View Full Version : 'Taqiyya': how Islamic extremists deceive the West

09-30-2009, 05:49 PM
On 19 November 2003, in the United States District Court Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division, Judge Steven Whalen concluded a four-page indictment against Mahmoud Youseff Kourani.

The indictment described Kourani as a dedicated member of Hezbollah who had received specialised training in radical Shiite fundamentalism, weaponry, spy craft and counter-intelligence in Lebanon and Iran and a dedicated member/fighter/recruiter and fundraiser for Hezbollah: (1)

"While in the United States,
Kourani employed 'taqiyya': a Shia
Muslim doctrine of concealment,
pretense and fraud. This meant
amongst other things that Kourani
would, when he thought it necessary,
avoid going to mosques, not
attend Shiite religious rituals, shave
his beard, and otherwise keep his
true beliefs secret while inside what
he considered to be hostile territory
--the United States of America."

What is taqiyya, as referred to in the indictment? The Islamic tradition of taqiyya stretches back to the sixth-century A.D. when, following disputes over succession after the Prophet Mohammed's death, the minority Shiites developed taqiyya, or "holy deception", to conceal their "true" beliefs from the Sunni majority and to maintain operational security for their jihad/ terrorist missions in the Dar el Haab--The Domain of War. (2)

Taqiyya is inspired by the example and sayings of the Prophet Mohammed praised in the Hadiths (the sayings of the Prophet) as "the greatest deceiver", and praised in the Koran. Muslims have used taqiyya (pronounced tark-e-ya) described variously as "precautionary dissimulation," "religiously-sanctioned deception," "lying" or "deception" and "keeping one's convictions secret" and "tactical dissimulation" or "holy deception".

Two texts in the Koran specifically refer to taqiyya. The Prophet Mohammed, the founder of Islam reportedly said: (3)

"[H]e who keeps secrets shall soon attain his objectives ... All War is a ruse" and "Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers; if any do that, they shall have no relation left with Allah except by way of precaution ... [taqiyya] that ye may guard yourselves". [Koran 3:28 and 40.28, emphasis added]


09-30-2009, 06:39 PM
I was always asking myself why we as people from the west don't think at all that instead of some conspiracy theories concerning Bilderberg group (or something similar) nobody even thinks of the idea that there could be some very dangerous extremist Muslim groups out there, who could be having plan for taking over the world.
I think that Nostradamus had some theories about that. If i am not correct please do kindly correct me.

In any way, i don't see any Muslims where i live.