View Full Version : Square watermelons - and how to grow your own

06-28-2013, 02:17 AM


Let’s get one thing out of the way right up front: It doesn’t matter what shape the watermelon is, it’s what’s inside that matters. That said, you have to admit there’s something cool about watermelons that defy convention by assuming different shapes.

Last month, I talked about Japanese farmers who had figured out a way to grow heart-shaped watermelons. Of course, the precursor to those sweethearts are the unusual square watermelons that got their start in Japan almost a decade ago. But how are they grown, and why bother tampering with Mother Nature? Both are good questions. I’m glad I asked them.

First, the how. It’s actually pretty easy (relatively speaking) to grow a square watermelon. Just about anyone can do it. While the watermelon is still small on the vine, a square, tempered glass box is placed around it. When the watermelon gets bigger, it assumes the shape of the box! You can do this too. There are even websites dedicated to teaching you how. Just remember to use a glass or transparent mold so the sunlight can reach the watermelon on all sides (except the bottom, I guess).

And why are square watermelons grown? Two reasons actually. First, the square watermelons are easier to stack, which makes them easier to ship. Second, and perhaps most ingeniously, with space being an issue in crowded areas of Japan, the square watermelon is designed to fit perfectly inside smaller Japanese refrigerators.

But, just like the heart-shaped creations, square watermelons cost a bit more than one shaped by Mother Nature. It’s a small price to pay for the ability to store it in your fridge, although I guess you could just cut up a normal watermelon and make it fit. Oh well… the square ones still look pretty darn cool.


Growing your own

Choose a box that is about the size that you want your mature watermelon to be, since it will shape itself to the container.


Take an immature (newly sprouted) watermelon. Handle the fruit and vines very carefully. Vine plants hate to be moved.


Place the box with at least one removable side around the watermelon. Naturally most boxes are square but you can tailor the shape to suit your wishes if need be. Fill in with soil and gently pat the plant into position. Add compost and mulch as required.


Water the watermelon as usual. Make sure it is getting adequate light. The watering process will probably damage the box, so be prepared to replace it as the watermelon grows. Perhaps have some in reserve and ready to go.


Harvest. When the shape is how you want it and the fruit is ripe, it is time for harvesting. Take it along to a special occasion and wow everyone with your square watermelon!





07-07-2013, 07:04 PM
Watermelons are very popular in Israel as a summertime (read-most of the year) snack, I know that orange and yellow ones (in the inside) were developed as well!

02-20-2014, 07:39 AM
This reminds me of minecraft! Very interesting though!

♥ Lily ♥
06-03-2014, 09:21 AM
*o* Oh wow... that's amazing!! I've never seen a square-shaped watermelon before. The heart-shaped ones sounds so beautiful and very creative. I'm sure it will still taste the same, one can only try them. It's like my mum would cut tomatoes into the shape of flowers as decoration in salads... but they still tasted the same as if she'd just sliced them.

06-03-2014, 09:43 AM
I know that orange and yellow ones (in the inside) were developed as well!

I have eaten these at least. Someday I will find myself a square one too!