View Full Version : Lithuania Gay Pride Celebration Disrupted By Protesters

Aunt Hilda
07-28-2013, 01:01 AM
Lithuania Gay Pride Celebration Disrupted By Protesters (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/27/lithuania-gay-pride-_n_3663849.html)

By VYTAUTAS VALENTINAVICIUS 07/27/13 10:37 AM ET EDT http://s.huffpost.com/images/v/ap_wire.png


VILNIUS, Lithuania -- A group of protesters tried to disrupt Lithuania's second gay pride parade ever on Saturday, defying an enormous police presence by throwing eggs at marchers and attempting to storm a stage.
Several hundred gay rights activists took to the grand main street of Vilnius to show their pride, waving Lithuanian and rainbow-colored flags, with some standing on top of buses decked out in colorful balloons.
They were met by hundreds of unruly protesters, 28 of whom were detained, police said. Among them was Petras Grazulis, an anti-gay lawmaker who rallied protesters with a bullhorn. He was thrown face-down on the ground and carried off in handcuffs by police, though the lawmaker soon reappeared at the protest after being released from police custody.
About 50 protesters tried to storm a concert stage where activists were to speak, but police forced them off. Protesters also threw eggs, hitting Lithuanian lawmaker Giedre Purvaneckiene and Sweden's European Union Affairs Minister Birgitta Ohlsson, who were standing at the front of the parade along with other dignitaries.
"It shows that we need to march until eggs aren't thrown anymore and people can march freely and without fear," said Purvaneckiene, who was not injured.
The parade, dubbed "the March for Equality," is only the second such event for Lithuania, a predominantly Catholic nation of 3 million people that activists say has not done enough to ensure gay, lesbian, and transgender rights.
Large segments of the population in Lithuania, along with other areas of the former Soviet Union, are opposed to the idea of equal rights for gay people.
In Russia, an unsanctioned gay rights rally in May resulted in clashes, with police detaining some 30 people, while Ukraine held its first-ever gay pride march amid a large police contingent needed to protect the small group of activists.
Many feel the unrest in Lithuania, which is currently heading the EU's rotating presidency, is particularly troubling since the Baltic state, along with neighbors Latvia and Estonia, continues to discriminate against gays and lesbians despite having undergone intense political and economic integration with Western Europe over the past two decades.
Authorities in Vilnius initially refused to allocate the busy downtown avenue to the activists but were overruled by a local court.
Police said one officer was injured in the day's event.

07-28-2013, 01:05 AM
They love basketball more than football, so they're gay anyway.

07-28-2013, 01:16 AM
Migla, what's up with hating on Lithuania?

You are not one of us, so what's up with that? :laugh:

Hercus Monte
07-28-2013, 01:18 AM
here's an interview with locals (not skinheads from villages)


Aunt Hilda
07-28-2013, 01:28 AM
Migla, what's up with hating on Lithuania?

You are not one of us, so what's up with that? :laugh:
i'm not hating, you're projecting.

07-28-2013, 01:43 AM
Why are you so obsessed with anti gay sentiment? Its funny how you claim to support their movement while making fun of me for liking shemales and other remarks about my sexuality, youre a hypocrite migla.

Aunt Hilda
07-28-2013, 01:48 AM
Why are you so obsessed with anti gay sentiment?
I support gay rights, I not obsessed with anti-gay sentiment

Its funny how you claim to support their movement while making fun of me for liking shemales and other remarks about my sexuality, youre a hypocrite migla.
when did I make fun of u for liking shemales?

youre a hypocrite migla.
thats nice dear.

07-28-2013, 04:25 AM
anti discrimination legislation and such aren't rights, they're priveleges

07-28-2013, 10:40 AM
I think the same reaction would be if there was a parade called "Hetero sexual Pride". I think it's not normal to go in the streets and scream I am Heterooo as this could incite people's reaction too.

What is the reason to be so proud about being a gay, seriously? Or who gives a fck who is gay and who is not? I don't understand what is the purpose of these parades, and what do they want to achieve with this.

07-28-2013, 10:57 AM
most of them do it because it's fashionable

07-28-2013, 10:58 AM
Eastern Europe is more conservative. Not surprising.

07-28-2013, 11:11 AM
I have nothing against gays, but I think making parades celebrating your own sexuality is a bit silly... Especially in a relatively conservative country.

07-28-2013, 11:21 AM
The Catholic god might be homofriendly:


07-28-2013, 11:25 AM
Please stop derailing the thread.

I thought it was a good place to spam my link.

07-28-2013, 12:06 PM
anti discrimination legislation and such aren't rights, they're priveleges

There are no rights. Everything is a privilege.

07-28-2013, 12:09 PM
I know many gay people and i dont think any one of them has taken part in a gay parade...

07-28-2013, 12:34 PM
I have nothing against gays, but I think making parades celebrating your own sexuality is a bit silly... Especially in a relatively conservative country.

Celebrating your own sexuality is important when people are prejudiced against you, in principle it's a political protest.

07-28-2013, 12:39 PM
I think the same reaction would be if there was a parade called "Hetero sexual Pride". I think it's not normal to go in the streets and scream I am Heterooo as this could incite people's reaction too.

What is the reason to be so proud about being a gay, seriously? Or who gives a fck who is gay and who is not? I don't understand what is the purpose of these parades, and what do they want to achieve with this.

They want to be treated as humans like heteros...Nobody insults or humiliates people because they are heteros so they don't need a hetero parade.

07-28-2013, 12:44 PM
I have nothing against gays, but I think making parades celebrating your own sexuality is a bit silly... Especially in a relatively conservative country.

That was exactly my thought. Homosexual people can stick anything the wish in all their private places. The idea of celebrating sexuality is a little unusual. It'd be also unusual celebrating heterosexuality parading through cities. ;)

Hercus Monte
07-28-2013, 01:02 PM
A side note, Lithuanian Gay League have been refusing to reveal information about their sponsors since 2004 or 2006, that is, they've been violating the law. Now they will have to face the court. You can guess what they're hiding. :rolleyes:

Rimtai? gal turi linką apie tai? pirmą kart girdžiu.

Hercus Monte
07-28-2013, 01:57 PM
From the Diary of Petras Gražulis:
2013 01 12
Dear Santa,
thanks for all the gifts. I especially like the razors.
This year, I do not want things, but I need you to do something for me, I would very much like to see a group of sporty five uniformed men pick me up and if there is people around, make sure nobody thinks I'm a faggot.
2013 07 27

Dear Santa. I love you!!!

Aunt Hilda
07-28-2013, 02:25 PM
You can watch the video from the parade here (a collection of the most memorable moments):
I should have gotten some plane tickets and gone to the parade, it looks like fun :thumb001:

Aunt Hilda
07-28-2013, 04:39 PM
I know many gay people and i dont think any one of them has taken part in a gay parade...
Baltic pride 2014 is in Tallinn, hope to see you there! :p

07-28-2013, 04:46 PM
Good, these gay parades have no place in civilization. These exhibitionist freaks bring it upon themselves for these disgusting public displays.

07-28-2013, 04:48 PM
I highly dislike Gay Pride events held in public for one simple reason:

-If you are gay and proud, keep it to yourself, don't expose your views to others, or you're clearly provoking them into vulgar actions at your own will.

Aunt Hilda
07-28-2013, 04:52 PM
-If you are gay and proud, keep it to yourself, don't expose your views to others, or you're clearly provoking them into vulgar actions at your own will.

how is that different from neo-nazi parades?

07-28-2013, 04:52 PM
I should have gotten some plane tickets and gone to the parade, it looks like fun :thumb001:

I'd love to take you to one of those. Cheer for the queer, get to know eachother.;)

07-28-2013, 04:54 PM
how is that different from neo-nazi parades?

The difference is simple:

Neo-Nazi parades are illegal and haunted by the government, whilst gay parades are legal, and even sponsored heavily by the media.

Aunt Hilda
07-28-2013, 04:54 PM
I'd love to take you to one of those. Cheer for the queer, get to know eachother.;)
I've been to some pride events, very nice and fun atmosphere.

The difference is simple:

Neo-Nazi parades are illegal and haunted by the government,
not in the baltic states the're not.

whilst gay parades are legal, and even sponsored heavily by the media.
read the article, the parade barely happened because the government tried to stop it.

07-28-2013, 04:54 PM
They want to be treated as humans like heteros...Nobody insults or humiliates people because they are heteros so they don't need a hetero parade.

There are many groups who are not accepted by everyone, but they do not parade and do not try to impose acceptance of their way of life to everyone. This is a discrimination to other groups who are also then entitled to go out and scream.

Maybe also transvestites, transexuals, nymphomaniacs, necromancers etc. should march on street against those who don't accept them. Why not maybe pedophiles one day will march to be accepted as they also suffer from abnormal illness.

07-28-2013, 04:58 PM
I wish more countries would impose laws as in Russia for this kind of degeneracy; the West is decadent and the acceptance of such grotesque behavior as these parades is paramount to a decaying society. Innocent eyes do not need to see such evil acts as two creeps performing acts on each other dressed as clowns.

07-28-2013, 04:58 PM

07-28-2013, 05:01 PM
Lol gay parade in amsterdam is funny and good for the overal sphere, But I guess there it wouldnt :laugh:





Hercus Monte
07-28-2013, 05:02 PM
I wish more countries would impose laws as in Russia for this kind of degeneracy; the West is decadent and the acceptance of such grotesque behavior as these parades is paramount to a decaying society. Innocent eyes do not need to see such evil acts as two creeps performing acts on each other dressed as clowns.
anything but russia, thanks.

I have too many death relatives in Siberia, to look to Russia for guidance.

personally, I think if someone doesn't like the parade, there's a simple solution. don't go.

07-28-2013, 05:03 PM
I wish more countries would impose laws as in Russia for this kind of degeneracy; the West is decadent and the acceptance of such grotesque behavior as these parades is paramount to a decaying society. Innocent eyes do not need to see such evil acts as two creeps performing acts on each other dressed as clowns.

I could not find more exact words, just because they want to act/dress like clowns and refuse their sexuality, it does not mean that young ones have to watch and learn from their terrible example, practically going against the ways of nature and acting in your own way, without respecting the natural flow of things by any means.

Yes, the western decadent society owes a small portion of it's downfall to such grotesque, ugly and unnatural freaks, in a such difficult time this is barely needed, so let's hope that the governments will do something against this quickly spreading disease that has infected Europe so bad.

07-28-2013, 05:10 PM
I coulnd't find more exact words, just because they want to act/dress like clowns and refuse their sexuality, it does not mean that young ones have to watch and learn from their terrible example, practically going against the ways of nature and acting in your own way, without respecting the natural flow of things by any means.

Yes, the western decadent society owes a small portion of it's downfall to such grotesque, ugly and unnatural freaks, in a such difficult time this is barely needed, so let's hope that the governments will do something against this quickly spreading disease that has infected Europe so bad.

refuse their sexuality? You want them to refuse their own sexuality and that's why they do these parades.
practically going against the ways of nature? :lol: and how do you know the ways of nature and why do you think that's what we want?

here, watch this before we go on:


Aunt Hilda
07-28-2013, 05:17 PM
Patriotic parades are not neo-nazi, simply that there are some skinheads amongst the participants and the media LOVES to talk about them as basically
I wasn't talking about lithuania.

but just take a look at this parade. a lot of skinheads there.

ALL nationalism following the western fashion is considered nazist.

nonsense, nobody would call a guy wearing a kilt a nazi.

07-28-2013, 05:21 PM
anything but russia, thanks.

I have too many death relatives in Siberia, to look to Russia for guidance.

personally, I think if someone doesn't like the parade, there's a simple solution. don't go.

it is you:

Hercus Monte
07-28-2013, 05:23 PM
it is you:

nope, but I'm seriously thinking of going next year. just to show the world how 'not Russian' we are.

Aunt Hilda
07-28-2013, 05:26 PM
Wearing a kilt doen't make you a nationalist. It is an act of patriotism. And this particular act of patriotism is pretty maisntream, isn't it?
nationalism and patriotism are the same things, skinheads are just an extreme.

btw I'm not opposed to u guys celebrating your independence day. however, the presence of skinheads is concerning.

07-28-2013, 05:28 PM
refuse their sexuality? You want them to refuse their own sexuality and that's why they do these parades.
practically going against the ways of nature? :lol: and how do you know the ways of nature and why do you think that's what we want?

here, watch this before we go on:


I've already seen that video, and it means literally nothing to me, I see it more as his opinion than anything else.
About naturality, I'd like to say that the natural flow of organisms on Earth, is for opposite sex individuals to unite themselves in a relationship of love, understanding and devotion, whilst the off-spring of this union will be another human being.
Too bad that same sex relationships do not produce any off-spring or what's most important, a deep feeling of love and commitment.

Homosexuality nowadays is more of a trend than an actual feeling.

07-28-2013, 05:28 PM
I'm not gay but I join families and human rights activists at the gay parades in Tel-Aviv because I know people like Mr. "Fire Good! (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?50755-Members-of-the-Apricity-How-Do-You-Imagine-Them/page986)" hold deluded rotten attitudes towards them.


07-28-2013, 05:29 PM
nope, but I'm seriously thinking of going next year. just to show the world how 'not Russian' we are.

You can even allow you to get fucked in the ass, just to show the world how 'not Russian' we are.

Hercus Monte
07-28-2013, 05:31 PM
You can even allow you to get fucked in the ass, just to show the world how 'not Russian' we are.
that would make me more russian, not less.

07-28-2013, 05:32 PM
I've already seen that video, and it means literally nothing to me, I see it more as his opinion than anything else.
About naturality, I'd like to say that the natural flow of organisms on Earth, is for opposite sex individuals to unite themselves in a relationship of love, understanding and devotion, whilst the off-spring of this union will be another human being.
Too bad that same sex relationships do not produce any off-spring or what's most important, a deep feeling of love and commitment.

Homosexuality nowadays is more of a trend than an actual feeling.

You maybe watched it, but there's a whole difference between hearing and listening.
It ain't need boy, to produce kids to be natural. Oh, and you know what's natural from all those nature lessons from 5th grade, right?
If you thing god created nature so we can learn from it, I can give you some butt sex if it would calm you down Velecik. You can also google "homosexuality in nature" to see how far from nature's way you have strayed!


07-28-2013, 05:33 PM
Baltic pride 2014 is in Tallinn, hope to see you there! :p

according Nordic standards Estonia must hold gay prides every month!

07-28-2013, 05:41 PM
I'm not sure why anyone needs to identify based on their sexual orientation, there is something misguided right there. I don't care what two consenting adults do in the bedroom, couldn't give less fuck about that.

As to parades, I am all for preserving childhood and not exposing kids to sexuality as long as possible. Childhood is magical, it should be innocent, and safe from exposure to sexuality as much as possible.

Those who use kids to further their agendas, or don't care how their actions affect kids are selfish shits. No matter homo or hetero sexuals. Decent people of either sexual orientation will consider how their actions affect the innocent.

You don't believe me, ask gay members of this board, Fortuis is openly gay, but very ethical individual, see what he says.

I don't care what you do, but whatever you do do not do it at the expense of the innocent.

07-28-2013, 05:43 PM
I personally view these parades as tacky... I don't need to be in a group of half nude, shouting men in order to prove that I'm also attracted to men. My sexuality is mine alone, doesn't belong to anyone, be it another person or group.

07-28-2013, 05:47 PM
I personally view these parades as tacky... I don't need to be in a group of half nude, shouting men in order to prove that I'm also attracted to men. My sexuality is mine alone, doesn't belong to anyone, be it another person or group.

You are a smart kid, kiddo! :laugh:

07-28-2013, 05:52 PM
I support Gay parades only, not the gay pride :laugh:

Hercus Monte
07-28-2013, 05:55 PM
Those who use kids to further their agendas, or don't care how their actions affect kids are selfish shits. No matter homo or hetero sexuals. Decent people of either sexual orientation will consider how their actions affect the innocent.

Ironically it was the protesters who used kinds in their demonstrations, not the homos.

07-28-2013, 06:01 PM
Ironically it was the protesters who used kinds in their demonstrations, not the homos.

Did you read my post? I said anybody. Those that did that a selfish shits.

07-28-2013, 06:02 PM
I personally view these parades as tacky... I don't need to be in a group of half nude, shouting men in order to prove that I'm also attracted to men. My sexuality is mine alone, doesn't belong to anyone, be it another person or group.

Even though I do not support his sexual orientation, this might be the best post made so far.

07-28-2013, 06:09 PM
I personally view these parades as tacky... I don't need to be in a group of half nude, shouting men in order to prove that I'm also attracted to men. My sexuality is mine alone, doesn't belong to anyone, be it another person or group.

No, you don't and no it isn't "yours alone".
Your sexuality is shared with your potential boss which may discriminate against you because of it and potential thugs which will beat you up because of it. If you think you have a right to love someone and still conduct a normal life, like kissing or going to a restaurant with him in public, you should care.

07-28-2013, 06:18 PM
nope, but I'm seriously thinking of going next year. just to show the world how 'not Russian' we are.

I went to Mardi Gras once. It's a big event held annually. There were many people from around the world with wicked sense of fashion. Locals were taking children to this 'festival'. Yep, children were at the parade. There was nothing special about the parade.

07-28-2013, 06:19 PM
I'm not sure why anyone needs to identify based on their sexual orientation, there is something misguided right there. I don't care what two consenting adults do in the bedroom, couldn't give less fuck about that.

As to parades, I am all for preserving childhood and not exposing kids to sexuality as long as possible. Childhood is magical, it should be innocent, and safe from exposure to sexuality as much as possible.

Those who use kids to further their agendas, or don't care how their actions affect kids are selfish shits. No matter homo or hetero sexuals. Decent people of either sexual orientation will consider how their actions affect the innocent.

You don't believe me, ask gay members of this board, Fortuis is openly gay, but very ethical individual, see what he says.

I don't care what you do, but whatever you do do not do it at the expense of the innocent.

Right. I don't want my kids, or kids in general, being exposed to S&M gimps in leather, on leashes, being paraded down the street. I also don't want to see kids carrying signs like this:


Hercus Monte
07-28-2013, 06:24 PM
Did you read my post? I said anybody. Those that did that a selfish shits.
not disagreeing

Fortis in Arduis
07-28-2013, 07:04 PM
I know many gay people and i dont think any one of them has taken part in a gay parade...

I dislike Gay Pride, and have never attended, but it is a useful litmus test to homophobia, and it has helped to improve the lives of homosexual people.

It looks weird and confrontational, but without it I doubt that I would have been able to enter into a Civil Partnership with my partner, for which I am very grateful.

The Gay Rights movement has been dominated and exploited by the Left, and I am against that, and now we have the Centre-Right instituting Gay Marriage, (which I am opposed to) as a means of being popular with the pink and fluffy.


07-28-2013, 08:06 PM
btw I'm opposed to u guys celebrating your independence day.Pleased to hear that :picard1:

I went to Mardi Gras once. You've only attended it once? Wow.

Lol gay parade in amsterdam is funny and good for the overal sphere, But I guess there it wouldnt :laugh:
http://www.papparatzi.nl/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/GAY-PRIDE_IMG_4730.jpgThe picture above makes my eyes hurt...
Being a gay should not excuse one from conforming to the basic rules of aesthetics. Funny how it's usually none other than the people you would least want to see naked who are most keen to undress.

Anyway, speaking of the Amsterdam folks, as a protest to the parade a group of elderly people and families with small children gathered in the cathedral square together with a priest for a prayers - they did NOT have any offensive posters "god hates fags" or whatever. But one Dutch guy felt so offended by a prayer that he decided to flash his dick in front of those elderly folks and kid (http://www.delfi.lt/news/daily/lithuania/akibrokstas-olandas-katedros-aiksteje-pries-monsinjora-a-svarinska-issirenge-nuogai.d?id=61950759)s :laugh:
Oh, did I mention that his own underage sister and parents were standing nearby while he went on with his thingy too? When the police showed up to take him away, he suddenly got shy and covered his face though - I guess a face is more indecent than genitals in Holland...

TBH I could hardly care less for this whole parade thing, doesn't concern or bother me in the slightest as long as the basic decency norms are followed. For the most part it was this year, from what I have read.

You can also google "homosexuality in nature" to see how far from nature's way you have strayed!Technically, bisexualism exists in nature, not homosexualism. The inclinations of certain humans to mate exclusively with the same sex people does not have a counterpart in nature AFAIK.

07-28-2013, 08:16 PM
Why do the freaks participate in these displays act in a subhuman manner? Even animals have more decency to not act like this. It's amazing how "humanity" can degenerate to such a new low. The disgusting, demented creeps who dress like complete freak shows in these parades deserve all the violence coming their way; they are not innocent, they are not special. they do not deserve any special "rights". Anyone who thinks they want 'equality' has their head up their ass, these freaks want to impose their lack of morals, their sick, diseased minds and bodies on innocent people. What I would recommend to do such parades probably would break some 'decency' laws. Funny, yet these kinds of sick displays are tolerated. Fire can cure and cleanse them. God bless the Russian government despite it not being perfect it has a healthy approach to this pungent evil allowed to run rampant in the West. These sick subhumans who dress like clowns in bondage, tootoos makeup etc deserve all the violence and hatred coming their way.

07-28-2013, 08:22 PM
Why do the freaks participate in these displays act in a subhuman manner? Even animals have more decency to not act like this. It's amazing how "humanity" can degenerate to such a new low. The disgusting, demented creeps who dress like complete freak shows in these parades deserve all the violence coming their way; they are not innocent, they are not special. they do not deserve any special "rights". Anyone who thinks they want 'equality' has their head up their ass, these freaks want to impose their lack of morals, their sick, diseased minds and bodies on innocent people. What I would recommend to do such parades probably would break some decency laws. Funny, yet these kinds of sick displays are tolerated. Fire can cure and cleanse them. God bless the Russian government despite it not being perfect it has a healthy approach to this pungent evil allowed to run rampant in the West. These sick subhumans who dress like clowns in bondage, tootoos makeup etc deserve all the violence and hatred coming their way.

Are you talking about Neo-Nazi rallis? :lol:. You really do sound like Hitler, 700 pages of ranting bad poetry.
Instead of repeating your deeply held conclusions in a dozen different ways using loaded language, can you actually reason for it?

07-28-2013, 08:26 PM
No, you don't and no it isn't "yours alone".
Your sexuality is shared with your potential boss which may discriminate against you because of it and potential thugs which will beat you up because of it. If you think you have a right to love someone and still conduct a normal life, like kissing or going to a restaurant with him in public, you should care.

Oh so now I should get naked and shout 'I like cock' because my boss could discriminate me?

Wow, you are dumb... I do all of that stuff and I couldn't give a fuck if anyone approves or not. Piece of advice, as a Jew, stop looking for either appreciation or confirmation in other people, because you're butt ass wrong.

07-28-2013, 08:41 PM
Technically, bisexualism exists in nature, not homosexualism. The inclinations of certain humans to mate exclusively with the same sex people does not have a counterpart in nature AFAIK.

You mean you don't know, not as far as you know. There is no reason to even assume that and I will not let you play the dirty game of changing the burden of proof (this seems to be reasonably exclusively homosexual (http://www.omg-facts.com/Animals/Gay-Swan-Couples-Lure-Females-Into-A-Thr/56989)). It holds no relevance to the principled point, animals homosexual behavior is brought up as an counterexample/ironic point - in principle appeals to nature are fallacious.

07-28-2013, 08:45 PM
Oh so now I should get naked and shout 'I like cock' because my boss could discriminate me?

Wow, you are dumb... I do all of that stuff and I couldn't give a fuck if anyone approves or not. Piece of advice, as a Jew, stop looking for either appreciation or confirmation in other people, because you're butt ass wrong.

Let me quote myself "No, you don't".

"I couldn't give a fuck if anyone approves or not" Well, that's very admirable and heroic of you, but when you get fired from a job because of it or they castrate you for it, it maybe a serious issue for you beyond conformism.
My advice to you is don't shut up while people build prejudice against you and call you cancer/trash/harm to society .

Aunt Hilda
07-28-2013, 08:46 PM
Pleased to hear that :picard1:

:/ kamane accused us of calling all Lithuanian nationalists as neo-nazis, i disagreed...

why the :picard1:?

07-28-2013, 08:51 PM
Let me quote myself "No, you don't".

"I couldn't give a fuck if anyone approves or not" Well, that's very admirable and heroic of you, but when you get fired from a job because of it or they castrate you for it, it maybe a serious issue for you beyond conformism.
My advice to you is don't shut up while people build prejudice against you and call you cancer/trash/harm to society .

Fired because I like men? I'm sorry, but where I live, people couldn't care less, you do whatever you want, as long as you don't harm anyone else and that's it.

Luckily, I wasn't born in that God forsaken place that you call home in the ME, but do you think that getting naked and parading like cheap prostitutes will make people feel better about homosexuals and bisexuals?

No, it won't. It's just a cheap show off, sexuality is meant to be private, I don't need anyone's approval in order to be what I am, sorry.

07-28-2013, 08:54 PM
Fired because I like men? I'm sorry, but where I live, people couldn't care less, you do whatever you want, as long as you don't harm anyone else and that's it.

Luckily, I wasn't born in that God forsaken place that you call home in the ME, but do you think that getting naked and parading like cheap prostitutes will make people feel better about homosexuals and bisexuals?

No, it won't. It's just a cheap show off, sexuality is meant to be private, I don't need anyone's approval in order to be what I am, sorry.

Arbėrori, I'm not talking specifically about where you live.
If they are "parading like cheap prostitutes" is not a principle issue for me (tho, it maybe a good idea to indeed change the presentation) and not a principled reason to reject those parades at all or a reason to bush homosexuality in general. So let me quote myself again "No, you don't".

07-28-2013, 08:56 PM
Arbėrori, I'm not talking specifically about where you live.
If they are "parading like cheap prostitutes" is not a principle issue for me and not a principled reason to reject those parades at all or a reason to bush homosexuality in general. So let me quote myself again "No, you don't".

No, but in general, in Europe for ex., let's stick to the west and central, homosexuals live quite normal lives.

Yes it is an issue, I don't want people to think that homosexuals are enraged animals that think about sex only, is that what you're trying to prove? Not that I really care, but speaking from this perspective...

These Gay parades are nothing but cheap show offs, If I wanted that, I'd go to a gay club or something.

07-28-2013, 08:59 PM
Its just one big trollfest, nothing bad about it xD



07-28-2013, 09:00 PM
Yes it is an issue, I don't want people to think that homosexuals are enraged animals that think about sex only, is that what you're trying to prove? Not that I really care, but speaking from this perspective...

These Gay parades are nothing but cheap show offs, If I wanted that, I'd go to a gay club or something.[/FONT]

I''ll quote myself again "not a principle issue" not not an issue at all.
Jesus Christ Arbėrori, that's not what I'm trying to prove or push forward as an idea. No one that goes to a gay parade here comes out with that conclusion, on normal days their just like everyone. Why you do is an whole other issue. I already said I agreed, it's a perspective worth considering.

Aunt Hilda
07-28-2013, 09:07 PM
Fired because I like men? I'm sorry, but where I live, people couldn't care less, you do whatever you want, as long as you don't harm anyone else and that's it.

Luckily, I wasn't born in that God forsaken place that you call home in the ME, but do you think that getting naked and parading like cheap prostitutes will make people feel better about homosexuals and bisexuals?

No, it won't. It's just a cheap show off, sexuality is meant to be private, I don't need anyone's approval in order to be what I am, sorry.
seriously?! if people hadn't had parades and forced people out of the closets, you, my dear, would be considered a mental patient today.

07-28-2013, 09:08 PM

Aunt Hilda
07-28-2013, 09:16 PM

ha, i'll take that over this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBA6qlHW8po)anytime

07-28-2013, 09:19 PM
well their reasoning doesn't really make sense does it

07-28-2013, 09:24 PM
well their reasoning doesn't really make sense does it

You mean the reasoning you apply to "them", which means some can use it, some cannot and more importantly that dosen't render the conclusion false.



The divorce rate in the US is quite large; it doesn't make them "perverts" or "animals" - that's a circle of prejudice justifying itself by more of it. Straights get sexuality into anywhere possible from TV series to advertising; celebrating your sexual orientation could be expected to involve...sexuality. The fact you are dealing with it as a problem in itself is prejudice in these circumstances.
If your gonna argue against sexuality in public don't argue against homosexuality per se.

07-28-2013, 09:26 PM
^didn't read

i was referring to why they would think doing that should help them gain acceptance, which was already pointed out a few times in this thread anyways

07-28-2013, 09:29 PM


07-28-2013, 09:50 PM
seriously?! if people hadn't had parades and forced people out of the closets, you, my dear, would be considered a mental patient today.

The irony of mental patiens and Gay parades... :wink

Hercus Monte
07-28-2013, 09:57 PM


her shirt says ''tolerate me when I say no to fags''

I doubt any fags were hitting on her, since she seems to be female.
although, who knows. You can never be sure nowadays.

07-28-2013, 10:04 PM
Its just one big trollfest, nothing bad about it xD

If people deliberately provoke others, then they should defend themself. These pride paraders can march but without cop security. Let chips fall where they should. Just Neo-Nazis want to march straight through Detroit, let them march but without my tax dollar to their defense.

07-28-2013, 10:05 PM
If people deliberately provoke others, then they should defend themself. These pride paraders can march but without cop security. Let chips fall where they should. Just Neo-Nazis want to march straight through Detroit, let them march but without my tax dollar to their defense.


07-28-2013, 10:12 PM

her shirt says ''tolerate me when I say no to fags''

I doubt any fags were hitting on her, since she seems to be female.
although, who knows. You can never be sure nowadays.
she ment fags get the fuck out of this planet...she is really something special

Fortis in Arduis
07-28-2013, 10:25 PM
Why do the freaks participate in these displays act in a subhuman manner? Even animals have more decency to not act like this. It's amazing how "humanity" can degenerate to such a new low. The disgusting, demented creeps who dress like complete freak shows in these parades deserve all the violence coming their way; they are not innocent, they are not special. they do not deserve any special "rights". Anyone who thinks they want 'equality' has their head up their ass, these freaks want to impose their lack of morals, their sick, diseased minds and bodies on innocent people. What I would recommend to do such parades probably would break some 'decency' laws. Funny, yet these kinds of sick displays are tolerated. Fire can cure and cleanse them. God bless the Russian government despite it not being perfect it has a healthy approach to this pungent evil allowed to run rampant in the West. These sick subhumans who dress like clowns in bondage, tootoos makeup etc deserve all the violence and hatred coming their way.

It is confrontational, but for a long time there has been a lack of anti-obscenity laws, and it was the heterosexual population who came out of the closet first, with their "sexual revolution". Think about that.

Visiting countries with functioning anti-obscenity laws is like a breath of fresh air.

07-29-2013, 12:53 AM
:/ kamane accused us of calling all Lithuanian nationalists as neo-nazis, i disagreed...

why the :picard1:?You said that "you are opposed to us celebrating our independence day".

Maybe that was supposed to be interpreted somehow indirectly or something? If so, my apologies.

Otherwise, if it was really meant to be interpreted literally, I really don't know what to say...
It has cost us much blood and many lives to become independent. It's not just that people were perceiving independence as a value, they were perceiving it as a highest value if they were willing to give their lives for it. There isn't really any way of objectively proving which set of values is more worthy per se: the traditionalism which is collectivistic in nature or the cardinal individualism where it is no longer important under what government to live, what language to speak, so I'm not claiming that such patriotism must be perceived as a value by everybody. It's just that I cannot relate to people who do not perceive it as a value. It's like we're functioning on different wavelengths.

There is no reason to even assume that and I will not let you play the dirty game of changing the burden of proof (this seems to be reasonably exclusively homosexual (http://www.omg-facts.com/Animals/Gay-Swan-Couples-Lure-Females-Into-A-Thr/56989)). It holds no relevance to the principled point, animals homosexual behavior is brought up as an counterexample/ironic point - in principle appeals to nature are fallacious.I am struggling to understand the point you are trying to make - in your link it suggests that the homosexuality of Ibis and other bird species is "a sexual disruption" caused by exposure to heavy metals. So, are you suggesting that human is homosexuality is in reality also a "sexual disruption"?


You mean you don't know, not as far as you know.No, I meant specifically "as far as I know" as I have read info about this topic in the past - the favorite examples usually given are bonobos and, as I said, technically they are just hedonistic and bisexual.

Aunt Hilda
07-29-2013, 12:54 AM
You said that "you are opposed to us celebrating our independence day".
Maybe that was supposed to be interpreted somehow indirectly or something? If so, my apologies.

did I? oh dear.

that was a typo. I meant I'm not opposed to it. sorry.

07-29-2013, 07:54 AM
No, I meant specifically "as far as I know" as I have read info about this topic in the past - the favorite examples usually given are bonobos and, as I said, technically they are just hedonistic and bisexual.

Bonobo monkeys are not simply hedonistic, sex is used for more than enjoyment, like conflict resolution.
Bisexual is ironic enough (I already mentioned my point) and appeals to nature are still fallacious.