View Full Version : Classify and place young Australian actress Claire Holt

07-03-2013, 05:59 PM
Just really beautiful imo.

Where would you place her? Outside the Uk obviously



11-08-2017, 10:28 PM
Sub-Nordid. Pass in NW Europe.

11-09-2020, 12:23 PM
Looks Australian (and not European) imo, quite primitive features, I've seen many Australians with these features which I attribute to Aboriginal admixture (probably more common among people with bogan/early convict background). Australoid + North Atlantid-Subnordid.

11-09-2020, 12:36 PM
Looks Australian (and not European) imo, quite primitive features, I've seen many Australians with these features which I attribute to Aboriginal admixture (probably more common among people with bogan/early convict background). Australoid + North Atlantid-Subnordid.

Well, this one I agree with. And adding to the point he said, there's also some other australian acteur and he looks like he has some abo in him, with that prognathic mouth and acrocephalic index, Guy Pearce, others classified him as atlantid, but it's obvious he has like 5% oceanian in him, now that I look closer. Even that alligator guy's kids look exotic, especially his daughter, really makes you think.

11-09-2020, 12:44 PM
She has observable Aborigine features, so I'd classify her as Baltid/Sub-Nordid.

11-09-2020, 12:48 PM
Damn, you guys are really good at this classifying stuff man ! :thumb001:

11-09-2020, 12:48 PM
Looks Australian (and not European) imo, quite primitive features, I've seen many Australians with these features which I attribute to Aboriginal admixture (probably more common among people with bogan/early convict background). Australoid + North Atlantid-Subnordid.

this features could come also from British mixed with Scandinavian Baltid

11-09-2020, 12:51 PM
Uralische beauty, pass in Izhevsk

11-09-2020, 12:56 PM
Can't be more Swedish face. Scando-Nordid+Baltid.

11-09-2020, 01:00 PM
Looks Australian (and not European) imo, quite primitive features, I've seen many Australians with these features which I attribute to Aboriginal admixture (probably more common among people with bogan/early convict background). Australoid + North Atlantid-Subnordid.
Nice imagination there.

Well, this one I agree with. And adding to the point he said, there's also some other australian acteur and he looks like he has some abo in him, with that prognathic mouth and acrocephalic index, Guy Pearce, others classified him as atlantid, but it's obvious he has like 5% oceanian in him, now that I look closer. Even that alligator guy's kids look exotic, especially his daughter, really makes you think.
Only problem is that Guy Pearce was born in England, and his grandparents/great grandparents were from Britain.

Steve Irwin's kids are half American, and Bindi looks quapa, not part Abo. Abo blood doesn't make people look quapa/hapa.

11-09-2020, 01:02 PM
For future reference, Baltids are merely depigmented Aborigines.

11-09-2020, 01:08 PM
little bit Papuan denisov
https://assets.irinnews.org/s3fs-public/styles/responsive_large/public/images/201005311128240437.jpg?emDrAl1fYiBJ_BZk9Y8pecSQ4MV k0ess&itok=Ds8mXTHW
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/news/2016/04/13/95363075__young_Papua_dancer_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bq2vX 1u98YPHn7kC8MGPWAvuBzCgxBg-fGqXyzO74HtWg.jpg

11-09-2020, 01:10 PM
Uralische beauty, pass in Izhevsk

Looks more like depigmented Med. I remember Ymyyakhtakh posted one Australian girl and she looked 100% Uralisch.


11-09-2020, 01:14 PM
She definitely looks more Western European than anything else.


11-10-2020, 07:17 AM
Nice imagination there.

Only problem is that Guy Pearce was born in England, and his grandparents/great grandparents were from Britain.

Steve Irwin's kids are half American, and Bindi looks quapa, not part Abo. Abo blood doesn't make people look quapa/hapa.

Except it does. Australoids are the closest genetically to the mongoloid sinids, so, a 1-10% abo could emoulate some mongoloid phenotype like ladogan or baltid.

Just take a look at ruby rose: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Rose
she's of indigenous australian heritage too, it's even said on that wikipedia article, and she kinda looks ladogan with slanted eyes, mongoloid traits.

Heck, even 4% SSA is enough to make someone look neotenous mongoloid sometimes, but still visibly negroid than mongoloid, just like rhonda rousey. But being 1% abo would always look as if it has some chink heritage in there. Australoids are oceanian after all, archaic southern mongoloids, actually not southern, they may have been spread up to Hokkaido, Japan, as AINU, but intermixed with other "proggresive" groups like yaoi. Ainuids aren't even caucasoid, they're archaic east asians.

Who cares he's born in england, he still looks like he has some other element influencing his phenotype. His lower half of the face looks exotic to me, never seen anyone from europe with that kind of jaw/mouth.

04-08-2022, 01:30 PM

04-08-2022, 01:39 PM
Subnordid + Baltid.

Australoid lol

04-08-2022, 01:59 PM
Subnordid + Baltid.

Australoid lol

Lol a lot of mental midgets here.

04-08-2022, 02:46 PM
Except it does. Australoids are the closest genetically to the mongoloid sinids, so, a 1-10% abo could emoulate some mongoloid phenotype like ladogan or baltid.

Just take a look at ruby rose: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Rose
she's of indigenous australian heritage too, it's even said on that wikipedia article, and she kinda looks ladogan with slanted eyes, mongoloid traits.

Heck, even 4% SSA is enough to make someone look neotenous mongoloid sometimes, but still visibly negroid than mongoloid, just like rhonda rousey. But being 1% abo would always look as if it has some chink heritage in there. Australoids are oceanian after all, archaic southern mongoloids, actually not southern, they may have been spread up to Hokkaido, Japan, as AINU, but intermixed with other "proggresive" groups like yaoi. Ainuids aren't even caucasoid, they're archaic east asians.

Who cares he's born in england, he still looks like he has some other element influencing his phenotype. His lower half of the face looks exotic to me, never seen anyone from europe with that kind of jaw/mouth.

Sammy is funny, Ruby Rose looks like his infantilized Brunn "never seen a white guy with lower half of the face" + eyes
looks Black+ East Asian too, but Sammy has affection for long faces.

oh, and Sungir 2 was very mixed looking, they did not look white either: