View Full Version : Classify these Five Cypriot Footballers

07-03-2013, 12:31 PM
Five current players from the Cypriot Football Team (all are ethnic Greek Cypriots).

Elias Charalambous:

http://static3.ka-news.de/storage/scl/fussball/ex-ksc/charalambous/843818_m0msw515h515q80v13171_Charalambous_breit.jp g?version=1331304593

Andreas Avraam:


Dimitris Christofi:


Konstantinos Charalambides:


Nektarios Alexandrou:


07-03-2013, 12:47 PM
Elias Charalambous: looks between Greek and Levantine

Andreas Avraam: looks Balkan CroMagnid or maybe just a less than typical Steppe Type Aryan individual (no angularity, but he is dolicocephalic, has deep set blue eyes, golden blond hair, etc). That the phenotype came here with Greeks stands beyond question.

Dimitris Christofi: hard to say. Can pass as Romanian.

Konstantinos Charalambides: looks like a typical Turk.

Nektarios Alexandrou: Corded Aryan + some Pelasgian. Looks very Greek...

07-03-2013, 01:41 PM
^ I don't think there's much Levantine in Elias Charalambous' face structure. To me he's got a fairly typical look for someone in the Southern parts of Greece.

I know a fair amount of Cypriots who share the same look as Dimitris Christofi. Maybe I'm alone in this but I can see some Pontic Greek influence.

07-04-2013, 01:03 AM
Bump, any other classifications?

07-04-2013, 02:15 AM
Charalambous: Pontid/Med. Looks fairly Greek to me, no Levantine.
Avraam: North Pontid/Nordid. Looks Greek.
Christofi: Very similar to many Sicilians, would have been my first guess. Alpine-Med.
Charalambides: Anatolid. Looks Armenian.
Alexandrou: East Nordid/North Pontid. Looks Greek.

07-04-2013, 02:31 AM
Andreas Avraam: looks Balkan CroMagnid or maybe just a less than typical Steppe Type Aryan individual (no angularity, but he is dolicocephalic, has deep set blue eyes, golden blond hair, etc). That the phenotype came here with Greeks stands beyond question.

The Greeks always considered as purer Greeks the dark-haired/dark eyed MEDITERRANEANS, the others(with light coloration) always considered as MIXED WITH FOREIGNERS. The Greeks were never 'Nords', the Nords were nothing but UNCIVILIZED BARBARIANS who in the best case were just some VIKING-PIRATES, there is nothing 'Aryan' to you, you never had any civilization, you never had anything, you took everything from us AND THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS THAT. THANK YOU BARBAR.

07-04-2013, 02:37 AM
The Greeks always considered as purer Greeks the dark-haired/dark eyed MEDITERRANEANS, the others(with light coloration) always considered as MIXED WITH FOREIGNERS.

Actually a teacher of mine told me once that her Greek grandfather, from Lemnos, said that pure Greeks have blue eyes and if you are swarthy it means you're mixed with the Turks/the Turks raped your ancestors.

Obviously we know it's not true but I think it's closer to that being the perception people have than the reverse. Either way, the Greek language came from the north.

07-04-2013, 03:03 AM
Actually a teacher of mine told me once that her Greek grandfather, from Lemnos, said that pure Greeks have blue eyes and if you are swarthy it means you're mixed with the Turks/the Turks raped your ancestors.

Obviously we know it's not true but I think it's closer to that being the perception people have than the reverse. Either way, the Greek language came from the north.

I don't care what the grandfather of your Italian teacher said(this shows how illiterate some people can be). The Turks didn't rape any Greeks, you just ignore what Greeks are, we have no mongoloid admixture like Turks have, so we are not mixed with them, keep that in your mind, the Greeks are the ones who defeated all of your almighty fascist Italy and this coward Mussolini. You losers. If anybody want to "rape us", is free to try that, MOLON LAVE, but he will end in the grave, where all of our enemies always ended. Swarthy Greeks can be also found in Ancient Greece(read Dienekes Ponticos). The Greek language didn't came from "the north"(there are just assumptions), no one is sure yet when the Greek language appeared for first time and if ever came here(I doubt that), from where it came. "The north" doesn't mean that it came from Russia, Sweden and the northern pole, just from the north of Haimos peninsula(BALKANS), neither that the Greeks were Norwegian-Vikings. If you think Greeks will offer their ancient history and their achievements to some Scandinavian usurpers, you are wrong as well.

07-04-2013, 03:15 AM
You talk like a crazy person.. not your ideas but the way you speak, you sound like someone who could go bezerk at any time.

07-04-2013, 03:20 AM
You talk like a crazy person.. not your ideas but the way you speak, you sound like someone who could go bezerk at any time.

It is not that, I just get angry easily, especially when I hear bullshit about Greece.

07-04-2013, 05:17 AM
Andreas Avraam:


Dimitris Christofi:


Ate Omonia!

Elias Charalambous: looks between Greek and Levantine

He actually looks a lot like your fellow romanian member Romanul/Dracul (who hasn't posted in a while).

07-04-2013, 05:22 AM
Avraam and Alexandrou aren't typical Greeks. More typical for Greece than Cyprus, but still far from typical.

Actually a teacher of mine told me once that her Greek grandfather, from Lemnos, said that pure Greeks have blue eyes and if you are swarthy it means you're mixed with the Turks/the Turks raped your ancestors.

Bulgarian were all blond before evil Turks came and raped us :picard2: Or not? We were all racially Hellenes I guess :rolleyes:

07-04-2013, 05:23 AM
None of them looks Greek to me, they all look distinctly Cypriot. Andreas Avraam looks Bulgarian but definitely not Greek

07-04-2013, 05:30 AM
Bulgarian were all blond before evil Turks came and raped us :picard2: Or not? We were all racially Hellenes I guess :rolleyes:

Some people probably believe so. Anyway the person who said "true Greeks are blue eyed, brown eyed Greeks are part Turkish" was an actual Greek himself.

07-04-2013, 05:40 AM
Some people probably believe so. Anyway the person who said "true Greeks are blue eyed, brown eyed Greeks are part Turkish" was an actual Greek himself.

Please, stop posting nonsense, who cares of what anybody says, who cares if you post sun-tanned Greeks and present them as swarthy Turks, who cares what your teacher or your grandma said about ancient Greeks? C'mon...

07-04-2013, 05:47 AM
Some people probably believe so. Anyway the person who said "true Greeks are blue eyed, brown eyed Greeks are part Turkish" was an actual Greek himself.

Ancient Greeks were overwelmingly dark haired. Of course there were blonds among them too but they were a minority.

07-04-2013, 05:50 AM
Andreas Avraam looks Bulgarian but definitely not Greek

He can pass but not typical.

07-04-2013, 05:56 AM
Five current players from the Cypriot Football Team (all are ethnic Greek Cypriots).

(Slightly) Dinaricised Atlanto-Med:

http://static3.ka-news.de/storage/scl/fussball/ex-ksc/charalambous/843818_m0msw515h515q80v13171_Charalambous_breit.jp g?version=1331304593

Alpine + CM:


Gracile + CM ("pseudo-Berid"):




Nordic + Med (not so sure about this one):


07-04-2013, 05:59 AM
Elias Charalampous looks Assyrian, he looks like the spitting image of Assyrian poster Zaphyrus; the rest look Cypriot.

07-04-2013, 06:02 AM
Elias Charalampous looks Assyrian, he looks like the spitting image of Assyrian poster Zaphyrus;

To me he looks like many Cypriots I know :confused:

None of the others I'd have guessed as Cypriot.

07-04-2013, 06:08 AM
Actually a teacher of mine told me once that her Greek grandfather, from Lemnos, said that pure Greeks have blue eyes and if you are swarthy it means you're mixed with the Turks/the Turks raped your ancestors.

Obviously we know it's not true but I think it's closer to that being the perception people have than the reverse. Either way, the Greek language came from the north.

My parents used to say that too. Many people in the town they're from said it as well. My dad would be like, "Greeks used to have blonde hair and blue eyes, but they mixed with Italians and Anatolians...short, big noses, curly hair, bowed legs...all the crap." I notice it's usually the lighter-colored Greeks who say stuff like this.

I grew up assuming it was true, but when I got older and started meeting other southern Euros and reading books, I realized it can't be possible.

07-04-2013, 06:12 AM
To me Charalampos looks Italian.

07-04-2013, 06:17 AM
To me Charalampos looks Italian.

He really doesn't

07-04-2013, 06:17 AM
To me Charalampos looks Italian.

Same. His face structure reminds a lot Vincent Gallo's.

07-04-2013, 06:18 AM
To me Charalampos looks Italian.

He can pass very easily in mainland southern Italy (Salento, Calabria, Lucania) but for some reason I would not see him as Sicilian. Either way he looks very Greek to me, not distinctly Cypriot and not what I think of as Cypriot though I may have a wrong image of them. I don't think he looks Middle Eastern really.

My parents used to say that too. Many people in the town they're from said it as well. My dad would be like, "Greeks used to have blonde hair and blue eyes, but they mixed with Italians and Anatolians...short, big noses, curly hair, bowed legs...all the crap." I notice it's usually the lighter-colored Greeks who say stuff like this.

I knew other people who have said this too. It's actually kind of funny but if you think about it, I have seen some people from Greek islands that have probably been genetically isolated for a long time who have blonde hair, blue eyes, and quite northern features.. it makes you wonder. Even though practically we know that it's not true, you have to wonder if that type of phenotype is very old and preserved.

07-04-2013, 12:47 PM
My parents used to say that too. Many people in the town they're from said it as well. My dad would be like, "Greeks used to have blonde hair and blue eyes, but they mixed with Italians and Anatolians...short, big noses, curly hair, bowed legs...all the crap." I notice it's usually the lighter-colored Greeks who say stuff like this.

I grew up assuming it was true, but when I got older and started meeting other southern Euros and reading books, I realized it can't be possible.

Hollywood, westernization of Greece, misconception of ancient texts, nordicism and finally nazism have contribute greatly to this. They spread the same bullshit about ancient Italians, I think the next step is to claim ancient Iberians for Nords as well.

07-04-2013, 12:58 PM
Indeed, there are those that want us to believe the whole of Europe ( and even some who stretch it to North Africa) were blue eyed blonde people, that were removed from the area via rape from Persians/Turkic Peoples/Sub-Saharans.

07-04-2013, 01:05 PM
Many ancient Greeks had brown eyes (and hair of course), it was probably the 'average' look for ancient Greeks, not Turkish input lol. Historical evidence points to this.

07-04-2013, 01:08 PM
By the way, I really think if Charalambides had a lighter skin tone his facial structure could probably pass anywhere in Southern Europe, despite some Levantine influence in his eye structure.

Not a Cop
07-04-2013, 08:57 PM
Everyone look greek despite Nektarios Alexandrou he looks Western IMO - Hallstatt\Corded mix with cm influence

07-04-2013, 09:20 PM
I knew other people who have said this too. It's actually kind of funny but if you think about it, I have seen some people from Greek islands that have probably been genetically isolated for a long time who have blonde hair, blue eyes, and quite northern features.. it makes you wonder. Even though practically we know that it's not true, you have to wonder if that type of phenotype is very old and preserved.

I'm pretty sure the ancient Spartans were some kind of Illyrian-related/Hallstatt type. I've seen these kinds of Nordics in the southern Peloponnese. My dad has Maniote ancestry, and there are some Nordic-type people in his family. Blue eyes, long faces, external eye folds, etc. My grandmother was supposedly over six feet tall.

07-04-2013, 10:21 PM

07-04-2013, 10:30 PM
Spartans were known to blonde/Noric, from what I've read. If you don't like it, tuff titties. Go read a book....

Not a Cop
07-04-2013, 10:35 PM
Spartans were known to blonde/Noric, from what I've read. If you don't like it, tuff titties. Go read a book....
Actually they said in da books dat Greeks are medium pigmented- not as swarty as Africans, and not as pale as barbarians, but you seem to be a nordicist so it' seems to be a waste of time

07-05-2013, 06:01 AM
Actually they said in da books dat Greeks are medium pigmented- not as swarty as Africans, and not as pale as barbarians, but you seem to be a nordicist so it' seems to be a waste of time

Greeks as a whole, yes. Spartans definitely had some other stuff going on there.

Dude, I'm not a Nordicist in any way, shape, or form. I'm not anywhere near Nordic-looking myself.

07-05-2013, 06:08 AM
Spartans were known to blonde/Noric, from what I've read. If you don't like it, tuff titties. Go read a book....

I find it to hard to believe there were any people living on the Balkans who were mostly blondes. And Sparta is located at the furthest south on the peninsula, so it makes even less sense.

07-05-2013, 07:21 AM
andreas avraam look levantine imo.

07-05-2013, 10:25 AM
Actually a teacher of mine told me once that her Greek grandfather, from Lemnos, said that pure Greeks have blue eyes and if you are swarthy it means you're mixed with the Turks/the Turks raped your ancestors.

Obviously we know it's not true but I think it's closer to that being the perception people have than the reverse. Either way, the Greek language came from the north.

I have never ever seen a blonde Greek my whole life, they must be extremly rare. Perhaps 5% of the population.
I can also not imagine that the ancient Greeks have been Nordish looking in general and dark Greeks are mixed with Turks.
Thats pure nonsense propaganda

07-05-2013, 10:29 AM
I have never ever seen a blonde Greek my whole life, they must be extremly rare. Perhaps 5% of the population.

Blond Greek men are rare, women not that much. 5% is close to the truth IMO.

From my observation, Greek men tend to be darker than women. It's the case almost anywhere in Southern Europe, Caucasus and Middle East.

07-05-2013, 10:32 AM
Blond Greek men are rare, women not that much. 5% is close to the truth IMO.

From my observation, Greek men tend to be darker than women. It's the case almost anywhere in Southern Europe, Caucasus and Middle East.

Not only in Southern Europe. Females are in general on average lighter. A result of natural selection.
Compare all my female relatives to me and you will notice the difference :)

07-05-2013, 11:43 AM
I'm pretty sure the ancient Spartans were some kind of Illyrian-related/Hallstatt type. I've seen these kinds of Nordics in the southern Peloponnese. My dad has Maniote ancestry, and there are some Nordic-type people in his family. Blue eyes, long faces, external eye folds, etc. My grandmother was supposedly over six feet tall.

Spartans were Greeks not "Illyrians" neither "Hallstatts". All physiognomies of ancient Spartans show Medish people not Nords, there never was any Hallstatt type in Greece neither any other Nordics(to a large proportion), the progenitor of the Spartans, Hercules, always depicted by ancient Greeks as a dark-eyed/dark-haired Med, never as a Nord. The people of Mani are Mediterraneans and anthropological types with blue eyes, blond hairs, long face etc. can also be Mediterraneans(light Meds, not Nords). Nords do not have monopoly on blondism.