in english each of these words, and more concretely is "fe" <-> "heaven"?

I am sorry, i can't speak Coptic, so i can't help you at this.

06-17-2013, 07:03 PM
I had a conversation with an American Afrocentric on YouTube. This what he says.

Many ancient Egyptians migrated south to Ethiopia, west into the western Sahara & even north into ancient Colchis (Russia), some were sent as colonies, some were exiled out of Egypt and some were taken captive into what is modern day Iraq and Iran, so what I'm basically saying is, just as foreign invaders settled in Egypt, Egyptians also came into other foreign lands as asylum seekers, colonizers or immigrants, so you don't have to live or be from Egypt to be descendants of ancient Egyptians.

This TRUTH must come out, because these WHITE SUPREMACIST & ARAB INVADERS calling themselves descendants of Pharaoh are getting out of hand with their LIES and FALSE CLAIMS, I mean they DISREGARD ALL HISTORICAL FACTS & MAKE UP their own STORIES & are even FABRICATING DNA to support their MADE UP STORIES, but here are the FACTS, the people who made Egypt GREAT all LEFT Egypt after the FALL of it, the REMNANT of Egyptians who stayed in Egypt all dwell in South Egypt but North Egypt is all FOREIGN.

06-17-2013, 07:07 PM
I had a conversation with an American Afrocentric on YouTube. This what he says.

What a moron...

06-17-2013, 07:10 PM
What a moron...

He seems to be convinced and 100% sure that he is descended of Ancient Egyptians. The problem is that people don't know how insulting to call somebody as European/Arabian mutt, while there is no true genetic evidence that supports his claims.

06-17-2013, 07:24 PM
I think that the ancient Egyptians did not differ substantially from modern Egyptians. They were clearly North African people and genetically they were most likely Middle Eastern and African, just like other North African peoples of the time.

In other words, they were Middle Eastern peoples with an African element. They were neither purely "White", nor purely "Black". It would be more accurate to describe them as ancient North African Caucasoid peoples with a clear African element.

06-17-2013, 07:25 PM
He seems to be convinced and 100% sure that he is descended of Ancient Egyptians. The problem is that people don't know how insulting to call somebody as European/Arabian mutt, while there is no true genetic evidence that supports his claims.

It's funny also because aframs are of Wolof, Hausa, Fulani, Igbo and Ashanti heritage (with british admisture), so West Africans...neither nubians/sudanese or a horner...

06-17-2013, 07:29 PM
Interesting the white guys had tattoos.

Naturally, you can't draw black on black.

06-17-2013, 07:32 PM
It's funny also because aframs are of Wolof, Hausa, Fulani, Igbo and Ashanti heritage (with british admisture), so West Africans...neither nubians/sudanese or a horner...

I am not sure what drives them to say that, although USA is the most powerful country in the world. I am not sure why they want to steal something that is not theirs.

06-17-2013, 08:56 PM
I think that the ancient Egyptians did not differ substantially from modern Egyptians. They were clearly North African people and genetically they were most likely Middle Eastern and African, just like other North African peoples of the time.

In other words, they were Middle Eastern peoples with an African element. They were neither purely "White", nor purely "Black". It would be more accurate to describe them as ancient North African Caucasoid peoples with a clear African element.

There was no SSA element in ancient North Africans. They had absolutely nothing to do with the negroes in the south. They could be called pure Caucasoids. Even today North Africans are only 12% Negro on average, and that's from the Arab slave trade.

06-17-2013, 08:57 PM
I had a conversation with an American Afrocentric on YouTube. This what he says.

That guy is mentally retarded. The Negroes in my country are the worst in the world, and I wish they were all deported.

06-17-2013, 09:51 PM
The Egyptian civilization was predominantly a black African civilization. I cant believe there are people who are even arguing about that. :eek:

06-17-2013, 09:54 PM
The Egyptian civilization was predominantly a black African civilization. I cant believe there are people who are even arguing about that. :eek:

The same for Roman ones. Today's Greek are nothing like ancient ones :picard2:

06-17-2013, 10:00 PM

Coptic is Hellenized version of Ancient Egyptian and it is the closest language to ancient Egyptian, unlike Nubian which is considered Niliotic language.

I heard numerous times in the first video "χριστός ανέστη εκ νεκρών" (christos anesti ek nekron) and some other words (πνευματικόν; κύριε μονογενή; ). Do you actually use those words in everyday vocabulary or is it like the Tridentine mass where they're just chanting κύριε ελέησον/χριστέ ελέησον but don't (or didn't) actually use them elsewhere.

EDIT: Nevermind, I just saw your other post.

06-17-2013, 10:00 PM
There was no SSA element in ancient North Africans. They had absolutely nothing to do with the negroes in the south. They could be called pure Caucasoids. Even today North Africans are only 12% Negro on average, and that's from the Arab slave trade.

I am totally against Afrocentrism, but you are exaggerating. Not all of the African DNA in MENA peoples was introduced by the Arab slave trade. Some of it has always existed since paleolithic times.

But, I agree. Ancient Egyptians were Caucasoid, just like modern Northern Egyptians.

06-17-2013, 10:13 PM
I heard numerous times in the first video "χριστός ανέστη εκ νεκρών" (christos anesti ek nekron) and some other words (πνευματικόν; κύριε μονογενή; ). Do you actually use those words in everyday vocabulary or is it like the Tridentine mass where they're just chanting κύριε ελέησον/χριστέ ελέησον but don't (or didn't) actually use them elsewhere.

EDIT: Nevermind, I just saw your other post.

There are several vocabs we use in our Arabic accent.
Bakh = Devil
Erga = lot
Shoam nesseem = a Spring Festival still celebrated by Egyptians till this day
Bassant = flower
Hantor = a cart
Sereet = a girl name means beautiful, common among Christians and Muslims

The language is a semi-dead one. although it is not spoken by the masses, collage professors and Coptic clerks still preserve it from being completely lost.

06-17-2013, 10:14 PM
I am totally against Afrocentrism, but you are exaggerating. Not all of the African DNA in MENA peoples was introduced by the Arab slave trade. Some of it has always existed since paleolithic times.

But, I agree. Ancient Egyptians were Caucasoid, just like modern Northern Egyptians.

There is no evidence at all that ancient Egyptians had Negroid blood. Any prehistoric negroid blood would have been only 1-2%.

06-17-2013, 10:15 PM
The Egyptian civilization was predominantly a black African civilization. I cant believe there are people who are even arguing about that. :eek:

:picard2: You have to be joking. Black Africans could never build a civilization like Egypt.

06-17-2013, 10:23 PM
There is no evidence at all that ancient Egyptians had Negroid blood. Any prehistoric negroid blood would have been only 1-2%.

I wasn't saying that they had SSA blood. But they had continual contact with Nubians and other East Africans, like Somalis and Ethiopians, even before the rise of their civilization, which would suggest an East African element.

West Africans, which are the ones that try to claim the Egyptian civilization, were indeed totally unrelated to them, so we are agreed.

06-17-2013, 10:26 PM
[QUOTE]But they had continual contact with Nubians

There is actually no recorded contact with Nubians until the third dynasty, and no evidence they mixed with them.

and other East Africans, like Somalis and Ethiopians, even before the rise of their civilization, which would suggest an East African element.

Lol, no. The only contact with Ethiopians, and Somalis, was trading, no evidence of mixing.

West Africans, which are the ones that try to claim the Egyptian civilization, were indeed totally unrelated to them, so we are agreed.


06-17-2013, 10:31 PM
I wasn't saying that they had SSA blood. But they had continual contact with Nubians and other East Africans, like Somalis and Ethiopians, even before the rise of their civilization, which would suggest an East African element.

West Africans, which are the ones that try to claim the Egyptian civilization, were indeed totally unrelated to them, so we are agreed.

I agree, but still you can;t attribute the AE civilization to Nubians. They never added any thing worth mentioned and the 25th Nubian dynasty only lasted for a 150 years.

06-17-2013, 10:36 PM
There is actually no recorded contact with Nubians until the third dynasty, and no evidence they mixed with them.

Lol, no. The only contact with Ethiopians, and Somalis, was trading, no evidence of mixing.


Oh, come on dude. Of course they had heavy trade relations with Somalis, Ethiopians and Nubians (yes, even before the invasions). That shows that these neighboring peoples interacted with each other. What makes you think that ancient Northeast Africans were completely different to other neighboring East Africans with whom they traded continually? It's pretty obvious that ancient Northeast African people had an East African element, so get over it. That is even obvious in their frescoes, sculptures and mummies.

As I said before, I consider the ancient Egyptians to have been Caucasoid peoples, but I'm not denying that they had an East African element. Also, don't forget that East Africans are Caucasoid themselves. Somalis and Ethiopians are not Negroid in the West African sense, as you probably know. ;)

06-17-2013, 10:38 PM
I agree, but still you can;t attribute the AE civilization to Nubians. They never added any thing worth mentioned and the 25th Nubian dynasty only lasted for a 150 years.

Of course not, I agree with you! I never said that. I was just saying that there was some relatedness that is all. I do believe that the ancient Egyptian civilization belonged completely to the ancient Egyptians, who were Caucasoid. I was only talking about genetic relatedness.

06-17-2013, 10:44 PM
Egyptians just represent a continuum similiar to Horners. Putting Egyptians into the 'Negroid' or 'Caucasoid' separated category doesn't make sense since they just represent a fluid transition. A ethnic regionalizied population with links towards the Middle East(Levante) and SSA.

06-17-2013, 10:52 PM
[QUOTE]Oh, come on dude. Of course they had heavy trade relations with Somalis, Ethiopians and Nubians (yes, even before the invasions).

Heavy trade relations with Somalis, and Ethiopians? Not really. They mostly just invaded the Nubians, and there's no evidence of even that before the third dynasty. They didn't mix with them much and any mulattoes would probably just have been considered Nubians..

That shows that these neighboring peoples interacted with each other. What makes you think that ancient Northeast Africans were completely different to other neighboring East Africans with whom they traded continually?

Nubians are negroes, nothing like Aethiopids, and there's no evidence of mixing with either groups.

It's pretty obvious that ancient Northeast African people had an East African element, so get over it. That is even obvious in their frescoes, sculptures and mummies.

Most of those don't show either a Negroid, or Aethiopid element.

Also, don't forget that East Africans are Caucasoid themselves.

Ethiopians, and Somalis are. Not Nubians who the Egyptians viewed as inferior.

06-17-2013, 10:53 PM
Putting Egyptians into the 'Negroid' or 'Caucasoid'

Both Horn Africans, and Egyptians are Caucasoid. As a whole I mean. There's obviously some mulattoes in both groups.

06-17-2013, 10:59 PM
Heavy trade relations with Somalis, and Ethiopians? Not really. They mostly just invaded the Nubians, and there's no evidence of even that before the third dynasty. They didn't mix with them much and any mulattoes would probably just have been considered Nubians..

Nubians are negroes, nothing like Aethiopids, and there's no evidence of mixing with either groups.

Most of those don't show either a Negroid, or Aethiopid element.

Ethiopians, and Somalis are. Not Nubians who the Egyptians viewed as inferior.

OK, but I wasn't talking about Nubians only. And it's not like they had no contact at all with Nubians before the invasions. But you are right, the Nubians were different to Aethiopids anthropologically, agreed.

Anyway, I'm not saying that the ancient Egyptians were Aethiopid or anything. All I'm saying is that they were ancient Northeast African Caucasoids that were related to other ancient Northeast African peoples. Your stands are nearly psychotic tbh...

06-17-2013, 11:05 PM
[QUOTE]OK, but I wasn't talking about Nubians only. And it's not like they had no contact at all with Nubians before the invasions.

There's no evidence they did.

But you are right, the Nubians were different to Aethiopids anthropologically, agreed.

Right, and the only contact they had with Aethiopids was to occasionally trade with them. They didn't even share a border...

Anyway, I'm not saying that the ancient Egyptians were Aethiopid or anything. All I'm saying is that they were ancient Northeast African Caucasoids that were related to other ancient Northeast African peoples.

Well obviously.

06-17-2013, 11:12 PM
Well obviously.

OK, I'm glad that we are agreed in terms of that, at least. That's what I have been saying all along.

06-18-2013, 04:55 AM
Can we also agree that Horatio's eurocentrism is getting old?

06-18-2013, 04:57 AM
Can we also agree that Horatio's eurocentrism is getting old?

The truth is Eurocentric.

06-18-2013, 08:21 AM
There are several vocabs we use in our Arabic accent.
Bakh = Devil
Erga = lot
Shoam nesseem = a Spring Festival still celebrated by Egyptians till this day
Bassant = flower
Hantor = a cart
Sereet = a girl name means beautiful, common among Christians and Muslims

The language is a semi-dead one. although it is not spoken by the masses, collage professors and Coptic clerks still preserve it from being completely lost.

You forget probabily the most visible coptish loanword in modern western languages: d'sr't (''wasteland of sand'').

06-18-2013, 11:39 PM
Black black black, get over it. Whites are in decline, bp have superior genetics and yours are recessive, we're stronger and faster, no weak whites built anything in Egypt especially without sunscreen. Why shoot the noses off if they were whites or belonging to what ever made up group you lot came up with as a scheme to be apart of every great creation.

White people are obsessed with bp and not the other way round, that fact we're physically stronger with superior genetics you seem to have a problem with and Africans are a threat to your belief you're more intelligent, even Nigerian kids outdo white kids in Brit schools. Most black kids if they were not brainwashed would whip you people. If bp were so inferior why would wp keep going on about bp all the time.

06-19-2013, 12:41 AM
Black black black, get over it. Whites are in decline, bp have superior genetics and yours are recessive, we're stronger and faster, no weak whites built anything in Egypt especially without sunscreen. Why shoot the noses off if they were whites or belonging to what ever made up group you lot came up with as a scheme to be apart of every great creation.

White people are obsessed with bp and not the other way round, that fact we're physically stronger with superior genetics you seem to have a problem with and Africans are a threat to your belief you're more intelligent, even Nigerian kids outdo white kids in Brit schools. Most black kids if they were not brainwashed would whip you people. If bp were so inferior why would wp keep going on about bp all the time.


06-19-2013, 12:51 AM
Black black black, get over it. Whites are in decline, bp have superior genetics and yours are recessive, we're stronger and faster, no weak whites built anything in Egypt especially without sunscreen. Why shoot the noses off if they were whites or belonging to what ever made up group you lot came up with as a scheme to be apart of every great creation.

White people are obsessed with bp and not the other way round, that fact we're physically stronger with superior genetics you seem to have a problem with and Africans are a threat to your belief you're more intelligent, even Nigerian kids outdo white kids in Brit schools. Most black kids if they were not brainwashed would whip you people. If bp were so inferior why would wp keep going on about bp all the time.


06-19-2013, 01:05 AM

It's a wonderful true story like your decline. Lmao!

06-19-2013, 01:06 AM
It's a wonderful true story like your decline. Lmao!


Welcome to the forum, dear :) I hope you enjoy your stay.

06-19-2013, 05:12 AM
Black black black, get over it. Whites are in decline, bp have superior genetics and yours are recessive, we're stronger and faster, no weak whites built anything in Egypt especially without sunscreen. Why shoot the noses off if they were whites or belonging to what ever made up group you lot came up with as a scheme to be apart of every great creation.

White people are obsessed with bp and not the other way round, that fact we're physically stronger with superior genetics you seem to have a problem with and Africans are a threat to your belief you're more intelligent, even Nigerian kids outdo white kids in Brit schools. Most black kids if they were not brainwashed would whip you people. If bp were so inferior why would wp keep going on about bp all the time.

Afrocentric alert

06-19-2013, 06:20 AM
The thing is modern day Egyptians are clearly the same people as their ancestors. They were not White and they were not Black. The Afrocentrics are just lunatics. I had to deal with some Afrocentrics who are crazy to say the least. They were claiming almost all of the Middle Eastern civilization, as theirs. However Eurocentrics are not better in that regard, so I had to deal with them. There many numbnuts in this world sadly.

06-19-2013, 06:23 AM
The thing is modern day Egyptians are clearly the same people as their ancestors.

Pretty much. They're still North African Caucasoids.

06-19-2013, 09:45 AM
Black black black, get over it. Whites are in decline, bp have superior genetics and yours are recessive, we're stronger and faster, no weak whites built anything in Egypt especially without sunscreen. Why shoot the noses off if they were whites or belonging to what ever made up group you lot came up with as a scheme to be apart of every great creation.

White people are obsessed with bp and not the other way round, that fact we're physically stronger with superior genetics you seem to have a problem with and Africans are a threat to your belief you're more intelligent, even Nigerian kids outdo white kids in Brit schools. Most black kids if they were not brainwashed would whip you people. If bp were so inferior why would wp keep going on about bp all the time.

Why don't you live in your african paradise instead of England, then?

I hope this genetic superiority it isn't the same that gave to my ancestors the knowlege to found the Roman Empire, that ruled the World for 1200 years, and let your oogaboogawambamamboo in the savannah, (trying to) hitting leopards with blowguns. :lol:

06-19-2013, 09:47 AM
Look at Haiti or Antigua & Barbuda...perfect black genetic superiority, it's worldwide know that these states rule the world.

As one of my friend alwasy say, ''I negri trasformano in merda tutto quello che toccano''.

08-04-2014, 06:53 AM
Tutankhamun belonged to Y-DNA R1b1a2 - how common is that in Egypt today? I guess not very common ?

"R1b1a2* or M269(xL23) is found at highest frequency in the central Balkans notably Kosovo with 7.9%, Macedonia 5.1% and Serbia 4.4%.Kosovo is notable in also having a high percentage of descendant L23* or L23(xM412) at 11.4%"

08-04-2014, 06:59 AM
Tutankhamun belonged to Y-DNA R1b1a2 - how common is that in Egypt today? I guess not very common ?

"R1b1a2* or M269(xL23) is found at highest frequency in the central Balkans notably Kosovo with 7.9%, Macedonia 5.1% and Serbia 4.4%.Kosovo is notable in also having a high percentage of descendant L23* or L23(xM412) at 11.4%"

Huh? i thought Tut's dna was like iranian or something

08-04-2014, 07:18 AM
Huh? i thought Tut's dna was like iranian or something

It's not even sure it is actually Tut's results but R1b-M269* is found in the Near East and around the Mediterranean (like Southeastern Europe).

Cyrus III
08-10-2014, 05:45 PM
Nubians shouldn't be proud of ancient egypt. They were slaves there.

08-10-2014, 07:01 PM
BTW, "Nubians" refers to quite distinct groups culturally and even racially. Some "Nubian" groups were even on the caucasoid side of the spectrum and some even had body proportions more similar to non-tropical people rather than tropical Africans.

The racial divide between Egypt and its immediate southern neighbours wasn't always clear-cut.

08-17-2014, 01:25 AM
Nubians shouldn't be proud of ancient egypt. They were slaves there.

I read this as "Nubians should be proud of ancient egypt. They were slaves there." Made me laugh, had to take a double take at that.

08-17-2014, 01:30 AM
Correction for the OP pic. The bottom row are the egyptians only, the blacks on top are nubians while the whiter folks are either Lybians or the people believed to be the Philistines.

As for ancient egyptians being black...


I'm sure Tut running over niggers in his swag chariot would be very telling.

08-17-2014, 01:34 AM
Correction for the OP pic. The bottom row are the egyptians only, the blacks on top are nubians while the whiter folks are either Lybians or the people believed to be the Philistines.

As for ancient egyptians being black...


I'm sure Tut running over niggers in his swag chariot would be very telling.

Nice photoshopped/retouched pic

...still, looks like an ancient depiction of a horner raising hell on some bantus

And this was Tut's gold mask, we all know what it looks like


Pjeter Pan
08-17-2014, 01:35 AM
Correction for the OP pic. The bottom row are the egyptians only, the blacks on top are nubians while the whiter folks are either Lybians or the people believed to be the Philistines.

As for ancient egyptians being black...


I'm sure Tut running over niggers in his swag chariot would be very telling.
I think there was some Nubian pharoahs

08-17-2014, 01:39 AM
Right before Assyrians brought the cultural enrichments, yes.