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07-23-2013, 08:21 PM
Indonesia - Regulate the Aquarium Trade


The reefs around the Indonesian archipelago are packed with tiny colourful fish and invertebrates, the very creatures that are so popular in marine aquariums. This has resulted in them being captured and exported in large numbers, mainly to North America, Europe and Japan.

While collection of animals for the aquarium trade could be a sustainable way to exploit natural resources and encourage reef conservation, it can also be the cause of much harm.

Overexploitation of rare species poses a serious conservation issue while the methods of capture, including the use of cyanide and dynamite, sometimes physically destroy the reefs. Animal welfare issues arise during packing and transportation.

Indonesia scarcely polices this fast-growing trade at all. Regulation is urgently needed if marine aquariums are not to become yet another major threat to fragile reef ecosystems.

Ask the Indonesian government to take immediate action to rectify this gap in environmental policy.

Link to petition

07-23-2013, 08:23 PM
Ban Pesticides Used to Kill Tigers!


Indian poachers have been using the chemical Carbofuran to kill endangered tigers. Carbofuran is a clear, odorless substance used by potato farmers as a cheap pesticide. Poachers fill animal carcasses with Carbofuran and leave them as bait for tigers to eat. The tigers die within an hour of eating the carcasses, after which poachers sell their skins, teeth, nails and organs at a high profit to Tibetan and Chinese traders.

Poachers are attracted to Carbofuran because it is difficult to test, lowering the risk of their getting caught. The chemical also poses a threat to birds, which will die after ingesting a single grain.

The U.S., Canada and Kenya have already banned the deadly pesticide. Please sign the petition to urge India to ban Carbofuran!

Link to petition

07-23-2013, 08:25 PM
Defend Affordable Solar Energy in Europe


The campaign for affordable solar energy had a setback a few weeks ago when European Commissioner Karel De Gucht imposed provisional anti-dumping duties on Chinese imported solar products. By December he wants to make those penalty duties permanent unless some sort of settlement is found.

Climate change is our generation's biggest challenges and affordable solar energy is an important part of combating climate change. However, any price increase including through duties will make solar energy more expensive than coal or nuclear, meaning clean solar won't replace dirty energy. Karel De Gucht (EU Commissioner for Trade) can prevent the introduction of permanent duties on solar panel imports and thereby contribute to climate protection.

Link to petition

07-23-2013, 08:28 PM
Tell Congress to Act on Climate Change


Twelve of the hottest 13 years on record have occurred since 2000. This May, global temperatures were the third hottest on record. Glaciers are melting across the planet. Alaska is experiencing a heat wave with temperatures in the 80s and 90s -- almost unheard of for June. Extreme weather events are increasing -- in 2012, the United States endured 11 extreme climate- and weather-related events that each caused more than $1 billion in damage.

We can do something about climate change. We can demand action from Members of Congress. Now is the time to let our lawmakers know loud and clear that we want action.

Link to petition

07-30-2013, 12:34 AM

28 July 2013

Action Alert: Demand California's Carbon Market Not Fund REDD+ Old-Growth Forest Logging

Next week California is to decide whether REDD+ forest carbon offsets – which include funding for first time industrial logging of old-growth forests – is worthy of inclusion as a carbon credit within the state’s carbon markets. Logging old-growth forests is an ecological disaster that threatens local livelihoods, biodiversity, ecosystems, climate, and the biosphere; and must not be funded by carbon markets. Members of the forest carbon industry supporting REDD+ must be compelled to stop their old forest logging greenwash - or face ridicule, protest, and an end to public support, until they do.

Petition link: http://www.rainforestportal.org/shared/alerts/send.aspx?id=redd-logging

08-14-2013, 12:27 AM
Russia: Crackdown on Illegal Logging of Amur Tiger and Leopard Habitat


Deforestation of the Far East Russian forests is destroying both Amur tigers and Amur leopards' habitat. Illegal logging is pushing deer and boar out of the forests, because their food source is disappearing before their eyes. When the herbivores leave in search of food, tigers and leopards must follow or else they will starve to death. This makes them more vulnerable to human interaction and conflict. Deforestation places all animals in danger. The forest is their home, and we do not have the right to steal it from them.

Illegal logging also creates secondary roads for poachers to invade the tiger and leopard territory. There are an estimated 450 Amur tigers, and between 30-40 Amur leopards left in the wild. They will become extinct if we do not act now.

Please sign and share to help crackdown on illegal logging. Thank you for your support.

Petition Link: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/921/781/638/russia-crackdown-on-illegal-logging-of-amur-tiger-and-leopard-habitat/

02-24-2014, 02:01 PM
Protect the Great Barrier Reef. Give it a legal identity!

LINK TO PETITION: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/467/787/131/protect-the-great-barrier-reef-give-it-a-legal-identity/?cid=FB_TAF


The Great Barrier Reef belongs to all Australians. It is unique, beautiful, and an Australian icon. It is also a great source of pride, and is more Australian than any other landmark. It is also what makes Australia, Australia; it is part of our national identity. Has it not also given us so many wonderful memories, and so many different visitors to our shores?

You would think our government would look after and nurture, this treasured symbol of Australia. Yet they are doing the exact opposite. Spurred on by greed and a fundamental flaw; a complete lack of understanding of what they are actually doing. How can we let these people decide on our behalf what happens to our heritage. I felt so helpless, as the nations cries were ignored.

We knew what the impact of dredging, port and resort developments and increased shipping along the Queensland coast would do to the reef. Yet We have a case now where the federal government is moving toward giving [development] approval powers to the Queensland government over matters that deal with World Heritage areas. Our council fell on deaf ears. There was nothing we could do.

But now, there is a way.

A legal environmental group wants the Great Barrier Reef to have its own legal identity so governments and developers can be held to account.

The Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) plans to launch a campaign on February 20 to boost support for the idea, which would be an Australian first.

The approach would allow the reef to be defended in court.

By giving the reef legal personality it means that the reef can effectively hold not only the industry but the federal and state governments to account for their mismanagement.

Every person should have the right to act on behalf of the Great Barrier Reef, not just a few elites, bent on monetary gain. The Reef is more than just about money, Australians are better than that. Lets join this fight and push for The Great Barrier Reef to be given it’s own legal identity.