View Full Version : 15 Vacation Destinations That Can Kill You

07-16-2013, 11:19 PM
15 Vacation Destinations That Can Kill You

#15 Georgia

American citizens are forbidden from traveling the overland passing that spans between Russia and Georgia, but this isn’t the only problem you might face in this country. The country remains divided after its civil war, which took place in the 80s and 90s, and the group in northwest Georgia still refuses to recognize the country’s government. This has results in a great deal of violence in the area, including beatings and destruction of property. And if that weren’t bad enough, there are still many unaccounted for unexploded shells though out the Georgian lanscape.


#14 Papua New Guinea

One of the world’s highest murder rates is found in Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. Armed robberies, car-jackings, and stonings are common in certain areas and violent crimes are rampant throughout the country. Even public transportation is dangerous for visitors, making car rental the safest way to get around the country.


#13 Sudan

Sudan, which is located in Northeast Africa, is simply brimming with a variety of exotic diseases, and, yet, there are only 3 hospitals for the 6 million people in the country. Some of the diseases found in Sudan are so rare that they are not found anywhere else in the world. Others are more common, yet equally as deadly. Ebola and Malaria are common in Sudan, as well as the interesting Guinea Worm that grow inside your body and then digs its way back out when it becomes an adult.


#12 Zimbabwe

The Country’s political climate has fostered an environment of crime and chaos. Visitors should be prepared for muggings, rapes, “quicknappings”, and a general attitude of anything goes. This is one region that might be best enjoyed through the Discovery channel.


#11 Dominican Republic

Petty crimes have long been considered common in the Dominican Republic, but violent crimes against foreigners are becoming increasingly common. In fact, buses and taxis are known for allowing criminals to rob tourists while in their small, enclosed spaces. Furthermore, American tourist deaths are at an all time high on the tiny island. Our suggestion: Stay away.


#10 Zimbabwe

Despite the beauty that Victoria Falls offers in Zimbabwe, tourists are routinely harassed in. which should come as no surprise for one of the poorest nations on the planet. Violent crime, which is often spurred by food and fuel shortages, are so common and that many developed countries strongly discourage their citizens from traveling to this African nation.


#9 Brazil

Sure, it might be one of the most beautiful places on the planet, but it’s just as deadly. Did you know that the national murder rate is four times higher than the US? But it gets worse, tourist have been known to be frequent victims of kidnappings, and even identity thefts. Avoid Sao Paulo and Salvador.


#8 Democratic Republic of the Congo

If you plan to go to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, be prepared to have to bribe your way in and out of the country. Despite the presences of the U.N. observer forces throughout the country, car-jackings, kidnapping, and rapes routinely occur at the hands of troops as well as armed groups.


#7 Liberia

Despite the 1,100 police advisors and 15,000 U.N. peacekeepers, crime remains a major problem in Liberia. Murder, theft, and sexual assaults are all common – particularly at night. Many countries also advise their citizens against wandering the streets, going out at night, traveling in traffic, buying from street vendors, and generally anything you’d want to do while visiting a foreign country. Because you might die.


#6 Haiti

Despite the governmental changes that took place in 2004, Haiti still regularly sees violent outbreaks and demonstrations. With no real police force in the country, keeping the violence under control has been impossible and several towns in the country are literally controlled by criminals. Furthermore, water and electricity are in low supply and travelers do not receive protection from the U.N. representatives while in the country.


#5 Russia

Russia is highly unstable, making certain areas of the country best to avoid. In areas such as Degestan and North Ossetia, open guerilla warfare is still a regular occurrence. Travelers are often kidnapped for ransom and terrorists regularly attack government buildings, hotels, and even schools.


#4 Burundi

Burundi has been dealing with an ongoing civil war since 1993, with fighting between government forces and rebel fractions being a common occurrence. Groups of criminals regularly engage in car-jackings and muggings and mortar attacks are a regular part of life in the country, despite a cease-fire agreement among six o the rebel groups. Beheadings have become increasingly popular in the past few years and tourists will not be spared.


#3 Somalia

American travelers in Somalia have no backing or assistance available to them, as there are no diplomatic outposts or United States embassies in the country. Relief workers and journalists are attacked on a regular basis. In addition, vessels are held ransom by pirates while inter-clan fighting is a daily event.


#2 Afghanistan

Kidnapping and assassination are regular threats for visitors to Afghanistan. According to the State Department, the number of vehicular bombing continue to grow and several areas of the country are actually banned for many members of the U.S. Embassy.


#1 Iraq

The warzone of Iraq is not safe for any visitor, regardless of where they visit. Even the International Zone is a dangerous place to be. The Ba’ath regime is still enjoying a great deal of power in the area and international criminals and terrorists remain a daily threat. Every day, civilians are killed from suicide bombings and car bombings. In addition, given the fact that U.S. citizens are particularly despised in the region, it is an even more dangerous place for people from the United States to visit.



07-16-2013, 11:19 PM
I'm not sure why they mention Zimbabwe twice. :confused:

Apparently these destinations are most dangerous for US citizens.

Petros Houhoulis
07-18-2013, 01:35 AM
Zimbabwe is so fucked up, it is both in #10 and #12...

07-18-2013, 01:42 AM
I think I'll go to Hawaii, exotic enough for me! And they speak English even if they look Japanese! :laugh:

07-18-2013, 02:10 AM
I'm not sure why they mention Zimbabwe twice. :confused:

Apparently these destinations are most dangerous for US citizens.

I think one of those slots were reserved for South Africa. Or should have been, anyway. South Africa is FAR more dangerous than Russia, who is on the list.

07-18-2013, 02:21 AM
Downtown Baltimore was more dangerous for me than Mogadishu...100% serious

07-18-2013, 02:32 AM
Downtown Baltimore was more dangerous for me than Mogadishu...100% serious

Are you saying white Americans in Baltimore are so dangerous? Would you please elaborate, I'd like to know more! :laugh:

07-18-2013, 02:40 AM
I think I'll go to Hawaii, exotic enough for me! And they speak English even if they look Japanese! :laugh:

The locals don't look japanese because they are polynesians. If you go to Honolulu (which is filled with Japanese tourists) the Japanese tourists are easily distinguishable from the locals.

07-18-2013, 02:43 AM
Are you saying white Americans in Baltimore are so dangerous? Would you please elaborate, I'd like to know more! :laugh:

Baltimore is a predominately black city. Nothing more to elaborate on.

07-18-2013, 02:46 AM
I think one of those slots were reserved for South Africa. Or should have been, anyway. South Africa is FAR more dangerous than Russia, who is on the list.

It depends what part of Russia. As whole probably not (in terms of violent crime) but there are still sections of Russia under low level insurgency and are probably more dangerous to western tourists than South Africa. I knew many tourists there, and they all said nice things.

07-18-2013, 02:46 AM
Downtown Baltimore was more dangerous for me than Mogadishu...100% serious

Maybe in terms of crime it is less, but to a western tourist, they would be kidnapped on spot by local warlords. You could blend in provided you speak language without accent.

07-18-2013, 03:09 AM
Maybe in terms of crime it is less, but to a western tourist, they would be kidnapped on spot by local warlords. You could blend in provided you speak language without accent.

Do you have issues with white criminals downtown Baltimore as well? I'd like to know more, elaborate please! :laugh:

Petros Houhoulis
07-18-2013, 03:44 AM
Downtown Baltimore was more dangerous for me than Mogadishu...100% serious

They saw you pitch black... No surprise there. But in Somalia you blend in!

07-18-2013, 03:47 AM
Albania should be first on the list. See what happens when you visit Albania!

Arriving in Caucasus Albania Airport, Kim and Amanda meet Armend , a scout for a kidnapping Albanian gang, who offers to share a cab with them. At the apartment, Kim discovers that Amanda's cousins, with whom they are staying, are in Spain. While talking to Bryan on the phone in the bathroom, Kim sees Amanda being kidnapped by Albanian thugs. Bryan instructs her to go to the nearest room and hide under a bed. He explains that when the men find her, she has to shout out their physical descriptions. Kim is pulled out from under the bed, and she complies with her father's instructions before the phone is found and destroyed.

07-18-2013, 03:49 AM
They saw you pitch black... No surprise there. But in Somalia you blend in!

Don't expect an answer, the truth may be a bit inconvenient, and he don't want to go on record saying it. LOL What is that called intellectual dishonesty? :laugh:

07-18-2013, 04:01 AM
Don't expect an answer, the truth may be a bit inconvenient, and he don't want to go on record saying it. LOL What is that called intellectual dishonesty? :laugh:

1) I have that idiot on ignore too bad it doesnt stop me from reading his posts when others quote him
2) I gave you more credit than you deserved...you're not cheeky at all, just rather foolish. Here's a hint: EVERYBODY KNOWS Baltimore has a problem with criminality caused by AfrAms. You're acting as if Im downplaying this when infact I didnt bother mentioning it thinking it's common knowledge.

07-18-2013, 04:05 AM
1) I have that idiot on ignore too bad it doesnt stop me from reading his posts when others quote him
2) I gave you more credit than you deserved...you're not cheeky at all, just rather foolish. Here's a hint: EVERYBODY KNOWS Baltimore has a problem with criminality caused by AfrAms. You're acting as if Im downplaying this when infact I didnt bother mentioning it thinking it's common knowledge.

Moi foolish? Thank you, coming from you I'll take it as compliment! LOL

Why would everybody know that? Do you think Europeans know that? How? Why would that be important to them? You assume too much! You know what they saying about assuming? Look it up if you don't.

Don't get emotional on me, I'm a Buddhist it does not impress me! :laugh:

Petros Houhoulis
07-18-2013, 04:16 AM
1) I have that idiot on ignore too bad it doesnt stop me from reading his posts when others quote him
2) I gave you more credit than you deserved...you're not cheeky at all, just rather foolish. Here's a hint: EVERYBODY KNOWS Baltimore has a problem with criminality caused by AfrAms. You're acting as if Im downplaying this when infact I didnt bother mentioning it thinking it's common knowledge.

It is just Baltimore? The whole U.S.A. is riddled by gangs from coast to coast. The hue of the perpetrators differs from city to city, but in the end they fight each other more often than they mug people or fight the police... The blacks in America accuse the police of discriminating against them, and it's true, but they are getting fucked up more often by their own "brothers" anyway, so what the hell do they expect from the authorities?

I can't help it if half the people on the streets consider you a gang member just because of your color... And yes, the U.S. of A. can be a lot more dangerous than Mogadishu, because the Yankees actually have money. Why would the Somalis fight each other? For peanuts? They just took the ships to pirate the coastline and beyond out of desperation...

07-18-2013, 04:34 AM
All the world is dangerous and barbarian for the god-like American people. These places are horrible! I'm never visiting any of them :laugh:

Rio de Janeiro is much worse than Salvador and São Paulo, stupid list.

07-18-2013, 05:12 AM
Its not like i ever had any intention on going to Africa or Russia in the first place. I'm cool with looking at it on Discovery Channel :lol:

Australia (the entire anglosphere as a whole)
North America
Europe (Southern Euro, North Euro countries etc)

Is all i need, i can see the rest on Tv. Between all those countries everything from Mountains, Deserts, Tundras, Tropics, Beaches etc exist in them. I don't need to go to a country that has the same shit but with a little more deadly animals, fuck that. Its not like they have beautiful archictecture in Zimbabwe competing with any of those nations above that i must see. And i'm a very adventurous person, but not that damn adventurous.

07-18-2013, 05:33 AM
None of those places (except possibly Russia) are places I'd ever consider visiting, anyway :)