View Full Version : Libyens Diktator Gaddafi in New York

Hrolf Kraki
09-24-2009, 01:13 AM
Der libysche Revolutionsführer Muammar al-Gaddafi hat den Vereinten Nationen vorgeworfen, ihre eigene Charta zu brechen. In der Präambel sei vorgeschrieben, dass alle Länder unabhängig von ihrer Größe gleichberechtigt seien, sagte Gaddafi am Mittwoch in einer Rede vor den Spitzenpolitikern der 192 Mitgliedsländer.

Dennoch seien die meisten Staaten nicht im fünfzehnköpfigen Sicherheitsrat vertreten, die fünf Vetomächte hätten das alleinige Sagen. „Das akzeptieren wir nicht, und das erkennen wir nicht an“, sagte er sichtlich erregt, hielt ein Exemplar der Charta hoch und zerriss einige Seiten. In der aufgebrachten Rede erklärte er, die Besetzung des UN-Sicherheitsrats mit Nuklearmächten sei „Terrorismus“. „Er sollte nicht Sicherheitsrat heißen, er sollte Terrorrat heißen“, sagte Gaddafi.

Schon vor der Rede des Libyers brach unter den 192 Mitgliedern große Unruhe aus, viele Delegierte verließen den Raum. Versammlungsleiter Ali Treki versuchte mehrfach vergeblich, mit lautem Klopfen für Ruhe zu sorgen. Erst nach fast zehn Minuten erhob sich Gaddafi und schritt sichtlich verärgert ans Rednerpult. Ihn empfing schwacher Applaus. Sein unmittelbarer Vorredner, US-Präsident Barack Obama, war mit großem Beifall bedacht worden.

Für seinen Vorredner war Libyens Staatschef indes voll des Lobes. „Wir wären glücklich, wenn Obama für immer Präsident von Amerika bleiben könnte“, sagte Gaddafi, der selbst seit 40 Jahren im Amt ist. „Sie sind der Beginn eines Wandels“, lobte Gaddafi, der seine Redezeit von 15 Minuten weit überzog und mehr als anderthalb Stunden lang sprach. Obama hatte 40 Minuten geredet.

Gaddafi forderte 7,77 Billionen Dollar (rund 5,26 Billionen Euro) für Afrika als Entschädigung für die Kolonialzeit. Wenn die westlichen Länder nicht zahlten, würden sich die Afrikaner das Geld zurückholen, sagte Gaddafi am Mittwoch vor der UN-Vollversammlung in New York. Er spreche „im Namen von 1000 afrikanischen Königreichen“, erklärte der libysche Revolutionsführer, der bei seiner ersten Rede während einer Generaldebatte der Vereinten Nationen ein sandfarbenes Gewand mit einem Anstecker in der Form des afrikanischen Kontinents trug. [...] mehr (http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article4599092/Libyens-Diktator-Gaddafi-zerreisst-UN-Charta.html)

Wie planen sie das auszuführen? :rofl:

The Lawspeaker
09-24-2009, 01:43 AM
Gaddafi forderteDer Gadaffi und welches Armee ?;)

When one wants to demands something one needs a bloody good army to back it up.

Nach Tripoli marschieren wir....

Hrolf Kraki
09-24-2009, 02:35 AM
Der Gadaffi und welches Armee ?;)

Dieser Mistkerl ist anscheinend wahnhaft. Seine Armee hat kaum die Macht einem Kind sein Geburtstagsfest zu erobern.

The Lawspeaker
09-24-2009, 02:37 AM
Dieser Mistkerl ist anscheinend wahnhaft. Seine Armee hat kaum die Macht einem Kind sein Geburtstagsfest zu erobern.
That's why we should march there. It's a cake walk and we set a nice example for the rest of the Arab World and Africa: Don't f.ck with us !

09-24-2009, 03:20 AM
As of right now, he can't even find a place to set up his tent. He's been kicked out of at least a couple places in New York and New Jersey

09-27-2009, 01:35 PM
That's why we should march there. It's a cake walk and we set a nice example for the rest of the Arab World and Africa: Don't f.ck with us !

Come on. :rolleyes:

The primitive and childish my-dick-is-bigger-than-yours logic. The world doesn't function in that way, although sometimes it seems that it does.

The Lawspeaker
09-27-2009, 02:14 PM
Come on. :rolleyes:

The primitive and childish my-dick-is-bigger-than-yours logic. The world doesn't function in that way, although sometimes it seems that it does.
Here is the problem: here in Europe it doesn't. In the rest of the world it does. Problem: Gaddafi comes from "the rest of the world" hence he cannot be reasoned with in a European way.

Thus we should take their approach to deal with insolence before he realizes the futility of his actions and the consequences that it has for himself and his country.

09-27-2009, 02:18 PM
Here is the problem: here in Europe it doesn't. In the rest of the world it does. Problem: Gaddafi comes from "the rest of the world" hence he cannot be reasoned with in a European way.

Thus we should take their approach to deal with insolence before he realizes the futility of his actions and the consequences that it has for himself and his country.

No, the world simply doesn't function that way. Otherwise there would be constant wars everyhwere except in Europe.

The Lawspeaker
09-27-2009, 02:18 PM
No, the world simply doesn't function that way. Otherwise there would be constant wars everyhwere except in Europe.
And what exactly is going on all around the world except in Europe ?

09-27-2009, 02:20 PM
And what exactly is going on all around the world except in Europe ?

So you are so badly informed that you think that wars are constantly raging right now and always were, in regions other than Europe, without any interruption? That simply doesn't correspond to facts and doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

The Lawspeaker
09-27-2009, 02:40 PM
So you are so badly informed that you think that wars are constantly raging right now and always were, in regions other than Europe, without any interruption? That simply doesn't correspond to facts and doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Next time think before you write- and of course watch the news.
O.K here we go (started in- location-perceived number of casualties until now):

The America's

2006 Mexican Drug War (Mexico)

1964 Colombian Armed Conflict (Colombia)


1991 Somali Civil War
300,000[5] –400,000[6]

2003 Armed Conflict in Darfur

2004 Conflict in the Niger Delta

2005 Fourth Civil War of Chad


1967 Naxalite-Maoist Insurgency

1969 Communist & Islamic Insurgency

1978 Turkey–Kurdistan Workers' Party conflict
Turkey/Iraqi Kurdistan

1989 Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir

2001 War in Afghanistan (European powers involved)

2003 Iraq War (European powers involved)

2004 War in North-West Pakistan (European powers may be involved)

2004 Sa'dah insurgency

2004 Balochistan conflict

2009 North Caucasus Insurgency (European power involved)

09-27-2009, 02:42 PM
This is not the whole world and wars are not constantly raging everywhere in the non-European world, without interruption, as you seemed to imply.

So what's the point and what are you trying to prove?

The Lawspeaker
09-27-2009, 02:48 PM
This is not the whole world and wars are not constantly raging everywhere in the non-European world, without interruption, as you seemed to imply.

So what's the point and what are you trying to prove?
O.K.. you are deliberately being silly are you ?


Where is Africa, South and Central America and Asia ?
The only parts not involved in wars ARE THOSE INHABITED BY EUROPEANS.
North America, Europe and Australia.
The means that the "my cock is bigger then yours" theory stands. This is how the rest of the world works and we cannot reason with them in a European way. We have tried that- here at home as well.

09-27-2009, 02:54 PM
Your "arguments" are completely silly, bordering on hysterical. Yes, there are wars in the world, here and there. In some parts of the extra-European world, in some others there are no wars. Malaysia, an extra-European country, hasn't been at war for a long time, to quote just any example, among many.

Complete nonsense:rolleyes:

The Lawspeaker
09-27-2009, 03:00 PM
Your "arguments" are completely silly, bordering on hysterical. Yes, there are wars in the world, here and there. In some parts of the extra-European world, in some others there are no wars. Malaysia, an extra-European country, hasn't been at war for a long time, to quote just any example, among many.

Complete nonsense:rolleyes:
Well there are exceptions of course but the overall is a bleak one.
I am going to give it one more try with you.

The America's





Turkey/Iraqi Kurdistan

Of course there are exceptions but the list is still bloody endless. The only places without war at home are inhabited by Europeans who learned a couple of horrible lessons over the course of the last century.
So did Japan, South Korea and some more countries.

But the rest of the world hasn't learned and so we are stuck here in Europe with a sea of barbarians right before our feet- smashing into the cliffs.
The non-Europeans have different cultures, different sets of behavior and they cannot be reasoned in a normal, civilized European way.
In a lot of wars you will find a pattern. The religion of peace is involved. And guess what religion mr Gaddafi adheres too.

And yes- he has come to threaten and blackmail us in our own house.

09-27-2009, 03:08 PM

The Lawspeaker
09-27-2009, 03:08 PM
Likewise. Since you are deliberately being silly.

09-27-2009, 03:15 PM
It's tragic when people spew complete stupidities and incoherent discourse without being able even to comprehend that.

09-27-2009, 03:18 PM
[Al Gore] Ghaddafi should be punished for farting while giving his interviews in the tent, whereby he pollutes the environment. [/Al Gore]

The Lawspeaker
10-17-2011, 02:13 AM
Der Gadaffi und welches Armee ?;)

When one wants to demands something one needs a bloody good army to back it up.

Nach Tripoli marschieren wir....

Und was hat ich schon vor zwei Jahre gesagt ?

10-17-2011, 02:41 PM
Und was hat ich schon vor zwei Jahre gesagt ?
Da hat wohl jemand prophetische Gaben. Wenn du mir jetzt noch schnell die Gewinnzahlen für die Mittwochslotterie mitteilen könntest wäre alles gut...:D