View Full Version : Adorable dogs can't stop running around in circles when their owner sings the animals' dinner song

08-04-2013, 05:48 PM
It may be nothing more than a simple dogs' dinner but it's literally driving these playful pooches round the bend.
The two spaniel sisters named Hope and Rosey go absolutely barking mad when they hear their owner sing their special dinner time song.

Drooling longingly as the food is served into their bowls they suddenly break into a crazed routine when they hear the first lines of 'It's dinner time, it's dinner time'.

Like a pair of whirling dervishes they spin manically down the corridor in perfect synchronisation eventually managing to calm down as the bowls are placed on the floor.

Incredibly the two dogs are obedient enough to sit and wait until they are given the command before they tuck in.
The hilarious video is has proved a hit on YouTube, racking up over half a million hits.
