View Full Version : The vegetarian thread.

07-29-2013, 06:57 PM

As some might know, I am a very strict vegetarian from a long time.

I wanted to make a thread about vegetarians in this forum, in order to understand a few things:

-How many vegetarians are there in this community?
-What is your favorite vegan food?
-How and when did you become a vegetarian?
-What are your views on animal indirect products(such as milk, eggs, and so on.)

There are a brief section of many other information that we(hopefully) wish to share, if there is any vegetarian in this community.

It does not matter if you are a vegetarian or not, if you contribute to the thread just by showing your opinion or if you actually participate in it.

Please, keep this thread free of spam, flamewars, prejudice and trolling.

Fortis in Arduis
07-30-2013, 12:00 AM

As some might know, I am a very strict vegetarian from a long time.

I wanted to make a thread about vegetarians in this forum, in order to understand a few things:

-How many vegetarians are there in this community?
-What is your favorite vegan food?:(:confused::):)
-How and when did you become a vegetarian?
-What are your views on animal indirect products(such as milk, eggs, and so on.)

There are a brief section of many other information that we(hopefully) wish to share, if there is any vegetarian in this community.

It does not matter if you are a vegetarian or not, if you contribute to the thread just by showing your opinion or if you actually participate in it.

Please, keep this thread free of spam, flamewars, prejudice and trolling.

My favourite vegan food is broccoli, or brassicas in general.

I became a vegetarian when I had a choice, and was so from the age of eleven or perhaps a little younger. I did not like the taste or texture of meat products.

I think that milk and derived products can be very healthy. I am not keen on honey.

I try to follow a saatvic diet, which is a restrictive lacto-vegetarian diet.

07-30-2013, 12:17 AM
On and off all my adult life and last 5 years or so fully vegetarian. I'm lactose intolerant so I make my own 24h yogurt which is lactose free and I do eat eggs.

I know most people think kebab when they think of Turkish food but it has huge variety of vegetarian dishes and they often taste better than the meat variant.

07-30-2013, 12:31 AM
For me I believe fruit/vegetables diet are very healthy with some protein (eggs, diary, soy, nuts) but without meat I don't feel full and it's hard to keep diet. I also love taste of meat. I find though that if I eat as much meat as vegetables, or even more vegetables, I not only feel full but more energy and other health benefits etc. If my diet becomes mostly meat I start to feel lazy etc.

Offtopic, but what do you eat when you visit northern Albania? Vegetarian might as well hunger strike in balkan....

mr. logan
07-30-2013, 12:49 AM
I eat no meat, only indirect animal products. We have achieved a high level in food design and production to continue using animals as nutrient source and I consider meat eaters as assassination accomplices. I understand the meat eating feel (here there is one of the best meats on Earth). I like the taste of blood and used to eat raw meat, until I got deeper and stopped. Only in an extreme situation I would eat meat (even negroid meat, if it is very extreme :))
Fresh italian pasta, veggie tarts, there are so many options without meat, with great taste varieties.
Meat as milk is not for everybody. Only people with carnivore shaped teeth can eat meat. The other people with non carnivore shaped teeth who eat, tend to accumulate rotten meat inside their bodies, and they get bloated.

07-30-2013, 12:51 AM

mr. logan
07-30-2013, 01:10 AM
What hunter? Eating a piece of meat makes you feel manly? Then you have a weak system.

07-30-2013, 01:30 AM
What hunter? Eating a piece of meat makes you feel manly? Then you have a weak system.

Meat is good food, I´m just enjoying some upset veggies :thumb001:

07-30-2013, 02:08 AM

Not offended in the least -just how often do you spear meat, yourself..?

At fourteen l switched to vegan, it's now like five years since.. l`m your age

lt was primarily heath motivated but l was thinking also of being Jainist
or some silliness.. but slowly your moral fabric sort of sifts from typical
indifference about animals' sentience. lt's irreversible for myself, for one
..being concerned with the environment: its over-expenditure of resources,
water especially -providing for the mass which humanity's now populated to
----lt's decimating the land, oceans (right along with all the other industries)

Overall it's just about balance and purity+the "animal nurishment" is far too dense,
unfitting for our digestive tracts.. they're best with plants.

No real favorite dishes ..love things with distint flavor: olives, kasha, kale. Strange
enough, l won't be without pepper, cidar vinegar for long -l've grown affection for
sour, acrid tastes; they've replaced any carnal fixations l still might of cherished.

07-30-2013, 02:21 AM
I went on a sort of "purification" diet a few weeks ago, where I didn't consume any animal product for a week, only vegetables, nuts, beans, etc. Overall I didn't mind it too much. I was eating a lot of miso soup with mushrooms and tofu, nuts, etc. I could probably do it for a few weeks, but at some point I would want to get back to some cheese and eggs at least. In the end I love slightly bloody red meat or a nice smoked cornish hen or whatever, so I probably couldn't (or wouldn't) sustain it for life.

Pjeter Pan
07-30-2013, 03:14 AM
Vegans aren't humans.

07-30-2013, 03:17 AM
Let me know, so I can milk you once you start grazing the fields.....

07-30-2013, 03:18 AM
Im not a vegetarian but I do eat a lot of vegetables, mainly steamed with most meals. I like broccoli, green beans, kidney beans, peas, steamed carrots, steamed zucchini and spinach. Also salads are great but never as the actual meal but a side. Im Puerto Rican so to stray from meat in our cuisine is honestly looked at with suspicious eyes. Unless you're a religious person.

07-30-2013, 03:37 AM
I like to bake chopped tofu and then add them to my rice pilafs. I also like to boil my potatoes and eat it with ketchup instead of frying the potatoes. It is much healthier.

Lux Aeterna
07-30-2013, 10:45 AM
I have alot of respect for vegetarians/vegans, but I don't condemn moderate meat eating either, but I encourage conscious choices, such as cagefree livestock, avoid Halal slaughtered etc the optimal is to buy directly from a farmer or a hunter that you know deals with it in a humane way.

I'm not fully vegetarian, I eat meat like 3 times a week on average.

07-31-2013, 06:37 AM
I lose respect for people when I find out they are vegetarians. Presuming I had any for them to begin with.

07-31-2013, 06:43 AM
It's very nice to see such a thread here. Although I am a vegan :D

07-31-2013, 06:56 AM
I was a vegetarian for 6 years, then again for 2 years, and then a year of vegan diet. Now I eat local organic meat a couple times a week, same goes for dairy and eggs.

I first became vegetarian when I was 13. I started to not like the taste of meat when I was 10. My mother made every meal with meat and I did not like that. Luckily at 13 my good friend was a vegan so she helped me figure out my new diet. All of those fake meat frozen foods and tofu are unhealthy. It's best to eat whole foods. I like to keep it simple and healthy:) I'd eat fish more often if they weren't so polluted.

07-31-2013, 06:59 AM
I was a vegan for 5 years. Vegetarian for 13. I love all vegetarian food. I really have been on a Tibetan kick here for the past few weeks.

07-31-2013, 10:13 PM
Let me know, so I can milk you once you start grazing the fields.....

Refrain my thread from troll posts please.

Bobby Six Killer
07-31-2013, 10:19 PM
What hunter? Eating a piece of meat makes you feel manly? Then you have a weak system.


10-03-2013, 05:35 PM

10-03-2013, 05:46 PM
I was a vegan for 5 years. Vegetarian for 13. I love all vegetarian food. I really have been on a Tibetan kick here for the past few weeks.

How do you get your proteins.

10-03-2013, 05:46 PM
The Great Fallacies of Vegetarianism.


10-03-2013, 05:50 PM
How do you get your proteins.

Vegan/Vegetarian sources of protein:

* Amaranth*
* Cereals and grains - buckwheat*, rye, corn, rice, pasta...
* Leafy green vegetables, including spinach
* Legumes - beans, lentils, peas, peanuts
* Nutritional yeast*
* Nuts - almonds, walnuts, cashews...
* Quinoa*
* Seaweed - spirulina*, kelp ...
* Seeds - hemp*, sesame, sunflower...
* Soy* products - tofu, tempeh, soy milk...
* Vegetables - Brussel sprouts, potatoes, yuca

10-03-2013, 05:54 PM
I find strange how can people stand not to eat meat. Do vegetarians eat cheese, eggs, butter?

10-03-2013, 06:30 PM
I find strange how can people stand not to eat meat. Do vegetarians eat cheese, eggs, butter?

Vegetarians do consume eaggs, cheese and butter, as they don't mind consuming dairy products.

On the other hand, vegans differ from vegetarians as they refuse to eat anything that derives directly or undirectly from animals, dairy products aswell.

10-03-2013, 06:34 PM
In general I have no problem with any kind of vegan or vegetarian people even I'm not one. It's your choice and I'm all about freedom. I eat just about everything, I love veggies and I try to eat a few meatless meals a week for whatever reason.
Now the big stumbling block....why do vegans and vegetarians insist on tell you that they are vegans and vegetarians? It's highly annoying and I really don't friggin care to have your philosophy or preference shoved down my throat. It's as bad as some religious wackjob spewing whatever baloney that fell they have to force on you. If I want an opinion I'll ask for it. Not that this applies to anyone in here.

10-03-2013, 06:42 PM
What I find hilarious is for every one vegan or vegetarian who is a zealot and espouses their believes there are a dozen laymen omnivores who challenge, question, and/or look down upon decisions vegans and vegetarians make.

I did raw foodism for quite some time and now I eat a terribly (most people perceive me as being very healthy in comparison to them regardless though) but my favorite vegetarian food is Kefir, followed by avocado, pomergranantes, and dates in no particular order.