View Full Version : Jihad against Moms with Buggy-strollers in Denmark?

06-16-2013, 11:42 PM
In Denmark, two assaults on Danish moms quietly strolling along with their little ones took place within a single week. And it appears that Muslim invaders have begun using this very innovative strategy in their ongoing quest to “strike terror” into the hearts of the infidels.

Whereas latest incident was granted a short article in Jyllands-Posten, the earlier, much more cruel attack, did not make it into the MSM at all. And this in spite of pleas to help find the perpetrators from friends, relatives and some 34.000 concerned Danes, who shared the story on Facebook.

Such reports involving dying toddlers do tend to lower popular support for further Arab mass-immigration into Denmark, and apparently ALL Danish television- and newspaper-editors find this prospect to be so terrifying that they’d rather not help the poor mother catch the perpetrators.


Saturday afternoon the daughter of a friend of mine was attacked near the small pedestrian paths around Jersie Station. She was walking along with her 6-week-old son in the buggy. 2 youths of a different ethnic background come by and tip the buggy over, throwing the little one out.
He is not breathing anymore and she has to give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. When the ambulance arrives, they insist the baby be examined on the spot by an emergency doctor and approval given before moving him to the hospital.
Mom and child are still at the hospital for medical observation.

Two weeks ago she was approached by the same two people. They grabbed her shoulder and said it “would be fun to steal a baby”. She turned around and resolutely kicked one of them before running off.
This is so terrible I just cannot even begin to describe it.
I do not care if it is Danes or people of another ethnic background doing this or similar things. You just don’t do something like that. How brave is it to throw over a baby carriage and then run away? If this is some kind of way to test their manhood, then they will never become men in my eyes.
What is going on here ?
How can anyone bring themselves to do this?
It’s absolutely monstrous and sick.
I hope the people who did this are caught and punished severely.
I therefore ask you dear FB friend to share this, in the hope that someone who knows the people who did this, will enable the authorities to catch the perpetrators and lock them up for a very long time.”

06-16-2013, 11:45 PM
They are jus to make the natives disapear from the pre schools

06-16-2013, 11:48 PM
They are jus to make the natives disapear from the pre schools

Europe is like a giant kindergarten for third world children.

06-17-2013, 02:07 PM
Another case today: http://ekstrabladet.dk/112/article2015114.ece

Perpetrators were two young immigrant (muslim) girls.

06-17-2013, 02:25 PM
Wait, what exactly are they attacking? Why are they doing this?

mr. logan
06-17-2013, 02:25 PM
Danes are too occupied eating their meat and looking cosmopolitan. It is as if europeans think that looking away from the goons will make them dissappear, and everything will go on as before.

06-17-2013, 03:16 PM
Friday evening on the 14th of June at 18.30 a 34 year-old woman with a buggy was assaulted on Bredkilde Street by Risskov.
“Three Arab Muslim-looking girls between 14 and 17 assaulted the Danish woman of 34 entirely without motivation – first with verbal insults,” says Klaus Hvegholm Møller, officer at East-Jutland Police, to Jyllands-Posten. He continues, “Thereafter the 34 year-old woman had parts of her hair and jacket cut off, apparently with scissors.”
“At first they yelled cuss-words at her, “fucking Danish bitch” among other things. Suddenly they grabbed her and while laughing, began to tear at her hair. She then started to run away with the child in her buggy. As they grabbed her, they cut off parts of her hair and clothing.

DENMARK: Baby Buggy Jihad (http://www.barenakedislam.com/2013/06/16/denmark-baby-buggy-jihad/)

The police still have no clue as to the reason for the attack.

Because they're swarthy, ugly and envious.

This is low, even for a muslim.


06-17-2013, 03:50 PM
So if anyone of Muslim descent commits a felony, it is a jihad of some sort?

When some middle eastern thugs tip a stroller over, its Stroller jihad. LOL

06-17-2013, 03:57 PM

In another news, a dog learned how to surf today...


Reports say cats are following closely behind the latest trend:


We'll keep you updated with the stories that matter! This bulletin was brought to you by Christ-Killers Incorporated, in association with Goyim Boot-Lick Daily.

06-17-2013, 04:00 PM
Wait, what exactly are they attacking? Why are they doing this?

Can anybody answer the question?

Major chimpout

06-17-2013, 04:03 PM
Jew slips on a banana peel = JIHAD. Got it. Next bullshit sensationalist article please?

06-17-2013, 04:05 PM
Somehow our totally unbiased Bosnian-Australian never reacts like this to Baluarte's bullshit threads, which are much mroe numerous than Anglojew's posts.

06-17-2013, 04:08 PM
Somehow our totally unbiased Bosnian-Australian never reacts like this to Baluarte's bullshit threads, which are much mroe numerous than Anglojew's posts.

Both of them need to stop making so many pointless threads. I've already said that.

Are you guys all finished crying now, or do you want some more grieving time?

06-17-2013, 04:19 PM
Both of them need to stop making so many pointless threads. I've already said that.

So how come your response is not the same when Baluarte posts his bullshit? Just admit you have nothing against biased threads as long as they're biased on your side. There's nothing wrong with that:icon_yes:

Are you guys all finished crying now, or do you want some more grieving time?
Let's grieve some more.

06-17-2013, 04:20 PM
Both of them need to stop making so many pointless threads. I've already said that.

Are you guys all finished crying now, or do you want some more grieving time?
Nobody's forcing you to read, so STFU!

06-17-2013, 04:38 PM
Nobody's forcing you to read, so STFU!

Uhh... don't know which forum you're a member of, but there's not that many active threads on here that aren't asinine, provocative garbage.

I'd start some, but threads that use big words and contain paragraphs of your own thoughts generally fall into obscurity; whereas copy-pasting from non-reputable sources pulled out of your ass does amazingly well, as do flame-baiting trolls like FangloJew.

Let's grieve some more.

Moran Atias is so sexy it hurts.