View Full Version : Optimist or Pessimist?

12-23-2008, 06:31 AM
I normally class myself as one of life`s pessimists. This is because I`ve gotten to the stage where I`m jaded by how life is when I look around, watch the news, see how the world is changing and, it seems, not much for the better.
I see the world in crisis, not in any fluffy, eco warrior way ( though, hell, climate change is alive and thriving and battering the stuffing out of this tiny island!) but in a hard-bitten, pragmatic viewpoint.
I am usually accused of being racist and worse, when I say there`s a crisis coming to Europe thanks to indiscriminate immigration and muslims in particular having an actual agenda, that is, to overtake the Western world and cause terror to those they consider infidels against their faith.
So I view it all with pessimism and see how useless our governments are in dealing with the burgeoning problems, and how helpless we are as individuals as our native rights are eroded, our voices silenced under a politically correct, appeasement oriented regime....
So yes, I`d say a pessimist.

I`ve been at rock bottom, and been in some situations that have literally almost resulted in my death. Been in crises in which there seemed no way out, when the light at the end of the tunnel really did look like an oncoming train...
And despite the pessimistic outlook (usually internally voiced as "Oh sh*t I`m done for now!") I made it through, and continue to do so. There is a core of steel inside me, and in others I know, that just simply refuses to give up.
So, is that steel optimism? Or just stubborn pigheadedness?
I rarely look on the bright side of anything, yet have a healthy sense of humour and am adept at laughing at life, and occasionally, my own self.
I expect the worse to happen, and sometimes it does, but many times it doesn`t.
So why am I not an optimist? :confused:
Do you think it`s perhaps better to be an eternal pessimist, then when the worst doesn`t occur or when things improve, you feel grateful for it?
Or is it more sensible to be an optimist, always expecting the best? If that`s so for you, don`t you get disheartened when the worst happens more often? Or is it true, what `they` say, that if you look on the bright side it attracts good luck and happenings to you?
How much does being a pessimist or optimist shape your life, your mindset? Have to admit, I do often fit the stereotype of the `dour Scot`...;)

12-23-2008, 07:07 AM
Being a eternal pessimist would more than likely lead to suicide. Being a avid optimist you would have to be mentally ill I'd think. There are some things in life that don't have a upside to them, at all.

I'm both I guess depending on any number of factors. Above all I am a realist.

12-23-2008, 08:29 AM
I am a realist, and are in the meaning that nothing is as bad that it ain't good for nothing. Even though sometimes I have my doubts. I am an eternal pessismist when it comes to the nowbeing government, they will NEVER be able to turn this country to what it once was. I hope for wars as it's the thing we need the most, at least now. I hate money, jews, muslims, etc. etc. Well, that's me.

12-23-2008, 02:37 PM
I like to think that I am a realist as well..... of course, reality is quite dark, quite often. :tongue I am often very optimistic. If I weren't I'd lose my sanity and probably become a suicide bomber of something. :eek: No I was teasing about that last part..... slightly. :D

I am not so optimistic that I lose sight of reality. I know people like that. They are the type who can be sitting in a rain storm and saying "it's going to stop any minutes and the sun will shine and the birds will chirp......" While everyone else is looking at the black clouds, pouring rain, lightning and thinking "this person is nuts." But I do always try and think positively despite my jadedness. Life is like a swing.... there are ups and downs, and sometimes you are swinging up and sometimes you are swinging down. Whenever you are down, you just have to hang on and soon you will find yourself up again. I always say that when you step in sh*t, you just have to kick it off and keep walking.

If I allowed myself to dwell on all the sh*t I've stepped in or on the downpoints of the swing, then I'd be the most depressed person alive. My life has been a series of downswings. I am one of those people who can be in a group of cars all going the same speed, and I will be the one pulled over for speeding. I am one of those people who gets hit by the bird dung standing in a crowd. I am the type of person who is followed by misfortune. I can't allow myself to focus on that.

Instead I have learned to find joy in all the little things in life. I get so excited about tiny things, like one of the bulbs I planted sprouting. Never mind that the other 50 odd bulbs haven't. I am excited over the 1. It is in this way that I am an optimist. My glass is not half empty-- I am just excited that I have anything in the glass at all!

12-23-2008, 07:23 PM
I'm certainly a pessimist (in Spengler's sense) when it comes to the large scale shape of events, but in my own life I'm quite the happy-go-lucky type of guy. Go figure.

12-23-2008, 08:30 PM
I'm certainly a pessimist (in Spengler's sense) when it comes to the large scale shape of events, but in my own life I'm quite the happy-go-lucky type of guy. Go figure.


However I guess I'm a fatalist it's not that I don't care what happens but that I don't really see how it matters in the grand scheme of things. I normally sound very pessimistic but only because I'm covering my back, inside I'm pretty optimistic.

Lady L
12-23-2008, 08:45 PM
I would say I am more optimistic. I do have a melancholy way about me, but, in the end no matter what I lean toward being optimistic, at least when thinking of my own life. I guess this is because so far, there is no reason not to be optimistic. Things have always worked out so far. :p

11-27-2011, 06:13 PM
Realist but i'm more on the optimist side.