View Full Version : Classify Turkish actor

07-03-2013, 04:10 PM
+ where does he fit?


07-03-2013, 05:23 PM
Irano-Afghan + Atlanto-Med. Might be slightly Dinaricized too.

I don't travel much, so I can't say much about where he fits. But the Turkey/Caucasus/Levant/Iran area seems right.

07-03-2013, 05:29 PM
Anadolid / Iranid. Fits in Turkey + Caucasus.

07-03-2013, 06:18 PM
I notice a lot of Iranians I see around here have those same small teeth and "gummy" smile. Must be an Irano-Afghan thing.

04-28-2015, 01:52 AM
Kemal Sunal

he wasnt just a Turkish Actor ...he was and IS! an Icon

you should have written his Name on the title. I sent a report message for a mod to change the title ...I dont think you will mind

I grew up with his movies and still watch them and still love them like back then and never get bored . and I will watch them until I die and hopefully show them my children and grandchildren

he made us all laugh when I felt bad , made us think because of controversial and political issues with his messages , and even cry sometimes with emotional scenes

my favorite movie of him is "Köşeyi Dönen Adam"

you can/could see the warmth and purity of his heart in his face and besides being an awesome Actor we all loved him also as a human ....and when he died 15 years ago I was crying a lot ....I was 14 years old back then and he is the first and one of the very few famous people where I shed tears when I heard that they died...when I saw on tv that he died it really hurt

whole Turkey cried not only me

Ayse Gruda (who is also a very honorable Actress btw.) said it very well when she said : 'O gün bütün Türkiye'nin evinden cenaze çıktı' - "that day (when he died) a corpse came out of all Turkish homes"

I would classify him as Med + Iranid but not sure because he is not easy to classify imo

may he rest in peace

he is unforgotten


some more pics for people to classify


04-28-2015, 06:03 AM
My favourite movie by him is "Korkusuz". I watched a lot of hollywood movies as a kid, and my grandmother tried to get me to watch more Turkish movies on TV. That one was one of the few I watched to the end.

He's the most Turkish looking person I can think of, so I'm not sure about classification but his mannerisms and speech defiitely influence me thinking that he's turkish so I'm not sure what I'd pick.

I have a barber in Istanbul who looks exactly like him, even laughs the same way. He says his ancestors are partially Iraqi though, probably Kurdish. Kemal Sunal could pass for Kurdish.