View Full Version : Darwin's Frogs Are in Steep Decline

06-15-2013, 06:40 PM
Darwin's Frogs Are in Steep Decline


Some of nature's most fascinating fathers may be at risk of extinction.

Male Darwin's frogs swallow their offspring in the tadpole stage, incubate their young in their vocal sacs, and eventually spit out fully developed froglets. Along with seahorses, the frogs are thought to be the only known living vertebrates in which dads take on baby-carrying duties with special sacs that make them look pregnant.

But new research shows that these unique creatures may be vanishing as their habitats in Chile's temperate forests are destroyed.

Darwin's Frogs Are in Steep Decline in Chile | Animal Kingdom's Best Dads | LiveScience (http://www.livescience.com/37431-darwins-frogs-decline-in-chile.html)