View Full Version : Grave 8,000 years old dug up by Portugal, Spanish archaeologists

07-20-2013, 01:41 PM
Grave 8,000 years old dug up by Portugal, Spanish archaeologists.

grave dating back some 8,000 years has been discovered by a team of archeologists from the University of Lisbon and Spain's University of Cantabria, at a dig near Alcaçer do Sal in the Alentejo, it was revealed this week.

In a statement, the University of Lisbon said the Mesolithic-era grave was "identified this week" and that the human remains it contains "appear to correspond to a young woman, laid on her back, with a legs tightly drawn up".

It said the discovery "makes it possible to obtain detailed information about the funerary behaviour of these groups, of their ritual activities."

The remains, which are in "a good state of conservation", are to be analysed in labs - at the universities of Lisbon, Cantabria, Oxford and the Max-Planck Institute in Leipzig - for DNA, "stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes present in the bones", carbon-14 dating and paleopathological studies.

The dig, at Poças de São, in the Sado valley, is part of a broader project to systematically research the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods in the area.

07-20-2013, 01:44 PM
More Iberian mesolithic remains. Nice. It would be interesting to see what is autosomal data of this individual vs the other one found in Spain. Probably the same.

07-20-2013, 01:51 PM
I would expect not much differences.Just like on our days.

07-20-2013, 01:55 PM
I would expect not much differences.Just like on our days.


07-20-2013, 02:05 PM

You asked:
" It would be interesting to see what is autosomal data of this individual vs the other one found in Spain. Probably the same."
I answered :
"I would expect not much differences.Just like on our days."

Both Mesolithic remains were the same People.Just like today Iberians are not that dissimilar.

07-20-2013, 02:18 PM
"...Neolithic populations studied and other published
European and Near Eastern populations. Figure 4
shows the haplogroup frequencies for the ancient samples when compared with other populations. The diagram clearly shows that the ancient Portuguese haplogroup frequencies are more closely related to Iberian
and Mediterranean populations than to Near Eastern
populations. This is true even for the early Neolithic
population. It is also notable that the Portuguese
Mesolithic and Neolithic samples contain no haplogroup J, that is, no marker of Near Eastern population input.
The genetic distances between populations were calculated from mean pairwise differences using the Arlequin
2.0 software package (Schneider et al. 2000) and the
resulting genetic distances were then converted to twodimensional plots using multidimensional scaling (MDS)
in SPSS. This allows the genetic distances to be rendered
as physical distances on a two-dimensional plot. The MDS
plot in figure 5 shows that the ancient Portuguese samples
are closer genetically to Iberian populations than Near
Eastern ones.They show the closest similarity with the
Basques, Galicians and Catalans. It appears that there is no
Near Eastern component to either the Mesolithic or
Neolithic populations. However, the MDS plot shows that
the Mesolithic and Neolithic populations are not themselves closely related. This comparison indicates that they
are genetically distinct populations.

09-13-2013, 03:44 PM