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06-25-2013, 11:01 PM
Life On Earth Shockingly Comes from out of This World


June 5, 2013 — Early Earth was not very hospitable when it came to jump starting life. In fact, new research shows that life on Earth may have come from out of this world.

Lawrence Livermore scientist Nir Goldman and University of Ontario Institute of Technology colleague Isaac Tamblyn (a former LLNL postdoc) found that icy comets that crashed into Earth millions of years ago could have produced life building organic compounds, including the building blocks of proteins and nucleobases pairs of DNA and RNA.

Comets contain a variety of simple molecules, such as water, ammonia, methanol and carbon dioxide, and an impact event with a planetary surface would provide an abundant supply of energy to drive chemical reactions.

"The flux of organic matter to Earth via comets and asteroids during periods of heavy bombardment may have been as high as 10 trillion kilograms per year, delivering up to several orders of magnitude greater mass of organics than what likely pre-existed on the planet," Goldman said.

Goldman's earlier work is based on computationally intensive models, which, in the past, could only capture 10-30 picoseconds of a comet impact event. However new simulations, developed on LLNL's supercomputers Rzcereal and Aztec, Goldman used much more computationally efficient models and was able to capture hundreds of picoseconds of the impacts -- much closer to chemical equilibrium.

"As a result, we now observe very different and a wider array of hydrocarbon chemical products that, upon impact, could have created organic material that eventually led to life," Goldman said.

Comets can range in size from 1.6 kilometers up to 56 kilometers. Comets passing through Earth's atmosphere are heated externally but remain cool internally. Upon impact with the planetary surface, a shock wave is generated due to the sudden compression. Shock waves can create sudden, intense pressures and temperatures, which could affect chemical reactions within a comet before it interacts with the ambient planetary environment. An oblique collision where an extraterrestrial icy body impacts a planetary atmosphere with a glancing blow could generate thermodynamic conditions conducive to organic synthesis. These processes could result in significant concentrations of organic species being delivered to Earth.

The team found that moderate shock pressures and temperatures (approximately 360,000 atmospheres of pressure and 4,600 degrees Fahrenheit) in a carbon-dioxide-rich ice mixture produced a number of nitrogen-containing heterocycles, which dissociate to form functionalized aromatic hydrocarbons upon expansion and cooling. These are thought to be prebiotic precursors to DNA and RNA base pairs.

In contrast, higher shock conditions (about 480,000 to 600,000 atmospheres of pressure and 6,200-8,180 degrees Fahrenheit) resulted in the synthesis of methane and formaldehyde, as well as some long-chain carbon molecules. These compounds are known to act as precursors to amino acids and complex organic synthesis. All shock compression simulations at these conditions have produced significant quantities of new, simple carbon-nitrogen bonded compounds upon expansion and cooling, which are known prebiotic precursors.

"Cometary impacts could result in the synthesis of prebiotic molecules without the need for other 'special' conditions, such as the presence of catalysts, UV radiation, or special pre-existing conditions on a planet," Goldman said. "This data is critical in understanding the role of impact events in the formation of life-building compounds both on early Earth and on other planets and in guiding future experimentation in these areas."

The research will appear on the cover of the June 20 issue of The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.

mr. logan
06-25-2013, 11:44 PM
Sure you can have probiotic molecules formed around, floating or around the soil, but where came the will to start building a neuronal system from? The force to execute the design of an eye? More meteorites? Evolutionism is senseless.

06-26-2013, 12:27 AM

06-26-2013, 12:31 AM
Sure you can have probiotic molecules formed around, floating or around the soil, but where came the will to start building a neuronal system from? The force to execute the design of an eye? More meteorites? Evolutionism is senseless.

So god did it, that makes sense:picard1:

Anyway, this was theorized some time now so should be a shocker.

06-26-2013, 12:38 AM

06-26-2013, 12:50 AM
How Did Life Emerge from Dead Matter?
Excited, but Cold: Scientists Unveil the Secret of a Reaction for Prebiotic Synthesis of Organic Matter


June 24, 2013 — How is it that a complex organism evolves from a pile of dead matter? How can lifeless materials become organic molecules that are the bricks of animals and plants? Scientists have been trying to answer these questions for ages. Researchers at the Max Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung have now disclosed the secret of a reaction that has to do with the synthesis of complex organic matter before the origin of life.

Since the 1960's it has been well known that when concentrated hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is irradiated by UV light, it forms an imidazole intermediate that is a key substance for synthesis of nucleobases and nucleotides in abiotic environment. The way how UV radiation acts in this reaction to produce complex organic matter was, however, never clarified. Dr. Mario Barbatti and his colleagues in Germany, India and Czech Republic have now shown how this process occurs via computer simulations.

Using diverse computational-chemistry methods, the team has arrived at astonishing conclusions: For example that the reaction does not take place in the hot spot created by the solar radiation. "This has nothing to do with heat, but with electrons," says Mario Barbatti.
The reaction proceeds through a series of electronically excited intermediates. The molecules get into the "electronic excited state" because of the UV radiation, which means that their electrons are distributed in a much different way than the usual. That changes the molecule's attitudes. "But this takes some time," says Mario Barbatti. They showed that the radiation energy is dissipated too fast, and because of that each reactant molecule absorbs hundreds of UV photons before it finally gets converted into the imidazole intermediate.

"This is very inefficient -- and quite extraordinary," says Mario Barbatti. That is why it was quite challenging to comprehend the reaction, explains the physicist from Brazil. He and his colleagues have calculated a lot of possible intermediates, tried -- and discarded most of them. Finally they found out that there is only one single pathway that is consistent with the fast energy dissipation and previous experimental observations.

But why did they work on the computer? Isn't it the case that chemical reactions are worked on in laboratories? "Some intermediates are too elusive to analyze them in the laboratory -- they disappear before we may see them," Barbatti explains. Computational Chemistry allows the scientists to comprehend the reactions in a theoretical way.

"As I said before, this reaction has nothing to do with heat," says Barbatti. The transformation works in a cold environment, as in comets and in terrestrial ices, where spontaneous HCN polymerization is most expected to occur.

The team has published their results, which help to understand the role of solar radiation on the origin of life, in the recent issue of Angewandte Chemie.

06-26-2013, 01:22 AM
איך בדיוק נוצרו החיים שלב אחר שלב זאת שאלה ענקית שנכתבו עליה ספרים שלמים וקצת קשה להסביר הכול בתשובות קצרות; בנוסף לא הכול ידוע.... צריך להשאיר משהו לחוקרים בעתיד.

התאוריה הרווחת היום (שמעוגנת בנסיונות ובממצאים) היא שחומצת הגרעין הקדומה דווקא הייתה רנ"א ולא דנ"א.
איך יום אחד היא התחילה להשתכפל? זאת שאלת מיליון הדולר. יש תאוריות אך אין הוכחות חד משמעיות.

חשוב להבין שיכול להיות ש"החיים" במתכונתם הפרימיטיבית ביותר נוצרו מספר פעמים והושמדו.
אני שם את החיים במרכאות מכיוון שלא בטוח אם ההגדרה חיים מתאימה.
אבל בעקרון הרעיון הוא שיכול להיות שבמרק הקדמוני היו כל מיני תצורות של מולקולות שהתחברו (קשרים כימיים פשוטים) שוב ושוב ושוב במשך מליוני שנים עד שנוצר משהו בסיסי (באקראי) שהצליח לשכפל את עצמו וחוזר חלילה. שים לב, אני לא מדבר על תא!! אלא על מולקולה שמשכפלת את עצמה.

תחשוב לדוגמא על מספר אטומים מועט שמסוגל לקשור את אותם אטומים שוב ואז נוצר איזה חוסר איזון כימי וה"תוצר משתחרר" וחוזר חלילה. ברור שבמצב כזה תוך זמן לא ארוך (במונחים גאולוגיים, קרי מליוני שנים). כל האוקינוסים היו מלאים במלוקולות אלו. נשמע לא סביר? אם תקח בחשבון את הזמן (מליוני שנים) ואת כמות המולקולות אז תבין שגם ארוע עם סיכוי נמוך יכול להתרחש! (לדוגמא- נגיד שהסיכוי לזכות בטוטו הוא אחד למיליארד אבל אם יש לך מיליארד טפסים שרכשת... כמעט בטוח שתזכה).:rolleyes2:

כבר שנים רבות יש תוכנות מחשב שמדמות אבולוציה פשוטה של מבנים שונים (מולקולה, שרשרת אותיות וכו'). מה שמדהים שממבנים פשוטים מאוד נוצרים מבנים מורכבים שמסוגלים לבצע עוד ועוד פעו