View Full Version : classify two women

08-19-2013, 07:21 PM
Both are sisters. Ethnic Russians ("Ukrainians") from Romania. Both look purest Russian and, like their Romanian neighbors, absolutely love Gypsy boys...

08-19-2013, 07:23 PM
Look very Slavic- Baltid with some Nordid influence, beautiful girls :)

Zmey Gorynych
08-20-2013, 04:58 AM
Both are sisters. Ethnic Russians ("Ukrainians") from Romania.
Nordid for the first and Baltid for the second.

Both look purest Russian and, like their Romanian neighbors, absolutely love Gypsy boys...
Must be the aryan unity ... on a serious note, what a waste of genes.

08-20-2013, 09:58 AM
I think they are not Russian. All Russian in Romania it's Old Believers - rather closed group of people

08-20-2013, 10:07 AM
Nordid+Alpine for the first
Alpine for the second

Zmey Gorynych
08-20-2013, 12:07 PM
I think they are not Russian. All Russian in Romania it's Old Believers - rather closed group of people
Old believers of Romania live in the south-east (Dobrudja, Danube Delta region) but these are not the only "romanian" east-slavs, you have quite a few up north which are not old-believers. I don't exclude the possibility that these girls are not east-slavic, but it's quite unusual for romanians to have this type of appearance.

08-20-2013, 01:08 PM
Hard to say, but:
1. Gorid + Nordid.
2. Baltid.

08-20-2013, 01:15 PM
1. Norid-Alpinid with Baltid tendencies
2. Slightly Alpinized Baltid.

Are they seriously married to Gypsies? Such beautiful girls, pity.

08-20-2013, 07:36 PM
Old believers of Romania live in the south-east (Dobrudja, Danube Delta region) but these are not the only "romanian" east-slavs, you have quite a few up north which are not old-believers. I don't exclude the possibility that these girls are not east-slavic, but it's quite unusual for romanians to have this type of appearance.

No they are ethnic "Ukrainian" from Bukovina (not Hutsuls, who are as old as Romanians there and look indistinguishable). They all self-identify as Russians and call their dialect Russian (even though it's not quite intelligible to Russian).
#1 cannot pass as Romanian, PERIOD. She is of pure Old Slav looks (Aryan altered by Baltid).
#2 can pass as Romanian, but atypical. The most unusual feature is her super-light pigmentation. She is also of pure Slav looks (Baltid altered by Aryan)
Such Slavic purity excludes any of them as possible Romanian. Their brothers (i'll try to find pictures) look mostly Aryan with some Baltid imprint.

The two guys they are with are only 1/4 Gypsy, but India is all over them. They cannot pass as Romanian, let alone Russian (although the first guy, believe me or not, has a Russian mother from same region!)...

08-20-2013, 07:53 PM
and, like their Romanian neighbors, absolutely love Gypsy boys...

so gipsy guys in romania have success with ethnic romanian girls ?

weird , because in the near bulgaria the situation is totally different

08-20-2013, 07:55 PM
so gipsy guys in romania have success with ethnic romanian girls ?

weird , because in the near bulgaria the situation is totally different

Its a good point you made. I do not think in any other country Gypsies mix so much with the ethnic population than in Romania.
Sorry but this has to be said.

08-20-2013, 08:05 PM
however these girls are really beautiful , especially the second wich is lovely :love:

08-21-2013, 05:32 AM
so gipsy guys in romania have success with ethnic romanian girls ?

weird , because in the near bulgaria the situation is totally different

They have ENORMOUS success, hence a new generation of Romanians that look ambiguous (the kinds of Antonia). It's hard for foreigners to believe me, but Romanians DID NOT look like that during Ceausescu's time, when mixing with gypsies carried a big stigma. Maybe it's the Jew-induced niggerloving that got transfered to Gypsies in absence of real negroes? In support to that presumption, I've noticed the darker they are, the more "attractive" they are considered...

08-21-2013, 05:44 AM
Its a good point you made. I do not think in any other country Gypsies mix so much with the ethnic population than in Romania.

This is also true historically. In countryside, as long as a gypsy man/woman mixed with a Romanian, had children together, worked land together their offspring were considered Romanian. Gypsy in Romania is more like a social race: as long as it speaks Romanian, dresses Romanian and lives among Romanians, racial disparities are irrelevant. In this way, Romania is similar to Brazil, where there is a racial continuum rather than a racial gap between negroes and whites...

Zmey Gorynych
08-21-2013, 06:19 AM
This is also true historically. In countryside, as long as a gypsy man/woman mixed with a Romanian, had children together, worked land together their offspring were considered Romanian. Gypsy in Romania is more like a social race: as long as it speaks Romanian, dresses Romanian and lives among Romanians, racial disparities are irrelevant. In this way, Romania is similar to Brazil, where there is a racial continuum rather than a racial gap between negroes and whites...
What are you on about !? A part gypsy person will always be a gypsy no matter what. Romanians are some of the most intolerant people I've came across, intolerant towards gypsies and other nations (especially their neighbors, darker or lighter than them, doesn't really matter).
I really don't get your agenda and why you do this (portraying romanains and Romania in a bad light) ? Is it because you are not a romanian yourself or because you are mix of several ethnicties (gypsy included), what's going on !?

08-21-2013, 06:47 AM
I have a hard time believing any ukrainian from bukovina would call themselves russian. Rusyn maybe.

do you know their last names or at least the suffixes?

It's bizarre what you said about gypsies over there.

08-21-2013, 06:48 AM
What are you on about !? A part gypsy person will always be a gypsy no matter what. Romanians are some of the most intolerant people I've came across, intolerant towards gypsies and other nations (especially their neighbors, darker or lighter than them, doesn't really matter).
I really don't get your agenda and why you do this (portraying romanains and Romania in a bad light) ? Is it because you are not a romanian yourself or because you are mix of several ethnicties (gypsy included), what's going on !?

Yeah. All of the Romanians I know hate gypsies and are vocal about it.

08-21-2013, 08:11 AM
I have a hard time believing any ukrainian from bukovina would call themselves russian. Rusyn maybe.

do you know their last names or at least the suffixes?

It's bizarre what you said about gypsies over there.
Well... It's just that "Ukrainians" from Romania haven't learnt that they are not Russian. Up until incorporation into Soviet Union, all Russians from former Austro-Hungarian empire used Russian (in their dialect) as self-name, hence exonyms:
- orosz (Hungarian)
- rusi / rusnaci (Romanian)

08-21-2013, 08:12 AM
Yeah. All of the Romanians I know hate gypsies and are vocal about it.

The irony being that many of them look part-Gypsy.

08-21-2013, 08:39 AM
Well... It's just that "Ukrainians" from Romania haven't learnt that they are not Russian. Up until incorporation into Soviet Union, all Russians from former Austro-Hungarian empire used Russian (in their dialect) as self-name, hence exonyms:
- orosz (Hungarian)
- rusi / rusnaci (Romanian)

They used to call themselves Rusyns, much like carpatho-Rusyns still do. But it's pronounced Roo-sin, not Russian.

08-21-2013, 08:46 AM
The irony being that many of them look part-Gypsy.

Well according to the Behar et al study, ethnic Romanians are only 0.9% south asian. So I don't see how gypsy they can be.

08-21-2013, 09:10 AM
I really don't get your agenda and why you do this (portraying romanains and Romania in a bad light) ? Is it because you are not a romanian yourself or because you are mix of several ethnicties (gypsy included), what's going on !?

I don't have to portray anyone in good light. I'm not a nationalist:) Reality is that Romanians have mixed with Gypsies so much historically that Gypsy features pop up quite frequently in people whose parents would otherwise look Romanian. That's reality: we Romanians don't like when foreigners say we look like Gypsies but a significant minority of us DO and they are more to come if mixing continues at current rate:(

08-21-2013, 09:14 AM
Well according to the Behar et al study, ethnic Romanians are only 0.9% south asian. So I don't see how gypsy they can be.

Nearby Bulgaria has 0% :P

I don't have to portray anyone in good light. I'm not a nationalist:) Reality is that Romanians have mixed with Gypsies so much historically that Gypsy features pop up quite frequently in people whose parents would otherwise look Romanian. That's reality: we Romanians don't like when foreigners say we look like Gypsies but a significant minority of us DO and they are more to come if mixing continues at current rate:(

Well those people aren't considered as ethnic Romanians.

Zmey Gorynych
08-21-2013, 09:25 AM
I don't have to portray anyone in good light. I'm not a nationalist:)
I suppose you're not obliged to do anything but you certainly like to project the image of a very diverse gypsy/turkic influenced Romania. I't very hard for man of mixed ancestry to be nationalistic, you show a great deal of inconsistency when identifying yourself, in one post you say you're romanian in the next you're german. So my question is why do you push this agenda !? I've been to Romania several times and my impression of what romanians look like is far from your description ... and what do you mean by "we" !?

Reality is that Romanians have mixed with Gypsies so much historically that Gypsy features pop up quite frequently in people whose parents would otherwise look Romanian. That's reality: we Romanians don't like when foreigners say we look like Gypsies but a significant minority of us DO and they are more to come if mixing continues at current rate:(
In your reality maybe. Nobody likes to be associated with gypsies especially when there's no reason for it and if someone looks gypsy then there can be no "us" or do you consider them to be one with you !? Once again my impression is very different from yours.

08-21-2013, 09:26 AM
Well according to the Behar et al study, ethnic Romanians are only 0.9% south asian. So I don't see how gypsy they can be.

Let the pictues do the talking, but still the number of unreduced Romanians is still prevelant, just compared to the other countries its widespread.

Zmey Gorynych
08-21-2013, 09:31 AM
Well according to the Behar et al study, ethnic Romanians are only 0.9% south asian. So I don't see how gypsy they can be.

You mean to tell me that he average romanian has 0.9 % south-asian !? That's impossible !

Nearby Bulgaria has 0% :P
If romanians have 0.9 % south asian and gypsies form 3 % of Romania's total population how can bulgarians have 0% when gypsies form 5% of Bulgaria's total population !? It looks like this study is skewed.

08-21-2013, 09:44 AM
If romanians have 0.9 % south asian and gypsies form 3 % of Romania's total population how can bulgarians have 0% when gypsies form 5% of Bulgaria's total population !? It looks like this study is skewed.

Very easy. Some of the Romanians tested has distant gypsy ancestor. None of the Bulgarians does.

Zmey Gorynych
08-21-2013, 09:47 AM
Very easy. Some of the Romanians tested has distant gypsy ancestor. None of the Bulgarians does.
Well then the test is skewed and it gives a wrong impression of the average romanian's genetic make-up and people start saying that all romanians are part gypsy when in fact this is not the truth.

08-21-2013, 09:53 AM
women look russian i have to admit, but i can not imagine russian women with gypsies, just can not.
though ukrainian women are known for being slutty and marryng turks, tatars, gypsies and other brown people.
they accidently have old slavic / russian look, it happens sometimes, appeareance of some distant ancestor shows up.

ps: hard to believe that people used to be live with gypsies hundreds years have fetish for them. Less contacts with gypsies more positive opinion towards them i think, but not other way

08-21-2013, 09:58 AM
Nearby Bulgaria has 0% :P

Well those people aren't considered as ethnic Romanians.

Yeah 0.1%. Interestingly, according to that study, Sweden has more south asian admixture than Romania does. That doesn't really make sense so I'm wondering if it even comes from gypsies at all.

Zmey Gorynych
08-21-2013, 10:01 AM
women look russian i have to admit, but i can not imagine russian women with gypsies, just can not.
though ukrainian women are known for being slutty and marryng turks, tatars, gypsies and other brown people.
they accidently have old slavic / russian look, it happens sometimes, appeareance of some distant ancestor shows up.

ps: hard to believe that people used to be live with gypsies hundreds years have fetish for them. Less contacts with gypsies more positive opinion towards them i think, but not other way

It's very hard to accept that one of your own would go with "blacks" of all sorts but there are rotten apples in every group ... give imbeciles the possibility to mix and they'll do it. I could never understand the bickering between russians and ukrainians , how are ukrainian women worse than russian women and how will this comment of yours help you handle the situation !?

08-21-2013, 10:05 AM

08-21-2013, 10:09 AM
in Russia Gypsies do not mixed with anyone other than Gypsies.
Because it is a shame for Gypsies

08-21-2013, 10:12 AM
in Russia Gypsies do not mixed with anyone other than Gypsies.
Because it is a shame for Gypsies

Apart from that there are hardly any Gypsies in Russia

08-21-2013, 10:25 AM
It's very hard to accept that one of your own would go with "blacks" of all sorts but there are rotten apples in every group ... give imbeciles the possibility to mix and they'll do it. I could never understand the bickering between russians and ukrainians , how are ukrainian women worse than russian women and how will this comment of yours help you handle the situation !?
that is stereotypes, pretty correct ones

Apart from that there are hardly any Gypsies in Russia
there are 4 of them less than 50 metres from me, 2 kids siting on the grass and 2 women beging around,
btw im just 3 km from Moscow Kremlin right near cathedral of christ savior :D

08-21-2013, 10:31 AM
I have a hard time believing any ukrainian from bukovina would call themselves russian. Rusyn maybe.

do you know their last names or at least the suffixes?

It's bizarre what you said about gypsies over there.

Major centres and cities in Bukovina had people identifying themselves as Russians. Russians migrated everywhere. It's not difficult to find people on social network vkontakte living in Bukovina identifying themselves as Russians.

08-21-2013, 11:50 AM
right near cathedral of christ savior :D

How nice that it was rebuilt after your heroes dynamited it.

08-21-2013, 11:58 AM
How nice that it was rebuilt after your heroes dynamited it.
who is my heroes? can you elaborate?

08-21-2013, 02:10 PM
Nearby Bulgaria has 0% :P

Well those people aren't considered as ethnic Romanians.

By Romanian standards they are considered Romanian. When a person like me points them out as part-Gypsies, standard response is: "nah, they are just tanned dark Romanians". This is why I'm saying Romania is like Brazil: unless you look glaringly Indian, nobody sees you as a Gypsy.

Genetic studies are proven to be WORTHLESS in establishing a people's ethnic background. Visually I would say 1/10 of Romanians look mixed with Gypsies.

08-21-2013, 05:00 PM
Major centres and cities in Bukovina had people identifying themselves as Russians. Russians migrated everywhere. It's not difficult to find people on social network vkontakte living in Bukovina identifying themselves as Russians.

Ok but I said Ukrainians not Russian migrants. The girls aherne posted are ethnic ukrainians remnant from the times of the austro-hungarian empire.

08-21-2013, 05:27 PM
Ok but I said Ukrainians not Russian migrants. The girls aherne posted are ethnic ukrainians remnant from the times of the austro-hungarian empire. Seriously did you even read the posts in this thread?

Ok, I read the posts in this thread. The girls are identifying themselves as Russians. The girls have ancestry from Bukovina from the times of Austro-hungarian empire. Some Russians from Ukraine living in Romania haven't learned that they are Ukrainians. Am I missing anything else?

I actually know a thing or two about Ukraine and its people. The girls on the pictures don't look like having common phenotype found in Bukovina if their ancestry is in fact from Bukovina. Do you want me to link you to the pictures of villagers living in Bukovina? Moreover, Romania has a sizeable Russian speaking population identifying themselves as Russians. They follow Russian traditions wearing Russian traditional clothes which may not be obvious to local Romanians. That's why I commented that Russians may in fact lived in Bukovina.

If OP knows girls' ancestry hails from Bukovina, and he is certain that the girls are having Ukrainian ancestry, which they don't know it themselves, then they are Ukrainians.

08-21-2013, 05:36 PM
The girls may not actually be ukrainians. That's what I was questioning aherne about and why I asked about their last names. But he says they are. However, if they were, they would call themselves ukrainians or rusyns (roo-sins).

Or maybe in Romania they have gone from calling themselves Rusyns to Russians.

08-21-2013, 07:05 PM
If romanians have 0.9 % south asian and gypsies form 3 % of Romania's total population how can bulgarians have 0% when gypsies form 5% of Bulgaria's total population !? It looks like this study is skewed.

if that aherne said for many romanians lady wich are attracted from gipsy guys and mix with them is true you have the answer , because gipsy men in bulgaria are considered ugly and unactractive from bulgarian women and the case of mixed bulgarian/gipsy couple are very rare

08-21-2013, 08:13 PM
I can't believe anyone in their right mind would mix with Gypsies, especially as beautiful as these girls.

In Albania, mixing with Gypsies is as bad as considering marrying a Negroid, it's absolutely unthinkable.
If there was/is such a case, the man/woman was/is completely excluded out of society.

08-21-2013, 08:19 PM
because gipsy men in bulgaria are considered ugly and unactractive from bulgarian women and the case of mixed bulgarian/gipsy couple are very rare

Not all gypsies are considered ugly. And recently mixes aren't that rare. In some villages they are something normal.

08-21-2013, 08:26 PM
Not all gypsies are considered ugly. And recently mixes aren't that rare. In some villages they are something normal.

sure , when there are gipsy more integrated nothing bad

just aherne said romanian woman have a fetish for gipsy , when in bulgaria i never seen a girl think that

Zmey Gorynych
08-21-2013, 09:15 PM
I wouldn't take seriously what Aherne has to say about anything. Gypsies are undesirable everywhere be it Romania or Bulgaria or some other country, there was and there is no extensive mixing in Romania. One out of ten romanians looks gypsy !? Give me a f#cking break !

Bimo weren't you one of those who found romanains to be rude intolerant and hateful yet you seem to eat what aherne has to say with a spoon. I'm curious, why do you take some other guys opinion over your own experience !? Seems to me that balkanoids are always more concerned with their neighbors than themselves, probably one the reasons why they are doing so badly in everything.

08-22-2013, 08:11 AM
The girls may not actually be ukrainians. That's what I was questioning aherne about and why I asked about their last names. But he says they are. However, if they were, they would call themselves ukrainians or rusyns (roo-sins).

Or maybe in Romania they have gone from calling themselves Rusyns to Russians.
Their last names end in -yuk. They live near Suceava city in areas colonized with Russians from Western Ukraine. In native Russians (Hutsuls) these looks are as rare as in neighboring Romanians (to whom they resemble completely).

Ukrainian is a people invented in 19th century by anti-Russian nationalists funded by Western powers aiming to disintegrate Russian empire from within.

08-22-2013, 08:18 AM
I wouldn't take seriously what Aherne has to say about anything. Gypsies are undesirable everywhere be it Romania or Bulgaria or some other country, there was and there is no extensive mixing in Romania. One out of ten romanians looks gypsy !? Give me a f#cking break !

Bimo weren't you one of those who found romanains to be rude intolerant and hateful yet you seem to eat what aherne has to say with a spoon. I'm curious, why do you take some other guys opinion over your own experience !? Seems to me that balkanoids are always more concerned with their neighbors than themselves, probably one the reasons why they are doing so badly in everything.

I like the way you explore your feminine side. Resorting to ad hominems, name callings in face of arguments only make my point firmer...

Zmey Gorynych
08-22-2013, 02:36 PM
I like the way you explore your feminine side. Resorting to ad hominems, name callings in face of arguments only make my point firmer...
You don't have a point, you have an agenda which stems from your insecurities. Aryan you say !? :D:rolleyes:

08-22-2013, 03:13 PM
Their last names end in -yuk. They live near Suceava city in areas colonized with Russians from Western Ukraine. In native Russians (Hutsuls) these looks are as rare as in neighboring Romanians (to whom they resemble completely).

Ukrainian is a people invented in 19th century by anti-Russian nationalists funded by Western powers aiming to disintegrate Russian empire from within.

Yeah they're definitely ukrainians with that name. Their family probably moved there during the 1800s.

Russia was exactly that - an empire. Ukrainians have historically been a part of different empires.

08-22-2013, 03:38 PM
Russia was exactly that - an empire. Ukrainians have historically been a part of different empires.
It was an empire that oppressed everyone inside, regardless of ethnic background. Its heir, the Soviet Union, only carried on the same path. Tsarist empire was a feudal state up until WW1, with the vast majority of population (ethnic Russians) living as serfs in abject poverty. Profiting on this situation, building up an "Ukrainian" identity was quite easy. Russian everyday language was, like German, not a language but a dialect continuum. It was enough for someone to standardize dialect spoken in Kiev and Minsk against established one in Moscow to carve separate identities within Russian ethnic group.

08-22-2013, 03:40 PM
Yeah they're definitely ukrainians with that name. Their family probably moved there during the 1800s.

Russia was exactly that - an empire. Ukrainians have historically been a part of different empires.

Please bear in mind that the Russian empire was founded in Kiev. Ukranian is just a dialect of Russian and Ukraine is just an artificially constructed nation invented by the Habsburg monarchy to dimnish the Russian sphere.

08-22-2013, 03:59 PM
Bimo weren't you one of those who found romanains to be rude intolerant and hateful yet you seem to eat what aherne has to say with a spoon. I'm curious, why do you take some other guys opinion over your own experience !?

because i have opinion , but since i am not romanian and aherne yes he probably know more than me for romanians , i am not the one wich want to act like an expert about other nation

08-22-2013, 04:27 PM
Please bear in mind that the Russian empire was founded in Kiev. Ukranian is just a dialect of Russian and Ukraine is just an artificially constructed nation invented by the Habsburg monarchy to dimnish the Russian sphere.

Situation is same as between Dutch and German. Both come from standardization of different German dialects and since German dialects are unintelligible, so is any standardization.

08-22-2013, 07:21 PM
It was an empire that oppressed everyone inside, regardless of ethnic background. Its heir, the Soviet Union, only carried on the same path. Tsarist empire was a feudal state up until WW1, with the vast majority of population (ethnic Russians) living as serfs in abject poverty. Profiting on this situation, building up an "Ukrainian" identity was quite easy. Russian everyday language was, like German, not a language but a dialect continuum. It was enough for someone to standardize dialect spoken in Kiev and Minsk against established one in Moscow to carve separate identities within Russian ethnic group.

Please bear in mind that the Russian empire was founded in Kiev. Ukranian is just a dialect of Russian and Ukraine is just an artificially constructed nation invented by the Habsburg monarchy to dimnish the Russian sphere.

Rus was actually founded in Novgorod. Some swedes travelled to Russia and allied with them, eventually forming the Rus state in modern day central/northern Russia. They moved the Rus HQ to Kiev for strategic purposes to better defend against the turkic nomads.

Ukraine wasn't originally part of Rus and much of Ukraine never was. Kiev became part of Rus after it had already formed and western Ukraine became part of it only after local east slavs were assimilated by Vladimir the Great.

Ukraine and Ukrainians don't actually share that much history with Russians. It's really erroneous to call us by the same name. After a brief period as part of the Kievan Rus, western Ukraine formed its own state (Galicia-Volhynia) and then almost all of Ukraine became part of the Polish empire for like 400 years. Then it was split up between Austria and Russia (really just an annexation of the territory) for like 130 years for political reasons.

The 'Rusyn' ethnonym dates back to the Kievan Rus which didn't even last long. To call Ukrainians Russians is just dumb. It's as if you're saying that Ukrainians originated in Russia as Russians, when it's actually the other way around.

And It's much more accurate to call it an east-slavic linguistic continuum than a Russian one.

08-22-2013, 07:41 PM
Ukraine and Ukrainians don't actually share that much history with Russians. It's really erroneous to call us by the same name. After a brief period as part of the Kievan Rus, western Ukraine formed its own state (Galicia-Volhynia) and then almost all of Ukraine became part of the Polish empire for like 400 years. Then it was split up between Austria and Russia (really just an annexation of the territory) for like 130 years for political reasons.

It's not as simple as you laid out.

NE Ukraine and surrounding area on the Russian side historically was the same ethnographical region settled by Sevirians. Our own forum member 'Sevruk' hails his ancestry from the region on the Russian side if I am not mistaken.

There was a time when eastern and southern Ukraine as well as southern Russia was called the wild field. It was controlled by Crimean Khanate heavily involved in slave trading. It meant that the steppes of Ukraine and Russia or the wild field were empty. People were afraid to live in those regions. After Crimean Khanate was defeated by emperial Russia southern and south-eastern Ukraine was populated by people mostly from southern Russian regions. Southern border of Russia in those days was Oka River or maybe little further south. It wasn't very far south. Zaporizhia was the far post in in Ukraine where Ukrainian Cossacks lived. This is one of the reason why eastern and southern Ukraine are culturally Russian often gravitating towards Russia.

08-22-2013, 07:43 PM
Yeah they apparently call that region novo-Russia. I'm beginning to lean toward the idea that it's rightfully part of Russia not Ukraine.

Looking at History I'm not sure why it's even part of modern Ukraine.

08-22-2013, 07:48 PM
Yeah they apparently call that region novo-Russia. I'm beginning to lean toward the idea that it's rightfully part of Russia not Ukraine.

Looking at History I'm not sure why it's even part of modern Ukraine.

In my opinion, eastern and southern Ukraine is as much Ukraine as western Ukraine. Eastern Ukraine is an important production region that generates a lot of revenue. Southern Ukraine attracts a lot of tourists , while western Ukraine is mostly agricultural. All large European countries have different ethnographical regions. People living in the west and east should reconcile their differences accepting their different historical past. That's my view on this.

08-22-2013, 07:50 PM
In my opinion, eastern and southern Ukraine is as much Ukraine as western Ukraine. Eastern Ukraine is an important production region that generates a lot of revenue. Southern Ukraine attracts a lot of tourists , while western Ukraine is mostly agricultural. All large European countries have different ethnographical regions. People living in the west and east should reconcile their differences accepting their different historical past. That's my view on this.

I don't mean to say that they aren't Ukrainian. I'm just wondering why that region became part of Ukraine to begin with.

02-18-2014, 08:52 PM
strong neoteny (esp 2nd woman) and quite similar to this Croatian lady (with a Hungarian or German-ish last name):


02-18-2014, 09:56 PM
No they are ethnic "Ukrainian" from Bukovina (not Hutsuls, who are as old as Romanians there and look indistinguishable). They all self-identify as Russians and call their dialect Russian (even though it's not quite intelligible to Russian).
#1 cannot pass as Romanian, PERIOD. She is of pure Old Slav looks (Aryan altered by Baltid).

you mean rusyns.
language is called ruskyj which means rusyn, but often mistranslated as russian, its a somewhat archaic adjective, thats why.