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08-03-2013, 11:17 PM
Animal acrobatics: The natural world shows off its ninja moves with spectacular displays of agility
Lemurs, tree frogs and a domestic cat show off their aerial weapons


One decided to go for an aerial attack with paws raised while its opponent locked eyes from down on the ground
After locking eyes, they both launched into high kicks as their tussle began.

They performed jumps, spins and tried to pin each other down during the aerial display before calling a truce and rejoining their troop.

Longleat keeper Dan Gray said: 'It's like one of those choreographed fight scenes in a martial arts movie, the only thing that's lacking is the thwacking sound effects.

Their keeper joked that the lemurs' confrontation looked like something from a Jackie Chan film

The karate kicks came out during the friendly fight, which was soon abandoned in favour of a lie-down with the rest of the troop

These two red-eyed tree frogs, photographed in Indonesia, showed how leapfrog is really done when they put their webbed feet up for a fight.


Something had clearly caught Misha's eye as she basked in the shade of her owner's back garden
