View Full Version : Mandelson, Blair and a sordid little ploy

09-23-2009, 07:40 PM
A new and swanky European Union headquarters is being planned in Brussels at a cost of £280million. Named the Residence Palace, it will contain the no doubt sumptuous offices of the first President of the EU, as well as of its first Foreign Minister.
The man who hopes to become President of Europe is none other than our own Tony Blair.

According to an authoritative new book, the sole remaining raison d'etre of this Government is to see Mr Blair safely installed as President, picking up the telephone as Europe's number one politician to chew the cud on equal terms with Barack Obama.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1214945/STEPHEN-GLOVER-Mandelson-Blair-sordid-little-ploy-deny-British-voters-choice-European-superstate.html#ixzz0Rxbvt1Q4